March 6, 2025

Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Tatiana]

Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Tatiana]
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Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Tatiana]


All seems to be well with Tatiana, she has settled into her bisexual life but she received a note, which caused her to faint after she read the content.

Catherine wanted to forget it all, seeing her best friend half dead on the floor of her room, the past week had been a living hell and only one person seemed to know exactly what she wanted and needed.

She looked down at Tatiana, her ass in the air and her head buried between her legs and she smiled, Steven had to travel at the last minute and Catherine was grateful for his absence, it meant that she could heal in peace and cum the way she liked.

Tatiana had not disappointed, apart from the night Steven had insisted on facetiming while they fucked and he jerked off, she had Tatiana all to herself, she pulled the sheets as Tatiana dug her fingers deeper all the while licking around her pussy hole, she loved the feeling, she loved it each time she was lost in thought and Tatiana would grab her and kiss her senseless.

She loved that she could come back from visiting at the hospital and Tatiana would have cooked something nice, they would eat  and fuck all night long.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Keara]

She had even offered to come with her once to the hospital and that had warmed her heart but Keara wasn’t allowed external visitors as an order from her father till they found the culprit so only Steven, Catherine and her parents when they heard were allowed. She knew it was for a short time and she had to start getting used to being the third wheel or finding her own fuck mate, she was having a hard time with both.

She moaned aloud as her body shook and she came all over Tatiana’s face and fingers, she smiled as Tatiana crept up towards her, her heavy breasts swaying as she moved and kissed her, giving her a taste of her own pussy, she replaced her mouth with her wet fingers and Catherine sucked them dry. Just then Tatiana’s phone rang and Steven’s face popped up, he took in Tatiana’s naked body and the silhouette of Catherine’s and murmured his displeasure at not being invited to the party.

Catherine got down and dug her nose between Tatiana’s legs and gave Steven the view of her breasts and face as Catherine ate her pussy till thy kingdom come. Tatiana played with her breasts with one hand as she and Steven talked dirty to each other, he jerking off on his side and she getting her pussy eaten slowly and torturously.

Tatiana skipped down the stairs in one of Steven’s shirts, she was finally happy – she hadn’t forgotten why she was there in the first place and she still did the job she was employed to do amidst the many distractions, regardless she was happy and she knew her time to leave at the end of two years would be painful, she hadn’t told Steven or Catherine anything about why she was there, she didn’t want their pity.

She enjoyed the sex and the money she got working and the little extras and when two years was up she would have more than enough to finally spit in her uncle’s face. Her treacherous pussy throbbed slightly at the thought of her uncle, she dismissed it as it was in her past though she couldn’t help the sudden urge to quiet down her pussy.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Martina]

She leaned against the wall and softly commanded her pussy to heel, when she had cum she walked briskly to the door to answer the incessant knocking at the door, she received the small package that was surprisingly addressed to her and shut the door.

She walked over to the kitchen and put on eggs in the kettle to boil and put on the electric kettle for hot water then she sat down at the island to open her package. She saw pictures first of people she didn’t think she knew, before she saw a two page letter that was attached to it, she skimmed to the end and saw that it was from her Uncle Dan and she rolled her eyes, a part of her wanting to toss the whole thing away, the curious part of her decided it was best to see what the sick bastard wanted.

She gasped as she read on and before she finished the ground received a resounding thud as her body slid unconscious to the ground.

Catherine lay languid on the bed, spent and extremely satisfied, she smiled as she played idly with her clit but sat up immediately as she smelled smoke wafting up the stairs. What could Tatiana possibly be cooking?

She laughed to herself as she pulled on her robe and slid downstairs, heading straight for the kitchen, she couldn’t see Tatiana anywhere so she ran to the gas and turned it off tossing the kettle and ruined eggs in the sink and that was when she saw Tatiana lying on the floor, a piece of paper in her hand and pictures scattered on the island.

‘No no no no no’ Catherine muttered frantically as she rushed to pick her bleeding heart from the floor.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6A [Tatiana]

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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