While out with the girls, Ngozi was taking home her drunk friend when they got stopped at a police checkpoint. Officer Haruna’s eyes are fixed on her humongous boobs.
All in all, it had been a bit of a frustrating night for Ngozi. Her friend Oge was getting married in only a few days and there wasn’t really enough time to plan a proper farewell-to-single-life night, so she and a few of their closest friends organized a night out in Lagos island to say goodbye to her single life.
Most of the other girls had better jobs than Ngozi so they were able to afford to stay in a hotel for the night. All of Ngozi’s spare cash was being saved up so that she could eventually move out of her parent’s house, and finally have a place to call her own.
Lekki wasn’t close to her house, a taxi back would have probably cost more than staying in a hotel, so Ngozi had no option but to drive. This just meant not drinking so she couldn’t really drink to stupor like the others.
The rest of the girls typically got very drunk, so Ngozi had to spend most of the night holding them up, as they move about the area, rowdily laughing and generally getting up to drunken mischief.
Being sober, she didn’t properly feel part of the group, it was more like she was their babysitter than one of their friends.
On top of it all, Oge insisted they ended up in this underground lesbian club she heard so much about. It was undoubtedly a lot of fun for them, but Ngozi was used to getting a lot of attention whenever she was on a night out. Being stunningly beautiful, with a killer figure and the most incredible pair of large pointy breasts, men would usually fight over each other to try and chat her up, or buy her drinks, but in this place, she might as well have been invisible.
A few women tried their luck, but they were really wasting their time. Ngozi had a thirst for dick that was nearly unquenchable. Sure, she had kissed a few girls in the past, more to see what it would feel like, but she knew deep down they couldn’t give her the satisfaction that came with having a big fat dick buried inside her.
It was a shame there were no guys around to appreciate her, she certainly dressed to impress. She was wearing a very sexy, figure-hugging, black dress. Its material clung to her every curve like a second skin. The dress was so short that it only barely covered her knees. Not that anyone in this particular club would care.
She had worn the dress because up until tonight, she had a 100% pulling success rate while wearing it. Unfortunately for her, that lucky streak looked to be coming to a disappointing end.
Ngozi hadn’t fucked anyone for over a week ago now. A week might not sound like a long time to go without sex, but for someone with sexual needs as promiscuous as hers, it felt like a year.
So her sexual frustrations, combined with her soberness and having to look after a bunch of ladies, who were now so drunk they could hardly form proper sentences, all added up to a miserable night out for Ngozi.
By 10 pm, she finally ordered herself Orijin and coke. One drink can’t hurt, she thought, I’m probably still under the limit to drive. Judging by the way her friends were drinking, it could be a long night.
So she still had hours left for it to leave her system too.
These clubs were certainly good for one thing, music. They played all the songs Ngozi and her friends liked and they seemed to be spending the whole night on the dance floor. The Alomo had certainly taken the edge off a bit and Ngozi was feeling in a much better mood. She decided to order another one.
It will be fine, it’ll have left my system by the time we leave this place anyway, or so she thought.
Just as she had finished her second drink, Vivian, one of Oge’s colleagues at work, approached her.
“Oge is throwing up in the toilet, so we are going to take her back to the hotel.”
“Oh, is she alright?” Ngozi scanned the room for her best friend.
“Yeah, she’ll be fine, the others have taken her outside to get some fresh air.”
Ngozi followed Vivian out to the front of the club where Oge was staggering around on the pavement singing along to one of Tekno’s songs.
“Oge, what happened?”
Oge turned around and screamed with excitement.
“Oh my goodness Ogechi, see how drunk are you” Her friend staggered and nearly fell over, but Ngozi was quick and grabbed a hold of her.
“Hello, giant breasts!” Oge squeezed one of Ngozi’s large breasts playfully, whilst laughing.
“I wish I had breasts like these.” She gave them another squeeze, still laughing uncontrollably.
“Oh gosh, you’re a mess, madam! Let’s get you in a taxi!” She put her arm out and immediately a taxi screeched to a halt next to them.
“I love you Ngozi baby.” It looked as though Oge was becoming better as Ngozi bundled her into the back of the cab.
“I love you too Oge.” Her friend looked like she had instantly fallen asleep the moment her ass had hit the seat. She now sat slumped against the window, a line of spit trickling from her open mouth.
“You are one stylish lady!” Ngozi pulled Oge’s seat belt across, clicking it into place, as the rest of the girls heaped in.
The taxi driver looked disappointed that Ngozi wasn’t getting in too, it was clearly her he had stopped so abruptly for. He took his opportunity to openly stare at her spectacular breast while he still could, as she stood by his window giving him directions to their hotel.
Ngozi waved them off, blowing a kiss to an unconscious Oge, before heading off to find where she parked her car.
She sat behind the wheel for about 10 minutes wondering if she doing the right thing. She didn’t feel even slightly drunk but knew that technically she stunk of alcohol.
“Get it together Ngozi,” She breathed out deeply and turned on the ignition.
Ngozi had barely got to the end of the road when she saw the dreaded police check-point in front of her and immediately started to panic.
“Oh No! Oh shit shit!” She speeds the car and passes the police check-point. Her relief was enormous. She took it as a good fortune though, and rather than take the direct route home, she decided to drive the long way round, through the hopefully quieter streets.
It was a good decision. Ngozi began to relax as she drove for long without even seeing another car. Then, about a little distance to her way home, her biggest fear was realized.
Ngozi could see the headlights in front of her getting closer and closer. It was dark, so she couldn’t tell immediately that it was a police van. Then her heart leaped in her chest and she started to shiver.
A hand was flagging her car down, indicated to her to pull over.
“Oh No!” If she was caught drinking and driving, it could cost her her job. The car is her company’s.
“No no no, this can’t be happening!”
There was one thing that might save her she thought, if the police officer was alone, maybe a bit of harmless flirting could help her out. Ngozi knew the effect she had on most men and hoped she could use it to her advantage.
Her little black dress was already showing an ample amount of her cleavage, but she pulled it down a little lower, just enough to reveal the top edges of her lace bra cups.
She grabbed her pocket mirror out of her handbag and checked herself over. She looked perfect, as always, but decided to quickly apply some more lip gloss, just to make her already beautiful, full lips, pop that little bit more.
Inspector Haruna was having a rough night.
At 47, he was still 3 years away from taking early retirement.
3 years which couldn’t finish quickly enough. At one point, early on in his career, he showed promise, moving up through the ranks, but a series of allegations of corruption, none of which were proven had halted his rise to the top.
Never had he expected to finish his policing days as a junior officer. He now hated his job. Spending so much time around touts and thieves had eventually broken his spirit, he longed for the days when all this mess was behind him.
He noticed the car, he flagged down had no plate number, so decided to pull it over to inform the driver.
It was dark, there were no street lamps around on the road, so Inspector Haruna grabbed his torch and switched it on. He stepped out of the van, his body was stiff from sitting down for so long, and his back cracked as he stretched it out.
He approached the car and knocked on the window. Ngozi lowered it down, she was visibly shaking.
“Driver’s License and vehicle particulars, madam” He grumbled.
It was at that point that he turned the torch onto the driver and was stunned by what he saw. The beam from the torch was focused on Ngozi’s long slender legs.
Her thighs looked unbelievably sexy. As he inched the light slowly up her body, the view kept getting better and better.
The shortness of her black dress would have been enough to give any man heart attack, but as his gaze drifted over her slim waist, he almost couldn’t believe his eyes as they finally came to rest on the most dick stiffening, perfect pair of breasts he had ever seen.
Inspector Haruna had always had a fetish for massive tits, but as his luck would have it he had never been with a woman who had more than small breasts in his life.
He had married young, that was the tradition in those days, and for many years it had been a happy marriage.
Five years ago, however, all that had changed.
His wife had gone through the menopause and their sex life had completely dried up. When he started working at night, she insisted he slept in the parlor so that he didn’t disturb her.
He was fine with that arrangement, it at least meant he could have a wank whenever he wanted, his sex drive hadn’t diminished with age, far from it.
Officer Haruna is having a crisis of faith with this busty lady who seems to be driving under the influence of alcohol, an offense under the law.
He spends hours on his phone watching porn, always choosing the videos with the girls with the biggest breasts, dreaming about what it would be like to have them dangling in his face as he fucked them senseless.
None of those women even began to compare to the girl sat in front of him right now. He could feel his dick swelling in his trousers, as he finally managed to turn his eyes away from her big cleavage, to look her in the face for the first time.
A move that was equally as surprising, she was breathtakingly beautiful. He just stared at her, dumbstruck, unsure whether he had fallen asleep in the van and was dreaming all of this.
She had the most incredible pair of full lips, which were framed by the cutest little dimples, brought on by her nervous smile. Everything about her screamed perfection, from her braided hairstyle to her small button nose, but finally and most staggeringly, she had such piercingly deep eyes.
Eyes that were held your stare, and at the same simultaneously melted your heart. This girl was intoxicating.
Ngozi realized, by his lust fuelled gaze, a look that was all too familiar to her by now, that she might have a chance to flirt her way out of trouble. She relaxed a little but still noticed her hand shaking slightly, as she held out her driving license towards him.
It had taken a while, but Haruna was starting to get control of his senses once more. He knew he should just warn her profusely about the number plate and send her on her way, but the sex-starved Hausa man in him wanted to keep her talking as long as he could. He quickly read her details on the driver’s license. It revealed that she was 23 years old.
Kai! he thought, I’m old enough to be this girl’s father.
“Am I in trouble?” Ngozi tried to give him the sweetest smile as she took back her license.
“It depends oh…” Officer Haruna scratched his chin as he looked her up and down once more.
“On what?” She batted her eyelashes but noticed he was no longer looking at her face.
“Have you been up to anything that could be considered as a crime?”
Knowing fully well what she was doing, Ngozi pulled her arms tighter to her chest, causing her magnificent breasts to swell outwards.
“I’ve not done anything, Oga, honestly I haven’t.”
Oh Boy! Officer Haruna thought. Did this girl have any idea what she was doing to him? He now had a full-on, steel erection, luckily he was leaning against the car door, so it was hidden from sight.
“That’s going to be for me to decide, madam.” His throat was so dry, he was surprised he could talk, he licked his lips and tried to swallow.
Ngozi was a little puzzled. “Why have you stopped me? I wasn’t speeding?”
“No, no, nothing like that. Can I ask where you’ve been tonight?” Dressed like that he reckoned he already knew the answer.
“I’ve been to a club in the island. I…I…met with a few friends.” Ngozi had a sinking feeling. Should she have admitted that?
“Clubbing eh? Did you drink alcohol at all this evening, madam?” Inspector Haruna suddenly realized she was getting a bit nervous, maybe he was on to something.
“I….errr…I had one, but that was at the s…start of the night. I only drank Coke after that….” Damn! Why didn’t I just lie? She thought. He’s definitely going to check me now.
“Just that one? I’ve heard that before.” He could have freed her long ago, but he wanted to have some fun with this gorgeous creature. “Would you mind coming out of this car madam.”
Ngozi was barefoot, she normally had driving shoes but had left them at home, so she had to slip on the black high heels she had worn that evening.
Inspector Haruna took his opportunity to quickly plunge his hand down his trousers and tuck his rock hard dick under his belt, concealing it from public view.
Ngozi was oblivious to what he was doing, she was really starting to panic now. Why had she been so stupid? She should never have had those drinks! Now it could cost her her license and her job. Ngozi opened her car door and stepped out.
Inspector Haruna had to compose himself once again as his eyes flicked down over her hourglass figure.
“I would like you to walk in a straight line for me. I’ll tell you when to stop.”
Ngozi was sure that this wasn’t the usual police code of conduct, she could tell that this old pervert was checking her out. In a way though that was a good thing, the longer she could keep him distracted, the more chance she would have of leaving here, she naively thought.
So why not give him what he wants? She could tease him easily, knowing he would enjoy every second of it.
She turned and slowly began walking away, one foot in front of the other, her heels clicking along on the hard road. With every step, she intentionally wiggled her bouncy ass, knowing how sexy it must look.
“Gbese.” Inspector Haruna whispered the words. His mouth fell open and he instantly felt his already hard dick, twitch with desire, as he watched her incredible ass jiggling from side to side. It looked deliciously juicy, barely concealed under the thin layer of a tightly fitted dress, that showed off her every curve.
He couldn’t help giving his dick a desperately needed squeeze through his trousers.
“Stop, that’s far enough.” He was so blinded by lust, he had almost forgotten to tell her to turn around. Ngozi spun on her heels and slowly made her way back, never putting a single foot wrong. She looked more like a model than somebody taking a drunkenness test.
Inspector Haruna could feel himself sweating. Usually, he was a hard man, he had been in life-threatening situations with armed robbers before, and had still managed to keep his composure more than he was right now. Ngozi’s mountainous breasts swayed gently as she walked closer and closer to him, it was almost too much for the poor man, who thought he was about to pass out, his head was spinning so much.
“How was that?” Ngozi probed.
“Yes…urgh.” Inspector Haruna coughed. “very fine.”
“Well…can I go then?” It was a hopeful effort, but she knew it wouldn’t be that easy.
“Not quite yet. If you could touch your nose with your right hand, then switch and do the same with your left.” He had to reach into his pocket and grab his face towel to wipe the sweat from his balding forehead, it was beginning to sting his eyes.
Ngozi did as she was told, perfectly.
“You see I’m not drunk.”
Inspector Haruna had to admit that it appeared as though she was telling the truth. But something still wasn’t right, she had been acting awfully nervous for some reason. Then an idea came to him, he knew it was wrong and it went against everything he stood for as a police officer, but if he played it right, maybe just maybe he could fulfill one of his deepest desires.
“Have you taken any hard drugs this evening madam?”
Still stuck at the checkpoint with Officer Haruna, he’s staring at her giant tits hoping that he can at least touch them, and he’s about to get lucky.
“W…what?!? No! I’ve never taken drugs, ever!” Ngozi was shocked by the question, did she look like a drug addict or something? She hoped not.
“You seemed very nervous before, I can tell that something is up. If it isn’t alcohol, then naturally I have reason to suspect it might be drugs.” He took a step closer to Ngozi and eyed her suspiciously.
“I can assure you! I wouldn’t take drugs, not in a billion years!” Ngozi shook her head agitatedly.
“I’ve no choice but to confirm these things. You did say you were out in a club, madam. It’s not strange to encounter such things in the clubs in this Lagos. So I’ll ask you again, do you have any drugs either on your person or in the car?” He looked her up and down again.
“Neither, I swearO, ga!” Ngozi was a bit slow to realize where this was headed. Inspector Haruna’s heartbeat had accelerated at the thought of getting his hands on this dick stiffening beauty, even if it was under the pretense of a quick body search.
“I’m sorry, young woman but I don’t believe you. Being male, I am not authorized to search you myself. That will have to be done by a female officer back at our station. So I am placing you under arrest on suspicion of….” Please let this work he prayed.
“What!?! You’re arresting me?? But I haven’t done anything!” Ngozi started to panic, she could feel hot tears begin to burn In her eyes.
“No need to worry. If you pass all the tests and you aren’t carrying anything then you will be released later on tonight.”
“Tests?” That was one word she didn’t want to hear.
“Come this way.” He beckoned her towards the police car. Ngozi froze, she chewed her lip, trying to think of a way out. What if one of these tests showed she had been drinking? She had to do something to stop him from taking her back to the station.
“Look I’ll prove I’m not carrying anything, you can search me, I don’t mind.” With that she turned and placed her hands on the roof of her car, preparing to be patted down.
It only then occurred to her that this was probably what he had wanted all along.
If it was, then he had done a good job of hiding it. Her dress was so tight and hugged her figure so perfectly, that it was obvious just from looking at her that she wasn’t concealing anything. Oh well, she thought, why not let him have his fun, at least then he might let me go.
This was of course exactly what Inspector Haruna had been hoping for. It was the chance of a lifetime, even if she reported him and got him fired, he was sure it would be worth it.
“I…I am not permitted to search…” he had to make it at least sound convincing. Ngozi cut him off mid-sentence, turning to look over her shoulder at him.
“Just get it over with.” Then she faced the car once more.
Inspector Haruna walked up to her slowly, still in a state of disbelief of what he was about to do. He wanted to make it seem as professional as possible, even though he really just wanted to run his hands all over her incredible body.
He began to gently pat his way up the sides of her thighs, savoring the feel of her firm young flesh under her tight dress.
He could feel saliva beginning to pool in his mouth as he continued to move his hands up and over her hips, admiring the inward slope of her body as he reached her waist.
Of course, his ultimate goal was approaching, and he actually began to shake with burning, barely contained lust, inching towards her massive pair of breasts.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to check your…ehh…your….”
“It’s fine, go ahead.” Ngozi wasn’t stupid, she could tell this is what he wanted from the start. But why was it starting to turn her on so much?
She could feel her panties starting to dampen as his hands moved their way up her body. It wasn’t him that was turning her on, he was quite old, and clearly out of shape. Maybe it was the situation that was getting her juices flowing.
He had the position of power, he could arrest her if he wished too, but she was the one who was really in control, she could tease this poor man to the edge of insanity, that was her power, and she loved to wield it.
Inspector Haruna closed his eyes and he actually had to stifle a moan of pleasure as his hands cupped the underside of Ngozi’s huge breasts for the first time. It was more amazing than anything he had ever dared to dream. They felt so heavy and yet so firm, he briefly lost all composure and squeezed them hard, causing them to swell up so much that they nearly spilled out of the top of Ngozi’s low cut dress.
He squashed them together, his thumbs tracing along the lace edges of her bra. For one panicked moment he thought he was about to blow his load, he was sure he had just felt her hardened nipples in the palm of his hands, instead a trickle of pre-cum soaked into his trouser.
“Oh my god.” He mumbled this was something he would remember until his dying day.
“Satisfied?” Ngozi’s voice snatches him back to reality and he unwillingly released her breasts. She had actually really enjoyed it, there was always something about having her breasts played with, it never failed to get her excited.
To tell the truth, he was far from satisfied. Her breasts were like a drug and he was now an addict, a low addict that would do just about anything to get another fix.
“It’s hard to tell if you’re hiding anything with such a padded bra on.” He had to at least try his luck.
“Padded? It’s not padded!” Ngozi sounded almost offended by the suggestion.
“I don’t believe you. You know it’s an offense to lie to the Nigeria Police, don’t you? It’s called perverting the course of justice young lady.” He snarled.
Perverting? That’s a fitting word for a weirdo like him, Ngozi thought.
“Well, I’m not showing you my breasts if that’s what you’re getting at.” She said defiantly.
Inspector Haruna couldn’t hide the look of disappointment that clouded his face. It looked like his luck was about to run dry.
She had been acting nervously though, especially when he had mentioned alcohol, she didn’t seem drunk but she had admitted to having a drink, maybe just maybe she might fail. It was the last chance he had. “All right Miss, you are free to go….”
“Thank you!” Ngozi interrupted prematurely.
“….once we have taken to the station for an alcohol test. It’s a formality, just to make sure you aren’t drunk.”
Ngozi’s heart skipped a beat. Damn! It wasn’t going to be so easy after all. He had already started walking towards his car.
“Wait!” She called.
Ngozi in a fright that the police can arrest her for driving while intoxicated is offering up her bosom so he can look the way in the dead of the night.
Great! Inspector Haruna finally knew what she was hiding. Now he wondered just how far he could push it.
“Just the one drink was it? That’s what you said. That wouldn’t be another of your little lies now would it?” He marched back towards her, his mouth twisted into a crooked grin.
Butterflies were moving through Ngozi’s stomach, she knew he had the upper hand now, and he knew it too. She had to do something to regain control of the situation.
“Let’s make a deal. I prove I wasn’t lying about the padding and you let me go…” Before he could answer, she peeled the front of her dress down until it rested underneath her magnificent breasts. It was obvious she was telling the truth.
Their full rounded shape was perfectly filling the sexy black lace bra she was wearing. Her hardened nipples could easily be seen, straining through the thin material.
Inspector Haruna’s mouth fell open. His heart was beating faster than it had ever beaten before, this was more of a rush than any high-speed car chase. He was beyond making any deals, he was beyond reason or rational thought, his mind was possessed by lust and he acted only on instinct.
He forcefully twisted her around so she faced away from him, pinning her up against her car door.
“Officer!” Ngozi shouted out, shocked by his sudden burst of aggression.
Without warning, Inspector Haruna plunged both his hands inside of her bra. He squeezed and caress them all over, grunting as he went. He couldn’t get over how firm and heavy they were, yet so slender and soft at the same time.
“You’re a criminal.” He breathed the words into her ear. It sent shivers all through Ngozi’s body, and she cursed herself for how horny it was making her.
He shouldn’t be doing this, he was an Inspector of the law, but quite clearly he was a horny policeman. If only he knew how dirty she could be…maybe he was about to find out.
“Criminals no dey make deal.” He couldn’t resist giving her little ear a nibble this time.
The scent of her sweet perfume and the fresh clean smell of her hair was stimulating. He lifted her breasts up towards her chin and let them slap back down into his palms, they were magnificent.
Taking her left breast in his hand he used his other hand to pull the bra cup down underneath it, then repeated it with the right one. He half expected them to sag down, but miraculously they kept their gravity-defying shape.
Now free, he set about squeezing them once more, if he had it his way he will never let them go. “Oh yes.” He mumbled.
Ngozi shuddered again as she felt his rough stubble scratching her skin as he kissed and licked his way up her neck. She didn’t care now that he was a balding old pervert. Her recent experiences with older guys had always ended up in mind-blowing orgasms.
Maybe it was because of their desperation, or maybe because they fucked her like it was the last time they will ever have sex again, giving her everything they had. Either way, she knew where this was going, and needed the sexual release that was steadily building inside of her.
His body was pressed tightly against hers. At first, she had thought the hard rod digging into her hip was his torch, only when it twitched did she realize, with a hefty degree of excitement, that it was his achingly hard dick. It felt huge, and the thought of it being driven into her tight little pussy was causing her knees to shake with anticipation.
“Ahhhhh!” She uttered, as Inspector Haruna twisted and pulled on her small stiffened nipples.
“Yeah, you like that do you?”
“Yesss! OOOO!” She screamed again as he roughly pulled on them once more, pinching them tightly between his fingers.
“Ohhh you are naughty.” Inspector Haruna couldn’t believe how she was responding. He had even gone from thinking this one little act might cost him his job, to now thinking that she might even be into this.
His thoughts were instantly confirmed as he felt her grind against his crotch, and begin to slowly rotate her hips, circling her ass around his swollen member.
“Oh, you devil!” He groaned. Was this going to happen? Did she want his dick? It just wasn’t possible!
“Show me that ass.” He gropes around, eventually managing to pull up her dress. It’s skin-tight fabric just clung to her waist as it bunched up. He could feel his saliva dribbling down his chin, as he stared at the most magnificent view of her fat ass.
She was wearing tiny black undies, with straps the width of spaghetti, and a small v-shaped patch of lace, the size of a stamp, nestled just above the crack in her ass.
He couldn’t resist giving it a slap, admiring how it jiggled.
Ngozi looked over her shoulder at him, she loved the expression of pained lust, which was engraved into his every feature. Her eyes moved down over his body, his white shirt was mostly concealed under his, black body armor, which was straining to hold in his gut. A walkie talkie was clipped to its top pocket, along with many gadgets that hung from his belt.
This was beyond role-playing, this was real life. She needed that fat dick of his and she needed it now!
“What are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to punish this little criminal?” As her words began to register in Inspector Haruna’s ears, there was a few seconds that passed, where shock had frozen his body stiff.
This quickly evaporated and he hurriedly fought to free his dick. He knew he had a massive dick, it had helped him punch above his weight in his youth. But this? This was like a featherweight trying to knock out a sumo wrestler. He had no idea why such a gorgeous angel would want to get fucked by him.
But he was in no way about to argue.
Giving up on trying to pull it out through his open zips, he just yanked down his trousers. Acting on pure instinct he pulled her panties to one side, pinning it against her ass cheek, then lined himself up with her pussy.
“Time for a pussy search, you filthy criminal!” His tip brushed against her wet pussy and he felt her warm pussy lips begin to spread apart, beckoning him in.
He thought his saggy balls were about to explode then and there, as he managed to push about half of his 9-inch shaft into her tight dripping pussy.
“OH GOD!” He yelled, as at that same instant Ngozi slammed herself back into him, making sure that he filled her all the way up with his thick meaty dick.
”Yes! You dirty bastard!” Ngozi could hardly believe how big his dick was, it was stretching her out to the limit. She could feel every vein on it’s knotted, gristly shaft, stimulating the walls of her pussy, as he pulled out and plunged into her deeply, over and over.
Her legs really were shaking now, as he fucked her dripping wet pussy.
“UH UH UH!” Inspector Haruna grunted with every thrust. Tears were forming in his eyes, he just couldn’t believe his luck.
One minute his hands were all over her sexy thighs, he wanted to stroke every inch of her incredible body. The next they were slipping under the straps of her panties, as he took a firm hold of her ass and fucked her as hard as his old bones would allow.
“UUNNGGHHH! YESS! OH YESSS!! FUCK ME HARD! THAT’S IT DON’T STOP!!” Ngozi could sense the familiar much-needed signs of an almighty orgasm building inside of her.
Every thrusting drive was sending ripples of pleasure all through her body. Ngozi smacked her fists against the roof of her car and screamed again “OOOOHHHH YYEEESSSSS!!!” She was so close now.
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