In this episode, Martina is back from Greece, Matthew is back in the picture, Keara is still in a trance about Olise and his total domination while Tatiana is finding out she might be interested women.
Martina didn’t care about a lot of people or things.
She didn’t think many things held that much importance to her but her father sure did, her father meant the world to her. They were closer than she was with anyone, her father stomached all her shortcomings especially when it came to men.
Her father’s critical condition was driving her crazy. She had been deeply hurt by the news, seeing her father lying down so helpless in that bed.
He had never been this helpless in his life, her father was the pillar, the person EVERYONE leaned on, he was the one everyone ran to, he was the one she ran to when Matthew was misbehaving, he was always afraid for her that she would be the death of some guy one day. Now he was ill and when she talked and talked he couldn’t hear or respond to her.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 3B
Getting the message had raised her spirits a little because she was not enjoying her trip to Greece before she had gotten the information. The Dean had tried everything he could, she realized that now but he gave up when she had cried for the thousandth time during sex. Everything was getting to her, her dad’s condition, Matthew’s appalling behavior and now her rough and wild sex with Aderenle, Busola’s older brother on the airplane they had both boarded.
He would not leave her alone now, he had called and texted a million times since telling her the many things he wanted to do to her. Martina was flattered at first but now she was just appalled, she hadn’t spoken to Matthew for a week now and the Dean wasn’t speaking to her either and she was frustrated as hell, Aderenle was not helping.
The hospital was unusually quiet today and Martina felt uneasy, she could smell death in every corner and all over the wall and it made her shiver inwardly. When she walked into her father’s room however there was an outburst of laughter.
Family members sat around him while he cracked one of his famous jokes, Matthew was there to her utter amazement. Why was he there? She had been unprepared to see him and she was still looking at him when she heard her dad’s deep gruff voice address her ‘Baaaby’.
He said opening his arms to her and she ran into them, her mum must have helped him shave and clean up because she could smell his familiar musk and tears started to flow again. She was content to just stay in his arms forever but someone touched tugged at her, it was Matthew and she was reluctant to leave her father and also to be anywhere near him.
He tugged harder before she finally gave in and went out of the room with him. He led her to a dark small private room and guided her inside, he still had a strong hold on her arm as he looked for the light switch, finding a bedside lamp he switched that on instead.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 3A
Matilda could not look him in the face but he had had enough, he knew where she had been the last couple of days and what she was up to, what she didn’t know is that this time he planned to make her pay for it, but she was his girlfriend and he had wanted her so badly the last couple of days and he had her right where he wanted her.
‘Baby I’m sorry’ he said with a half -smile.
Martina was silent, she folded her arms across her chest and turned her head away.
‘Baby please don’t make this difficult, your dad is awake now and he deserves to have everyone around him happy and smiling’ he said. ‘Don’t. You. Dare. Mention. My. Father’s. Name! You didn’t put him there remember?’ Martina said breathing fast.
Matthew heaved a heavy sigh, he didn’t expect her to still be mad at him, she always forgave him in instant when he messed up, he had to admit that he’d gone a little too far this time.
He edged closer to her, she stepped backwards, he continued to move until he had her cornered against the wall
‘Get away from me Matthew’ Martina spits.
‘I’m sorry I can’t’ He replied huskily and he lowered his head to kiss her, the minute his lips touched hers a volt of electricity surged through her. She opened her mouth to curse him but his tongue goes in first and all her inhibitions are lost. He’s kissing and biting and squeezing and she’s letting him, she didn’t know how much she’d missed him until now, how much her body had needed him.
He dragged her towards the bed behind them and pushed her on, he began to choke her softly and she let out a slight moan as he kissed her and kissed down her body. He released her then and pulls up her skirt. She stands up and kissed him then pushes him on the bed and climbed on top of him, as she sat on him he chokes her a little harder and her back arches.
She moved up slightly so that her pussy was on his face then held on to the metal frame of the bed as she rode. He worked his tongue around her pussy and traced his fingers up and down her clit causing her to moan louder. He pulled her off his face then and lay her on her back, tracing his fingers through her pussy again and watching her expression.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 2B
It turned him the fuck on when her face was contorted the way it was now. He slowly worked his tongue on her pussy while rubbing her clit, sliding his tongue in as deep as he can and closing his eyes with pleasure as if he were the one receiving such pleasure.
He rubbed her clit faster, and as she writhes and moans he took the tip of her tongue and slowly licked her clit while he continued to finger her.
‘Matthew now!’ she pleaded.
‘Not now my pet’ he responded. He fingered her harder and faster till she can’t breathe and begging for him to fill her, he chokes her again with one hand as she cums all over his other hand. He licked off the cum and then leaned over her to kiss her while he is sliding his dick in, she moans a little and wraps her legs around him pulling him in deeper and they both groan deeply at the same time.
He started to fuck her hard and fast
‘Is that good baby, do you want me to go harder baby, will you take my fucking cock in deeper baby?’ Matthew whispered in her ears.
‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ she gasps.
‘Oh your pussy is so fucking good, so wet’ he says barely a whisper. He stood up then and held her legs and began to bounce her up and down on his dick slowly then he sped it up and went faster, she moans louder and cums again, instantly he threw her on the bed and slid his dick in again and she threw her ass back on him.
He went nice and slow and he bit his lip and slapped her ass, she looked back at him and threw it back faster and harder and he started fucking against her. She threw her ass back harder and he grabbed her waist and pounded, she held in a moan and he pulls her hair a little thrusting in harder by the minute.
He slowed down and she began to twerk on his dick. Matthew had not had sex this good in a month, fucking that random girl did nothing to satisfy his urges, she couldn’t even suck his dick. He knew it was Martina his body needed, that his dick knew.
He pushed in faster and faster until he exploded inside her and wasn’t’ even sorry for it. It was then that they both heard the scream.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 2A
He’s her destruction, her salvation, her death and her resurrection, her oblivion and her fulfillment. All that she wants and needs-the embodiment of sex.
He was not with her but she felt every wisp of his breath on her skin, her every nerve scotched from where he has touched her. She’s no longer her but an extension of him, she craves him day by day and can no longer stay away as hard as she tried. He has left her to make decisions about where she needed to be.
He hadn’t spoken to her since the last time he had her bound and gagged in his secret dungeon of pain and pleasure. She swore she would never go back after the first couple of experiences with him. He was too in to control and she was uneasy and very not used to anyone else having that much control over her life but each time she saw him gaze at her from a distance with that penetrating look of hunger, that insatiable need she all but melted or quivered. What was happening to her? She tried to convince herself that she was only using him for sex, to fulfill all the unknown fantasies she’d had and Femi or the driver hadn’t been able to awaken.
Too bad her heart wasn’t listening, this was all new and not appreciated, she had never had feelings for anyone before she didn’t even know what she felt now. There had never been any promises between them only sexual release, pleasure that would make both of them burn.
She decided that she needed him again maybe just one more time before she went back to Femi, she had just made her decision when she got a text message from him and it said
‘I’m waiting for you’.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 1B
The boy had nerve she had to admit and her pussy was already dripping in anticipation. She could almost smell the scent of sex all over her as she got ready to leave.
He lifted both hands to palm breasts, with the nipples peeking out of his grip, he lowered his mouth to suck each one hard into his mouth squeezing the globes into fleshy point. Her body tensed as molten heat shot to the core
‘On your knees’ he commanded, huskily pinching nipples between thumb and fingers. His fingers all the while ravaging her pussy her breasts are throbbing and pussy still spasming from the explosive orgasm.
Every nerve ending came alive as his dick filled up her ass inch by incredible inch, he pushed in deeper until his pelvis rested against her (she winced the whole time but lets him, she feels likes she needs this, needs him)
‘Keara, you took all of me’ he whispers breathlessly.
She’s so full, so deliciously full that the enormous pain is pushed away by the pleasure she knows is coming – very slowly he begins to move, it hurts but it’s wonderful.
‘Give me that fucking clit!’ he growled, bending as he gripped tightly between his fingers and pinched it.
‘Fucking cum for me Keara now!’ she slammed back into him as the climax crashed her pulsating throughout her body, she had never been so unsure of herself in her entire life, she should just get up and leave but the pleasure she was feeling now was second to none.
She screamed out his name in ecstasy, something that she would have rather died than do before she met him. One last thrust as his moans bursted from his body and he blew his cum spraying it all over her back.
‘I’m going to get a towel now baby’ Olise said but when he returns, she’s almost asleep for the very first time in a man’s bed.
Tatiana had had enough with Hannah ignoring her, she was horny every second of the day now and she had been responsible. What the fuck did she mean by this behavior?
She needed to talk to her especially now that she had been receiving the random notes from some random person saying “I know what you did”
She knew it wasn’t Denike because she had asked and she had said she didn’t know anything.
Tatiana believed her but she needed to know if Hannah was getting the same messages as well. She stood by the corner of the hall and waited, Hannah had the habit of waiting until the end of every paper to leave the hall, it was really annoying. Tatiana was impatient as she waited and then the bell rang. She mixed in with the crowd so that Hannah wouldn’t see her, she knew Hannah visited the toilet after every paper, she was such a vain person and Tatiana hated that.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 1A
In fact, she couldn’t actually pick anything she liked about her, except maybe the sex, she wasn’t even into girls or she didn’t think so, she had never found any girl attractive before, but Hannah had not left her mind since her birthday.
Her long lithe frame had Tatiana’s mouth-watering, her long slim fingers drove her crazy and she hadn’t even thought about her uncle in weeks. Hannah walked slowly towards the bathroom as if she knew Tatiana was following her, she was taking her time.
When Tatiana walked into the empty bathroom she saw Hannah at the sink applying more lip gloss to her already glossy lips. Hannah eyed her through the mirror ‘Lol, I knew it was you’ she said smiling that cocky smile she favoured.
Tatiana wasn’t smiling ‘What is wrong with you?’ she said. ‘Pardon?’ Hannah said
‘Why did you fucking seduce me and just run off, or was I just a treat for that day and then you moved on to someone else?’ Tatiana said breathing heavily.
Hannah laughed, a cold laugh that did not reach her eyes. ‘Tatiana why are you stressing? You’re my girlfriend, I have just been busy and I am sure you have been to what with all the tests we’ve been having, why don’t you get into one of those stalls and let me show you exactly how I have missed you’ Hannah said flatly.
Tatiana didn’t move, she didn’t believe Hannah, girlfriend? What did she mean by that, she had not been in a relationship ever but she was sure that this was not how it worked.
‘Are you serious?’ she said ‘since when did we become girlfriends? I didn’t get the memo Hannah, you have ignored me the last couple of weeks, what was that about?’ Hannah walks slowly towards her smiling
‘We don’t have much time baby, why don’t you hike up your skirt and let me make you forget about yesterday?’ She had gotten to her and stood so close that her chest was touching Tatiana’s large breasts. She grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her forward, and planted a kiss on Tatiana’s lips, she didn’t even struggle because she had wanted this so bad, Hannah pushed her into a stall and pushed her against the wall, hiking her skirt up at the same time.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Episode 2B
Hannah was then all over her, rushing to kiss her and suck on her nipples through her uniform, there was no time to remove any item of clothing, she had ripped her panties off and had her fingers assaulting her pussy and getting animalistic moans in return.
Tatiana held on to her for dear life as Hannah got rougher, clasping her other hand around Tatiana’s throat, she squeezed tightly, this was quite new to her, her eyes closed as she felt the climax coming on, her breath quickened and she leaned forward to kiss Hannah but Hannah moved her head away, she wanted to look in her eyes as she made her cum.
The bell for the next paper rang and Tatiana was almost there, Hannah started to go slower and slower,
‘What are you doing, we have a paper now’ Tatiana whispered breathlessly.
‘So, I don’t offer igbo’ Hannah answered
‘Yes but I do, and from the looks of it, it’s started’ Tatiana said moving her waist faster than Hannah’s fingers were going.
‘Would you like it to make you cum instead?’ Hannah said with a scowl on her face. Tatiana pushed Hannah away and adjusted her clothing.
‘I don’t have time for this’ she said and walked out of the stall to her exam hall.
In the stall, right beside theirs, Denike smiled, her fingers in her pussy, her mouth forming a wide “o” and her body racking with pleasure at what she had just semi-witnessed.
Tatiana was such a baby, but that was splendid Hannah would be hers soon.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Episode 2A
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