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Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 6B


Martina's new plan to pin the pregnancy on Matthew backfires, Keara's torture in the hands of Olise continues, and a sister is seducing Tatiana in her all-girls school.


Ebele slammed her front door, horny as hell she races to her kitchen to get herself a glass of wine. She stopped dead in her tracks, the house was too quiet.

Martina’s car was outside and so was Matthew’s, why were there no screams and shouts or ridiculously loud moans and groans? She was in that same thought when she heard thundering footsteps come down the stairs. Matthew walked passed her like she wasn’t there and stormed out of the house, she heard a scream coming from the top floor and she raced towards her friend, if Matthew had touched her…. she rushed into Martina’s room to find her rolling on the floor crying and tearing at her clothes and skin.

She had never seen her like this,

‘Martina what the fuck?!’ Ebele screamed rushing to hold her friend’s hands and stopping her from inflicting more injury on her skin.

Martina thrashed and struggled to be free of Ebele’s grip,

‘Calm down, what is going on? Did Matthew touch you?’ Ebele said struggling to keep Martina down in one place.

‘He knew’ she heard her say, Ebele frowned, ‘He knew what?’

‘He knew, he knew, he knew’ Martina murmured.

Ebele gently tried to sit her friend up.

‘Matthew knew what?’ but Martina was not saying a word. Ebele sighed in frustration and reached in her pocket for her phone, she might talk if Busola was around.

‘You have got to be kidding me’ Busola said as Martina narrated what happened, she had told Matthew she was pregnant and he had flown in to a rage.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 6A

He asked her why she had not been on the pill and she said she had forgotten to buy, he said she was lying to make him marry her sooner than he’d planned, she had gotten upset and slapped him hard and that was when the vile abuses began and in the process, he let slip that he knew about all her affairs, every single when, where she fucked and who she fucked with.

He called her every name in the book saying the father could be anyone of those men. Even though Matthew knew deep down that she used a condom every time, he insisted that they not use condoms with each other but knew that one day their stupidity would catch up with them. Martina had broken down on the floor and started to hurt herself spitting fire at him and he got out before any real damage could be done.

‘Not that big a fan of Matthew now, are you Busola?’ Ebele said over her cup of coffee. Busola eyed her and ignored her statement.

‘What Matthew did was despicable Martina but have you spoken to him since, have you called him?’ she said rubbing her friends arm. Ebele almost spilled half her coffee on the table.

‘You’re joking abi? If I see him anywhere near her I will burn him to ashes. He’s evil, so he knew she was you know she and he kept it to himself this whole time? The minute she gets pregnant and we all know there’s an 80% chance it’s his, I’m sure he knows that too he picks a fight and wanders off? Are you not tired of mopping Martina’s tears where that he-goat is concerned?’ she said

‘Ebele be that as it may, if truly the baby is his, is fighting the best thing to be doing right now?’ she turned to Martina ‘you said you had the results, what are they?’ Busola said.

‘It’s his’ Martina whispered

‘There you go’ Busola said as if that settled everything. ‘Does the he-goat pay you to be his advocate or…. Cuz I don’t understand’ Ebele spat and she stood up leaving them both at the kitchen table.

Matthew threw things in a suitcase, not looking at what he had in his hands, he wasn’t ready to be tied down yet and this baby meant full commitment and all that that he wasn’t yet cut out for.

His father would never let him be an absentee father and Matthew hadn’t yet seen the world and conquered it, how dare Martina do this to him?

They decided that kids would wait a long time and now this. Damn her to hell! He hadn’t wanted her to know that he knew what she got up to either but she had pushed him till he didn’t know when it all came pouring out.

He heard a loud banging at his front door and hoped to high heavens it wasn’t her.

‘Yes?’ he called out.

‘Open the fucking door Matthew’ the caller shouted and he closed his eyes sighing to himself.

Ebele wasn’t what he needed that moment, he opened the door before she broke it down

‘What?’ he ground out. Ebele pushed passed him and the minute he slammed the door she proceeded to berate him.

‘Matthew of all the low-life things you could have ever done!’ she shrieked.

‘Martina has given you everything and you run out like a little chicken the moment she tells you she’s pregnant? You knew she slept around but for some reason you stayed with her, fucked her every day but run the moment she takes in?! how utterly evil are you? I knew from the start you were no good for her’ Ebele spat menacingly.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 5B

Matthew stood there, his anger not abating but still trying to contain himself and think about his next few words. His silence infuriated Ebele the more and she came close to him and prodded his chest with her finger ‘answer me you son-of-a-bitch!’ she said.

He seized her hand and dragged her so that she her body touched his, he then wound his arm around her waist so that she couldn’t move, he leaned close so that his mouth was a centimeter away from hers ‘you’re one to talk, do you think Martina would even care about me the moment she learns that you had been fucking her father before he died?’

Ebele froze in his arms making Matthew smile with glee, ‘I can’t prove it but I have a hunch you were fucking him when he had that heart attack, tsk tsk Ebele, even in the bed he shares with his wife?’ Matthew said tightening his hold on her

‘How the fuck do you know that?’ she gritted out.

‘I know everything my darling, you are no better than me, in fact you are worse, a despicable whore who acts self-righteously just to cover her tracks, you may bully your friends but you will not bully me’ and with that Matthew bent low and seized Ebele’s lips with his and forced a hungry, angry and frustrated kiss on her.

Her body jerked and shook with anger but she could do nothing but stand there as Matthew raped her mouth with his own, sooner than later her body began to ease after Matthew let go of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She might regret this for years to come but for the moment she was horny and this dick was available.


Devastation! Fury! Regret!

These were feelings Keara hated but that was what she felt as she recalled the events of the day before. She sat in her apartment that she had torn to pieces in her rage and cried some more, she had cried so much that she had gotten quite dehydrated.

She had never cried in her entire life before yesterday and now all she felt was extreme hatred and a need for revenge, she was also extremely horny and needed to fuck. She couldn’t fuck anyone else because somehow Olise always found out but she didn’t want to fuck him, she had been giving excuses as to why she couldn’t see him and soon he would tire of them and come after her.

She needed to make her plans soon because her dad’s birthday dinner was soon and she didn’t want anything to happen before then because they were both invited and she was asked by her dad to give a speech. Calmly she got up, walked into her kitchen and poured herself a stiff drink, as the hot liquid splashed down her throat warming her system, she began to smile it was decided, she would kill him what he claimed he loved the most.

Her father had put out all the stops for this dinner, her mum had arranged the huge dining area so that four smaller tables sat there and six chairs around each one.

On her table sat her parents, Femi and his wife and Olise on her other side. Her dad’s twin brother and family occupied the table next to theirs and other family members on the other tables. Her father liked to entertain and her mum liked to beautify and so together they always threw amazing parties.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 5A

Today however, Keara was not in the mood, she smiled when she needed to, avoided Femi’s penetrating stares and the daggers he threw at Olise when he talked. She wanted to be anywhere but there, she recoiled when Olise touched traced a finger up the hand she left on the table.

She knew he did it for Femi’s benefit, he was never that intimate with her and finally she knew why.

‘Excuse yourself baby, I’m horny’ she heard Olise say, his voice drunk with lust.

The moment she had been dreading had come, hadn’t he gotten what he wanted, why was he sticking around? She turned and smiled at him

‘OK baby, meet me in my room’ she said and she left the table without another word.

Olise was behind in a flash and before she could compose herself he was shutting the door to her bedroom and grabbing her, he turned her around and pushed her against the wall almost ripping her evening gown as he pulled it up, his fingers found her wet pussy and he dived in bringing the wetness to his lips and inhaling before he smeared it up and down her ass crack.

‘I want to fuck you so bad baby’ he said as he continued smearing her ass hole with her pussy juice. He led her over to her dressing table and bent her over.

‘hold tight baby’ he said as he lubricated, he reached out and picked up a bottle of baby oil from her table and ran it down the crack, rubbing her ass with one hand and pressing one breast with the other. She moaned low and long as the familiar sensation took over her.

Damn her lust for this guy, she would like to tell herself it had been just lust as a single tear slid from the corner of her eye. Olise’s dick had slid into her ass and he was pounding away behind her, moaning like there was no tomorrow.

All she could think about was the image of him being fucked in the ass by some guy and his pledge of undying love to said man. Her fingers found her pussy and she fingered herself while he gripped her waist harder and rammed in faster. Moaning louder each minute, he was enjoying himself more than usual and she couldn’t understand why. He came with a crash and collapsed on her.

Soon after he was fixing himself up then left the room without another word.

Keara found her mum sitting alone in the adjoining parlour nursing a glass of brandy, she just noticed that her mum looked frail, had she looked like this all night? and had she been so wrapped up in her own issues that she failed to notice that her mum looked like she just woke up from the dead but with fabulous make up on?

She sat beside her mum and gave her a side hug ‘Mum you never drink unless you were really agitated, what’s wrong? What has dad done now? Did he complain about the tablecloth or the arrangement of the forks?’ Keara said lightly laughing a little even though she didn’t feel like it.

Her mum shook her head ‘Nothing darling, I’m just taking a break, it has been a hectic week planning this day for your daddy, you know how often he speaks of how his 50 would be’ her mum said solemnly, Keara frowned, ‘if that’s all’ she said and she hesitated a while shook her head and stood up, she had gotten to the door when her mouth cleared her throat ‘I have stage 4 cancer’ she blurted out.

Keara turned around to look at her mum and felt her soul leaving her body.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 4B


Tatiana could not believe what Sister Martha Louise was proposing. She pinched herself hard to see if she’d wake up but she was still there, sitting right in the same place, Sister Martha Louise standing behind her, her hands on her shoulders.

She couldn’t believe it, she had known this whole time and said nothing to protect her? And now she would continue to look the other way if only she would agree to fuck her every other day? Tatiana wasn’t sure about this whole thing, she had a bad feeling, this could be another set up.

‘Sorry Sister, this would not be right, Hannah and I were being stupid but we doing this doesn’t make anything right’ Tatiana said her voice faltering. Sister Martha Louise bent down so that her lips were beside her ear.

‘I want to fuck you Tatiana, I want to taste your lips and slide my tongue up and down your pussy’ she said as one hand reached down and grabbed said pussy hard forcing a gasp out of Tatiana

‘I want to look in your eyes as I make you cum, I want to hear you moan and moan myself as you kiss me as you kissed Hannah down there, I will not take no for an answer Tatiana’ said Sister Martha Louise as she got up, she walked round her and sat on the table so that she faced her, lifting her habit she spread her legs wide

‘You can start now Tatiana, I ensure that you will enjoy me as much as I intend to enjoy you’ she said. Tatiana stared at the pussy in front of her, her mouth watered, imagining what was going to happen next, she decided she could use Sister Martha Louise to achieve her goal, if it was sex she wanted it was sex she would get, as long as both of them got something out of it. Tatiana let out a guttural groan as she leaned forward and began to eat the pussy.

It was well shaven just like Hannah’s and her own pussy throbbed, Sister Martha Louise had already begun to moan the minute her lips touched hers and Tatiana smiled, slowly she teased, licking the clit, flicking the tip of her tongue on it causing Sister Martha Louise to shiver.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth:Part Two: Episode 4A

She parted the lips and worked her tongue up and down the flesh within, and the moans got louder, Sister Martha Louise placed her hand on Tatiana’s head to keep it there, she tossed her head back and her eyes locked on the picture of The virgin Mary hung on the wall. She closed her eyes instantly and moaned louder.

This was what she had craved for a long time, her body was being treated to something heavenly that she hadn’t felt in a long time, something the other girls couldn’t quite do properly and here Tatiana was, expertly eating her out and making her dizzy with happiness.

Tatiana stuck a lone finger up Sister Martha Louise’s pussy and began to stick it in and out, her mouth still sucking her clit.

‘Yess, yess, you filthy bitch, make me cum!’ she ground out as Tatiana worked faster, using her other thumb to tease the flesh above as her finger was joined by another, she rammed in faster and tears of joy began to fall from the Sister’s eyes.

She rocked her waist slowly, biting her lip and squeezing her breasts as her body prepared to cum, Tatiana was not prepared for the juice that slid out of Sister Martha Louise’s pussy, her curiousity made her stick her tongue out and lick it up. She stood up when she was done to see her beaming and before she could blink Sister Martha Louise grabbed her in for a kiss.

‘That was amazing child’ she said when she broke away, she got down from the table and walked round her desk. She slid open a drawer and pulled out a giant dildo from it, black and fat, she licked the full length of it and Tatiana saw the fire flash in her eyes and gulped ‘what do you want to use that for?’ Tatiana asked feverishly,

‘You’re going to use it to fuck me of course’ Sister Martha Louise replied.

‘You’d come to my living quarters tonight after lights out and we will pick up where we left off’ she said as she stood up and closed the gap between her and Tatiana. She pulled up Tatiana’s house shirt ‘I’ve always admired these’ she said holding them in hands ‘I’ve wanted for long to taste and feel them in mouth’ she said as she bent and hungrily grabbed one nipple through the bra and tugged.

Tatiana closed her eyes as Sister Martha Louise worked her tongue all over her nipples, sucking, biting and licking. She stopped abruptly and Tatiana reopened her eyes ‘see you tonight’ Sister Martha Louise said as she ushered her towards the door, she smacked her ass as Tatiana exited then proceeded to jump for sweet joy.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 3B

Tatiana smiled as she headed back to her room, she had found a door where she wasn’t even looking. She was going to make sure Denike suffered and Sister Martha Louise was just the ticket. Her nipples tingled and became taut as flashes of what just happened appeared in her mind. This was new, she didn’t know what Sister Martha Louise’s end game was but she knew hers. She had quite enjoyed what she had just done, she didn’t see it as cheating on Hannah however, it was simply a means to an end.

Denike wiped her tears as she stared at the 15 letter she had written to Hannah, she knew Hannah would be furious at her but she had to explain herself. She hadn’t posted any of the letters yet and wasn’t sure she ever would, she just needed to write to her to make herself feel better, she missed her but did not blame herself for what had happened.

She didn’t believe Hannah had any feelings for Tatiana until she sacrificed herself for her sake. That bitch!!! She hadn’t felt so much hatred in all her life, not only had she taken Hannah she had taken the coveted Head Girl position and the school had given her Library prefect, she had almost declined but her parents had been so proud.

She sighed deeply and continued to write, her mind drifting off to a far away land where it was just she and Hannah and they could scream out their love for each other and make each other cum all day long.

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