March 9, 2025

Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 4B

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Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 4B


Martina has perfectly orchestrated a take-over of her boss' life while someone just delivered the dick to Mimi at the club, while Tatiana is being roughed up by Catherine's brother


Her breasts so soft, her skin so supple, her pussy so willing, he was so animated as he kissed every inch of her skin, licked her inner creases and brought to life the hairs that lay down on her skin with his tongue. The fiery passion they had that first night had returned and he was the one to reignite them.

He wanted to feel like he was a man again and he knew that with her he would, even if just for one night. He had craved the loving touch of the one he loved and wanted but it was not forthcoming yet this woman that lay writhing beneath him adored him and was obsessed with him and so far, that had been good for his ego. His tongue circled one nipple and then the other as he thought about how much he wished things were different.

If he hadn’t been a super dick and bailed over a year ago he would probably be a father by now – a soft moan escaped her lips as he tugged on the nipples one by one, licking from each one before travelling down to her navel where he concentrated his tongue – of course his leaving wouldn’t have stopped him from being a father if she hadn’t killed his baby!

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 4A

He thought with a frown as she squirmed again beneath his touch, his head was down between her legs and he reached his two hands to stimulate both nipples as his tongue prepared to feast on the flesh, he sniffed and savored the smell before he dived in, first licking the length and breadth of her clit before sucking on it and getting a gasp and moan for all his troubles – but then as he feasted he tried to imagine himself a father and figured he might have never been good at it, he wasn’t his father who had been mighty good at his duties and responsibilities and never backed down from a challenge like he did.

Her legs closed involuntarily but her peered them open wide so that he could have free access to her pussy. His tongue licked the entry before he drove it in and out, in and out causing her to squirm and beg for his dick – he supposed he could grant her wish, after all is that not why they were there in the first place?

He tongue-fucked her some more until she literally cried out for him before he entered her, swift and fast, he was awake now and his thoughts were on her, looking her in the eyes, he dug deep, deep into her nether regions giving her no room for escape.

She was at the edge of the bead, he didn’t know how she got there but her head fell backwards almost touching the floor and her mouth forming different versions of the letter “o”. He knelt down, her legs wrapped loosely around his waist which enabled him to thrust deeply.

She arched her back to meet his every thrust as he rammed harder in her, his pelvis slapping her thighs, the sounds driving them both crazy. She got up soon after and she straddled him, he sitting quite uncomfortably and she on top but neither of them cared as she whined her waist on his dick and kissed him hard. Sweat dripping from their skins, their hands rubbing, groping, discovering.

He had taken her to new heights and this was all she wanted ever since that night 15 months before when he first rocked her world. Her head whipped back and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she felt herself about to burst as he moved and she moved with him. This was everything and as they both came clinging on to each other, she decided that this was everything she would ever need.

One trouble was how she was going to convince the owner, her heart broke a little when she heard him whisper ‘Martina’ against her lips as he fondled her breasts from his position behind her where they both knelt on the bed, enjoying the aftermath of amazing sex.

His fingers were all over her, his lips licking hers, his mouth sucking on her tongue and as he did so, he whispered was Martina’s name over and over again, and at that moment Ebele couldn’t have hated her best friend more.

Meanwhile Martina had Chukwuemeka Duru wrapped around her tiny finger, he couldn’t make a single plain thought without her coming to mind, he had had another fight with his fiancée Temi and all he wanted to do was call it quits.

Then his dad came to mind and he would relent, he hated his life. As he sat in his meeting with his junior executives, he wondered what Martina was doing at that precise moment, he hoped she was alone and thinking if him too.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 3B

Martina thought the only way to get Jide to back off was give him the one thing she knew he wanted most – her pussy – which she knew wasn’t a great idea but she had a feeling that Jide knew more than he let on. She wasn’t counting on him being as much an expert with is tongue as he was with his dick, she held his head fast to her pussy as he ate. If only Chukwuemeka would stop all the charade and publicly acknowledge her she would have to turn to this bastard to satisfy her.

Her boss had been busy the last couple of weeks and they had only fucked twice and it was driving her crazy. She avoided every possible sexual encounter with Matthew until the night before when he almost took it by force and then she had to give in but had faked an orgasm three times, now she had Jide’s head in between her legs and he had made her cum multiple times this morning alone. She knew she was in love with her boss so what was she doing?

She moaned softly as she came again but only Chukwuemeka was able to bring about the mess and screams she was known for.


He’d been watching her for months now, she was the ticket to his victory but she didn’t know it yet, he felt it was the right time to introduce himself and set the ball rolling.

Mimi had been angry for far too long and extremely horny too, she had attempted to fuck her husband the night before but that hadn’t satisfied her one bit, her husband was mighty pleased regardless and promised her the heavens as she rode his semi-shriveled dick till he fell in to his usual deep sleep. She thought that just maybe Jaheem would fuck her again even if she had to beg but upon nearing his room, she heard the soft moans and grunts that came from inside and she stopped in her tracks.

Jaheem was lost to her forever and it was all Keara’s fault, she was so envious and furious that she could kill, she parted her robe and stood there listening to them while she fingered herself, a deep hatred forming for this step-daughter of hers that she hadn’t considered a threat till that moment.

Mimi sat in her husband’s office in his nightclub looking over the log books when she was interrupted by one of the waitresses. She had a visitor who was insisting that she would see her, Mimi wondered who such a visitor was as she didn’t grant any interviews or let anyone into the office. There was such a time where every nook and cranny of the same office was used when she and Jaheem fucked, her nipples hardened in her flimsy blouse and her pussy throbbed as she thought about her love. Before she could dismiss the waitress and the mystery visitor, someone pushed his way in and shut the door in the waitress’s face.

Mimi was astounded at his nerve but when he turned around she was even more astounded by his beauty and the unmissable aura of sex and lust he exuded.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 3A

Who was this man? She smiled her taunting smile and leaned back

‘How may I help you young man?’ she inquired in her usual purr.

‘I believe we can help each other’ he said as he took off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. Mimi raised her eyebrows,

‘Look young man, if you are looking for a job, the male strippers meet with the HR on Wednesdays, I can’t help you there’ Mimi said returning her attention to her books.

‘I believe you can Mrs. Adewole’ he said in that baritone that sent shivers running down her spine. She looked up to see just what he was about and gulped heavily at the erect penis that stood almost one feet tall in front of her.

‘Either you state your business or I will have my bouncers throw you out, and trust me they are not gentle’ Mimi gasped unable to take her eyes away from the monstrosity hanging from this man. How did he walk around with that? She wanted to know. He sniggered and walked over to where she sat,

‘This is how we can be of help to each other’ he said smoothly as he held out his hand to her. She hesitated, was someone playing a game with her? Was she being set up? She hadn’t been able to take her eyes of this mystery guy’s goddamn dick since he whipped it out and she didn’t even know his name!

If she was being set up she would make sure said person paid dearly, but in the mean time she was so damn horny. What could it hurt?

YES he thought, he had her right where he wanted her, he knew that once he whipped out his larger than life dick women would fall, it was always a sure-fire way to get exactly what he wanted. This time he would get what he wanted and more – he had watched, listened, probed, asked, followed and he knew everything that was going on. His demon shivered with glee at all the plans that were falling in to place day by day – he rammed in her harder, his nails pulling skin as his body convulsed with pleasure.

The mood was just right and the noises from the night club were loud enough that no one heard her screams and moans. He reveled in the pain she felt and his eyes lit up as she watched a single tear fall when he jerked her head back by her hair – THE MISERABLE SLUT! She got what she deserved, he didn’t care much about her but she would lead her to the one he did care about.

He hadn’t come with any of his tools so he was glad he was able to find some office tools to aid his pleasure, he couldn’t get over the wincing noises she made when he used the paper holders on her nipples and her clit as he fucked her ass hard.

He couldn’t get over the tiny whimpers she made when he pinched, grazed her skin with his teeth and smacked her ass with his pelvis as she gloriously took in all of him, only one other female had ever been able to pleasure him so.

He held on to her waist tight as his body and dick was fit to burst in her, he bent just in time placing his fingers on parts of her clit that had no clips on and rubbed fast, making her moan louder. He wasn’t sure whether it was pleasure or pain but the both drove him crazy. The both of them exploded simultaneously and it was wild.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 2B

Mimi collapsed on the table, unable to catch her breath – wondering what had just happened to her, she was leaking and wet and sweaty in places she didn’t even know existed and by the time she had straightened up and relieved herself of the painful clips, the strange man had gone.


‘If you think I am going to be a part of this game the two of you want to play you must be joking’ Tatiana said trying not to raise her voice at her employee’s son.

‘What, you mean with my sister? I am not the one fucking her in secret places’ Tatiana, Steven retorted his tongue seeming to caress her name ‘you see, I don’t have to hide I can fuck you wherever I want’ he was getting frustrated now, she had blown off every attempt to get her alone with him for more than 5 minutes and he was fast running out of patience.

The tension around the house was thick because she had refused to be in the same room with Catherine for more than 5 minutes either and both were going mad, they had both come to the conclusion that she had somehow overheard their conversation and was royally pissed.

‘If you don’t mind, I have work to do’ Tatiana said trying to push passed Steven.

‘Work? It wasn’t work you were doing when you were trying to seduce my uncle AND his wife with your amazing breasts earlier on during dinner, you made my sister and I almost nervous wrecks sitting at that table watching my uncle fawn all over you and even my dad give you a second look’ Steven said his voice gruff and displeased.

‘I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about’ Tatiana replied indignantly huffing and cursing, said amazing breasts to rise, Steven felt a tightening in his loins as he stared down at those exquisite breasts.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 2A

He reached and touched a finger lightly on her cheek, Tatiana noticed a softening in his hard face and seized her chance ‘Let me go please, I am yet to clean up the dining room’.

He smiled and she thought she’d gotten through to him but was startled when his arms pulled her roughly to him, curving her body to his as if he hungered for the constant contact of flesh.

‘No, you played the game well tonight, because I want you and I intend to have you’ his softly spoken words promising her that he would have what he wanted.

Although her eyes were filled with a growing hatred, he only smiled cruelly.

‘Do you even know how you have tormented me this evening, tormented my darling sister?’ his harsh voice demanded.

‘It was cruel how you leaned forward revealing the bright and resplendent softness of your supple breasts so that the men could have an eyeful’ Steven said his voice vibrating with need

‘Why did you wear that tonight Tatiana? You knew my mother would never approve, yet you tantalized us all with those delicious curves and that beautiful face because you knew she would not be here’ he continued, his tongue now licking the side of her face, his arms holding her fats and hard to him.

He felt her shiver in his arms and try to arch away from the close contact of their bodies. She felt the soft poking of his dick against her belly and she was instantly repulsed, she wanted out of his grip and out of the room as quick as possible, should she scream? The guests were still downstairs, she stiffened and stood there like stone, waiting.

‘It’s no good fighting it sweet Tatiana, all you’ve ever needed in your life was a good dick’ Steven said

‘All you need is for me to kiss your lips, part them and taste them. You need me to caress your silken body. Your hungry nipples are telling me that right now’ He pressed on

‘They want me to make love to you so bad, you do too perhaps not as much as I want to but that’s only because you do not know of the pleasures awaiting you, but when you do, you will on your own seek out my touch, my lips and I alone will be able to satisfy that fire that is burning so deep within you’

‘You only wish, I crave only the pussy of a female, willing or unwilling’ Tatiana gulped

‘Do not lie to me Tatiana, not today’ Steven told her before his mouth closed over hers, parting her lips as he had promised, making her want to taste him as his tongue searched for hers. She immediately felt a strange warm feeling course through her limbs, leaving them weak and trembling.

His lips lifted slowly, reluctantly, from her mouth and Tatiana drew a ragged breath, the room spinning around her but before she could breathe again, she found her throbbing lips covered by his once more.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 1B

His kisses were growing deeper, more demanding of a response from her, one of his hands slid down her hips, holding her to him while his other hand cupped the nape of her head holding her immobile while his mouth plundered her soft lips. Tatiana was desperate to escape that smoldering contact, but he was too insistent, refusing to allow her to break free and quench the consuming fire growing between them.

Tatiana felt his roaming hands on her body, leaving no part of her untouched as he fondled her and groped, learned the feel of her. His hands seemed to be everywhere and gasped in surprise when she felt her dress fall free of her body. He stood back and took a good look at her naked body and almost crashed right there, she had worn not one iota of underwear underneath the form fitting dress she had earlier worn.

Tatiana heard his low groan as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the couch near the wall. Tatiana’s eyes were closed as she lay there, knowing he stared at her.

‘Look at me Tatiana, I am not going to hurt you for goodness sakes!’ Steven said, try all his might but his voice still sounded harsh and gruff.

‘You could have fooled me’ Tatiana replied, her voice rasp with what she feared was lust.

‘Damn you Tatiana’ Steven said

‘We can’t do this if you’re not willing, let me love you’ he cajoled huskily as he buried his face in the warmth of her breasts, his mouth searching until he found the soft erect nipples. Then his tongue was licking at them, suckling, until with a start of surprise, Tatiana felt them hardening against his lips.

‘NO!’ Tatiana whispered tearfully as she remembered the last time a man had his way with her cursed body. His hands were on her ass guiding her to him

‘Kiss me sweet Tatiana. Kiss me like this’ he murmured as his mouth opened against hers and began to steal the breath from her body.

Meanwhile his hands were drifting ever lower, moving slowly and sensuously in ever widening circles to her clit and the quivering flesh below. He knew he was intruding but her body was responding whether it wished to or not, she would never be able to forget the sensual pleasures he aroused within her – well he could only hope.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 1A

He knew he had her at an unfair advantage but he was here now and there was no going back, he was astounded however when her hands feverishly slid up his rock hard chest and around his neck, drawing him closer to her for another kiss. He was delighted, his throbbing cock was delighted, and his heart skipped a beat.

They were in the middle of a passionate kiss when they heard the door handle shake and rattle, Steven had locked them in and was only too grateful for that foresight.

The door was left alone after a couple more minutes but then the mood was lost and Steven was mad as hell.

Downstairs Catherine was silently fuming, knowing that the two people who were absent (however insignificant for one of them) were frolicking somewhere in the house. How dare Tatiana betray her trust like that, if she wasn’t going to fuck her anymore then she should damn well not fuck anyone else under her roof.

The doorbell rang just at that moment and Catherine offered to get the door, she yanked it open to find her best friend at the door.

‘Keara!! You came!’ she said spreading her arms wide and hugging her best friend. The glamorous and beautiful young woman who stood at the door hugged her back.

 ‘Of course I did darling, you said it was urgent’ Keara replied.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 7B

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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