February 21, 2025

Edymaniac: The Unforgettable Conference (Chapter 1)[18+]

Home » Edymaniac: The Unforgettable Conference (Chapter 1)[18+]

Edymaniac: The Unforgettable Conference (Chapter 1)[18+]

The Afronexus Group corporate-wide annual conference convenes each year to brainstorm ideas, train employees on better sales and management strategies, and celebrate the success of the previous year. One of the main activities of the conference is for small teams to create unique presentations that illustrate ideas to improve employee and management relations.

This year, each team of volunteers was named after a mammal. Team Tiger consisted of Opeyemi, the C.O.O. of one of the corporation’s several companies; Musa, a technician at an assembly plant, and Oluchi, once an intern, now a new hire in the corporate IT department.

The three-person teams of volunteers were created by the HR department head and the CEO of the corporation in a somewhat random fashion. Each team member had to be from a different company or office and have a different role within that company.

Neither salary nor education played a role in forming the lists. The idea was to mix people up to get a wide variety of input concerning corporate culture, ways to improve performance, and to re-write the corporate mission statement.

The corporate CEO assigned an upper-level manager from one of the companies to each small group of three to five people and stressed the importance to the managers to get everyone involved in the process.

Team Tiger met in a small conference meeting room in the large hotel. It was the last meeting of four that were structured over the past four days. This last team meeting would work for four hours, just before the dinner break, then re-convene to share their work with the larger group the next day.

For the past three meetings, Opeyemi and Oluchi did all the work. Aside from a PowerPoint, this work included a list of ideas to improve the company, the main concepts for the mission, and the roles the three would play in the group report.

They were, for the most part, finished with the serious work they needed to do and were now assigning the roles for the presentation. Oluchi had her face in her smartphone answering an email while Opeyemi was struggling to find something for Musa to do when they made their presentation the next day.

So far, all he had done was shrug his shoulders when asked a question, and stare at Opeyemi as she worked at the conference table.

There were several hundred in attendance dressed in business casual, but it was common for all the executives in the company to wear full, professional attire. Opeyemi respected this practice and wore her business suit with an above-knee black skirt, white button-down shirt, black suit jacket and three-inch black heels.

Opeyemi worked hard to secure her position with Afronexus Group. A serious professional, wife, and mother of two girls, she was the type of woman that men in her profession both admired and lusted after.

She did all she could to hide her sexy body, but at 5’8″ with a slender build and enormous breasts, she wasn’t able to conceal such perfection no matter how hard she tried. Everyone knew Opeyemi. With her impossible-to-ignore breasts, her wide smile and lovely hair that she wore to shoulder’s length; all the men thought she was a welcome addition to the executive team five years ago.

After twenty years of marriage and two daughters, Opeyemi was the perfect wife, although she wasn’t as available to her daughters as she would like to be. She was satisfied with her life in general and was looking forward to continuing her successful career with the company.

“Musa, did you hear what I just suggested?” Opeyemi wasn’t accustomed to dealing with technicians nor was she used to people not listening to her.

Before he could reply, Oluchi interrupted.

“Jide at IT needs me in the other building, can I go, or do you need me to do something else? The PowerPoint is done.” Oluchi had her cell phone in hand and was moving toward the door.

‘Gawd. Now it’s just me and this do-nothing fool,’ Opeyemi thought.

“What? Oh great. Well, I guess I’ll finish this up here without you.” Opeyemi finished rearranging the paperwork into piles according to the content and was now double-checking the presentation slides.

“Opeyemi, we’re basically done. All you need to do is find him something to do.” Oluchi pointed her phone at Musa.

“Fine. But keep your phone handy in case I need anything at the last minute.”

“Will do.” Oluchi closed the door behind her leaving Opeyemi and Musa alone.

“Well? What part of the presentation would you like to handle, Musa?” Opeyemi repeated.

Musa was staring directly at Opeyemi’s chest. Her giant, bulbous breasts were straining the buttons of her white, button-down blouse as she leaned forward with her hands on the conference table.

Looking down, she noticed Musa’s attention.

“That’s inappropriate, Musa. Look at my eyes, please.”

“What will you give me if I cooperate?” His eyes finally met hers, temporarily shocking Opeyemi, not only by what he said but by the bold look he gave her.

Opeyemi was caught off guard by the bizarre question. Musa was not exactly a catch for any woman. He had a large mouth with slightly bucked teeth. His style of dress left something to be desired.

He was dressed in a white shirt with blue stripes on the sleeves, and new, baggy jeans ironed with a crease. He might have been from an entirely different planet from the one Opeyemi lived on. Musa stood just under six feet tall and was as skinny as a rail. He looked exactly what a stereotypical technician would look like, or so Opeyemi thought. He was repulsive to her.

“What?!” She sat down in the chair across from the scrawny man.

“You’re the leader of this group. I could make you look bad in front of a whole lot of people.” He rested his hands on his head and smiled.

“So, you want money for your participation?” Opeyemi asked in disbelief. “You’ve done nothing for this team but sit and state at me for three days, and now you want me to pay you to present the ideas that Oluchi and I worked on? You’re a real piece of work, Musa. I should call your supervisor right now. I’m going to do just that.”

Opeyemi hated men like Musa. Smug, arrogant, with no reason to be; lazy.

Henry isn’t answering. Damn it,’ she thought.

She was now faced with the fact that she may have to slip him ten thousand naira to get him to cooperate.

Musa said nothing. He got up from his seat and walked across the room to the couch and chair against the wall. He sat on the middle cushion and put his arms back behind his head.

“I never said anything about money.” Again, he smiled.

During the past two days, while Opeyemi and Oluchi were working on the presentation, Musa was thinking of some angle he could use to get closer to the fine woman.

He racked his brain for anything, but he didn’t really know the woman, outside of the fact that nearly every man in the entire corporation knew who she was and wanted to fuck her. Her phone calls to the CEO and the nervous tone of voice she had whenever she spoke with him about the presentation gave him the idea to use that against her.

Opeyemi was no fool. She spent her entire professional career fending off crude sexual advances and innuendo proffered by overconfident clients and co-workers, and all of those from men far more successful and appealing than Musa.

“Well, you must want money because that’s the only thing I would even be remotely willing to give to you.” Opeyemi continued to organize her papers on the table with increasing agitation now ignoring the foul man.

Musa began to act out the scenario he was using to persuade Opeyemi. “‘Mr. Chike, I was never allowed to participate. She was treating me like some second-class citizen. She never asked for my input.’ You see where this could go?” Musa put his feet on the table in front of the couch. “I could play this any number of ways. Oh, I know it won’t get you fired, but it will make you look like a fool.”

“I’m calling your supervisor again.” She tried Henry but the call went straight to voicemail.

“Henry is at a bar. Ain’t no way he’s going to answer his phone. This whole conference is nothing but a vacation for him,” Musa said.

Opeyemi sat, dumbfounded. This could be bad. Especially knowing that the CEO would be very interested in her group. Musa’s failure to participate would reflect poorly on her leadership skills.

She gave a deep sigh and looked at the table, then over to Musa. “Look, if it’s sex you want, it’s just not going to happen. The consequences for your lack of participation just won’t be that severe, so what is it you want?”

“I never said anything about sex either. Just relax with me a bit, that’s all.” Musa patted the seat cushion next to him and smiled.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I’m serious alright.”

Opeyemi looked at her watch, three more hours until they broke for dinner and ended the day. She gave another deep sigh and stood up, smoothed her skirt down and walked over to Musa.

“Just sit down with you. Okay, I’ll sit. You touch me and you’ll be looking for another job by the end of the day.”

“Come on now, sit down, that’s it.” He patted the cushion again. Opeyemi sat placing her hands on her exposed knees and stared straight forward. She pulled the hem of her dress down her legs as much as she could.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.” He tapped her bare knee as she moved away from him as far as the arm of the couch would allow.

Opeyemi started to explain what she had in mind for the lazy man to do. “I thought if you read a few lines from each of the introductions, it would help bring you into the…”

She was interrupted. Musa wasn’t interested.

“I’ve always wanted to date a rich girl. Never have. Never had the opportunity to.” He was looking at Opeyemi’s large bosom barely contained under her tightly stretched blouse. Her giant breasts filled out her entire upper torso.

He thought about how it would be impossible to better hide those fantastic breasts. She would have to wear very baggy shirts and some sort of super-sports bra or something like that, which would look funny. Opeyemi’s objection brought him out of his reverie.

“I’m not a rich girl,’ I’m a married, professional woman and I won’t date you if that’s what you’re getting at.” Opeyemi crossed her arms in front of her trying to conceal the unconcealable.

“I’ll tell you what, all I’m asking for is a little innocent date-night kissing. No funny stuff, no sex, no nudity, nothing like that.”

“Excuse me?! No. I’m not kissing you. That’s ridiculous. This is a professional environment and besides, I’m not interested in you. I’m happily married!” Opeyemi held up her ring- presenting the sizable diamond with a matching wedding band. She was about to get up when Musa held up his hand.

“Scouts honor. Just a little kissing and we can review what you want me to say. I need some encouragement, you know? Public speaking terrifies me, Opeyemi!”

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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