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Erotic Story/Smoking Bass: Leke and his sexy neighbour [Part 7]

Leke is still in the Melissa and her twin sister's house, there is no power, and he is supposed to help with the generator in the dark.

“Did you forget to close the fuel tank?” Leke asked as he peered at the generator with a flashlight Melissa had given him.

“I don’t know o. It is always Ngozi that puts on and puts off the gen” Melissa shrugged.

So Ngozi short engine’s real name was Ngozi, what were the odds of that?

“Where is she?”

“The stupid girl has gone for a church vigil” Melissa hissed.

Leke’s eyes widened at this piece of information and shook his head as he noticed the fuel tank had been left open. He closed it and stood up.

“You are going to have to wait a while” He announced.

“Why?” Melissa looked at him.

ALSO READ: Leke and his sexy neighbour [Part 6]

“Well, she left the fuel tank open and it is over floating. So you just have to wait for the flow to slow down then you can start the gen”

Melissa looked at her phone, Leke guessed she was probably checking the time. He had no idea what the time was anyway but he had a feeling it was really late. Just how long had he slept for exactly? Joblessness na bad thing o, he said to himself.

“Okay, would you chill with us till you can get it on? Please” Melissa gave her best puppy face. Leke faked thinking about it but it was actually what he had wanted all along, spent some more time in their apartment so he could feed his eyes. Especially since he found out Ngozi short engine was not around.

“Hmmm Okay but can’t your sister’s husband get the gen on later” Leke asked more for his own good.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you he is out of town. It is just Annalisa and I at home”. It was all dark but Leke could swear he just saw a smile flash across her lips as she divulged this information.

“Okay then” He nodded and followed as she led the way into the apartment. There was a rechargeable lamp on the center table in the living room, illuminating just about every corner of the living room. Leke found his way to the sofa by the corner where he had sat earlier in the day and put his ass down.

“Do you want anything?” Melissa asked.

“Nah, thanks. I am fine” The bread and beans was still holding his stomach quite fine.

“Not even Vodka” Now she was really smiling at him. Leke laughed.

“I don’t mind that one sha”

“Hey, Lisa. What’s up with the gen?” They both turned around to the voice of Annalisa who was standing in the doorways leading to the rooms. She was all wet but had a short towel wrapped around her body. It left just about enough bare thighs for Leke’s dick to come to attention.

“He said we would have to wait a while before we can get it on. Something Ngozi did” Melissa explained.

“That girl ehn!” Annalisa shook her head.

“Thank you, please hope this isn’t an inconvenience for you?” she faced Leke now.

“No, it is no problem” Leke grinned at her.

ALSO READ: Leke and his sexy neighbour [Part 5]

“Okay, thank you” She smiled at him before going back in. Leke wished she had come forward a little and turned around. He really wanted to see what her ass looked like beneath the short towel.

Melissa went off to the kitchen leaving him all alone in the living room. What exactly he was doing here or hoping for, he was not sure. He knew he was hoping Melissa would come finish up the show she was putting on for him earlier in the day but would that be possible considering that her sister was around? He should just have gone back to his apart jejeli, he told himself.

“Here you go, knock yourself out” Melissa came back with a bottle of Skyy vodka and a cup which she placed before him.

“Thank you” He nodded at her.

“Sure, make yourself at home. I need a shower, this heat is killing.” She said before going off into the hallway. And once again he was all alone. He shook his head as he opened up the bottle and poured himself a drink. It was obvious now that he was not going to get another show of Melissa teasing. He might as well drink enough, get their gen on and go to crash.

He did not know how long he had been drinking for or how much time had passed but the full bottle Melissa had given him was almost half empty. He looked around the living room if he could find a wall clock and confirm the time. He could not find any, might as well get the gen on and go to bed. He stood and was about walking out to the gen when he remembered he was going to need a flashlight and also he did not know where they made the switch from PHCN to Gen.

“Melissa” He called out. She said she was going for a shower but this felt way too long for a shower. He called out twice again and still no response. Leke scratched his head, was he to just go home and when she was done, she would come call him?

What if he got back to his apartment and slept off immediately? It would not be fair. He made a decision right there and walked into the hallway.

ALSO READ: Leke and his sexy neighbour [Part 4]

It was a short hallway that that had two doors by right and one by the left and one right ahead of him. The one ahead of him had it’s door half open and some light illuminating from it. Melissa must be there, he knew he was meant to call out but curiosity got the most of him and he walked slowly up to the door and peered in.

It was the bathroom and no one was in.

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