“That feels sooo –” she started to say. Suddenly, she exclaimed, “What the hell?” Her right hand had found something under the pillow. When her hand reappeared, it was holding a dildo.
“That must be what Yetunde was trying to hide when I walked in,” I mused. Then a less pleasant thought crossed my mind. “I certainly hope it wasn’t left by the previous guests.”
“Not a chance,” Adaeze answered quickly. “It’s Yetunde’s. Trust me.”
“Ewww,” I said, drawing out the sound.
“You don’t say that when you touch me,” my wife told me.
“That’s different.”
“Uh-huh,” was all she said as she started to slide the dildo back under the pillow. Then, “I think I’ll leave it out for her,” she said. She left the dildo on the bedspread in front of the pillow and put her arms around me. “Now, make it quick. We don’t want to get caught like Yetunde did.” She would have laughed if I hadn’t started slamming into her so quickly.
This was going to be a quickie. It didn’t matter. We were so worked up that we both came in minutes. As we were smiling into each other’s eyes and panting to catch our breath, the shower turned off.
“Time to get dressed,” Adaeze said, pushing me off her. I retrieved her towel from the floor as I stood up. I tossed it to her and used mine to wipe off the remains of our lovemaking from my dick. She did the same to her pussy and we quickly started dressing. We had finished by the time the bathroom door opened.
Yetunde stepped out and I was trying to watch her face without her realizing what I was doing. She froze when she saw the bed. It wasn’t how the bedspread was rumpled in the middle that caught her attention. It was her dildo in plain view. She froze and wouldn’t look my way.
“I think you lost something,” Adaeze said over her shoulder as she tried not to laugh out loud.
“How do you know it’s mine?” Yetunde tried to cover.
“Because it was still wet,” Adaeze told her.
Yetunde looked crushed. There was no denying what she had been doing. She tried to crawl onto the bed to retrieve her toy with as much dignity as she could muster. She was wearing only a towel and holding a dildo as she stood. She looked me in the eye defiantly now, saying, “Well, it’s not fair. You two have each other. This is all I’ll get all week.”
“That’s alright. I understand.” Adaeze was really trying to make her feel better now. “If the situation were reversed, I’ll be doing the same thing.” Yetunde’s expression relaxed. Adaeze still got one more jab in. “Only, I’ll pick it up when I finished with it.”
“I would have if your husband hadn’t walked in on me.” Yetunde stuffed the dildo in her suitcase and took her clothes back to the bathroom to get dressed. Once the door closed, we burst out laughing. “I heard that,” Yetunde called out loudly through the door.
Adaeze turned to me. “I really can’t blame her.”
“It doesn’t bother me, either, that she was doing that.”
“Do you really feel that way?” Adaeze asked. I nodded. She put her arms around my neck as she bit her lower lip in thought like she was deciding whether to speak her next words. “You know this bed situation will be interesting when we get back here tonight. I’ve been thinking…”
“You’ve been thinking, huh?” I knew that look. “When you look like that, you’re up to something, and it’s usually naughty.”
“I’ve been thinking,” Adaeze began again, giving me a hard look but smiling, “that we should just drop all the pretenses. Tonight, when we go to bed, you and I should just go ahead and make love. Yetunde can masturbate if she wants. I don’t mind if she watches us.”
I was surprised by Adaeze’s bold suggestion. I had suggested it in the shower, but hearing Adaeze say it, that she was seriously considering it, made it real. We had talked rather freely with Yetunde about sex, but up to now it had always been just talk.
We had never done anything in front of her, or in front of anyone else for that matter. I’m a man. The idea appealed to me. A lot. I looked into Adaeze’s eyes and raised my eyebrows. “Are you sure you are OK with Yetunde and I seeing each other nude?” My voice was just a whisper.
“Yes, I am. Are you?” my lovely wife asked me.
I didn’t have to think about it. I had fantasized about Yetunde many times in the past. The thought of finally seeing her undressed was getting me hard again. It was slow because of the two times we had just made love, but I was slowly becoming erect.
Fucking Adaeze and knowing Yetunde was watching, knowing it was turning her on, knowing she was looking at me and masturbating, only added to the eroticism. I said just one word.
Adaeze smiled at my answer. She walked the two steps to press her body against mine, her arms sliding around my neck. She pulled her body against mine hard. She started to kiss me, but stopped and instead said,
“Ohhh, you’re getting hard at the thought of this.” I could see she was trying to think something else through, but she kissed me instead of sharing it with me.
It was a kiss full of passion, a promise of what was to come later that night. As Yetunde watched.
“Hey, you can’t do that. I don’t have one of those.” Yetunde had caught us again. As our lips slowly parted, I was thinking how she was going to be seeing a lot more than kissing in a few hours. Yetunde was grinning when I turned to see her.
“You’re going to make me do something if you keep that up.” We all knew what she was referring to. Adaeze defused the sexual tension by saying how she was hungry. With that, we were all ready so we walked out of the room.
There was a restaurant a short walk from the hotel. With the large holiday crowd in town, the streets were bumper to bumper – not to mention the difficulty parking – so we walked to dinner. The street was clogged with university students walking. We were walking faster than the traffic was moving.
While we walked, Adaeze and Yetunde were leaning their heads together and talking about something. Their words were just a little too quiet for me to make out what they were saying.
We made it to the restaurant in about five minutes. As I had suspected, the parking lot was crowded. There would be only a short wait for a table as many of the customers appeared to be heading for the bar instead of the restaurant. I found seats for the three of us in the waiting area.
Adaeze told me to order drinks for her and Yetunde, then shepherded Yetunde off to the restroom. It was a warm night so I ordered pineapple juice for all of us. The drinks arrived before the women got back. I wondered what women did for so long in there, and why they always did it in pairs.
Finally, they returned and we enjoyed our drinks while waiting for a table. When our turn came, we were seated at a window overlooking the beach. There was a full moon that night so we had a view of the surf.
We chatted about a variety of non-important things during dinner, avoiding talk of sex because we were in public. Yetunde did pointedly suggest oysters for me but I declined. When dinner was over, I think all three of us felt tension. Going to bed was already established as interesting, but it was still early.
Adaeze suggested we walk back to the hotel along the beach. It was a warm romantic night and we were not in any hurry. We walked out the back of the restaurant to the packed wet sand at the water’s edge. I put my arms around Adaeze from behind and kissed her just below her earlobe.
That always made her shiver with delight and tonight was no exception. I whispered into her ear that I couldn’t wait to get her to bed, certain that Yetunde wouldn’t hear me over the sound of the sea.
We started back to the hotel, Adaeze and I holding hands and Yetunde on my right. Adaeze had taken off her shoes and was carrying them in her left hand, the waves softly kissing her feet. We didn’t say anything on the walk.
We just enjoyed the view of the moon over the water, the sound of the waves crashing on the sand and the smells of the ocean.
From time to time, music could be heard over the waves as we passed an occasional bar. It probably took us about fifteen minutes to walk slowly back to the hotel. On the walk, I was thinking about Adaeze. I was also thinking about undressing in front of Yetunde.
When we turned right to go up to the hotel, I was again hard at the prospects of what was about to come.
I unlocked the door and opened it as I turned on the light. Yetunde stepped in behind me but Adaeze had stopped outside to brush sand off her feet.
“The moment of truth,” Yetunde said nervously.
“Truth?” I asked.
Yetunde smiled, but her uncertainty showed. “The sleeping arrangements,” she explained.
“Mmhm,” I answered.
Adaeze came in and tossed her shoes towards our suitcase on the floor. She fell back onto the bed, her white dress arrayed around her like an angelic glow. Forgetting for a moment that we had an audience, I lay on top of her and kissed her. She instinctively spread her legs. My legs slid between hers, pressing my erection harder against her pussy.
“Shouldn’t you get undressed first to do that?” asked Yetunde, trying to sound innocent.
Adaeze and I opened our eyes. I was going to laugh but Adaeze looked serious. I felt her taking a deep breath. “If we’re going to do this, let’s just do it,” she whispered to me.
Now butterflies invaded my stomach. It was really going to happen. I got up in answer and held out a hand to her. She stood and moved in front of me. As I unzipped her dress, she looked at Yetunde and began the speech she had probably been rehearsing throughout dinner.
“Yetunde, we know things didn’t turn out as you expected this weekend. I’m sorry, we’re both sorry. We know you probably came here like us, without much in the way of pajamas because you were planning to be having sex all week. Now,” she took another deep breath before continuing.
“It’s time for bed. My husband and I are going to sleep naked, and we are going to make love. Feel free to sleep however you want. You can watch us if you want, or turn away. We’re still going to have sex, either way. It won’t bother us if you watch.
It won’t bother us if you masturbate in front of us. If watching bothers you, you can take a walk or wait in the bathroom.”
Yetunde looked shocked at Adaeze’s words, but the shock wore off quickly. When I finished unzipping Adaeze’s dress, I slid my hands under the material and pushed it off her shoulders. From the back, I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra, only panties, under the dress.
Yetunde’s look of shock turned to something else when my wife’s dress fell to the floor. I couldn’t figure out what because at that moment Adaeze turned around, pressing her soft skin against me, and began undressing me.
When a beautiful nearly naked woman starts undressing me, rational thought goes out the window. When it’s my wife, the most beautiful woman in the world, the woman I love more than anything else, all other thoughts fall by the wayside just like her clothes. I ran my hands over her bare back as she unbuttoned my polo shirt.
When she grabbed the hem, I lifted my arms to allow her to remove the shirt. Tossing it aside, her eyes met mine with a grin as she sank to her knees. She deftly unbuckled my belt and undid my trousers. She sensually slid her hands inside the sides of my trousers, over my boxers, as she pushed my trousers down.
One of her hands slid around to the front to pass over my growing erection as the other pushed my trousers to my ankles. I tried stepping out of them but they were caught on my feet.
Adaeze realized my difficulty and left my hard-on to use both hands to get me out of my trousers. When she did, she grabbed me by the cheeks of my ass and pressed her face to my dick, kissing me through the cloth. I throbbed. It was then I remembered we had an audience.
I looked up, away from Adaeze’s face, to see Yetunde caressing one breast through her shirt. She had been intently watching what Adaeze was doing so she didn’t notice I was now watching her.
Yetunde moved her other hand over her crotch and slid it back and forth, up and down her slit. I was doubly assaulted – by Adaeze’s mouth trying to reach my dick through my underwear and by the sight of Yetunde playing with herself. My mind cleared when I felt Adaeze’s fingers inside the waistband of the only piece of clothes I was still wearing. She was pulling down my underwear.
The moment of truth – I was about to be completely naked in front of Yetunde. With scarcely a moment to think about it, I felt Adaeze finish undressing me. My erection sprang free, announcing its presence to the world as it stuck out like a flagpole. Yetunde’s eyes widened a little.
I saw her tongue stick out just a little and lick her lips. Her nipples were just barely noticeable beneath her soft cotton shirt and I could see her breathing had deepened.
Adaeze licked the tip of my dick, tasting the precum gathering there. The touch of her tongue to my erection was like an electric current. I let out a moan, a moan that was echoed involuntarily by Yetunde. The silence now broken, Yetunde spoke softly.
“Is it good?” she asked.
“Oh, yesss,” Adaeze answered, a strand of precum that had joined her lips to my cock breaking free as she moved her mouth to speak. She leaned forward, taking my shaft into her mouth. I had watched Adaeze giving me a blowjob countless times. I was at that moment more interested in watching what Yetunde was doing.
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