March 10, 2025

Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Horny Ibrahim and the sex starved guardian [Finale]

Home » Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Horny Ibrahim and the sex starved guardian [Finale]

Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Horny Ibrahim and the sex starved guardian [Finale]

Hassan, Ibrahim's Uncle seem to think something is up with his wife because she thinks he is cheating on him but we all know…

Hassan gave her a confused look and rolled his eyes before laying his head upon the bed, asleep once more. Friday afternoon Ibrahim flipped through the channels unable to find anything interesting to watch. He looked out the front window surprised to hear the garage door opening so early in the day.

His uncle drove into the house and a minute later he heard the door open as Hassan entered the house. Ibrahim got off the couch and headed to the kitchen.

“Playing absentee, uncle, eh?” Ibrahim said to his uncle.

“Yeah,” Hassan said with a measured tone. “Just felt like I needed to be home early today.” Ibrahim gave him a curious look, not grasping his meaning. “My friend once told me that if your wife thinks you are cheating on her, then you are. Reality don’t matter.”

Ibrahim gave his uncle a questioning look. “You saying…” he trailed off, unsure of where this conversation was heading.

“No,” Hassan replied as if it was absurd his wife would think he was unfaithful. “But I got to thinking, I wonder if that’s true for men as well. I wonder how many men think their wives are cheating on them and then dismiss their doubts out of some male pride.”

“So?” Ibrahim spurred. When his uncle did not respond Ibrahim continued, “You think aunty is cheating on you?” He could feel his stomach begin to tie into knots.

“I don’t know. Maybe she hasn’t and she’s thinking of it. I just don’t know,” Hassan admitted.

Ibrahim’ mind scrambled. “Is everything okay in the bedroom?” he asked trying to sound casual.

Hassan gave his nephew a disapproving look. “None of your business, mister man.”

“I was just asking,” Ibrahim declared defensively. “I went out on a date with this girl whose parents got a divorce because her mother found out that her dad liked to wear women’s underwear.”

“You think your aunty is a lesbian?” Hassan said flatly, not amused with the direction the conversation was taking.

“I’m just saying sometimes people have things they are afraid to tell even their own wife, or husband as the case may be. Maybe get aunty in the mood and talk about some of the things you haven’t in a while,” Ibrahim explained. “What can it hurt?” he said when his uncle gave him a doubtful look.

Hassan considered his nephew’s words for a minute. Finally he smiled at his late sister’s child and scratched his head.

“How did you get so smart?” he asked proudly.

“Jennifer’s dairy,” Ibrahim replied.

That night, as he lay in bed waiting for sleep, Ibrahim heard a sound he couldn’t recall ever hearing: his aunty giggling. He sighed, knowing that whatever spell that had come over his aunty was being broken and that his brief interlude with her had come to an end. He had been torn with guilt after his conversation with his uncle. In all the excitement with his aunty he had never considered the consequences. In a sad way he was glad it had come to an end. With a regretful smile he rolled over and went to sleep.

A couple weeks later Ibrahim and Ebube watched a little television with Hassan and Aisha before the elder couple headed off to bed.

“Come on darling,” Hassan said to his wife, “these love birds don’t want us old folks around anymore.” With a wink to his nephew, Hassan extended his hand to his wife and helped her up from the chair.

Aisha stood and crossed the room as Ebube and Ibrahim both stood to adjourn to the living room. Turning around she hugged her nephew’s girlfriend and bid her good night. Ebube shot a surprised looked at Ibrahim as Aisha moved to hug her nephew. Ibrahim shrugged unknowingly and Ebube only smiled confusedly, stepping around the corner out of sight.

“Thank you,” Aisha whispered in her nephew’s ear as she hugged him close. She pulled her face back and looked him in the eye for a moment. Leaning close she pressed her lips against her nephew’s mouth for a lingering moment.

“Thank you,” Aisha said simply and then turned to leave. As she reached the doorway she turned to look at him still standing where she had left him. “And thank Ebube for me too.”

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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