While Eva lay in the hospital bed,coming in and out of coma, Bass is organizing a fitting revenge party for the culprit of her doom.
“Brain calm down. Make we go inside” Obinna gripped my arm. I guess he was also shocked as I was about my violent nature. I took a step backwards and closed my eyes counting to ten then I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me.
“You dey okay” Obinna asked.
“Yes I am fine, let’s go inside” My voice was as calm as could be. Obinna nodded and let go of my arm then led the way inside. I followed, Scarface grabbed Wole by the shirt and pulled him in tow.
Our driver was already by the door and opened once he saw us approaching, then came the shocker, as Obinna stepped in, someone lunged at him with some sort of metal rod. I couldn’t see properly at first considering where I stood. Obinna stepped aside but wasn’t fast enough as the rod caught him between the shoulder blades.
ALSO READ: Bass & Lauren’s naughty shower play [Part 4]
He let out a groan as he fell to the ground. His assailant was about to deliver a second blow but was stopped with a blow to the face from the driver. He staggered back a few feet before falling down on his back, the driver was on him in no time delivering several punches just to be sure. I looked down and could see it was a crowbar he had hit Obinna with.
Obinna was standing up now clutching his shoulder and raining about a thousand curses per second.
Well, all that was just the pre setup because once I actually stepped into the apartment, my mouth went all open. Right there in the center of the room was Jide hanging upside down from the ceiling, he was gagged but eyes still opened and he looked at me in apparent shock. I am sure he was thinking if it was a good thing I was here or a pretty bad thing.
Just to say, it was a pretty bad thing because I was definitely going to fuck him and his brother up. I went and sat on one of the sofas that had been pushed to the corners of the living room and sat down. I looked around, it was a nice setup to be honest.
The guy seemed to be doing quite well for himself, there was a 42 inch android TV with some bad ass surround speakers for entertainment.
The bastard even owned a PS4. Not to mention his couch and sofas were all leather. I just shook my head and in the instant noticed a bottle of gin not far from me. I picked it up and opened.
“Who be this one?” Obinna asked as he picked up the crowbar and walked around the hanging Jide.
“Na him brother, actually this one sef dey the film” I said as I took a swig out of the bottle.
“Ohh” Obinna’s eyes widened. Apparently he was no longer feeling the pain in his shoulders. He turned to look at his assailant who was now trying to sit up with a bloody face he had gotten from the driver. In one swift move, he smashed the crowbar against his head.
The assailant went to ground with no sound. Wait, was someone just killed or he simply passed out? I didn’t know and in some funny way I didn’t care, maybe it was the gin getting to me early or I really just didn’t care.
ALSO READ: Bass & Lauren’s naughty shower play [Part 3]
“Which one we dey take first?” Obinna asked me. Obviously the whole operation was now in my hands, I wasn’t so sure I was ready to make some life and death decisions but then I remembered Tolu’s text.
“Which one of you saw Eva last’s night?” I asked the brothers as Obinna took the gag off Jide”s mouth. Now free to speak he didn’t say anything. Obinna hit him hard in the ribs with the crowbar, even I felt the pain somewhere. He then turned to face Wole who had been put on his knees already by scarface.
“It wasn’t me. He was the one who did it. That is why I came here today” Wole hurriedly confessed but that still didn’t stop him from getting hit with the crowbar right across the face. Obinna was definitely not taking any prisoners today and right now I felt fine with that.
“So he fucked Eva up last night and you came here to take revenge, right?” I asked but all I could get in return was a nod.
Well, he was the knight in shining armor but today I had no times for heroes. I flew up from my seat and smashed the gin bottle right across Jide’s knee which was high enough. Then I stabbed him in the thighs with the broken bottle and left it there. He was screaming now but like I said earlier, I was past caring right now.
“Omo you dey vex o” The driver laughed, I just smiled at him in return as I walked to where Wole was still clutching his face. I knelt by his side.
“Whatever or wherever we are going today, you are coming with us. But I want to help you so I would tell you one thing, for the rest of the day.
Start saying a prayer that Eva wakes up okay because right now she is in a coma. And if anything happens to her, I don’t care which of you fucked her up last night. I am putting both of you in the ground permanently.” He must have seen the seriousness written all over my face because I could see the fear in his eyes.
And for a second there I felt like Al Pacino, all gangster. Well maybe those Mario Puzo books I read were finally beginning to pay off. I stood up.
“So, wetin be the 411 now?” Obinna asked me.
“Make we dey move. Nothing more here” I said.
“Okay na but we for even kebab them here sef. Home advantage” Obinna offered an advice.
“Well, anyone dey okay” In truth I said.
“Make we dey carry them go abattoir, things go sweet for there” Scarface pitched in.
“That one sef dey” Obinna said
ALSO READ: Bass & Lauren’s naughty shower play [Part 2]
“The two brothers go squat for inside boot, that one don go see the father already” The driver nodded at the body on the floor. It was then it dawned on me that someone had actually just been killed in my presence.
I don’t know if it was shock or just something else but I felt my body freeze up. I didn’t say anything anymore, I just walked out of the apartment. Out the gate and to the car. That’s where I stood, leaning against the car, didn’t know how or when everyone else was done.
“Enter, let’s go” Obinna’s voice brought me back to reality. I didn’t even remember what I was thinking or what I was seeing in my trance. I got in the car and it was the same formation as before, me and scarface in the backseat.
Na so person just dey die, the little alcohol I had taken had burned out of my body stream now and my head was all clear. What had I signed up for? A text came through on the phone. It was from Eva
*She is dead*
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