This scene continue with Niyi and Wole at the house where Niyi was maltreating Tara. A fight ensues with Niyi and Wole where Niyi loses.
Niyi stared Wole in the eyes for a while not knowing what to think or do. He was not even bothered about his dick hanging out at this point. He was already calculating his options if things were to go all south and physical.
In prime condition, he might have stood a chance but not now that he was still in recovery. He knew all these was just a front, he stood no chance whatsoever.
After what seemed like eternity of staring, Wole walked in. Niyi did not know when he retreated two steps backwards but it was for nothing. Wole walked right past him and proceeded to drop what he was carrying on the table, then he turned around and faced Tara.
“Go get your things, you are leaving” He said in a tone that carried so much seriousness, one would know better than to cross him.
ALSO READ: Niyi’s brutal assault on Tara [Part 3]
Tara stood and stole a look at Niyi before heading to the room to get her things. Now was the time for Niyi to get his zipper up. That done, he looked at Wole and wondered what right he had to come into his house and give orders. The devil in him came to the fore.
“She is not leaving” He breathed out staring at Wole again. Wole’s face was as indifferent as could be, neither did he bother giving Niyi a reply. They both stood staring at each other, Niyi with some fire in his eyes while Wole remained indifferent. It took a while but Tara finally came out with a traveling bag.
“Is that all?” Wole asked, for no particular reason but to delay a little and see what Niyi would do.
“Yes, these are my basics”. Tara nodded.
“Okay, let’s go” Wole continued without taking a step.
“Just who do you think you are? I just told you she is not going anywhere!” Niyi took the bait and jumped right infront of Wole. Tara stopped in her tracks and looked up at Wole.
“You ready?” Wole asked her and she nodded. She had barely finished nodding when Wole swung his hand and hit Niyi hard by the side of the face that sent him crashing against the chairs around the dining table.
Tara gasped and let her bag fall to the ground as she covered her mouth.
Niyi could not explain what had just happened but the pain that ran through his head as he landed on the floor was very real. He tried to look up but everything was such a blur that he had to shake his head twice to see things clearly. There was Wole standing with that indifferent look still plastered over his face. Niyi gave a death stare but Wole still didn’t show anything.
“It would be in your best interest to just let her go without any wahala”. Wole advised gently.
ALSO READ: Niyi’s brutal assault on Tara [Part 2]
“If it is her decision and not yours” Niyi barked as he got back on his feet and grabbed a chair. Before Wole could move out of the way, Niyi smashed the chair right across his body. Luckily Wole was able to get his arm up in time and it took much of the blow yet he had to stagger back a few steps to regain his composure. He look at Niyi and now the indifferent look was all gone.
Two quick steps and a leap forward had him smashing his fist on Niyi’s jaw. Now Tara had to scream as Niyi’s body hit the floor. Wole moved closer to finish him off but then he thought the better of it and just stood over him.
Tara ran to Niyi’s side, she was too scared to touch him so she just knelt down with her hands covering her mouth. Niyi was not moving and there was a certain shaky silence in the air. Tara looked up at Wole who just rolled his eyes at the ceiling, he really did not care if he was dead or not. Just then Niyi groaned and turned over. His mouth was all covered in blood which was now spilling to the ground. Tara longed to touch him again but then she decided against it and stood up.
The look on her face was now one of utter disgust as she remembered what he had done to her just a few minutes ago. She stood over his body and looked at the blood flow. Finally she had seen enough.
“Let’s go” She turned and said to Wole who was just all too happy to oblige. He picked up her traveling bag and followed her as she walked out the door.
Niyi tried to open his eyes but it was as painful as could be. He tried to bear the pain but he could not open them fully.
Half open and all he could see was two shadows walking into a bright light. He tried to open further but the pain. He groaned then everything went all dark.
Joe sat in his car and looked again across the street, there was Aisha’s car parked right in front of the building. So Aisha was in there with Steph, what was the problem? He could go in and talk to Steph, who knows sef Aisha might just even help his cause.
But then again he thought about it, he really did not want anyone in the group to know what was going on till at least he and Steph were together officially. Well if that was what was going to happen.
ALSO READ: Niyi’s brutal assault on Tara
He gripped the steering wheel hard as he closed his eyes and said a little prayer. Then he remembered something and opened his eyes. He reached to open the glove compartment and got out a small bottle of orijin he was always kept in handy.
He opened it up and took several gulps then relaxed in his seat. He needed clarity because he did not know how he would feel if Steph should turn him down.
Would he hate Karen for being her lover or would he still be able to be friends with her as they have always been? Could he still pretend that much?
Just as he was finishing up the bottle, Aisha walked out the building. She did not look around, just walked straight to her car and in a few minutes’ drove off.
Joe hurriedly finished up the rest of the Orijin and said another prayer then he got out of the car.
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