Chioma's parents have just left town for a couple of days, giving Lenny time to teach her more things and she brings a friend along.
The following day an ashamed Ogechi called to apologize for the previous night. I assured her I had enjoyed myself and that I was glad she was feeling good now. Ogechi went on to say that she was going away for the week to visit her husband while he was working away and asked if I could look after the house.
I brightened up at the thought of having Chioma to myself for the next few days, however my joy was short lived when Ogechi went on to explain that Chioma will be staying at her friend’s house and all Ogechi expected was for me to look after the empty house.
ALSO READ: Helping my neighbour’s sexy daughter, Chioma [Part 12]
The next few days I was disappointed that sexy Chioma didn’t come to to see me and chose to stay at her friend’s house a faraway town. Instead of having a few sex-filled days with Chioma I had to survive with my memories of the previous weekend’s sexual exploits. It didn’t help that work was quiet and I had too much time to daydream about what Chioma and I could be doing together.
It wasn’t until the Friday afternoon that I heard a knock on my door and I found beautiful Chioma standing there. She wore a skirt showing off her long smooth legs but it was her pretty face that really stood out, framed by her perfect hairstyle. She looked almost perfect in the sun.
“Hello Lenny, it’s nice to see you again,” and, giggling, she flung herself at me throwing her arms around me in her excitement.
We kissed and hugged and my dick stirred in anticipation while I held her firm body against me. I may have imagined it but I felt her nipples stiffen through her top and bra as we held each other close, but the excitement was disappointingly short lived when she pushed back, freeing herself from my longing grasp.
“Sorry Lenny, but I can’t right now, but I’m glad to see you still like me,” she said smiling while tracing the outline of my hard dick through my clothes. “But we’ll have time later.”
“Why not now?” knowing that a fuck now is better than any number of broken promises.
“Me and my friends are hanging out at my house for a bit, but when they’ve gone I’ll come round,” she answered.
“Does your mom know you are having some friends round?”
Shrugging, she answered, “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be back later. Wait for me!” and she turned on the spot and rushed off next door.
I hesitated at the door for a moment, once again finding it hard to keep up with the energy and enthusiasm Chioma has for life. Closing the door I went back to my work trying to keep myself focused but always ending up thinking about Chioma and her perfect body. After a while I abandoned my attempts to concentrate and started reading the news as an alternative distraction.
Before long I heard several cars arrive and I glanced out the window as some of Chioma’s friends arrived. There were eight or nine of them jumping out of an SUV laughing as they entered Chioma’s parents’ house. They all looked about her age, which was no surprise, and I was drawn to the girls a couple of whom looked almost as stunning as Chioma in a selection of tight and skimpy clothes.
ALSO READ: Helping my neighbour’s sexy daughter, Chioma [Part 11]
In particular one with a short skirt caught my eye, but entered the house with a boy who I guessed was her boyfriend judging by the way he kept trying to put his arm around her.
Giving up on reading the news, I prepared myself a meal and settled down to watch some TV to divert my mind off the Chioma. It clearly worked because a few hours passed before I was startled by the crash of breaking glass and raised voices coming from next door.
Rushing to the window I witnessed a couple of the boys yelling at each other outside my neighbour’s house. Two girls were out there too, waving their arms and shouting and screaming. With such a commotion I couldn’t work out who was angry with whom but I did notice that Chioma wasn’t out there.
Hastily putting on my shoes I hurried outside and I purposefully walked over to the argument roaring
“Hey, what’s going on?”
My loud voice immediately caught their attention. Pausing, they all turned to see me walking towards them.
“Stay out of it oga,” the boy furthest from the house replied. His speech was slurred and I noted that he was trembling on his feet.
“No. You. Oya leave now!” I answered forcefully. My heart was beating fast, and I could feel a familiar tingling from adrenaline running through my body. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the others,
“Now, tell me what happened.”
One of the girls answered me, explaining that they had been having a party, some dancing, a little drinking and then Segun, who was the swaying drunk boy, had started shouting at his girlfriend and the others, and finally had begun fighting. The glass I heard breaking was an empty beer bottle he had launched at the wall in anger.
While were were talking, Segun had fallen on the damp grass and was sitting there, the bravery and fight deserting him. More of his friends had joined us outside the house on the green lawn.
“Now, who can take Segun home?” I demanded and one of the boys held up his hands and said he could take him.
“The party’s over, so get all your things and leave. Quick.”
Sullenly, the rest of them headed back in the house while I stayed standing near to Segun to make sure he didn’t try anything. Soon them came back out of the house, some of them carrying the remains of whatever drinks they had brought with them I had the feeling they weren’t naturally wild kids and they appeared shocked that Segun had behaved violently.
I stood agitated while they piled into the car, taking a quiet Segun with them, and I sighed when they drove round the corner out of sight. Turning to the house I realized I hadn’t seen Chioma yet and entered the open door, carefully avoiding the glass fragment covering the paved path.
“Hello? Chioma? Where are you?” I called out, carefully closing the door behind me.
“In here.” I moved towards her voice.
The room was a mess. There were discarded packets, empty bottles, half-empty bottles, food wrappers and crumbs all over the living room. Only after seeing the debris I noticed that Chioma wasn’t alone. The pretty girl I had seen earlier was sitting with Chioma on the chair, looking closer her eyes were red from crying.
ALSO READ: Helping my neighbour’s sexy daughter, Chioma [Part 10]
“Is everything OK?” I asked, rather sadly.
Chioma looked up at me. “Sure, it’s OK now. Kemi’s boyfriend… I mean Kemi’s ex-boyfriend… was acting like a fool.” Turning to Kemi, she continued “I can’t believe he was calling you asexual, that’s horrible. I told you he was stupid.”
Kemi looked at her lap and quietly muttered “I hate him, I’m not…not…you know what. It’s his fault, he was always pushing me around.”
“Exactly! He was a fool,” Chioma agreed.
I suddenly felt embarrassed to be here while this conversation was going on, so I indicated the trash scattered around the room “Um, Chioma, let me help clear up here.”
“Oh thanks Lenny,” and turning back to her friend she continued “Come on Kemi, let’s go and clean you up.”
I wasn’t expecting to have to do all the tidying when I offered to help, but I supposed the quicker I cleaned up the sooner I could have Chioma to myself again. I set about tidying the room and surprisingly it didn’t take too long to get the litter out the way and make the room look presentable. I even had time to clear up the broken bottle from out the front of the house.
While I was searching for any other remnants of the party to dispose of, I shifted a chair and was surprised to find a garishly coloured box of a game called ” Trick or Dare”. Curiously I read the tag on the back and saw that it was supposedly a “romantic and intimate game for parties”. Intrigued, I was about to open the game when I heard Chioma and Kemi in the room.
Kemi didn’t look such a sad mess now. She now looked ravishing. She was slightly taller than Chioma with soft eyes. Her thin face accentuated her full, red lips and her body was wonderful. She was surprisingly slim but her breasts were full and her low waist short skirt showed off the soft curves of her feminine hips. Her legs were long, smooth and she wore sandals.
Standing next to Chioma, the two of them were my dream pair of girls, and I stared for too long because Chioma spoke to Kemi, smiling, “I think Lenny approves of us.”
ALSO READ: Helping my neighbour’s sexy daughter, Chioma [Part 9]
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