March 6, 2025

Dele’s escapade with his wife’s sister [Part 18] (18+)

Home » Dele’s escapade with his wife’s sister [Part 18] (18+)

Dele’s escapade with his wife’s sister [Part 18] (18+)

“Good morning,” Lola says, joining Dele and Bisola on the bench.

“I found a doughnut shop,” Dele says, biting into a doughnut and pointing to the box.

“And there’s juice,” Bisola adds, smiling humbly at her sister-in-law, obviously embarrassed by what Lola and Yinka must have heard the previous night.

“It’s easy to work up an appetite at the beach,” Lola smiles, grabbing a doughnut and biting one end off. As Dele takes a drink of his juice, Lola sucks the cream from the end of the doughnut and raises her eyebrow at him. Bisola is behind Lola and doesn’t see the suggestive manoeuvrer but Dele nearly chokes on his cool juice before he smiles at his sister-in-law.

“Hey, sleepy head,” Lola says when Yinka steps out on the terrace dressed in his swimsuit and a shirt. Yinka nods as he pours himself a glass of juice.

“I thought we were going to the beach this morning,” he says although there is little enthusiasm in his statement.

“We are!” Lola jumps up and nudges Bisola to follow her. “Wait here while we get ready.”

“Be right back,” Bisola gives Dele a kiss on the cheek and follows her sister-in-law into the house. After Dele makes a couple of attempts at small talk without much response from Yinka, the two men fall into an awkward silence, watching the waves crash against the sand.

“Are you sure about this?” Bisola whispers even though there is no way she can be heard from the terrace. “The amount of cleavage is bad enough, but the bottom only covers half of my ass cheeks.”

“That’s the point!” Lola says, tying the string behind her back and adjusting the triangles across her ample breasts. “Come on, you’ll see,” Lola says, grabbing Bisola’s hand and leading her out of the bedroom.

“Okay, boys!” Bisola calls just before they reach the door to the terrace. “We’re ready!” Dele and Yinka stare dumbfounded at the exotic site of the two women entering the terrace.

“Ohmygod!” Dele nearly chokes on his drink again as his eyes feast on the two scantily clad women.

“Where did you get those swimsuits?”

“Why did you get them is more the question,” Yinka asks, incredulous that his wife and his sister would be willing to display so much flesh. “Bisola, my god! You can’t wear that!”

“Oh, but your wife can?” Lola asks, walking over to where her husband is standing. While Yinka’s eyes shift to his wife’s bouncing breasts, Dele follows the rippling flesh of her half exposed ass cheeks.

“No! I didn’t mean that!” Yinka tries to recover from his focus on his sister. “Neither one of you can! Don’t you agree, Dele?” Yinka asks, looking to his brother-in-law for support.

“I think they look sexy and we’ll be the envy of every guy on the beach,” Dele answers, smiling from ear to ear as he shifts his gaze from his wife to his lover, mistakenly believing that he’s the only one who’s fucked both of these gorgeous women.

“Then let’s go before we change our mind,” Bisola says, grabbing her bag with one hand and her husband’s arm with the other she pulls him down the steps to the beach. Lola tries to grab Yinka’s arm but he pulls away, unfriendly.

“Fine. Be Mr. Bad-tempered,” she smiles, running to catch up with Dele and taking his other arm. Several male heads lift as they watch Lola run across the sand, her barely covered breasts bouncing against her chest and her ass cheeks dimpling in and out with each stride. Yinka shakes his head and runs to catch up with the group.

“I think you’re going to need some moisturizing,” Dele tells his wife as he pulls the tube from the bag. They’ve settled on a blanket in a secluded little bay near the water line and both women are lying on their stomachs. Dele admires the view of their nearly identical asses only half covered by their bikini. While certainly not G-string, their swimsuit bottoms are cut high enough to leave a lot of flesh exposed.

“Maybe you should do me and let Yinka put lotion on Bisola,” Lola says. “I don’t want to lose you two for the afternoon if you get carried away,” she smiles.

“Lola!” Bisola admonishes but her heart is beating rapidly at the thought of her brother touching her naked skin. She squeezes her thighs together and tries not to show her excitement.

“Fine. Whatever,” Dele tries to act nonchalant but is very willing to rub lotion all over Lola’s bare ass cheeks.

“That’s okay,” Yinka says. “I can do Lola and you can do Bisola.” Bisola turns her head to hide her disappointment.

“No, do your sister, wacky,” Lola says playfully while moving over next to Dele. “Come on, Dele. I need to moisturize.” Yinka shrugs and accedes to his wife’s choice. Not wanting to make a scene, he slowly turns his attention to his sister.

Rubbing lotion on his hands, Yinka begins rubbing the back of Bisola’s legs, methodically covering her with the creamy substance. Bisola spreads her legs as he works his way up her shapely thighs. Yinka is trying to think about anything besides his sister’s nearly naked body as he spreads the lotion evenly across her thighs. His heart is pounding and he’s sweating while his brain is filled with the vision of Bisola astride his hard dick when they were in university.

Dele, on the other hand, has turned Lola’s lotion application into an erotic massage. Taking advantage of Yinka’s back to him and Bisola’s head turned the other way, he caresses up her inner thigh and brushes his fingers across her bikini covered pussy lips. Lola stifles a moan as Dele gets bolder and, without taking his eyes off of Yinka or Bisola, slips one finger inside Lola’s swimsuit undies, feeling the moist heat emanating from her aroused pussy.

Lola puts a fist to her mouth as her brother-in-law’s finger glides between her smooth pussy lips. With his other hand applying sunscreen to her exposed ass cheek, he makes it look like he’s rubbing lotion with both hands.

“Don’t forget those dimpled cheeks, Yinka,” Dele says as he watches his brother-in-law skip over Bisola’s ass. “We want them moisturized.”

“Yes, please, Yinka,” Bisola murmurs. “Make sure they are moisturized.” Bisola’s pussy is on fire as her brother’s soft, gentle hands caress her warm skin. She holds her breath, waiting anxiously for him to get to her ass cheeks. She’s unconsciously clenching her pussy muscles in an attempt to appease the arousal building between her legs. Yinka’s dick is responding to his sister’s bare flesh and he shifts sideways to conceal his growing erection.

All pretense of applying lotion is gone and Dele is outright finger-fucking Lola while her husband and his wife are only a few feet away. Lola is biting down on her fist as she rocks against his hand and her orgasm builds inside of her. Turning her head towards the others to watch for signs of discovery, she lifts her ass up giving Dele greater access. Dele withdraws his finger from her pussy, replacing it with his thumb while his middle finger teases circles around her aroused clit.

Dele’s machinations coupled with the risk of discovery drives Lola over the top. She clamps her hand over her mouth as a tremor flows through her body, coating Dele’s hand with hot pussy juice. While catching her breath, Lola notices her husband is still caressing his sister’s ass cheeks. His touch is light and gentle, but Bisola has her legs spread and seems to be rocking with his slow caress.

But the real shocker is that her husband’s shot appears tented in the front. My God!

He’s got a hard-on over his sister’s ass. Well, Lola muses, what man wouldn’t react to touching an ass like that, sister or not. But, still, it’s his sister! She closes her eyes and her lips form a knowing smile as she basks in the afterglow of her much-needed orgasm. Bisola turns her head towards them as Dele applies lotion to Lola’s back.

Bisola’s pussy is on fire from her brother’s lingering caress of her warm ass cheeks. She turns her head to check whether Dele or Lola have noticed how long he’s taking with that part of his lotion application but neither is paying any attention. Lola has her eyes closed, almost like she’s sleeping and Dele is concentrating on rubbing lotion on her back. Bisola sighs and closes her eyes, rocking her hips to her brother’s massage.

Yinka knows this isn’t right but he can’t seem to move his hands from his sister’s nearly bare ass. His vivid memory of her naked body twisting on top of him is fogging his brain and making him uncomfortable. He knows he should stop but his hands aren’t listening to his brain. He glances behind him to see if he’s being watched while wondering why Bisola hasn’t said anything. She seems to be rocking her hips in encouragement. God! This is wrong!

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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