March 10, 2025

Erotic Story/Edymaniac: The Adewales' erotic corporate night-out

Erotic Story/Edymaniac: The Adewales' erotic corporate night-out
Home » Erotic Story/Edymaniac: The Adewales' erotic corporate night-out

Erotic Story/Edymaniac: The Adewales' erotic corporate night-out


His wife is reluctant to follow his to a dinner, she gets a surprise at the event, and the night gets better in their hotel room.

You looked at him through the bathroom mirror as you put your earring in your ear. How could he be so cheerful when he knows how mad you are at him? He knows you don’t want to go to this stupid thing with his boss. He knows you had other plans, but he cancelled your plans anyway, just so he could bitch up to his boss.

“I’m sorry baby, but we really need to go to this thing,” he said, putting his hands on your hips from behind. He kissed your bare neck and held you tighter as his groin pressed up against your ass.

“Do we need to go?” You exclaimed as you tried to break free of his grip. He held you tighter and you could feel the bulge in pants pushing your ass.

“Stop, not now,” you said, but no sooner than the words went over your lips, you could feel her, your pussy that is, betraying you. She didn’t care that you were mad at him. She knew what she wanted and didn’t care about what you wanted at all.

ALSO READ: Ada’s mind-fuck narration [Part 2]

She has an addiction, which is his dick. You can feel her now, beginning to salivate like a fat kid in a candy store. She had to have him and each part of your body joined in the rebellion over your mind

From behind, he forced your thighs open with his own as you made a last effort to resist his advances. You looked in the mirror and saw your swollen nipples through your silky blouse. His hands energetically pulled your skirt up, over your hips revealing your covered pussy. He unzipped and released what your pussy so desperately wanted.

“You know you want it,” he said as he rubbed the head of his dick against your soaked panties.

“Yes, fuck me, take me right now through this panties,” your pussy shouts.

Her voice only angers you more. Her wanting him like an addict pisses you off.

You try to tell your body to pull away but found your right hand spreading your ass cheek open for him. You feel a throbbing flow of orgasm cruise through your body as the thick head of his dick began to massage your fleshy pussy with slow, relaxed circular motions. You surrender completely.

Your pussy opens wide and he enters smoothly and firmly as if to punish you for resisting. You are entirely filled up, but he seems to have more to give.

A moan escapes your mouth, giving him an invitation to take you, even more viciously. Your ass tightens and your hips begin to thrust back, matching his intense thrust that pull all the way out and right back in ever so deeply.

ALSO READ: Ada’s mind-fuck narration

With each thrust, your pussy clenches her muscles, pulling his dick, sucking his dick in deeper into her tight hollow. The smell of sex fills the bathroom and all over your body making your skin shudder. You can only hear the sounds of your sex sloshing in and out as your pussy works hard to satisfy her need of his dick.

He fucks hard, pushing, thrusting, and leaning further inside you. You feel as if you are going to drop to your knees. Your hips slant up to receive more, your nipples try to break through your blouse, and the veins in your hand thump as you grip the sink.

Time stands still for an eternity, and then, a fiery bolt of orgasm rip through your body with abandon. You gasp for air like a drowning woman reaching for her last breath before she goes under.

Your body is still trembling, your pussy still wants more, and she grips his dick tight.

His dick swells and hardens even greater and you feel a moan emanating from your throat. The hot fluid spills out over your pussy and drips down your thighs. Greedily your pussy slowly milks his dick getting her fill of his tasty juice.

Your pussy is satisfied for now.


Dinner is just about over now and you’re still pissed with him. Not just for having to be there but also for the way he had your pussy under his spell. As you looked around the table, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves including your man. There he was sitting to the right of his boss, just grinning while you boiled in anger.

ALSO READ: Sarah’s absolute domination

“I really want to thank everyone for coming here on such short notice,” his boss addressed the group as you tried to look like you cared about what he was saying. “I want to let you all know that I will be leaving the company. This is something that I didn’t plan on doing but I have an opportunity that I cannot say no to.”

You watched the group stir with anticipation on the boss’s every word of his speech as you wondered when he would finish so you could get out of there.

“I would like to introduce Eddy Adewale as your new CEO.”

The group began to clap and your mind tried to grasp what you had just heard.

“I wanted to surprise you,” your husband whispered in your ear while he hugged you before accepting his new position.

I watched him go and shake hands with his boss, confirming the transfer of power. You joined the applause as you felt an overwhelming sense of pride. You couldn’t hear a word of his acceptance speech; your mind and heart was numb with pride. Now you couldn’t wait for this to be over so you could tell him how happy you are for him.

“I can’t believe you knew the whole time,” You shouted, hitting him on the shoulder just after the elevator doors closed.

“Well, I wanted to surprise you and I know you can’t keep a secret. Especially a secret that triples our income and gives you the opportunity to quit your job.”

ALSO READ: On becoming Bello’s toy [Part 2]

“God I love you. You always take good care of me,” You hugged his body tight.

How could you ever have doubted him, you thought to yourself.

No man has ever made you feel the way he has and you have never wanted a man the way you needed him. You could feel that your body, heart, and mind were now in sync and you pressed your breast and hips tighter against his body.

“Where are we going? Shouldn’t we be going down?” you asked wondering why you were not leaving the hotel?

“I reserved a room for us since I knew we would be getting out of here late,” he smiled and kissed you on the forehead.

“You think of everything, but I don’t think we will get much sleep,” you said as your hand slipped down to his dick. You wanted him as bad as you did earlier.

He couldn’t get the key in the door fast enough. Your mouth was watering just as much as your pussy was.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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