March 9, 2025

Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Epilogue [Martina & Keara]

Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Epilogue [Martina & Keara]
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Erotic Story/Separated At Birth: Epilogue [Martina & Keara]


As the story ends, Martina gets an important call from her mother to come home immediately while Keara is finishing things up at home to meet the others at the hotel.


The world is a very funny place if you think about it, just when you think you can’t get any happier, that nothing can touch you ever again, you get a call from your mother to come home.

‘Martina honey, I need you to be on the next flight back home now!’ my mom whispered frantically into the phone. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head that day, my mum can be a bit of a drama queen, I told her I would never set foot back in Nigeria and not even her death would bring me back.

She nodded and gave me a hug and that was the end of that, I stretched on the hammock I laid in with Emeka at the beach resort we had been monkeying about in, to say I am not well satisfied sexually and rested is an understatement. My pussy tingled then as the night before and many nights before that came to my mind, my mum still prattling on on the phone.

Emeka had taken me to the opera the night before and all the singing I think messed with our heads because once we were back in the limo we had the maddest, craziest most electrifying sex we have ever had. I don’t know what it was about the night, the limo had a lot of space and soon we were shifting clothes aside and he began to make my pussy foam and talk, can you believe it? I felt so much relief and relaxation after that that I fell asleep and he had to carry me out of the limo.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Tatiana]

We didn’t get as far as the room but he deposited me in the hammock that between two strong coconut trees. I was passed out in a deep sleep when I heard a distant calling, I opened one eye to see Emeka bending low over me, a glass of Orange juice in his hand and my beeping cell phone. I digress…

‘Yes mother, why do I have to come home?’ I said rolling my eyes again and humming when Emeka’s hand crept slowly up under my shirt.

“Something has happened” My mum feverishly replied, I sat up immediately a small frown on my forehead, thinking about my little brother and sister.

‘Mum, spit it out please what is wrong?!’ I said, as frantic as she was then.

‘They found us, Tee, oh my baby!’ and the wailing began.

“As I speak I am heading to Sheraton hotel and towers in Ikeja, Lagos. Apparently, I am one of three girls who were separated at birth and today I am going to meet them.”

Martina’s mother, Mrs Mac-Ebiama once had it all, she had all the looks and all the men chasing after her. In fact, she was exactly like Martina when she was young till years of childlessness ate away at her youth and happiness. Back in the day, she was the queen of Bayelsa state where she grew up and she was widely known for what her tongue and mouth could do, had she known she would never be able to bear her own children she would have kept that mouth tightly shut.

As she sat down staring in to space and cursing the day Dan Ezedike was born, she reminisced on those days when the both of them fucked the entire state of Bayelsa during their service year till he won the visa lottery and travelled abroad. Dan later came back when his sister wanted to adopt a child but the problem then was that the child came with two other siblings and Dan, then very rich was only agreeing to sponsor the adoption of one of them.

Her husband and herself were barren too and after fucking him two nights in a row upon his return, he offered to arrange that she take one of the babies. Her husband till his dying day did not know how the process was achieved, all he knew was that a beautiful bundle followed them home from the orphanage sometime later and their lives were whole again.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Keara]

She breathed a deep sigh ‘poor John’ she whispered to herself as she thought of the things she had done behind his back. Her waist picked up rhythm as the man that delivered her package pumped his small but fat dick inside her, she was horny and he was available and he still found her desirable and she paid him handsomely.

She would have to make do, soon she would have to face the music.


My insides were turning to mush, my body was freeing itself from the all the pain I have felt in recent years. It was being relieved of all the burden it carried as my lover sank into me after taking his time to eat my pussy, with every lick my body pulsed and my toes curled, with every touch my skin rippled and my spine arched forward to meet him and to embrace him, thrust after amazing thrust.

He was all that my body and soul needed to recover and he wasted no time in making me explode and shaking the foundations of my pussy, have you ever had sex that the foundations of your pussy start to shake? Well I never thought that possible, yet my lover was doing just that. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t even remember my name.

My pussy at one point trapped his thick hard cockhead and refused to let go, it was then that both mine and his phones began to blast. We couldn’t exactly ignore after 10 rings each. It was then the heavenly orgasm ceased to matter once I picked up my father’s call.

At the moment, Jaheem and I after much debate, a lot of disagreement on his part, decide to go to this meeting that is holding at Sheraton. I have two sisters, I am one of three girls that were separated at birth and one of them has been living in my best friend’s house this whole time!! I passed out from shock upon hearing this, the first emotion to overcome me as Jaheem’s cock rode my pussy and my dad explained briefly on the phone was anger.

LIKE WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?! Why weren’t we ever told this whole time and who the bloody hell is Uncle Dan? The mixture of emotions coupled with lust as I held him as he drove in faster, my dad was still on the phone mind you and my breathing was becoming heavier and more labored. I dropped the phone down beside me and looked back at my lover as he wiped away all reasoning with his swift and efficient strokes.

I didn’t care if my father stayed on the phone to listen to me moan, matter of fact, I wanted him to hear the moans, the happiness, and the satisfaction that only Jaheem could ever give me. When we both lay spent and sweaty in a tangled mess, I retrieved my phone and lo and behold my father was still on the line.

ALSO READ: Separated At Birth: Part Three: Episode 6B [Martina]

‘That was not funny Keara Adewole’ I heard him growl. I laughed and hung up.

Dr. Adewole knew it was wrong even before he pulled it out, but those sounds were threatening to undo him, how was he ever going to trust another woman? His wife first wife was a whore who fucked his best friend and God had punished her for it and his second wife was a thieving whore who had tried to kill his daughter and fucked his son-in-law who he thought was his step-son.

He deserved this, he deserved to enjoy himself, he never would again marry another woman but he was allowed to get his pleasure where he saw fit. He stroked his dick lovingly as Keara’s muffled moans over the phone increased, his dick sprung to life and he stroked harder, sighing as the thoughts that swam through his mind threatened to engulf him, he was losing his mind and he knew it but as he came in his hand with a deep sigh, he knew that his mind wanted what his dick wanted too.

He quickly did away with his cum as his door opened slightly and his maid came in, she made not a sound as she peeled off her clothing and dropped them on the floor.

Dr. Adewole smiled and beckoned her forward, watching hungrily as her round firm breasts swung with every movement, this was going to be a good day, he would prefer to think about the unpleasant situation later.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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