March 9, 2025

Devouring Pussy: This goddess in #AmericanGods swallow men through her vagina

Home » Devouring Pussy: This goddess in #AmericanGods swallow men through her vagina

Devouring Pussy: This goddess in #AmericanGods swallow men through her vagina

Bilquiz in her red room of death.

Bilquis, based off Queen of Sheba has an unusual way of reaching orgasm that leaves nothing for the other person not even his life.

It’s fiction, so you can relax. If you’ve not been hearing your friends raving about the new TV show that some people are projecting to rival Game of Thrones, then maybe change your friends or just expand your friendship circle.

American Gods is a new TV show that has captured the minds of viewers all of the world with its unique storytelling and characters. It was originally a cult fantasy novel titled American Gods, written by Neil Gaiman.

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If you need more information about the show, watch it. What is more important is the part where the lady Bilquis (played by Yetide Badaki) first appears on a date with a middle aged man who hooks up with her via online dating, perhaps Facebook, Tinder or maybe even Instagram, the source isn’t revealed.


She then lures him into her bedroom which looks like a shrine, all red and everything. The average white man thinks its design, a black African man can tell it’s not, it looks like a sacrificial parlor. Seriously, who has that much candles in their room?

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Like that’s not weird enough, the sex begins, she is on top riding him, talking during sex is good but she wants to be worshipped, she requests him to worship her which he does really well. As he worships her, she begins to devour him into her vagina till all she pushes his head down completely into herself. We have spoken about feedback during sex but it is also wise to know the difference between feedback and worship.


Wisdom is more profitable to direct, just in case while you’re hooking up with a lady and she asks you to worship her, let the image of the guy being consumed by her private part play constantly in your mind

At this point, for the newbies, you then understand, she is a god, the character is based off Queen of Sheba, not a normal woman. If you’re unclear about her. Read your bible, the part about her and King Solomon.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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