It seems that Bisi played Lenny hard but will he get his revenge at New Year's party?
They finished breakfast and decided to go straight down and open their presents before they got dressed. That was fine with Lenny as it meant he could spend even more time staring lustfully at both Janet and Bisi.
ALSO READ: Christmas with Aunty Bisi [Part 2]
The gifts were quickly passed around and opened amid much laughter and good conversation. Everyone really seemed to enjoy their gifts and they all sat around for a long time talking and sipping their tea. Finally, Lenny’s mum said she was ready for a shower and went upstairs to the only shower in the house. Soon afterward Janet went upstairs to call a friend of hers and wish her a Merry Christmas.
Not long after Janet left Bisi turned to him and said, “I’ve still got one more present for you, but I wanted to wait until we were alone to give it to you.” Lenny’s heart jumped and his stomach knotted as Bisi sat looking at him shyly.
She told him to stand up and she also rose to her feet and walked over to him. She stopped in front of him and looked into his eyes briefly before adding, “This is a special gift for you.”
She then moved even closer and pressed up against him as she brought her lips to his. The kiss started softly as she tenderly moved her lips across his. Lenny’s initial surprise passed and he started to become more active in the kiss. Bisi wrapped her arms around Lenny and their kiss became more intense. She parted her lips slightly and he felt her tongue lightly brush across his lips. He immediately parted his lips and their tongues met and performed a sensual dance back and forth between their mouths.
It was then that they heard the footsteps coming down from the upstairs bedrooms into the kitchen. With one last seductive brush of her tongue, she parted their kiss and quickly returned to her seat on the sofa just as Janet reached downstairs.
Lenny was still standing in the middle of the room trying to understand what had just happened when Janet entered. She had grabbed the newspaper and was casually flipping its pages as if nothing at all had just happened out of the ordinary. Meanwhile, he stood with a raging hard-on tenting out the front of his trousers. He looked up at Janet and noticed her staring at his crotch.
“What the hell must she be thinking?” he asked of himself. He tried to act as casually as possible as he quickly sat back down in the chair. He felt a tinge of embarrassment. He glanced quickly over to Janet and saw her looking back at him with a look of inquisitive bewilderment on her face. He glanced over at Bisi and thought he detected her smiling behind her paper.
ALSO READ: Christmas with Aunty Bisi [Part 1]
After his mom and Bisi had both showered and changed it was finally Lenny’s turn for the shower. He jerked off almost immediately after stepping into the shower and spent the rest of his time in the shower and getting dressed thinking back to Bisi’s kiss.
She was older than his own mom, but her kiss was so soft and passionate that the memories of it were driving him wild. Her kiss seemed to convey something that the younger girls he had kissed just didn’t have. He wondered, was it her experience, did all older women have that skill, or maybe Bisi was just a great kisser? Whatever it was he couldn’t stop himself from thinking that if she was such a great kisser, what other things might she have a talent for?
Fortunately the rest of the day passed without incident. He had a hard time controlling his thoughts, but there weren’t any more embarrassing incidents like with Janet that morning. Bisi also acted very appropriately the rest of the day.
Most of the following day also passed without incident, partly to his disappointment. He had hoped maybe he and Bisi could find some time alone to see if she would do anything else, but she and his mom spent nearly the entire day out shopping for discounts together. That had left him alone with Janet the whole day.
Lenny and Janet chatted some but mostly did their own things. Still, he didn’t mind at all being able to glance over at such a sexy chic throughout the day. Lenny watched her ass sway as she went upstairs and, as he heard her in the shower, he thought about how she must look naked as she lathered the soap lather all over herself.
Bisi and his mom returned just about the time Janet emerged from the shower. They all went out together for dinner and had a great time as they talked and enjoyed a nice meal. he knew that she and Janet would be leaving the next day and he felt a pang of disappointment at the thought. He wanted to see if Bisi was just playing with him or if she might be willing to go farther than their previous kiss.
They returned home from the restaurant and Lenny mentioned he was going downstairs to watch TV. Janet followed up by saying she was going to her room to make phone calls and that she would probably just stay up there and read before bed. Lenny hoped this would open the window for Bisi to join him, but he was again disappointed when both Bisi and his mother said they were tired from their day and headed up to bed.
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I watched TV alone for about an hour until I realized that Bisi wasn’t coming to join me. I slowly went upstairs and got into bed.
About three days passed after Bisi and her daughter left. I thought that Bisi had just decided to play games with me and that was that. That night, my phone rang and I picked it up. Bisi’s voice was on the other end. “Hello,” she said, “Have you been being a good boy?”
We chatted for a while before she mentioned that Janet and she had decided to put together a New Year’s Eve party to say thanks to all their friends who had helped them through the last year. She said she really wanted me and my mom to attend. I quickly agreed and she gave me all the party information.
New Year’s Eve came quickly and soon enough my mom and I were driving over to the party. I was excited to see Bisi again but didn’t really expect anything to happen since there would be a house full of people. The fact was that if she wasn’t going to be there, I would have gone clubbing with my friends. As we walked up to the door of the house I hoped I hadn’t made a big mistake.
The party was fun, but a little dull at first by my university standards, but it soon picked up as the people there got to know each other better and the alcohol began to flow freely. I, myself had managed to sneak a few beers despite my mom’s stern looks. I watched Janet hanging out with her friends and enjoyed the silky red dress that she wore. It hugged her body closely and really showed off her curves. I admired the view as often as I could.
Bisi was getting steadily drunk as the midnight hour grew near. At about 30 minutes before the New Year, I was standing on one side of the large living room looking at the crowd before me. As my eyes scanned the room I realized the party had become lively and between the music coming from the stereo and the level of conversation in the house was loud. I made eye contact with Bisi who was standing in the opposite corner of the room from me. We exchanged smiles and she quickly pointed at me and then toward the stairway that led upstairs.
I moved over to the stairs and arrived at the same time she did. I took a moment and looked into her face. Her hair was parted perfectly to one side and her curly hairs covered her forehead. Tonight she wore a red lipstick that made her lips look extremely sensual and intoxicating. She immediately took my hand in hers and began to lead me upstairs. I quickly glanced behind me to make sure that my mom wasn’t watching. I saw her on the far side of the room with her back to me and noticed that seemingly nobody in the room seemed to take any notice of our leaving.
I still wasn’t sure what Bisi was doing as she led me down the upstairs corridor to the last door on the right. She opened the door and I followed her into what was the master bedroom of the house. She closed the door behind us and then stood in front of me as we looked at each other. I could tell by her expression that she was very drunk.
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