October 17, 2024
Edymaniac: The Night Betrayal (Chapter 5)[18+]
Home » Edymaniac: The Night Betrayal (Chapter 5)[18+]

Edymaniac: The Night Betrayal (Chapter 5)[18+]

My eyes widened and my heart quickened as Alabi slowly turned with me, placing a hand on my hip and assuming a position behind me.

For some terrifying, inexplicable reason, my body immediately welcomed his touch. My pussy began to dampen, and I closed my eyes as I felt his hand caress my side. Suddenly I felt his manhood, warm and heavy, rub into the top of my butt. My eyes darted wide. I began breathing heavily, realizing that only two layers of fabric separated our naked bodies. It was a deeply troubling, but equally exciting moment.

“I’ve been meaning to apologize.” His deep voice gently spoke from behind me, his hand still rubbing my side, his heavy bulge still resting on the curvature of my ass.

I pretended to be in awe of the weather, mystified by the heavy rain falling right outside the window. In reality, I was focused only on my composure, and on desperately trying to stifle a brewing excitement in my loins.

I cleared my throat, before managing, “Apologize for what?”

Goosebumps exploded across my body as his other hand slowly reached up to wrap around my waist.

“My behavior at the party.” His deep voice began raising the hair on the back of my neck as his breath met my skin. He added, “I shouldn’t have touched you like that. Not without your permission.”

His large, strong, hands moved across my tummy, slightly lifting the base of my shirt in the process. I could feel his incredible size hardening against my ass, my eyes widened with an overwhelming sense of arousal, my heart hammering in my chest over the deeply inappropriate moment I was sharing with my husband’s boss. The intended irony of his apology while in the middle of an even more dangerous act. It all served to turn me on in a horrible way.

“-It’s okay.” I heard myself mutter, delirious. Another whine incomprehensibly escaping my lips, admitting a horrible truth, “-I, I like it – when you touch me.”

The fabric of my shorts continued to dampen, and my body was electric with terrifying lust. It was a feeling of sexual excitement unlike anything I could remember experiencing. Alabi’s hands continued to roam across my trim belly, slowly ascending up my body. The rational voice that wanted me to scream for him to stop was getting fainter and fainter, drowned out by my sexual urgency. Alabi’s masculine touch was intoxicating, and exactly what my body had been craving.

I gasped when I felt his strong hands finally take hold of my bare breasts. His palms squeezed into my breasts as his fingers flicked across my diamond hard nipples, creating an indescribable sense of sexual need from deep within me.

“This is much better than tea.” Alabi whispered into my ear, deftly massaging my breasts up and down from within my shirt. Another aroused whine escaped my lips. I cleared my throat, eyes closed, savoring his incredible and dangerous touch. The man had set my body on fire in an instant.

I jumped in a panic, nearly with a scream, at the intrusive sound of a buzzing alarm.

I blinked my eyes back to reality, and shuffled my shirt into an appropriate position as Alabi let go of my body. He moved a few paces into the kitchen, and grabbed hold of the culprit, his phone.

A flash of anger appeared on his face as he read the reminder on his screen, scowling, “Only your husband would set up a conference call on a Saturday morning, in the middle of a storm.”

I was in a daze, unable to reconcile the intense excitement from a minute past with the sobering reality of this intrusive moment. The rational side of my mind made a momentary comeback, and the dutiful wife in me replied, “He’s always working hard, my husband.” I took a deep breath to center myself.

It wasn’t a completely hollow compliment, as there was truth in the words. However, the fact that I had offered it on the heels of falling so quickly victim to the seduction of his boss, made it feel as such.

Alabi smiled knowingly, and walked back in my direction, gently rubbing my ass as he passed by. I smiled, remembering the erotic intensity from only a moment ago.

He turned, speaking, “Well, I need to wake him up and put him to work. There’s a lot to do today.” He stopped for a second, adding, “I expect you to enjoy those delicacies, Folake. I made them for you. The television remote is over there.” I watched him, muscular back, broad shoulders, and tight rear end, as he strode into the office.

I couldn’t help but giggle as I heard his voice booming in the other room, no doubt encouraging Hakeem to wake up and get to work.

Truth be told, while delicious, the food items didn’t help satiate my arousal. They worked in doing quite the opposite. Alabi’s gorgeous couch was comfortable, which helped me doze in and out of slumber for a time, but I still tossed and turned. Another problem was that there were no curtains on the windows.

Despite the rough weather outside, it was ultimately too bright in the room to rest well.

It was mid-afternoon when I felt a gentle hand nudge me awake. I opened my eyes to see Alabi smiling down at me from above the couch. I immediately felt the return of that dangerous electricity when his hand touched my body.

“You lied to me.” I heard him say, causing me to sit up in reaction.

“What do you mean?” I asked, suddenly worried.

His smile disarmed me, and he replied, “Hakeem told me you didn’t sleep well. You were tossing and turning all night.”

I brushed away some hair from in front of my eyes, “It’s alright. I’ll survive.” I smiled at him.

His deep voice continued, “Mr. Femi is heading up here with some paperwork. Why don’t you go lay down in my bedroom? It’s dark and quiet. You’ll be able to rest.”

His offer both worried and surprised me. I smiled, “That’s alright Alabi, I’m actually feeling okay. Besides, I’d feel like I was intruding.”

“I won’t take no for an answer.” He rested his hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it. “I just changed the sheets yesterday. So you don’t have to worry about getting dirty.” He flashed a naughty smile at me, which caused an excited fluttering in my stomach.

I relented, somehow quicker than I would have expected. “Well, if you insist.”

I began moving towards the large door to his bedroom, my breathing rate increasing for some inexplicable reason. I glanced once across the loft towards the office. The rational side of my brain screamed from within, and I decided to head towards my husband.

I opened the door, leaning in. Hakeem was there, eyes intense and locked on the computer screen in front of him. He was wearing the same trousers from dinner last night, with his matching shirt, although it was un-tucked and without his jacket or tie.

“Hey.” I offered, gently.

He sat up straight at the realization that I was there, replying, “Hey baby.” He paused, looking me up and down, before continuing, “Look. I’m really sorry about las-”

“It’s okay Hakeem. Let’s forget about it.” I interjected. It wasn’t okay, but I didn’t come to him to fight. “So you told Ma- Mr Alabi that I didn’t sleep well?”

He nodded, “Yeah. I felt you moving around all night.”

It was nice of him to notice that, at least, on the heels of his other oblivious actions.

I admitted, “He told me I could take a nap in his room. He said its quiet in there, and the bed is comfortable.” I laid it at my husband’s feet. The rational side of my mind, pleaded that he would not allow it, hoping that he would instead say that we were leaving. Say that we could wait the rest of the storm out in the lobby below, safe from temptation.

Hakeem looked in my direction, and simply said, “That sounds like a good idea babe. You can get some rest.” He continued to type away on the keyboard in front of him.

I stood there for a moment, part of me was worried, part of me excited, part of me confused. My husband thought it a good idea for his wife to go take a nap in his boss’s bed.

“Okay honey. I’ll see you in a bit.” I replied and closed the door behind me.

The room was large, with dark finishes, and warm accent lighting throughout. Nearly every wall had matching mirrors and a large headboard on the bed, which was accented with expensive dark sheets. A reading table at the foot of the bed had two accompanying chairs.

Across the room was a large pane of glass, with a beautiful, modern, bathroom behind it. The entire thing was exposed, save for the toilet closet, with an easy view right into the massive shower.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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