Tara has disappeared from the house after what he did to her for two days, Niyi is in worse trouble now
Niyi was awake but couldn’t open his eyes, not because he couldn’t but he didn’t just want to.
He didn’t want to open his eyes back to the reality he had slept on. But he knew he had to, sooner or later. He frowned as hard as he could before finally succumbing to mind pressure and opening his eyes. Then he saw her, she was seated on the chair right by his bedside with a cup of coffee in her hand.
She stood up once she saw his eyes were open.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” She asked in a worried tone he so much hated. He said nothing, just stared at her as hard as he could.
“Where the fuck have you been?” He whispered. She didn’t reply, she just looked down at the cup of coffee in her hands. She couldn’t tell him she had been hiding out at Aisha’s place. She didn’t know and didn’t want to find out how he was going to take it.
“I asked you a question, woman!” He raised his voice.
“I was staying at a friend’s place” She gave a not so straight forward answer.
ALSO READ: Niyi & Tara’s big fight [Part 10]
“Which friend is that? Who?!” He sat up in bed despite feeling a sharp pain by his ribs as he did so. She took a step back as he did so and couldn’t stop her hands shaking around the cup.
She was saved from the situation by a doctor walking in followed by a nurse.
“Haa, good morning Mr Balogun. You shouldn’t be sitting upright at this stage. Are you not feeling any pain?” The doctor asked with all smiles as he whipped out a chart board.
Aisha walked into her office with a warm glow all around her for the second day in a row that even her assistant found weird. She couldn’t ask her boss what was up and causing her good moods of late. She just prayed it would last for a long while as she hurried after her with her cup of coffee and doughnuts.
“Do I have any messages?” Aisha turned to ask her assistant as she dropped her bag on the table and sat down in her chair.
“No messages Ma, but you do have a reminder from the Editor that your interview with Senator Nwachukwu is for later today and that he wouldn’t be able to go with you.”.
Aisha blinked twice at the reminder, having absolutely forgotten. It wasn’t so much about the interview, it had much to do about who she was going to be interviewing. Senator Nwachukwu, Karen’s father.
ALSO READ: Niyi & Tara’s big fight [Part 9]
“Senator Nwachukwu? Are you sure that’s what he said?” Aisha asked just to be sure.
“Yes ma, that’s what he said. He said to tell you that the chairman of the committee is out of the country on leave and he referred to Senator Nwachukwu for any questions you might have”.
It made more sense now, Senator Nwachukwu was the vice chairman of the senate committee on freedom of information bill that had been pending for years. So, it was only right that he would be next in line to talk to if the chairman wasn’t around.
Aisha chuckled as she imagined what expression would be on Karen’s face when she shows up at their house to interview her father. Hopefully the interview would be at their house.
“Did he make any mention of where I am to meet Senator Nwachukwu?”.
“Yes he dropped the Senator’s house address”
Her secretary made to pull out a piece of paper from the folder she was holding.
“Never mind, I know his house”. Well, she had been to Karen’s place a few times and was always left shaking her head at the show of opulence that the family always put on show. Always sort of irritated her thinking how a select few could live on so much leaving so little for the majority.
Something caught her eye, there was someone standing right at the door. But her secretary was blocking her line of sight. She frowned as she waved her secretary sideways to see who it was. Her face broke into a smile as she saw the familiar lean six foot plus physique she knew all too well.
ALSO READ: Niyi & Tara’s big fight [Part 8]
“You may go” She said to her secretary without taking her eyes off the figure at the door. She bowed her head and chuckled as her secretary walked past the fellow at the door and he looked at her retreating ass with a smirk on his face.
“Menn, you sure I wouldn’t come and start working here? All these weapons of mass destructions you guys keep harboring around”.
He said as he walked up to her table and pulled up a chair facing her.
“Olumide John Ige, what can I do for you?” she said laughing.
“What? I can’t just miss you and decide to come check on you? Haba, I miss you na”. Olumide said as he rubbed his beardless jaw.
“Indeed, when was the last time you called or even sent a text? Only when you need something”. Aisha accused.
“Well, you know you are always busy so I can’t be disturbing you with all those unnecessary talks na. You na madam”. He said as he picked up one of the doughnuts her secretary had dropped on the table.
She shook her head as she smiled at him. Outside her small circle of friends, he was the only guy she had ever trusted enough to call family. She had met him at one of those private parties she had attended while still poking around Lagos and asides the great sex, they had gotten to talking and ended up having a five hours conversation naked and smoking in bed.
ALSO READ: Niyi & Tara’s big fight [Part 7]
That wasn’t the reason she had taken to him though. After they had fucked and talked several other times, she had discovered he had no real attachment. It was just sex and good convo whenever they could.
He was nowhere near clingy as the other few guys she had managed to fuck. He was so carefree that sometimes it bothered her. She wish at times she could be like that but she had come to accept she wasn’t just programmed that way.
“Olumide, what do you want? Asides coming to share my breakfast.” Aisha rubbed her temple.
“This is your breakfast? Better behave and order something good. Abi you sef want to start dey form the whole dieting rubbish?”
He said with a mouthful of doughnut.
“I am not dieting, I am just used to having a light breakfast, Mr man”.
“I for fear, we don’t want you ruining that body”.
She shook her head again, he always knew when and how to drop a compliment.
“Ok Aisha, seriously I am bored. As in seriously bored”
He leaned forward as he finished up the doughnut.
“Call one of those your girls na. You always have them plenty. Organise an orgy or threesome. You always know how to pull it off” Aisha sighed.
ALSO READ: Niyi & Tara’s big fight [Part 6]
“Why does everyone keep thinking I have got girls stashed somewhere like money for a rainy day?”
“Olumide, you do. You are just often too picky or lazy. It’s not me you would give that format. So what do you want from me?”
“I need a job, Aisha. Doesn’t have to be the whole nine to five wahala. Don’t think I would last on that. Some side exciting job jare that brings in some extra change”. He finally said.
“You need a job? You stopped moving money around for boys?” She laughed.
“I still do jare. But you know how that is, not a proper job and besides you know the risks”. He frowned.
“I don’t know o”. Aisha said as she started laughing. Now it was Olumide’s turn to stare at her with a smile.
“Oya let’s even talk serious”. She said once she stopped laughing.
Steph managed to fake a smile as she walked to her office. She was in no mood for chit chats so she walked as fast as she could and once in the comfort of her office, she sank into her chair and let out a deep sigh.
She had woken up pretty early, even before Joe. Had taken a quick shower and managed to find a Uber around so early that morning.
She didn’t bother going to Joe’s room to wake or inform him she was leaving. She just wasn’t ready to face him again. She had thought about skipping work but staying home doing nothing would only drive her into thinking. So, she had gotten home, changed and made her way to work. She could do with the distraction and bit of stress.
There was a knock on her door.
ALSO READ: Niyi & Tara’s big fight [Part 5]
“Yes? Come in”. She yelled out. And in walked Lanre.
“Ahan, you dey fight with person ni? See as you shouted”. He said as he walked towards her.
“See Lanre, I am just not in the mood this morning. What do you want?”
“Want ke? It’s not me. Richmond asked to see you once you arrive at work.”
“Just me or both of us”. Steph asked.
“Just you o”. Lanre answered with a wink as he turned around and left.
Steph frowned.
This was becoming cliche.
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