March 9, 2025

Dele’s escapade with his wife’s sister [Part 22] (18+)

Home » Dele’s escapade with his wife’s sister [Part 22] (18+)

Dele’s escapade with his wife’s sister [Part 22] (18+)

Dele finds Lola all ready to go when he emerges from his bedroom, showered and dressed, at 8 o’clock the next morning. Lola is wearing a pale black blouse and shorts that hugged her curvy hips like a second skin. Dele feels his dick reacting as he contemplates the day ahead. Pressing her body firmly against him, Lola reaches around to squeeze his ass cheeks.

“Everyone else asleep?” she asks as she moves her mouth towards his.

“Bisola’s taking a shower,” Dele whispers, letting his lips meet hers and gently parting them with his tongue. They linger, enjoying a passionate kiss and tight embrace until they hear the shower stop.

“We better go,” Dele says, breaking the kiss and stepping back to catch his breath.

“I hope you’re not taking me far,” Lola smiles as she grabs his hand and pulls him out the door.

“Only to paradise,” Dele laughs and the two lovers speed off down the road, leaving brother and sister alone in the house.

Bisola takes an extra hot shower, thoroughly cleaning herself inside and out. As she dries off, her mind is a jumble of contradictions but her pussy is tingling like a vibrator set on high. She dabs some perfume under her breasts and on her inner thighs, still not believing what she’s about to do… and with her husband’s permission… no, not permission, encouragement!

She stands naked in front of the wardrobe trying to decide what to wear to seduce her brother. She rejects several dresses, her nightgown, a long t-shirt and finally… decides to wear nothing.

The door to her brother’s bedroom is slightly ajar. She quietly pushes it wide-open and stands naked in the doorway, watching him sleep. Her heart is pounding in her chest and she’s holding her breath as she tries to convince herself to step into his room. Her pussy is itching like crazy as she slowly walks to the bed. Taking a deep breath, she reaches for the sheet that’s covering him.

She has no way of knowing that Yinka is in the depths of an erotic dream when she carefully pulls his covers back and settles herself on the bed next to him. He’s wearing pyjama trouser with the zip open and she’s surprised to see that he is already aroused. She briefly wonders what he’s dreaming about as she carefully unzips his trousers to reveal his hard, thick erection. Could he be dreaming about her?

Yinka is dreaming about his sister. It’s the same repetitive dream that he’s has been having off and on for years. The one night of sexual activity that has come to define him ever since – the night he took Bisola’s virginity. He regularly relives in splendid detail the vision of his sister sitting on top of his hard dick while he fondles her juicy breasts and explodes into her warm, smooth pussy. But this time the dream is even more vivid and he feels the moist warmth enveloping him in a way he doesn’t remember.

Having freed her brother’s erection, Bisola licks it all over, leaving a thin coating of saliva up and down the sides before sucking the tip of it into her mouth. With her hand stroking up and down his slick shaft, she flicks her tongue around the head while sealing her moist lips around the tightly stretched skin of his manhood. Bisola’s arousal soars as she sucks her brother’s thick dick into her mouth and slides her other hand around his balls.

Yinka slowly emerges from his erotic fantasy and opens his eyes to see long hair moving up and down around his dick. He initially believes that he’s still dreaming and closes his eyes hoping to extend the pleasurable feelings flowing through his loins.

Wait! This was never a part of his dream. He blinks his eyes and shakes his head, clearing the daze and finding himself staring into his sister’s eyes. Their eyes lock momentarily before he suddenly panics and screams her name.

“Bisola! What do you think you’re doing?” Yinka yells, reaching to push her head away as he tries to rush out of the bed. Her brother’s shout startles her and she reacts by increasing the urgency of her actions.

Bisola jerks her hand more rapidly up and down his saliva-coated dick, teases his heavy balls with her swirling fingertips and fervently sucks his cockhead into her mouth whipping her tongue around it. Yinka’s hands’ freeze inches from her head as the extreme pleasure of her motions overwhelm him and he starts thrusting his hips with uncontrollable desire.

“Oh, Bisola!” Yinka cries. “What are you doing?” His question comes out more as a sigh than a challenge and Bisola responds by sliding her lips farther down his stiff staff. His sister’s attack on his hard dick is like nothing he’s ever experienced and Yinka thrusts his hips, vigorously matching her rhythm as he unexpectedly starts shooting his hot cum inside her warm mouth.

Yinka can’t breath… he can’t think… what the hell just happened? His chest is heaving as he tries to catch his breath. It started as just a dream but… Bisola is actually… her mouth is really…

she’s swallowing his… oh God! And she’s not letting up.

Bisola sucks and swallows her brother’s salty sperm, gulping it down as she continues to stroke his dick, milking out every single drop. When he is completely spent, she continues a gentle sucking motion while her fingers caress his balls and stroke the sides of his thick shaft. His dick begins to re-stiffen almost immediately and she works her tongue around it until it is fully restored.

“Bisola,” Yinka whispers, completely baffled by what’s happening.

Afraid to give him time to protest, Bisola pulls her lips from his dick and scrambles up over his waist. She quickly aligns her aroused pussy with his stiff dick and impales herself on him in one fluid motion. Before he even knows what’s happened, his dream has become reality and his sister is bouncing up and down on his recovered dick. He reaches for her breasts exactly as he did before and gives himself over to the only erotic fantasy he’s ever known.

Bisola is in seventh heaven! She’s fucking her brother! She’s bouncing on Yinka’s thick dick, reliving her rocket launching fantasy of incestuous love and it was all her husband’s idea!

Suddenly everything is crystal clear. She knows this is right and, looking into her brother’s eyes, she sees he knows it’s right, too. She’s intent on making this the most memorable experience of his life.

This isn’t about reliving a university memory. She shouldn’t just try to duplicate the out of control, drugged sex they had before. She needs to give him something new… something better. Gradually, she slows her gyrations and starts squeezing her vaginal muscles around her brother’s dick. Riding her hips in slow motion, she leans forward until her tight nipples are pressing into her brother’s chest and her mouth is close to his.

“I love you, Yinka,” Bisola says just before their lips meet and her tongue snaked into his mouth. She lets her tongue match the movement of her hips, sweeping its way around his mouth and gently urging his tongue to participate.

“Mmmmmm,” Yinka moans into his sister’s mouth as his hands close around her smooth, round ass cheeks. His fingers press into her flesh feeling the fluid motion of her hips ripple over his hard dick. He fervently returns her kiss, following her tongue back into her mouth like he’s trying to devour her.

Bisola continues the slow, fiery build up, sucking on her brother’s tongue, grinding her nipples into his chest and teasing his dick with her foamy hot pussy. She hasn’t kissed him in years and she’s never kissed him like this… with this much passion… like her whole body is opening up to him.

By the time she breaks the kiss and pushes herself upright on his rigid dick, they are both panting and gasping for air. Their arousal is at an energetic peak and they are grinding together with animalistic lust. Yinka’s hands are grabbing her breasts, squeezing and teasing as she slams her pussy down again and again. They are both lost in the frenzy of their incestuous coupling.

“Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Yinka! Oh, Yinka! Ohhhhhhh!” Bisola rides him with libidinous abandon, once again experiencing the insatiable desire in her inflamed pussy.

“My God! Bisola!” Yinka cries, thrusting into her and trying to match her feverish rhythm. Nothing has prepared him for the uninhibited pleasure of watching his sister’s bouncing breasts. His dick is on fire as she rides him with a lustful fury. He wants to cum in his sister’s pussy. He’s never wanted anything or anyone so badly. To hell with the consequences… the penance… the sinfulness, this is everything he’s been dreaming about!

“Ahhh! Ahhhhh! AhhhhrrrrgggggghhhHHHHH!” Bisola clamps her pussy muscles around her brother’s dick as her orgasm rockets through her body. Shaking and convulsing, she gasps for air as she rides out the seemingly endless waves of pleasure before collapsing on her brother’s chest.

“What are we going to do?” Yinka asks after they’ve both caught their breath.

“What do you mean?” Bisola asks, squeezing her pussy muscles around her brother’s dick.

“What are we going to do, right now?” She smiles as she kisses her brother on the chin.

“No, I mean now that we’ve added adultery to our sin of incest.” Yinka whispers, his dick recovering quickly inside his sister’s overheated pussy.

“First things, first,” Bisola says, pressing her mouth to his while undulating her burning pussy on his rapidly hardening dick. Helpless to resist her tongue or her lustful movements, Yinka again gives into the incestuous desires that have been smoldering inside of him since that fateful night in college.

He wraps his arms around her, feeling her hard nipples press against his chest and their tongues get lost in each other’s mouth. Oh God! This is so wrong! He thrusts his hips up and feels the moist heat of his sister’s pussy mold itself around his thick shaft driving him to an agonizing level of hardness. With Bisola on top, he has no leverage for driving his dick into her and he needs to drive it hard.

Without breaking the kiss, Yinka squeezes his fingers into her ass cheeks, holding her tightly against him as he flips their bodies over. While she’s turning, Bisola wraps her legs around her brother’s waist to keep his steel rod firmly inside of her hot pussy. When her back hits the bed, she spreads her legs wide and stretches them almost straight up in the air. Yinka pounds her pussy with a rapid hammering of his dick.

“Ohhhhhhh Yinka!” Bisola cries, pulling her mouth from his to gasp for air. Her pussy is on fire and her brother’s violent assault is fanning the flames, driving her to new heights of arousal.

Yinka is out of control, hammering his dick into his sister with unrestrained wild lust. He can’t begin to understand that this fervent attack is the logical culmination of all the incestuous hunger and craving that has been building inside of him for years. Bisola’s seduction has finally released the inhibited restraint that has kept his feelings for her buried deep in his subconscious. Now the only thing buried deep is his hard dick in her pussy.

Bisola has never felt anything like this! Her whole body is inflamed with desire. Her brother’s frenzied assault has ignited the deepest level of lustful hunger. She savagely claws at his back and thrusts her hips to meet his violent thrusts, driving him deeper inside of her.

“Oh Yinka! Oh Yinka! Ohhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Bisola’s body stiffens, her pussy muscles contract and she shudders from head to toe as her volcanic eruption sends her hot juice gushing around her brother’s dick. This is it! Even as she’s in the throes of her orgasm, she feels it still building deep inside of her. Her brother is bringing back that subtle rocket-launching orgasm from her last time they were together. It wasn’t just a virginal memory of her first time; it’s Yinka!

Bisola pushes her feet against the bed, arches her back up high and throws her head back screaming while Yinka plunges his steel rod into one final time. Their simultaneous orgasmic release sends them both into burning fits of ecstasy. Yinka convulses against his sister’s pussy, discharging his hot cum in wild spurts, while Bisola trembles uncontrollably beneath him, her pussy pulsating in time with her rapid heartbeat.

They continue to jerkily thrash against each other for several minutes before their sweat-soaked bodies finally collapse in exhaustion and they gasp for air. Yinka is panting and Bisola is making little moaning sounds as her body continues generating pleasurable erotic pulses.

“Oh God, Bisola,” Yinka whispers, still panting for breath. “We’ve really done it this time.” His mouth finds hers and he kisses her with all the buried passion and lustfulness that he’s been suppressing for so long. Bisola hungrily returns the kiss, entwining their tongues and pulling their naked bodies more tightly together.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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