Martina is seducing the wicked Dr. George while Keara is making life miserable for Femi at a dinner party while Tatiana is getting introduced to Lesbianism at school.
‘Baby, I have a small problem’ Matthew King said as he sucked on Martina’s toes.
They both had had a long day and instead of the usual sex, Matthew had chosen to just relax her nerves by sucking her toes and giving her a foot rub and relax his by receiving her award -winning blow job. She sat on her bed, her back against the headboard, eyes closed and humming.
‘What is it my love’? She said keeping her eyes closed. He heaved an exaggerated sigh.
‘It’s my lecturers, they’re giving me a lot of stress, especially my project supervisor. I don’t have time to juggle all the work, plus you know my business is very important as well. I don’t want it to also suffer neglect’ Matthew said in mock distress which was lost on Martina.
Martina’s eyes flew open at the mention of suffer, neglect and business in one sentence. Matthew’s extra funds from his business coupled with his trust fund from his dad was what paid for her expensive lifestyle.
‘Wow baby, that’s horrible’ she said clearly a bit panicked
‘Is there anything I can do’?
‘No my sweet angel, but thank you for asking’ Matthew replied lowering his head forlornly
‘I will take care of it, school is also very important as you know, I guess I would have to put the business on hold for some time’ he said carefully, giving her a meaningful look and massaging that spot on her foot that almost brought her to an orgasm.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 2A
If he played his cards right, he would get her to manipulate things for him without him even have to ask. He had been through her phone, he knew what she did to all those poor lecturers.
He had gotten the reaction he wanted from her and that was enough. Martina’s brow creased as she thought about what Matthew had just said.
What the bloody hell does he mean school is important? He already has a shitload of money and it has nothing to do with school!! Who is this bastard of a lecturer?
Her mind screamed. She bit her lip in contemplation, she would try to help the situation one way or another. He needn’t know, she would help her baby in the way she knew she could.
When Matthew had left for a meeting, Martina picked up her phone to make a quick call. She had had a stressful week, doing things she’d rather not be doing like actual schoolwork. She found that she couldn’t fuck ALL her lectures as most were women.
Some things she had to do for herself, all she had needed was a huge dick to fill her pussy but Matthew hadn’t helped at all, first he didn’t want to have sex (as good as the foot rub always was, she had wanted his dick to bring her to tears as it always did) then he told her about the fact that his business might be placed on hold indefinitely. The phone rang for too long before it was picked.
‘Hello’ said a gruff male voice, the person had clearly been asleep.
‘Hey lover, I need to fuck! Are you busy? Martina said, it was 2am in the morning but she was horny and she wanted dick. She had her legs open and was fiddling with the tiny hairs between her legs. There was a ruffling sound on the other end. ‘I’m at home today baby, and my wife is here too, can we reschedule’? the man said.
‘You can’t reschedule a fuck you cocksucker, I need your lips on my pussy right now’ Martina whined and moaning in the phone for him to hear as she dipped her fingers in and out of her pussy. The moans got the Dean of the Faculty of Arts wide awake.
‘I’ll be right there, leave your door open and make sure you’re naked’ he said in a muffled voice. Martina smiled and hung up shedding quickly the sheer nightgown Matthew loved to see her in, within minutes the Dean walked in to her apartment, he barged into her room and stopped short when he saw her, she was naked alright and she had her legs spread eagled and a powdery substance sprinkled on top of her clit.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 1B
She smiled that dangerous smile
‘Come to mama’ she said and he half ran over as if in a trance. He collapsed on the bed just before her pussy and bowed as if in adoration he got a whiff of the substance, his mindboggling and his dick hardening. It was great stuff, she always got the great stuff.
He snorted the whole thing, his mind now planets beyond earth, his head bent he began to eat her pussy, lapping it up like a dog and sucking on the juicy flesh.
‘I can’t wait any longer baby, fuck me’ Martina said her thighs quivering. The Dean wasn’t there yet but he was high as hell and did as she asked anyway, he seized his dick, rubbing on it a little and then pushed it in slowly, moaning before it had gone half way in.
Martina started to move her waist, leaning forward so that she could lick off some of her juice that slid down his chin. He took her mouth then and kissed her senseless holding her face in his hands as he did so. He managed to turn so that he sat and she straddled him, bending to kiss him again, he broke away mid kiss
‘Turn around baby and sit on that cock’ the Dean said his voice heavy with desire,
‘I want to see that glorious ass bounce on my dick’
Martina did as she was told, she crouched low, her back to him and she started to move, squeezing her thighs on his dick and twerking.
‘Yes! Come on baby, yes, twerk for daddy’ she heard the Dean say from behind her, she smiled amidst the great pleasure she was receiving.
Yes, he would be her key to solving Mathew’s problem like he had been for many of her other problems, he could not say no to her she believed. She knew however that the Dean could not stand Matthew, all she had to do was make him think the solution was his idea.
They lay in bed, her legs sprawled all over him and her fingers twiddling the hairs on his chest, normally this revolted her but Matthew’s problem weighed heavily on her mind and was far bigger than her revulsion.
She sighed ‘Baby what’s wrong? You seemed disconnected while we made love’ the Dean said stroking her hair.
She sighed again and remained silent.
‘Talk to me my love’ he cajoled further.
Martina leaned closer so that her taut nipples pressed against his skin. She felt his sharp intake of breath and smiled inwardly.
‘Matthew has some problems with his lecturers. It is really bothering him, some of them just hate him for no reason and it is affecting his work’ she said sadly. The Dean was quiet for a moment then he hissed
‘So that is what has got you occupied, sotey you didn’t even cum like someone who was alive, o ga oo! I go love!’ he began, he shifted so that he could look her in the face.
‘I’ve told you to do away with that boy, what do you need him for, what can he possibly do for you that I cannot. He carries on like the king if the jungle and now he needs my help?!’
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 1A
‘No no babe! You know he doesn’t know about us, which means he doesn’t even know I am doing this for him’ Martina said, the Dean raised an eyebrow
‘You mean you still haven’t told him about us?’ he asked a little upset, he grabbed an ass cheek and squeezed tightly. ‘Heavens no! who will that help?’ she replied aghast.
‘We’re discreet enough, what he doesn’t know will not kill him’ Martina replied lowering her gaze tracing her long nail slowly up and down his dick which was hardening.
The Dean sighed, ‘Get me the name of the lecturer or lecturers by the end of tomorrow, let me look into it’ he said, his eyes closed.
‘Really baby!’ Martina squealed brightening up.
‘Really, I would do anything for that ass’ the Dean replied spanking it hard. Martina didn’t know whether to feel insulted or pleased by the statement, she chose to disregard it and instead feel grateful. She leaned forward to kiss him before she moved slowly down the bed to enclose his dick in her mouth, lifting her ass up so that he could see as she juggled the fat cheeks and watch as they slapped against each other.
Keara was watching him the same way he watched her. He was everywhere she was and was hard to kiss, she had to admit that he was interesting to look at but why he was trying to be in her space she didn’t know but she didn’t like it one bit.
He was making it harder for her to conduct her illicit affairs because she could sense him everywhere she went. She noticed that he had everything she adored in a man – this guy was an Adonis! And from the way he walked and carried on he knew it too and oh was he smooth!
Whenever she bothered to look, she saw him offer to carry an elderly lady’s bags or a lecturer’s things or help a girl likely his age cross the road. How blatantly chivalrous! He had been turning up in her dreams as well and she was not happy about it.
Who did he think he was anyway, where had he come from? She was fuming by the time she arrived at Femi Ogunlana’s chambers. It was a Saturday morning and she was feeling quite the bitch, she knew that he had board meetings today but she didn’t care even a little bit.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Episode 2B
She knew where the spare key to his office was – his former secretary had needed money to complete her law school fees and when Keara offered to do that for her she had sung like a canary and told her everything she had needed to know about her boss. Too bad she had moved on after law school, she had really liked her.
She let herself in to the spacious and well-furnished office. It was immaculate and everything perfectly arranged, Femi like her father had good taste and that was one of the things she liked about him. She had been in this office before and that was the day she had seduced him and actually made him beg her when she changed her mind and was about to walk away, leaving him hard as a rock and going mad.
She ran a well-manicured finger along the polished mahogany desk where he had had her bent over and breathing hard while he fucked her brains out, her nipples hardened as she remembered. She sat on his chair and leaned back to wait for him. She was almost drifting off when she heard the key turn in the lock and the door creak open, he had come.
‘Keara, what is the meaning of this?’ Femi Ogunlana said in shock to find his 18 years old mistress hiding in his office. His associates were just outside and he quickly shut the door to keep them from seeing her.
‘I’ve missed you’ Keara replied looking him dead in the eye without blinking.
Femi raised both eyebrows. These were words he had never heard from her in the one year that they had been fucking. This was the closest he’d gotten to any emotion from her.
‘Are you serious?’ Femi said smiling slowly.
‘Don’t make a big deal out of it’ Keara said dryly standing up and walking towards him. Typical, Femi knew better than to get his hopes up. She took his briefcase from him and dropped it on a chair.
‘I have a board meeting in 15 minutes Keara, I am sure I told you about this’ he said.
‘Femi I need you touch me, I need you to make me shiver with pleasure, I need you to take my mind away from a lot of things and I need you to do it now’ she said icily, on her tiptoes her arms wrapped around his neck and her breasts pressed tight against his chest.
He felt her nipple harden against his trousers. What betrayal! He never could resist Keara and her wily charms but he had to be in that board meeting soon. He couldn’t believe her sometimes, even though he so desperately wanted to smash her especially now. He had gotten so busy with a case over the last couple of weeks that he hadn’t been able to see her like he would have wanted. He had planned to burst into her father’s house since she was home for the holidays and fuck her nicely on every polished floor in that house.
He groaned then lowered his head to kiss, damn he had missed those lips! He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her closer
‘What would you have me do Keara, I have important men out there’ he said against her lips. She laughed a short, cold laugh ‘more important than you?
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Episode 2A
You have an important conference call, they should excuse you for 20minutes’ she said raising her head to kiss him. He smiled a bittersweet smile, she always thought of everything. He broke away to pass along the message to the board members and by the time he returned, Keara had stripped and was as naked as day on his table.
‘My God woman! The things you do to me’ he said as he grabbed her breasts and began to feed. He immediately started to rub her wet and welcoming clit fast, he was determined not to exceed 15minutes. He was sure he would cum any moment and in the same thought he whipped out his dick and shoved it in her pussy carrying her up as he did so and with her in the air he began to fuck her hard and deep.
She bent down and captured his lips, sucking on his tongue as he thrust harder, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He threw her on his couch then, pulling his trousers off he pulled her ass towards him, she had already knelt on the couch ready for him, her ass in midair.
He penetrated her sweet, wet pussy and smacking her ass with every thrust and every pound, she moaned low and sophisticated like she was won’t to do and it drove him crazy. He pulled out and made her sit on him so that he could have a go at her luscious breasts as she rode him. He was so far gone that he had no idea when he came, but he did feel her body tense as if she’d been shot.
She climbed off him and stood looking down at him coldly. ‘You might as well go to your meeting now your business here is finished’ and she sashayed to his office bathroom without a backward glance. Femi sprang up and cleaned his dick with the tissue he kept in his drawers, silently cursing himself he put his trousers back on and fought to compose himself.
Keara may never decide she never wanted to see him again and that saddened him, he had grown quite attached to the little devil.
It was visiting day and Tatiana’s parents came every time but today they were very late, most of the parents were gone. Even the new girl had a bunch of people visiting, it was strange because they were all young and all female. She didn’t see anyone that looked even remotely like an adult amongst the group of young women that came to see her.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One; Episode 1B
They were all tall like her and had the same athletic build. As she watched from her room windows, she couldn’t help but feel slightly worried – she found that she missed her family terribly. Her dad always wanting to know how she was getting along with her studies and her mum getting quickly agitated whenever her little brother Timothy started fidgeting and getting restless which was inevitable when attention was shifted from him for too long.
She thought about the new girl then, she hadn’t even bothered to learn her name and the girl hadn’t provided one. That was the least she could do since she bothered to send her notes and little cards ever so often.
The notes usually read things like
“Smile, someone is watching you” or ‘have you cum today?’ in her beautiful cursive writing or she would draw a very artistic looking pair of breasts with something dripping from it and an arrow saying
“Tatiana’s succulent breasts” at least she knew her name. She always ended each note with “FUS – XO”. Many a times Tatiana had wanted to report her but her curiosity got the best of her.
Just then her roommate Denike walked in with an arm full of goodies and books dropping them all on her table then she flopped on Tatiana’s bed.
‘I think someone is here for you’ she said opening a snicker bar ‘A man, he looks very angry Sister Martha Louise asked me to come and call you’
‘Ahn ahn, a man ke, do you mean my dad? Tatiana asked a frown etching on her face.
‘No now, I think I should know what your father looks like Tatiana. Denike had gotten bored of the conversation so she got up and went to the far corner of the room where her bed was and proceeded to ignore Tatiana as was normal. Tatiana rolled her eyes at this as she left the room.
She walked slowly, if even Sister Martha Louise didn’t know who she was then how would she? That bitch of a woman knew everything! She knocked demurely on her house mistress’ door and was asked in. the mysterious man turned out to be her uncle! So, he can come here too? She screamed in her brain.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One; Episode 1A
Sister Martha Louise did not see the lewd grin her uncle was giving her. ‘My dear girl, how are you?’ Sister Martha Louise said. Tatiana was first taken aback, Sister Martha Louise never asked anyone how they were. She’d punish you first for just existing. ‘Yes Sister, I am fine Sister’ Tatiana responded struggling for words.
‘Do you know this man’ she asked. ‘yes Sister’ Tatiana replied quietly. ‘Speak up child’ the Sister rebuked. Tatiana cleared her throat in an exaggerated manner
‘Yes I do Sister’ she said. ‘And who is he to you?’ the Sister asked folding her hands on her table.
‘He is my Uncle, my mother’s older brother’ Tatiana responded.
‘I am surprised by this information, he is not listed here as people allowed to visit’ Sister Martha Louise said, her lips pursed in a tight line.
Tatiana smiled ‘I don’t what to tell you Sister, my mum filled that form herself. You can call her for further verification’ she said. Sister Martha Louise narrowed her eyes making Uncle Dan smile with pride. He sat up in his chair
‘Since I am already here Madame and my niece has verified everything I have told you I would like to visit with her please if that is fine by you’ he said in that oily voice he used to woo clients. 0
‘Very well Mr. Akachi, 20 minutes, visiting hours are almost over’ Sister Martha Louise said, a hard look pasted on her face, as Tatiana turned to leave she cleared her throat and said
‘I hope your brother gets better soon’ fixing Tatiana with a pointed look. Tatiana frowned and before she could respond Uncle Dan ushered her out of the office. He put one hand possessively at the small of her back as she led him to the visiting hall.
His other hand held on to the bags of food and provisions he had bought for her
‘Find a seat at an obscure corner’ he whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine. It was half full but she was able to find a table in a corner almost completely obstructed by a pillar.
‘What is wrong with Timothy?’ she probed as Uncle Dan took his seat beside her.
‘Ssh, I haven’t got much time’ he replied in a tight whisper, he put the bags in front of her
‘These are for you, start eating’ Tatiana started to look through the bags looking through all her favourite things, at the corner of her eye she saw Uncle Dan whipping out his dick.
‘Face front my baby, don’t draw attention to us’ Uncle Dan said as he used his free hand to draw up her house wear. She shifted so it could be done in one swift movement and soon Uncle Dan’s fingers were ravishing her pussy, his other hand stroking his dick slowly and then picking up tempo as time passed.
She bit into her burger causing ketchup to slide down her chin and unto her chest, she hastily tried to clean it off, making her breasts jiggle in the process, Uncle Dan was watching her and all he could see were her bare breasts swaying left to right and he almost lost it.
ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part One: Introduction
‘Stop doing that right now baby or I will be forced to take you right here on this table and damn the consequences. Tatiana stopped mid wipe and returned to her burger and chips, she moved her waist slowly as her pussy was being assaulted.
She made no sign that she was being finger fucked and pleasured so greatly albeit from an unsavory source under the table in the visiting hall of St Margaret’s Convent. Uncle Dan on the other hand could not keep from moaning quietly as she same all over his fingers. He licked each one dry and then seized her hand
‘Stroke me my love, make me cum’ Tatiana wordlessly took his dick and began to do a better job than he was doing and in no time he was moaning and groaning louder this time, but the hall had gotten noisier than before stifling the sounds coming from him.
He rummaged through the bags for the empty cup he had brought along and placed it in position as he came. He leaned back satisfied, a huge grin plastered on his face. ‘I wish that was your mouth honey but I will make do I really should visit you more often.
That was great baby’ he said smiling ‘whatever you say Uncle’ Tatiana said.
The new girl had watched the whole thing unable to keep the look of anger and disgust off her face. She shooed her sisters and friends away and went to her room to brood and plan.
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