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Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 4A


Jide is in on the secret between of Martina sleeping with her boss, Jaheem has picked Keara over Mimi, which is difficult for her, Tatiana is causing problems.


Since the day Jide let it slip that he knew about she and the boss, Martina had been wondering what else they knew and who knew. She didn’t trust Jide at all with the information and she kicked herself every day for fucking him in the bathroom that fateful day. She wouldn’t have been able to contain herself if she hadn’t so she didn’t totally regret it, she was still in this reverie when she felt a sharp tap and squeeze on her ass where she stood backing the door to her office.

She jumped and turned but before she could say a word Jide placed a wet kiss on her lips.

‘Hello omalicha, how goes it?’ Martina heaved a very deep sigh and rolled her eyes

‘Jide you must be very mad’ she said light heartedly, as much as such a thing should have pissed her off, she couldn’t quite bring herself to get mad at Jide, he was a nice person – a gossip yes but one of her first friends at her job. He was also a damn good fuck, he knew it and he sought every opportunity to tell her and try to get in her panties again. Too bad she hardly ever wore them.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 3B

‘How far na, Oga never resume “work”’ Jide teased sitting at the edge of her table, the boss had gone on a week leave and was due to return any minute.

Jide had gone around acting like he owned the place because he was put in charge of several operations which had irked a lot of the staff to no end. As he sat, he imagined Martina with her dress pulled down to her waist and his head buried between her luscious breasts. He licked his lips noisily and Martina scrunched up her face ‘get a room’ she said in disgust.

Chukwuemeka Duru was walking past Martina’s office to his own upper level office when he saw his subordinate tap and squeeze her ass. He was livid and almost broke the phone he had at his ear, he rushed off the phone and entered his private elevator to stew over what he just witnessed. How dare he? Was his company a whorehouse or a bar? How dare he act in such a lewd and disrespectful manner?

He slowed down his thoughts and took a deep breath, he wasn’t mad at the guy at all, he was mad at himself. He had missed Martina this past week that he wasn’t able to see her and he wished HE was the one that had the freedom to tap and squeeze her beautiful ass. Instead he was cooped up in his luxury home with his fiancée whose nakedness he wasn’t even allowed to see yet alone enjoy. The minute he got into his office he rushed to his intercom to ask Martina over hoping the clown had left her office.

They were tearing at each other, they couldn’t get enough, they wanted more than the both of them could give. They tore at each other’s clothes, he wanted to see all of her and leave nothing on, he wanted to hold her breasts in his hands and just adore them.

As they kissed, they took each other’s clothes off.

‘Why did you let that guy touch you’ Emeka said mid kiss, Martina stopped to look at him then she remembered and laughed

‘Oh! He just does that for fun’ she was not about to divulge the real reason,

‘Fun?! Is he harassing you? Tell me and I will fire him right now’ Emeka said against her swollen nipple, Martina gasped as he pulled the nipple and didn’t say a word.

If Jide got fired now, he would know it was her fault and he might come after her in some way. She dragged Emeka’s head back up so she could kiss him, his arms circled her waist as the both of them stood, stark naked in the middle of his office, and then without warning he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his office bathroom still kissing her he didn’t want to stop kissing her because he would miss her again. He put down gently and reached for the shower cup he stored in the cabinet and put it on her head which made her laugh.

The laugh soothed his bones and this alarmed him, was he falling in love with her? He dismissed the thought and captured her lips in a hungry kiss, making her lose her breath. She loved it! He lifted his head from the kiss and pulled her into the shower cubicle and turned on the water, he wanted to touch her all over and feel her skin and supple flesh beneath his palms.

He loved what he saw and he wanted it for himself, he wanted to whisk her away somewhere and just fuck her all day and all night long. He had a feeling she would not object. He lathered the sponge and began to rub all over her body, softly and gently not at all the way he was feeling but he needed to savor this moment.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 3A

While he did so he kept his eyes trained on her face, he watched as different emotions flashed in the pools of her eyes and he smiled. When he had rinsed her off, his fingers wandered to her wet pussy and he lingered for a bit getting a look of deep arousal from her face, his eyes had still never left hers.

He stuck the fingers he reluctantly pulled from her pussy into her mouth then quickly put them back. He sighed deeply when his fingers took a dive into her pussy.

‘Baby stop playing, I want you inside me’ she whispered in a raspy voice. His hard dick was pulsing and waiting to be inserted but he wasn’t yet. He kissed her again, this time both hands massaging both breasts gently, he felt her take his dick in her hand and direct it to the mouth of her pussy.

‘You want daddy’s hard dick in your wet pussy now baby’ he said huskily she nodded

‘I can’t hear you’ he said ‘Yesss’ she whispered back and then as though the declaration made him wild with excitement, he lifted her up as she leaned against the wall then penetrated hard. He thanked God he had soundproofed all his walls because the moan she let out would have brought the entire office to his door.

Jide was a bastard, he knew it everyone knew it but he was a bastard that was still excellent at his job that was why he never got in trouble with the HRM or the ED. So many times people had threatened to report him for a sexual comment he’d made or a gesture where he was out of line, they would remember how much the company valued him and they would keep it to themselves, all of said people were the women at the company many of whom Jide had fucked or still planned to.

Martina was by far the best one, and he had been going crazy over wanting to fuck her again. She was the only unplanned sex he had had in his life and it was one of the best, the things she did with her mouth! When she had first arrived, she was a proper snob, all the guys wanted to fuck her and many of the ladies hated her – and rightfully so because she was beautiful and looked every day like food you just wanted to gobble up. 

So, it came as a shock to him when he was about to knock on the ED’s door but heard the sounds of moaning that came from it, he could have been mistaken. His stiff boss could have been watching porn but then he realized that he hadn’t seen Martina all that morning. He hid himself well for another 30minutes and then watched as Martina sashayed out of the office with a stack of files like nothing had happened.

So THAT was why she got the breweries account? He’d said to himself that day and he had been trailing them ever since, he had even gone as far as fucking the cleaner that cleaned his office silly (right on his boss’s table) so that she could let him install cameras in the office and now he was watching the both of them stark naked in the showers fucking with reckless abandon.

With his dick in his hand he rubbed frantically as he watched Martina’s breasts flap up and down as she sat on his boss’s dick, her back turned to him and having the time of her life. Jide stared at the two of them kissing after they both came then looked down at his hands that were covered in his own cum and he smiled.

He wondered what he would have to do with the information he had, but the more pressing question was how was he supposed to get Martina to fuck her again?

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 2B


‘You are not moving out of this house!?’ shouted an enraged Mimi as she rounded on Jaheem. Jaheem sat calmly opposite her in the chair he knew her husband favoured in the room they shared and where he had fucked her numerous times in every nook and cranny of it.

Now he hated being here but that was where Mimi told him that they “needed to talk”. She poured herself more brandy and let out a deep breath.

‘Jaheem, you can’t possibly be serious, you don’t know this girl, her Father would skin you alive before he let you move in with her and how would you explain it to the world, you’re supposed to be her STEP-BROTHER’ she sneered the last word.

‘Yes but technically I am not, remember? I am just a toy you have used for many years for your perverse sexual pleasures’ Jaheem sneered back

‘While I have enjoyed every minute of it and enjoyed fucking that amazing body of yours, I have to admit I am quite done with that, vouz devez me laisser passer (you have to let me move on)’ he added ‘over my dead body!’ Mimi gritted out, Jaheem pushed himself up from the chair noticing for the first time that the door was slightly opened.

He wasn’t too worried there wasn’t supposed to be anyone at home.

‘Well Mimi that can certainly arranged, I have spent 14 years of my life at your beck and call, following you everywhere, pretending to be your son, fucking you in every country that pleased you, following you into every man’s house whose money you wanted to steal, letting you get rid of girls I liked for your own selfish reasons’ Jaheem said, his face so close to hers that she could see his brain through his nostrils that flared in anger.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 2A

He reached and squeezed the breasts he had once loved and adored so hard that he for the first time in ages he heard her wince in pain. ‘I am done, tell your husband whatever you like, I want Keara and I will damn well have her this time’ he said and stepped back from her.

‘I will kill the both of you first before I let that happen, after all I have done for you?’ Mimi said in that voice that used to bring him to his knees.

‘Go ahead’ he said and he pushed passed her and marched out of the room to see Keara’s retreating back walking away from him as fast as possible. He was weak but he went after her anyway and followed her in to her room.

They stood there looking at each other, feet apart, nobody said a word and nobody moved. Keara was reeling from all that she heard in that room, she didn’t know what was said before she got there but she knew what she heard. How the hell could she have not seen or sensed the treachery again? She didn’t know whether she wanted to beat Jaheem to death or beat herself to death.

But as she watched him he began coming towards her, ripping the jacket from his body and throwing it thoughtlessly on whatever piece of furniture he passed. With each step, he undid a button on his crisp white shirt, then the one at his cuffs. If there was anything Keara admired about Jaheem, it was that he always looked amazing, every minute of every day. His steps were sure and determined as he approached her, his expression hard, feral, raw, savage, and lustful.

Keara couldn’t help it but her body ignited as it reacted to him the way it did anytime he was near her their connection was so strong that she had no control whatsoever. Heat seared through her veins like larva, swirling with the anger and lust that gripped her, creating a lethal concoction.

He could see the anger in her eyes but all that was on his mind was his need, he is on her instantly pulling her into his arms and wrapping her in his iron hold until the air rushes out of her body. His mouth captures hers hungrily and without thinking she kisses back just as hungry, his mouth devours hers leaving her weak. He is possession and control, power and fury and he was ready to consume her.

She saw it in his eyes, he was not going to explain what he knew that she’d heard, the anger she knew he also felt by the words he had said was what controlled him and silenced her. He was palming her skin with his hands as his eyes stayed glued to hers and his dick stayed inserted in her pussy bringing different kinds of new pleasures to her.

She had never fucked him in this mood before and she loved it – the cold fury in his eyes that she knew he wanted to unleash tingled her skin as she stared into them. He moved gently for someone trying to control and before she could breathe again he began to fuck fast, out of nowhere the resolve he had struggled to keep broke and he was that animal she knew the first day.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 1B

Now that she knew that she had feelings for him that she tried so hard to push away, she didn’t mind it so much. She was turned over in a flip second and he held her ass in the air, he felt the breath of his skin on her ear as he licked and sucked it, trailing his tongue all over it.

‘Let me fuck you in the ass babe, I want you to scream for me louder this time’ he said in a deceitfully sweet voice. Everything Keara had experienced the year before came rushing back to her, (the pain, the humiliation and even the pleasure) when she stupidly thought she was in love. It was happening again but this time it felt right, and without even thinking she said

‘Fuck me Jaheem, fuck me hard and make me forget it all’ Jaheem couldn’t contain his joy, in seconds he had returned with the lube he liked to use, Keara had her ass still high up waiting for that familiar feeling, that searing pain because Jaheem’s dick was admirably larger than Olise’s and she didn’t know what to expect.

Though the cold fury that crept over her when Olise flashed in her mind had her almost collapsing. Jaheem was behind her now, his fingers romancing her asshole with the lubricant his fingers were replaced with his dick which began to caress the hole and then slowly and surely Jaheem pushed in, he was surprised that she hadn’t winced or shrunk away from him, instead her hands came up and helped him in, slowly the both of them ensured his dick was even half way through and when it was Jaheem let out a deep sigh ‘Keara’ was all he could muster and then he began to thrust.

Slowly at first, reveling in the moment and the moans that escaped her as he pushed, he was surprised again when he heard her say ‘deeper, fill me up’ and fill he did, this time going harder and faster than he initially intended. The animal in him fought to let loose and he could no longer control himself, his waist and dick were in sync, having a mind of their own. She held on to the bed post with one hand and with the other rubbed her clit hard and fast bringing tears of ecstasy to her eyes.

He reached over and grabbed her breasts and held on firmly as the both of them crashed, burned and crashed again.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 1A

They both collapsed in fits of laughter and once they had caught their breaths they enveloped each other in kisses arms around each other they kissed late in to the night, hours later mid kiss Keara reached for Jaheem’s hard dick that had poking her for most of the night and sat on it, in her expert way, the way every man who had been with her knew she began to ride Jaheem in a way he could not understand, confusing him as the wet walls of her pussy strangled his dick in the most pleasurable way possible.

He wasn’t able to move as she had pinned him down and all he could do was enjoy the feeling and play with her breasts like she had instructed him to. He hadn’t expected her to make him feel this good and the things he aroused and awakened inside him as she rode him both scared and pleased him. He thumbed her nipples, making them wet with his fingers occasionally before she came.

Even when she did, she asked him to go down on her and when she came this time she came with a loud moan and for the first time ever his name was ringing in his ears. She had whispered it all over again as she squirted in his mouth and all over his fingers.


In Steven’s point of view for a woman to seek out another woman to fuck she really lacked proper dick in her life, what such a woman needed was a big strong functioning cock to whip her back in to shape and that was where he stood with Tatiana.

He always thought his sister behaved a little weird most times but fucking the maid, he never would have thought, a part of him was happy that she seemed to be enjoying herself – but the part of him that was ruled by his dick wanted Tatiana and was so intrigued by her that he didn’t care much for his sister’s happiness. He was fascinated by Tatiana, nobody else fascinated him and his first and only instinct was to fuck her brainless and make her regret the day she chose pussy over dick.

Just then his sister Catherine walked in to the kitchen, gave him a peck on his cheek and proceeded to make her usual coffee. He noticed that she seemed chipper and all he wanted to do was ruin it, how did she get to be so happy and he couldn’t?

‘Hey sis, nice going with the maid’ he said with a sly grin, she froze, her back still turned to him. He saw her hesitate before she turned around

‘What did you say?’ she whispered

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 7B

‘Ahn ahn, you didn’t hear me the first time? I said nice one scoring with the maid’ Steven said maliciously. Catherine laughed

‘Don’t be silly Steve, I don’t know what you are talking about’ she said voice shaky.

‘Really? Well if you don’t I guess it will be fine if I fuck her then’ Steven said.

‘Don’t you dare’ Catherine blurted out a little fiercer than she intended.

‘Aha!’ Steven said ‘So you too are fucking, are you in love?’ he mocked. Catherine rolled her eyes ‘no one is in love with anyone Steven, she is just stress relief from school and work’ Catherine began turning around and fixing her breakfast ‘she gives great orgasms and no one has done that before, so I think I deserve this’ Steven let out a hoot of raucous laughter.

‘Catherine my darling, you’re just a girl, soon she will be tired of you, come to her senses and want a real dick, I won’t wait for that to happen, I will make it happen and prove it to you’

‘Seriously Steven why can’t you let me have this one, you can have any other girl you want and you know, they fall all over you. You’re just mad that this one didn’t and never will’ Catherine retorted. Steven smiled that smile that made hearts flutter

‘You’re on’ he said already imagining Tatiana’s naked breasts slapping against themselves as he fucked her in all manner of positions.

Tatiana didn’t ask for much in life except good education and now good loving, but she couldn’t help but feel sad as she overheard her employee’s children debate over her as if she were an object made just to satisfy their urges. She wasn’t in love with Catherine or anything but she was just made to sound like a simple tool for hoe-ing.

If she wanted to be a prostitute she knew just where to go thank you very much, and what about Steven? Who the hell did he think he was? She vowed to teach the both of them a lesson.

Catherine was undone, as she paced her large bedroom

How the fuck had her brother found out about her and the maid? Rather Tatiana. She loved her brother but he could be a pain in the ass and she wanted nothing more than to make him rue the day he challenged her, over A MAID! But that maid had awakened something in her that she didn’t even know existed, that made had kept her loins twitching for weeks now, that made had made her look forward to the mornings like she hadn’t before.

SIGH! She was still contemplating what to do when she heard a slight knock on her door and then it creaked open. Tatiana walked in holding a pile of freshly laundered clothes, she ignored Catherine and set the clothes in the closet and without a backward glance walked straight back out of the room like she wasn’t even there. Catherine was amazed, the both of them hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other since that first night, what was this? Catherine grunted loudly in frustration and fell flat faced on the bed.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 7A

She hadn’t expected Catherine to be pacing her room naked and looking like delicious candy floss. It took all of her will power to not look at her and walk out of that room, and now her pussy was punishing her for it, throbbing like hell and as she walked away from the room she wanted to turn around and walk back there and just fuck Catherine till the next day. Too bad she was due back in school any time from then.

She was reaching the landing when a door opened and Steven poked his head out ‘Tatiana can I see you in here for a moment please?’

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