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Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Naive Oluchi babysits the virgin Chike [Part 8]

Luckily for Chike at school, his beautiful crush, Adanna has spoken to him but he cannot really talk. He's been dreaming about his babysitter Oluchi and her big boobs.

Adanna cleared her throat. “A few of us are off to the canteen if you want to, you know…”

“Oh, sorry but I can’t; I have to go,” He stammered in confusion.

“Oh. OK,” She said.

“Going to see your girlfriend?” She added with a slight edge to her tone.

“Well, yes, kind of.” Chike almost ran from her as he went to past the gate, in the opposite direction to the school canteen.

On the bus, he thought about what had just happened. The gorgeous Adanna had spoken to him! She even complimented him, he thought.

ALSO READ: Naive Oluchi babysits the virgin Chike [Part 7]

And the most amazing thing of all was that she invited him to hang out with her and her popular friends.

And, he completely screwed it up. Of course, he should have gone with her. And now she thought he had a girlfriend. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

When he told Oluchi however about that had happened she was a lot more positive.

“So, it looks like the fish is interested in the bait at least,” She laughed as she affectionately squeezed his crotch.

“But she probably hates me now,” Chike moaned.

“Oh, I’m not so sure. It’s quite possible you’ve done exactly the right thing. She’s now intrigued. She sounds like she’s used to getting whatever she wants so I think playing it cool might just have piqued her interest. Why didn’t you go with her, by the way? Were you a bit worried about her friends?”

“Er, no. It wasn’t that. It’s just that I was desperate for some and home and see your, you know, pussy,” He said rambling before coming to a halt.

Oluchi laughed. “And are you still keen to see it?” She teased.

“Oh, yes, please!”

“OK. Except, there are a few rules first, young man,” She said as she led him up to his bedroom.

She sat down on the bed. “Oh, I see you’ve already got a hard-on. Take you dick out and I’ll give you a handjob while we talk.”

ALSO READ: Naive Oluchi babysits the virgin Chike [Part 7]

Oluchi discarded her jeans, blouse and bra so she was left in a tiny white g-string. By the time she came and sat beside him on the bed, Chike was already naked, lying back on his pillows with his erection waving in the air. She cupped his balls with one hand while gracefully masturbating him with the other.

“Chike, I know this might come as a bit of a disappointment to you but I’m not going to let you fuck me, dear.”

Chike who had been dreaming of exactly that was thunderstruck. “But, but, I thought you said you were going to show me your pussy,” he complained.

“Oh, darling, I am going to show it to you and I’m going to let you touch it and kiss it but I don’t want to take your virginity.”

Chike was so upset that he stopped caressing her big breasts.

“Oh, Chike, darling, don’t look so depressed. I really do want to fuck you. It’s just that your first time shouldn’t be with me. It should be with a girl your own age like Adanna. I don’t want you to look back and regret the way you popped your cherry.”

“Oluchi, I can sincerely tell you that if I lost it to you then I would never ever regret it.”

“Well then maybe I might regret it,” she replied.

“I’ve done things with you that I would never have considered with any other 19 year old. And that’s because I have a real affection for you that originated from when you were just a boy. But I think taking your virginity would be a step too far.

Remember I’m trying to set you up with real sexual confidence for life. I promise we will fuck one day and I promise I’ll make it absolutely amazing for you. But not yet, my dear.”

ALSO READ: Naive Oluchi babysits the virgin Chike [Part 5]

Chike began to pinch her nipples while he considered what she said. Oddly, her slow methodical wanking helped his deliberation rather than hindered it.

“Oluchi, you are the by the far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen let alone met. Of course I want to fuck you but I’m so grateful to you for all you’ve done for me that I’ll do whatever you want. But promise me one thing.”

“What, love?”

“If I can lose my virginity to Adanna before you go that you’ll let me have you.”

Oluchi smiled at him.

“Oh, Chike. I really hope you nail her. Because I promise if you do I’ll let you inside me like a shot!”

She lay down beside him and slid her tongue into his mouth. They kissed passionately before Oluchi moved down to gently suck his erection.

After a while, Oluchi came up for breath before continuing.

“That’s why I haven’t let you see my pussy yet or even let you suck my nipples. You see you had to develop some restraint otherwise I feared you would lose control and fuck me. And that I would get so turned on that I will let you. I trust you, Chike. I know now that even if I become aroused you won’t take advantage of me.”

Chike didn’t say anything but maintained eye contact while he pulled her up and bent his head down to kiss her right breast. Encouraged by her moan, he began to lick and suck both of her breasts, marvelling at the feel of her hard nipples against his tongue.

“Oh, yes, Chike. That’s lovely. Oh yes, yes, yes. That’s it. Oh, a bit harder. And bite gently. That’s it!”

For the next twenty minutes Oluchi, in between groans of delight, gave him advice on his technique until she couldn’t take it any more.

“Oh, Chike. You’re going to make a lot of women very happy with your tongue. I’m dripping wet, darling. See.”

ALSO READ: Naive Oluchi babysits the virgin Chike [Part 4]

Chike gasped as she stood up and slowly peeled her damp undies down exposing a narrow line of dark hair pointing down to the hidden delights of her pussy.

Oluchi lay down beside him and opened her legs. “Come on then, dear. Come and have a look.”

Her pussy was beautiful. Chike lay on the bed, his face inches from the long black pussy lips, glistening with her juices. The smell was surprisingly sweet and made him want to kiss her pussy which is exactly what he did.

“Oh, Oluchi. It’s beautiful!” he exclaimed in wonder, marvelling at the intoxicating taste.

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