March 29, 2025

Edymaniac: Holiday Affair (Chapter 1)[18+]

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Edymaniac: Holiday Affair (Chapter 1)[18+]

My wife’s best friend, Yetunde, was very close to the two of us. She spent so much time with us because her boyfriend, Chike, often worked out of town. His job often sent him away with short notice and an uncertain return date. Frankly, I don’t know how Yetunde coped with it. Their relationship had to be difficult, with their many lonely nights.

When Chike was away, Yetunde was often over at our place. Yetunde and my wife, Adaeze, had known each other since they started university. I had gotten comfortable enough with Yetunde that our conversations covered everything – even sex.

Many times when the three of us were together, the topic of conversation strayed to how often we did it, our favourite positions, and what we really liked about oral sex and masturbation.

For our part, Adaeze and I learned from these conversations. Yetunde said she was learning from us as well.

A few times, we even rented porno movies to watch together. Usually on these nights, after Yetunde went home, the sex with Adaeze was at its best. I got so horny talking about the intimate details of our sex lives with Yetunde. I would sit there trying to conceal a raging hard-on, anxious for Yetunde to leave so I could take Adaeze to bed.

When I did and we got undressed, I would find her pussy to be about as wet as it got. She apparently also enjoyed the discussions. The next time we saw Yetunde, she would ask if we had fun after she had left. We would answer truthfully. For her part, Yetunde would tell how she had used her dildo to satisfy her urges.

When Chike was in town, Yetunde was busy in bed with him. We didn’t see the two of them nearly as often as we saw just Yetunde when Chike was gone. More than once, I fantasised about having sex with Yetunde.

I had seen her in a bikini so it wasn’t too much of a stretch to imagine what her breasts looked like. I had a pretty good idea of what Yetunde’s pussy must look like, from the shape of her bikini stretched across her labia. I had masturbated while thinking about this and even played the fantasy out in my mind a few times as I had sex with Adaeze, though I had never shared this fact with either woman.

We were friends with Chike; we just didn’t have as much opportunity to spend time with him. I guess that is why we weren’t as close to him as we were to Yetunde.

One time when Chike was away, we made plans to get together for a week in Port Harcourt. Chike would be getting some vacation time starting that Friday. Since he was working offshore, the plan was for Yetunde to ride with us to the hotel and Chike would meet us there. We reserved two rooms on the beach. We were lucky to get them because it was a holiday weekend.

The three of us took the afternoon off that Friday. Adaeze and I packed the car and picked up Yetunde at her apartment. She was ready, anxious to see Chike. He had been gone for two weeks and she was horny. We got in the car and headed east.

To pass the time, Yetunde brought along a book to read. She had The Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort. From the back seat, she intended to read to us from the book to pass the time.

She opened the book and began reading. Amid giggles and comments, we slowly got through the book. We were all thinking about how, in a few hours, we would be getting the chance to try out these things. Sex was on all our minds. I was hard and there was no denying it.

My dick was getting uncomfortably large in the confines of my shorts. I caught my wife looking over at my lap. She smiled and raised her eyebrows. She leaned over and whispered, “Enjoying the book?” I nodded. “Me, too. I can’t wait until later.” She straightened up and we listened attentively to our friend in the back seat.

Yetunde read, skimming forwards and backwards through the book, selecting interesting or funny passages. Comments of “That sounds interesting” and “I never thought of doing it that way” and even “Ooh, that sounds good” were frequent. Once, while checking the rearview mirror, I noticed that Yetunde’s nipples were visible through her thin top. Apparently, Adaeze and I weren’t the only ones affected by the book.

The girls were dressed lightly for the hot day. Expecting sex, Yetunde probably wasn’t wearing a bra. I wondered if she was even wearing panties and my dick got even harder. I tried to imagine what she looked like naked. Adaeze and I had discussed fantasies that included Yetunde.

Adaeze undid her seat belt and slid closer to me. She put her left hand on my bare thigh and then slid it up over my shorts. Glancing sideways at me, she gave me a little smile and licked her lips as her hand slipped under the leg of my shorts. A groan slipped uncontrolled past my lips.

“Hey, what are you two doing up there, anyway? You’re supposed to be driving,” Yetunde said with a grin.

“I’m trying to drive, but it’s hard –” I started to answer but Adaeze cut me off.

“Yeah, it’s hard alright,” she reported as her hand went under the leg band of my underwear and squeezed the end of my dick.

“I started to say that it’s hard to drive when someone is distracting me,” I tried again.

Yetunde was now looking over the front seat and saw where Adaeze’s hand was.

“Hey, no fair. I don’t have one of those to play with,” Yetunde whined.

“You’ll get yours soon enough,” Adaeze countered, as she continued to squeeze.

Realizing that Yetunde didn’t mind what Adaeze was doing to me right in front of her, just that she couldn’t do the same thing in the back seat, almost pushed me over the edge. Breathing deeply, I warned Adaeze, “If you don’t stop, there’s going to be a mess to clean up, unless you’re planning on swallowing all of it.”

Adaeze laughed as she answered, “In the car? Only after dark.” She looked right at Yetunde and winked. I almost came right there. Adaeze withdrew her hand, but Yetunde noticed her fingers had some of my precum smeared on them. Adaeze saw Yetunde’s reaction and licked her fingers clean to tease her friend. Yetunde moaned in frustration.

“Want a taste? ” Adaeze teased, holding up her hand in front of Yetunde’s face.

Yetunde laughed and said, “Nah, I think I’ll wait for mine.” She moved against the back seat again, then added, “But if you don’t behave yourselves, you’ll drive me to masturbate back here.”

“Don’t let me stop you,” I suggested. That brought a fresh round of giggles.

“Geesh, get a room, you two,” Yetunde lamented with frustration tingeing her voice.

“We’re going to, as soon as we get there,” Adaeze answered. “How much further?”

“Another two hours,” I replied. “Getting anxious?”

“We all are,” came the response from the back seat.

“Maybe we should change the subject to ease the frustration,” Adaeze offered. “Read some more to us.”

“Yeah, that’s what we need. More Joy of Sex,” Yetunde said as we all laughed. In spite of that, she continued reading.

By the time we arrived at the hotel, the car contained three very horny people who couldn’t wait to get started fucking. That was, after all, what this trip was all about. Sure, there was the beach and all that, but we were really all looking forward to spending a few days (and nights) in our hotel rooms just being couples.

I felt a little sorry for Yetunde. Adaeze and I were going to hop into bed as soon as we checked in. Yetunde would have to wait a few hours for Chike to arrive. I suspected that if he didn’t arrive soon, Yetunde was going to take matters into her own hands until he got there.

Parking in front of the lobby, I got out of the car and stretched. The girls followed suit and we walked through the glass doors of the lobby. We were greeted by a crowd. It was a holiday weekend, after all. By the looks of things, the hotel was going to be sold out.

I was glad we had made our reservations well in advance. We joined the mob and waited our turns checking in. As we moved closer to the desk, I ended up in one line while Yetunde ended up in another line a little further over.

The desk clerks appeared overworked and frustrated. It had to be difficult to remain pleasant when confronted with a mob that only grew no matter how fast you worked to reduce it.

My clerk was a pleasantly attractive young lady with Boma on her nametag. She was trying hard to smile; it was obvious. I stepped up when it was my turn, smiled, and said, “Hi, Boma. I have a reservation.” Then I paused and thought about what I said. “I guess you’ve heard that before.” She smiled, too tired to laugh, but she was sweet.

“Yes, we’re busy today.”

“It will end, and we will all be in our rooms, leaving you alone.”

“The worst part is check-in for holiday weekends, like this. What is your name?”

I told her and she consulted her computer. “Yes, I have it. You had requested a connecting room with another guest, I see. I’m not sure if we can manage that. We’re all full.”

About that time, I sensed Adaeze tensing up at my side. I looked up and saw her looking at Yetunde – who was looking very upset.

“I’m going to go see what’s wrong,” Adaeze told me without looking back and started pushing through the crowd to her friend’s side.

I looked back to Boma and took care of checking in. She was having trouble with the connecting room. About the time she sighed and looked up, I noticed Yetunde making a scene in front of her clerk. Yetunde was crying and Adaeze was trying to comfort her.

I couldn’t make out what was wrong with all the background noise.

Boma looked at me apologetically and said, “I’m sorry. Your friend’s reservation seems to have been removed. I can give you a room on the beach, but the other rooms around it are all assigned.”

“That’s OK. That room sounds fine. We’ll work it out. Do you know why the other reservation is gone?”

“No, it looks like it was cancelled.”

I looked over, but Adaeze and Yetunde were nowhere to be seen. Something was really wrong. At least we had one room. We would work out the rest later. I thanked Boma, let her run my ATM card and took my key cards, along with the other paperwork. Boma smiled at me as I moved aside to let the next person move up to the counter.

Once I could work my way out of the crowd, I found Adaeze and Yetunde on a sofa near the window. Yetunde was sobbing heavily and looked very angry. Adaeze looked concerned. I walked over and sat down next to Adaeze. She in turn looked over to me as I sat.

She leaned over and filled me in on what had happened. Chike had left a message at the desk for Yetunde. He got called back to work so he wouldn’t be meeting her at the hotel. After Yetunde read the note, the clerk asked if she was still checking in and she replied, “Hell, no!” before storming away. I looked at Adaeze. She read the expression on my face correctly.

“I don’t know what to do, either.”

“Let’s go to our room. It’s more private and more comfortable.”

Yetunde wasn’t in the mood to do anything, but she let Adaeze lead her back to the car. They rode together in the back seat as I drove around to our room. I parked and got out to open the room. Adaeze came up to me as I was unlocking the door.

“Yetunde is really pissed with Chike right now. She is saying she wants to go home.” I looked directly at Adaeze. “I know, I don’t want to drive back right now, either. She cancelled her reservation. All she can do now is stay with us.”

“Adaeze, -”

“I don’t like it either, but what can I do? We can’t have her sleeping in the car.”

“Well, I doubt she’ll find another room anywhere near here, what with the holiday and all. I guess she can stay with us.” I opened the door. The cool interior was dark because the curtains were closed. It took a few moments for our eyes to adjust. “Oops.”

Adaeze looked past me to see what I meant. The room had a table, chair, dresser, and a king-size bed. One king-size bed. Our eyes met.

“One bed,” I said, stating the obvious.

“Yeah. That might be a problem.” Adaeze thought for a moment. “Do you think they could move us to another room with two beds?”


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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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