March 26, 2025

Home » Deolu 101

Deolu 101

*Opening Music = Will 2K by Will Smith*

*Doing complex dance routines with 50 extra backup dancers*

*stops after 4 minutes of the most incredible dance routine ever, panting, picks up the mic with overblown excitement, the crowd cant stop cheering*

Welcome! Welcome!!! Welcome!!!

Welcome to Deolu Bubble, as crazy as this is, you’re welcome to the world of an anonymous creative designer in lagos, his sex-capade and articles on women in this part of the world.

Trust me, when i say this one is for guyz and girls in our side of the world, all that Don Juan,  casanova  and western strategies wouldn’t work in Nigeria, take it or leave it.


In tu-face’s voice, i say “Welcome to my world”.

This is my attempt to re-write this Bio about myself,Ermmm……

Ermmmm…….. Ermmmmm

I got nothing!!!!

Shet!!! but check back in a week or so 😀 , should have something better then.

Right now, am developing a cure for world hunger with folks from the Sushey labs, remember the movie Cloudy with a Chance of meatballs, that kinda innovation is what we’re working on.

Hope you enjoy stuffs you read on this site, we still have stuffs coming for you in print medium.

Imagine, a ‘Deolu Bubble Magazine, unadulterated undiluted 18+ articles….

*Does the famous Michael Jackson moon-walk outta stage*

Follow @deolububble

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