March 9, 2025

Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 2A

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Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 2A


Martina is giving her boss serious boner issues, Mimi and Jaheem's weird relationship gets explained and Tatiana is officially off the reservation, abandoning her family


Chukwuemeka Duru had always had one goal in life and that was to be the best at everything. He managed to succeed in that growing up in all the affluence that he did. He had always wanted the best schools, the best grades, the best things, the best girl and a lot later; the best cars.

When he finally got his to be bride he felt that he had achieved it all – the most sought after young woman in the whole of Lagos and the most beautiful. It was then little surprise to no one that he was chosen to succeed his father at the Media House, his Father’s multimillion naira advertising company and Chukwuemeka’s supposed birthright.

Funny, seeing as he wasn’t the first son or first born. His father had always taken a liking to him over the first born Obiora, who his father thought was a waste of space for becoming an entertainment lawyer in the United States like that would do anybody any good. Regardless of what their father thought of them, it did not ruin the bond the five children had between them.

In fact, Obiora was Chukwuemeka’s closest friend and confidant, thankfully being chosen to continue the family legacy did not create any strain on their relationship.

Obiora was simply not interested. Chukwuemeka though successful in everything he did still had his father to answer to in everything he did, Chief Chukwudumebi Duru was the bane of Chukwuemeka’s existence, he couldn’t make a move without his father breathing down his neck. Now his father wanted him to set a wedding date without his fiancée’s approval and that was simply not going to happen.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 1B

His fiancée, Temiloluwa Olugbode was the Governor’s daughter, she was a beauty to behold, tall and slim with a body any model or athlete would kill to have, an Oxford first class graduate, she was the golden girl of her family and peers. To his father, she was a good catch and to her father Chukwuemeka was too, so was it a marriage of convenience Chukwuemeka could not tell for he had once loved her immensely when they met back in Oxford where he got his first degree.

You see Chukwuemeka as much as he loved the finer things in life loved one thing above all and that was the feel of his Olympic sized dick inside a female’s pussy, not just any pussy, no, a tight wet and welcoming one. The problem Chukwuemeka was having now is that his fiancée was not a lover of sex, she apparently didn’t have the patience for it and it frustrated the hell out of him.

Many times he had contemplated ending things with her but he loved her, aside from the sex she was everything he looked for in a woman but he and his dick had arguments constantly concerning the satisfaction that neither of them were getting.

After the sex scandal he was caught in 2years before, he had steered clear of women and taken to begging Temi to as much as suck his dick which sometimes she would give in to but neglect when her phone rang or she found something more interesting to do on her phone or tab. Temi made herself increasingly unavailable recently and had even postponed anything concerning the wedding because “it looked like she wanted to pursue a PHD”.

The frustration continued, jerking off was never any good for him and so he had stopped and instead took out all his horniness on his staff both at home and at work. He didn’t know how much things would change for him when he had hired Martina mac Ebiama, she was beautiful to look at, had all the right fat in all the right places even though a little plump.

It was a welcome change from the stick figure Temi had worked all her life to resemble, lately Martina was all he thought about and each time she was naked, sprawled beneath him or on top of him anywhere he damn well pleased.

He was a brilliant business man and a lot of people respected him for it yet he did not have the courage to seduce Martina till the day he pushed her over the edge and he had fired her. He knew he was at fault from the beginning, he hadn’t given her a moment’s peace for a month and subconsciously he knew it was because he wanted to keep seeing her, so as not to look suspicious, he had her whole team working late hours and coming in earlier than others.

He would salivate every time she walked in to his office, her large succulent looking breasts coming in first before the rest of her body. Emeka’s dick would stand at attention each time, it was getting quite uncomfortable, till he practically told her to go to hell and he’d made sure she went with him – to his personal hell where he burned with desire for her every waking minute.

She had tasted and felt so good as he kissed her for what seemed to him like hours, it had taken a little persuasion but she had kissed him back just as passionately, melting into his arms and fitting in there like she was made for him alone.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 1A

He had hiked up her tight skirt and plunged his fingers into her pussy which was wet and waiting for him just the way he loved it, he was delirious with excitement as she pushed her waist forward to him. He didn’t stop kissing her as he undid his belt and released his hard, tense dick, once in the groan that escaped her was music to his ears. He had wanted to fuck not just fuck but fuck her for so long that all the anxiety and excitement caused him to cum within seconds of penetration.

She put herself together some minutes later and smiled an indulgent smile that pissed him off and left his office without a backward glance.

He wasn’t embarrassed or anything no, he wanted her again and knew the opportunity may never present itself another time, he was still her boss but then he remembered he had fired her and he proceeded to rectify that situation first before anything else.

She hadn’t said more than two sentences to him since that day and he didn’t blame her although he had caught her staring at him a couple of times, then once caught acting like he didn’t exist whenever they had a group meeting. Were those signs that she wanted him as much as he craved her? He prayed silently each time that they were.



Jaheem Rosenoir was angry, he was always angry because he would have wanted his life to turn out in a different way than it had, then he would kick himself for being ungrateful, because if Martinique “Mimi” Emerick hadn’t picked him up from the gutter he probably would have wound up dead or worse, in prison by now.

He had been orphaned at an early age and nobody seemed to know what to do with him, he didn’t know what to do with himself either so he walked the streets of Lome – Togo begging for food or even a place to live, it was when he saved Mimi from a group of hooligans that had snatched her purse that his life changed forever.

She had taken him under her wing and nurtured him, he was twelve years old then a little tall for his age and would have been big in size too like his late father if he had been eating properly.

Mimi did it all for him, took him to the best schools and told him to call her “Mummy”. As a child, he had fallen in love with her beauty and kindness and would kill for her. She taught him everything she knew especially everything about sex. It had happened one fateful night when it rained so heavily it caused flood in their neighbourhood, he was fifteen.

He was home alone and Mimi’s first husband had just died and she was at the funeral. She hadn’t come back until late at night, he hadn’t been able to sleep because of the noise of the storm and was startled awake when Mimi came in to his room. She was dressed in her silk robe and her hair wet from a shower or the rain Jaheem couldn’t tell, she had approached him slowly like a tiger approaching its prey. Then she got in to bed with him, joining him under the covers.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 7B

‘Are you ok mummy’? He remembered saying.

‘Oh yes I’m fine my love’ she said in that sultry voice that brought grown men to their knees.

She had hugged him tight for a very long time and when she released him she looked at his face, his angelic face that she had caught her eye that first day then she lowered her lips to his, first of all placing them on his

‘Kiss me my love, I need your comfort’ she’d said and that was that! He opened his mouth and her tongue dived in, searching, seeking for something he didn’t know he had. She still held his fce in her hands so he couldn’t move it and so he began to kiss her, doing what she was doing, he felt his dick harden and was confused, both at what they were doing and his reaction to it all.

Suddenly he wanted to tear her robe apart and fuck her like he had seen in porn videos that she would let him watch when he had been good. Did she want to do those crazy things he saw with him? If so, he was more than ready, it didn’t occur to him that she was his mum and they should not have been doing it. Next, she opened up her robe and the breasts he was used to seeing popped out and he licked his lips.

Without a word she grabbed his head and stuffed a nipple in his mouth for him to feast on, and feast he did, he went back and forth between breasts for what seemed like ages before she stopped and showed him what she wanted done to her next, he was eating her pussy and fucking her next with all the youthful exuberance in him, making her scream undying love and servitude to him as he brought her to eruptive orgasms time and again that night, it had to have been one of the best nights of his youth until he they took a trip to Lagos-Nigeria and he had met Olanma.

He didn’t know however the extent Mimi wanted to keep him all to himself until Olanma mysteriously disappeared, he couldn’t prove it yet but he knew she had something to do with it because she had hated Olanma on sight, his Olanma. She had grown to be ruthless and calculating and wanted him to fuck her every blessed day and minute, even now that he no longer loved her the way he did when he was fifteen and stupid.

Now there was Keara, even though he was afraid that something might happen to her if Mimi found out that he wanted her, yet he couldn’t help what he felt, he couldn’t help the nights his body ached for her, the moments his lips craved her own and when his tongue wanted nothing more than to cover every inch of her body, marking his territory with his saliva.

He wanted her so badly that even when he had her, he had to go and ruin it and make her hate him, even though all he did was fuck her a little harsher than he planned but his became calm even if for a while.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 7A

He had to get rid of Mimi once and for all, he didn’t know how he would do it, it wasn’t like he could tell their secrets though grateful for what she had done for him, he knew he would never be with her the way she wanted, everyone back in Lome knew him as her son and now so did Keara and her dad.

It was a twisted dilemma she put him in every time they entered a new family but he swore to himself that this would be the last, he wanted Keara, he needed her, he wanted to make her cum singing his name, he wanted her to give him that look a girl does when she is in love with a guy.

He wanted to bury himself in her and never come out, he wanted fuck her senseless – Mimi had to go.  


She had made up her mind and she wasn’t going back, and that was what she tried to tell her sobbing mother on the phone as she packed up her things from the hotel, she’d had her first interview at the agency and they had a house for her.

She would resume her duties the following week at the Okwuchime residence in Lekki Phase 1, she didn’t know whether she was excited or apprehensive but what she did know was that her mum was spoiling her mood with her whining and crying. It got worse when she heard her dad’s voice telling her to come home that instant and rather than reply the phone she hung up on the both of them.

Never again was she going to beg anyone for a chance at life when he own parents couldn’t give her one.

She loved them but they were increasingly using up her gentleness. How dare her mother ask her to go and beg Uncle Dan? Tatiana didn’t blame her much, her mum had no idea what was really going on and she wasn’t going to be the one to tell her.

Her brief love affair with the girl had ended as abruptly as it had begun, the girl was too chicken to keep coming to the hotel even under her many disguises and the apartment she shared with some other roommates was not conducive for their sexual romps.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 6B

So after the last time when she they gave each other wild orgasms she bid the shaking girl farewell, it was just as well, the girl’s constant begging for her to stop had worn her out, even though she would miss her breasts and pussy dearly, it wasn’t worth the whining.

The cab she had called signaled its arrival and she left hurriedly, checking to see if she took all her belongings, another beep on her phone and she saw another text from Hannah and she deleted it before she would be tempted to read it.

That ship for her had sailed, Hannah should have treated her better when she had the chance. When the cab had pulled up to the magnificent house where the Okwuchime’s lived, she caught sight of her agent waiting patiently for her outside, she apologized for her lateness, sighting traffic as the cause and they were both allowed in by the uniform clad gatemen.

Tatiana’s mouth almost dropped to the floor when the front door was opened, before her stood the most beautiful living being she had ever laid eyes on – Catherine Okwuchime.

Uncle Dan was a frustrated being, frustrated not because his business wasn’t doing well or because he wasn’t making enough money, he certainly was but because what he craved, prepared and longed for for years had been denied him just like that!

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 6A

He was outraged, he hadn’t been thinking straight, he took out all the frustration out on his wife whenever she was home and she didn’t ask him any questions. She just presented her pussy when he needed it and he fired away. She had his dick in his mouth as he taught of all the possible ways he wanted to kill whoever had taken away his Tatiana’s pussy from him, oh that sweet pussy that he had managed to get only a five second taste of.

He was seething inside, as his wife who had now become an expert in her own right at sucking dick continued to please him. They were both in the shower, wet as water gushed from the shower head on top of them, she was kneeling and sucking and he stood against the wall, moaning softly and muttering curses under his breath.

He knew she heard him but she asked and said nothing and he was grateful for that. She stopped sucking him and stood up to face him

‘When your mind is back to me Dan I will be in the bedroom’ she said and she stepped out before he could stop her.

His blood boiled, how dare she? Did he give her permission to move? He stepped out himself not bothering to turn the shower off and all but half ran after her, grabbing her arm he tugged hard so that she fell into him, her squeal made him smile.

‘I didn’t say you could go anywhere, my love’ he gritted menacingly into her ear as he slapped her breasts hard and causing her to wince. She kept quiet. He slapped the more and pushed her towards the dressing table and bent her over, she knew what was to come and so she held the table tight, ready to give him all the pleasure his angry dick needed.

In seconds, he had rammed his hard dick into her pussy and began to thrust and as he did so they both shook the table hard, causing the items on it to shake and topple over or fall to the ground.

He smacked her ass cheeks hard, squeezing her ass as he thrust deeper and deeper, bringing his dick out then again and going deeper, this time she had to moan, not in pain but in extreme pleasure as he was doing all the right things for once.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Two: Episode 5B

He leaned forward and grabbed her breasts and squeezed as he fucked, their breaths ragged and their moans getting louder, one hand crept to her clit and rubbed slowly as she his pelvis slammed against her ass over and again and her body began to rock in spasms of heat.

She thrust her ass back against his dick, rolling her waist and hitting her ass against his dick in quick succession to his own movements. Both of his hands had seized her breasts again and they were squeezing hard

‘I’m cumming, yess’ he grunted as his body riveted with the pleasure as it took over him, his brain was all muddled up and he didn’t know when he whispered Tatiana’s name as the explosion took over him and he collapsed on his wife’s back.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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