She leaned to gave me another kiss, every bit as deep as before, but much quicker. “And you’re going to just love it,” she promised. I had no doubt.
Then she slapped his head a couple of times with her soles, giddy-up, cowboy! He got the message and got back to busy.
I eased over just a little to give them plenty of room. I lay there on the pillow, in our bed, and actually enjoyed watching my husband have unmarried people sex with the stunningly beautiful girl from up the block. It was a lot more interesting than I had ever imagined it would be.
She pulled her knees very high, much higher than I did, and bent her butt farther. Well past the point of giving him a straight shot in. I watched closely, wondering. Probably pushed his erection up against her g-spot more, sliding across it going in and out, I guessed. I made a note to try that sometime very soon.
Her fingers gripped his arm right at the bicep, not his shoulders like I did. And she crossed her ankles behind the small of his back instead of holding them next to his hips.
He had gone straight back to banging away hard and fast, maybe even more than with me. So much for wearing him down a little before handing him over. Oh well, let him have his fun. And Tolani sure didn’t seem to mind hard and fast, she matched him grunt for grunt.
He screwed her solid and deep, bouncing her tits almost to her chin as his hips slammed into her bottom. Another reason to lift high, I thought. There’s more padding back there.
I watched his face, then hers. Both beautifully engrossed. Working together. Sweating together. Having a great time screwing together. Now I envied them both. But the night was young still, I would catch up.
They had to squirm around a lot, I noticed. Adjusting to each other. Starting and stopping, then trying again. Familiar may be dull sometimes, but at least it’s comfortable.
Watching them screw, I tried to imagine her, down between my legs. Her tongue inside me. Licking sperm, his sperm, my husband’s sperm, as it oozed slowly from my vagina. Pressing that huge sunny smile into my cum soaked labia, sliding her tongue over my gleaming clit. I could picture that easily. Had pictured it before, with everyone from movie stars to cocktail waitresses. All the women we talked about in our fantasies.
Then I tried to imagine me doing that to her. That wasn’t so easy. I had tasted my fingers after an orgasm, I’ve swallowed gallons of his cum. But I had a hard time putting them together. I sure talked about going down on a woman. But I really hadn’t thought about, at least not in… anatomical? detail. I knew all along I really didn’t want to. But that was then. Did I now?
Her hands shot out, suddenly, grabbing his head. She had to dig in her fingernails to get his attention. Poor baby, I thought, that’s got to hurt.
He stopped, she tucked, and they rolled.
Popping up, she ground her pussy hard into him, then quickly got the rhythm going again. She rode him every bit as hard as he had done for her. Hair flying wild, full round breasts bouncing even higher, lush full bottom slapping his thighs loud.
Head tipped back, she huffed, “Easier,” into the moonlit bedroom’s air. “Later,” she added after about a dozen more strokes. A few more, then “Switch.” It’s hard to talk and screw at the same time. but she got her message across.
She pulled one of his hands from her hip up to a breast and held it there. She reached without looking, found my hand and held it to the other one. Once we both had a firm hold, following her up and down, both her hands plunged into her crotch, rubbing her clit hard and in time. Her breathing deepened and she sped up, even more, hips swinging side to side as she pounded him in and out. He was grunting now, lower and louder with each shove into her.
Her head was straight back, mouth wide and eyes tight. Hair swinging with her bottom. Concentrating on herself, her clitoris, nothing else in the world mattered right then; I knew that’s what I’d be doing.
His hips started to buck, losing the beat, jerking. He was starting to get close again, trying to hold back for a little while longer. I recognized the signs immediately.
I thought it over. Decided to let him finish into her. I knew he would love it. Hoped she would love it. I thought I might even love watching it. And there was plenty of time. So I just relaxed back a little and smiled at them, quietly wishing her another ringing orgasm.
She leapt straight up and off in mid-stroke.
“Whathfuck?” His head popped up, eyes suddenly wide.
“You’re getting too close!” she whispered urgently, hauling me across the bed.
Oh well, I scrambled toward his erection, our feet tangling together as she was trying to help me get a knee over him and my crotch into the right spot. I finally managed to get about there, took a chance, spread my knees and let gravity do the rest.
I dropped straight down, his head bumping in hard on my pubic bone and nearly missing my opening completely.
All the way in on the first push again, he was already wet, and I was soaking; I felt the head open me wide, the stiff shaft filling me nice and full once again. Thinking that we really should have practised this, it had taken way too long. And not being in exactly the right position getting him hurt. But he was safely inside me now.
He watched the whole thing, two women sharing his hard-on again with that same big grin. “Hi babe,” he whispered up as I tried to imitate her hard, wild screwing. Then he leaned back and closed his eyes. By the look on his face, I think I got it mostly right.
I squeezed as tight as I could. I really need to start doing my Kegels again.
She lay back and watched us once more, my breasts not bouncing nearly as much as hers, and he was cumming after only a few minutes. He shuddered, gasped, bucked three or four times and then once more hard as I felt his sperm shoot up and into me, filling me even fuller. I continued to move side to side, but pushed him to the very bottom and held him inside me. Loving the feeling of his spasming erection throbbing deep into me, pumping into me, squeezing tight as I could.
Getting out of the car, she leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to steal him.”
That thought hadn’t even entered my mind. Until then.
“Ooh, you’re sooo pretty. That’s the second prettiest thing there is,” she cooed, her nose about three inches from my vulva. She was watching my husband’s semen ooze slowly from me. “A pussy that’s all full of sperm.”
Up on my elbows and watching her, I just had to ask. “Then what’s the first?”
“A hard dick that’s all full of sperm.” She giggled in the direction of my husband. Maybe she winked. I couldn’t tell from this angle. “Now hurry up and get us another one, will you?”
He just nodded, speechless. And kept on watching too. And four tonight suddenly didn’t seem like too much to hope for.
She turned back to me. Closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.
“And that’s the best smell ever. Boys and girls mixed all together.”
With that, she leaned forward and pressed her lips into the second prettiest and best smelling thing there is, landing as light as any butterfly ever touched a flower petal.
“Ohhhhh…..” I sighed. That was sooo nice. I got up a little higher on my elbows to get a good view.
She used her lips to gather him from my lips, eased backwards and looked up into my eyes as she licked them off. Smiled at the flavour, the texture, the idea of it all, then went back for more.
Dragging her lower lip up and through my labia, a pause, then the upper one down and through. Walked her elbows a little higher and used her thumbs to softly spread my vulva even more open, very gently, and then did both together, upper lip feather soft over my clitoris and meeting the lower right at the opening. Another pause to lick herself clean.
She pursed her lips for a kiss, leaned into me and sucked, still very soft and gentle. Slurped just a little. I held breathless until she moved back. Then squirmed. A lot. She went back for more, moving always very slowly.
My husband went down on me often. He said he liked it; I said I liked it. And sometimes I even did. But this was a completely different experience. Electrifying. I moved my knees even higher, wider. Silently begged her toward me again.
My ever thoughtful husband tucked a pillow behind me so I didn’t have to strain to keep my head up. Pulled some hair from Tolani’s eyes. Put his head on my shoulder and watched very close.
She was moving much slower than he ever did down there. Much, much softer. Her slightest touch was breathtaking.
Another lean in, her tongue at last, from just a tiny fraction above my anus, I worried suddenly she would touch that but she didn’t, straight up in a single maddeningly slow agonizingly light lick through my lips, lighter over my opening, somehow even more so over my clitoris now standing achingly tall, up some more and then out at the very top. Admiring the sight, I thought, as I felt a little more semen drip out of me.
Tongue extended, she leaned in, lapped it up and then pushed inside, just the tip, and opened me like a blossoming rose as I felt her warm, moist breathing on my clit. Stars began to gather in the corners of my eyes.
She held inside me for a second, sucked again, and slid out, a thread of sperm connecting us, then breaking. This time opening her lips while looking up. Showing off the glistening stream before letting it slide down and into her, She closed at last and swallowed. I thought that was sooo hot.
A deep breath. Another look square into my eyes as she moved in, tongue pressing inside me deep this time, circling around once it was inside, tracing my circumference, gathering every drop there, blowing on my clit again, and I slipped slowly into another place for a while as the stars started to move, swirling around our bed in time with the slow twirling of her tongue inside me.
Tolani licked her way out and moved higher, halfway between my opening and clitoris, I had never been sensitive there, but I was now. She pressed the tip of her tongue, and I felt it to my toes. The stars wheeled faster.
Her upper lip now directly on the clit, rubbing soft and gentle, got my breath shuddering in tiny little gasps. It felt so fantastic I didn’t notice the fingers inside my vagina until she started pistoning into me in the exact same rhythm my husband had used to screw me.
My toes curled into tight little balls. My breathing turned into moaning. My legs started trembling.
Tongue straight now on my clitoris no longer so gentle quickly lick lick lick and those stars exploded right through the ceiling.
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