Meet Ola, the official spotter of fine babes for the clan. He is also one of the most ill lucked guys but will he ever get lucky?
Meet Ola
Lekan seem to manage it well, shuttling between his wife and numerous girls.
Miss Firm Hips tagged along for a little while before he eventually got bored and laid her off when feelings started creeping in. He hates falling for a girl, it makes him appear weak and he doesn’t like looking weak before ladies.
He knows he wasn’t being the best husband to his wife and he fights his spirit every day to do better and show commitment emotionally, morally and otherwise but his dick always have a way of refuting and he always ends up worse than whom he was earlier.
If given the chance to choose between whom he is now and his alter ego he would choose his alter ego because he is a better man there. In his alter ego he is a man who loves his family and invest all there is to invest in a family to make it come out tops on morals, love, unity, peace etc. but then it is what it is.
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His zero concern for his family aside giving them money for upkeeps has quadrupled, he barely goes home now, if he visits home during weekends, he doesn’t visit at all again.
His family only sees his money, it kills him to see his son grow without him but he wouldn’t give up fresh ass for a time with his son. Ob on the other hand is doing everything but settling down. He has a ton of hearts he has broken lined up behind him each with a plate of scorn in her hands waiting for the right time to serve him with it.
His present lifestyle and his alter ego goes hand in hand just a slight difference. In his alter ego he would rather be a single parent with a son building an empire.
It’s very evident that he doesn’t have plans ever of getting married, luck though smiled at him as one of his one nighters brought him a baby boy who is his carbon copy after 3 years. One look at the boy you know whom the father is, Ob was confused and remorseful at first but he later pulled himself together and accommodated the little boy.
He has the son he wanted meaning it’s time to build an empire, I know what you are thinking, that he’s going to abandon his slutty lifestyle and concentrate on what he desires since one part of the puzzle is solved, well he didn’t.
He got randier, one of the ladies he pissed off is even sharing his numbers to numerous sluts in Lagos but that didn’t take him. Ob is a randy as it comes. Jay? He hasn’t gotten over his heartbreak, what his fiancée did to him got to him big time and he decided never let any girl come that close again not to talk of trusting her, he wasn’t going to let his guard down again so he resorted to sleeping with all kinds of girls.
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He wasn’t totally innocent before but he always let his partners in crime know he has a fiancée. As it stands now he just leads them on and break their heart eventually. Girls fight in his house over him each week that goes buy and he enjoys it. Deep down he’s empty but it won’t change anything as that is he doesn’t have any future plans towards taming one chic.
Deji and Seun, the swapping brothers as their victims named them are not finding it easy anymore. Their gist is all over Lagos and as a result of that no girl wants to be associated with them safe for other nut case like them. Their addiction to share chics amongst themselves makes it difficult for one to date without the other.
One Omotola whom Deji was dating refused to be passed around until they got her drunk and she willingly beckoned on Seun to come dig her as Deji wasn’t enough for her that night. Even in their alter ego they would rather be princes who throws an orgy party every week.
They were getting laid as they come until two chics who claim to carry their babies busted them and refuse to take it out. You know what that responsibility means, don’t you? I guess so.
Deji and Seun brings us to Ola, oh you haven’t met him yet. Let me introduce him.
Ola is a friend to them all and closer to the brothers. He is that guy girls don’t like dating. He’s tall, good looking and well to do like the rest but not as lucky as the other guys when it comes to girls and getting laid.
He likes girls a lot, he’s the first to spot a cute girl or a potential ass but when it’s time to approach and robe her in he develops wobbled knees. Either of his friends will offer to go approach the girl for him but once they hangout with him once, they abandon him and go shag his friends especially the one that approached them.
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The only action he gets is when it’s a paid call girl and still he wouldn’t even enjoy it as the girls often bully him through it, for fear of not being a laughing stock to his friends, he keeps his mouth shut and when it’s time for their kiss and tell stories, he tells the story of his fantasy.
He was always getting away with it till he told a story he has told before again, his friends queried him till he let the cat out of the bag. They teased him for a while and decided to hook him up with someone, so he can at least get some sugar, they made sure at least girls who comes to see them in their gathering always come in company of their girlfriends.
Well, Ola eventually got hooked with one pretty Oma, they hung out a couple of times and discovered they like same things and it strengthened their bond. But something was odd which is their compatibility when it comes to sex, Oma found out that Ola doesn’t make any move sexually at all when they are alone, at first she found it gentlemanly but as time went by he saw it for what it really is an act of weakness.
She made moves on her own to initiate the act but Ola spills his seeds before any action during foreplay. Truly there is nothing wrong with him just the fear of not satisfying her well. Oma tried a few times more and gave up, Ola isn’t ready to lose her so he sort for help from Yoruba herbs dealers and got a herb he could use to strengthen his core.
The herbs worked and triggered his horny being so he set up a date with Oma for the evening, she agreed and he went ahead to set up the room romantically.
He was as hard as a rock before the set time but the time came and passed but Oma never showed up, he tried a few more times after and still ended up with blue balls, it then dawned on him that Oma’s ship has sailed.
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