March 9, 2025

Crazy Lenny: Old Dirty Principal Badmus III (18+)

Home » Crazy Lenny: Old Dirty Principal Badmus III (18+)

Crazy Lenny: Old Dirty Principal Badmus III (18+)

On her way to work, she was a bit nervous, which was typical for the first day on the job. She couldn’t believe she would be working as a personal secretary to a foul man; that made her extremely uncomfortable, but she kept reminding herself it would only be for one year, and she would make 50,000 (with the chance at bonuses or raises). Besides, it is better than sitting at home all day.

She headed straight for the Principal’s office when she arrived. On the way in, she met a few of the teachers and guidance counsellors who were hanging out in the front office waiting for instructions. They were all females, most of them overweight.

She learned that all of them were married to husbands that worked in the factories, so that’s why they ended up at Ojibotu. They also all had kids that went to the school, so they reasoned it was a good way to keep an eye on them and accelerate their learning.

While most women typically would scoff over the new hot, young secretary prancing around in high-priced clothing and a ring they could never dream of affording, these women did not. The reason was simple:

She was going to keep Principal Pelumi occupied. The Principal was the necessary evil of working at Ojibotu, so knowing that he would be a lot less likely to hound and harass them now that he had her was a blessing. She could look or dress however she wanted as long as she kept the Principal occupied.

Unfortunately, the women knew it was only a matter of time before the young girl would quit after being exposed to her boss. “I give her a week,” one of the women said as to how long she would put up with him.

There had only been one cute woman to work at Ojibotu since Principal Pelumi started, and she quit after three weeks. Rumour is she caught the Principal masturbating outside of her bedroom window one night.

Because the Principal mysteriously has suction with some influential people, he never got charged with the crime even though police were notified.

The Principal was stressed this morning because he wanted to jerk off in privacy, but he was too busy fielding phone calls, signing forms, and managing the staff. The beginning of the school year always put him in a foul mood.

Currently, he was on the phone with an upset parent who wanted a different teacher for their child. Whenever a mother was complaining, he liked to set up a meeting in hopes that the woman was attractive and willing to do anything for her child, but in this case, he knew her and she was an old battle axe.

“…I understand your request, but if I did you this favor, I would have to do it for every parent when they complain to me. I have no choice in the matter, so you’re going to have to…” he said before hearing a knock at his door. “…dammit, come in!” he yelled angrily as he covered the phone.

“As I was saying, I can’t help you, Mrs. Simbi,” he continued gruffly. His door creaked open, and Nonye slipped in through the door. The Principal caught the whiff of expensive perfume and looked up to see the most outstanding pair of legs he had ever seen.
His eyes moved up to the hourglass waist and huge breasts until he finally looked Nonye in the eyes. “Oh, Gawd,” he groaned under his breath as Nonye smiled and waved, not wanting to make a sound since he was on the phone.

The Principal didn’t take his eyes off her as she sat down at a little desk set up across from him. The angry parent continued to complain, but Nonye was thoroughly distracted now and wasn’t paying attention to it. Nonye put down her purse and fiddled with her smartphone as the Principal eyed her, crossing her legs.

“Madam… listen, I’ve got to go, but since I’m such a nice man, I will take your concern into consideration and see what I can do,” he said in a friendly tone, which was a stark contrast to how he spoke before Nonye came into the room. “Yes, I will call you back. Goodbye.”

Nonye eagerly hung up the phone and got up from his chair.

“Ms. Nonye, I’m so glad you made it,” he said, walking up to her. She stood up and extended her little hand with a smile.

“Yes, I’m glad to be here,” she said as he approached her. She immediately became uncomfortable when she noticed his eyes staring at her breasts. Her tight blouse and flimsy bra accentuated her huge natural breasts, so she should have known it would draw his attention.

“No, no, no,” he said, waiving off her handshake. “Here at Ojibotu we are more personable than businesslike. We give hugs.”

He reached his pudgy arms up and lunged at her. She was caught completely off guard and had no choice but to embrace him, even though she felt it was very inappropriate. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, she was struck with a wave of foul stench, which made her gag.

The large man knew he shouldn’t push his luck on the very first day, so he resisted the strong urge to cop a feel on her ass, instead retreating. She was extremely relieved he didn’t suffocate her with his weight and stench.

“My, my, my,” he said, stepping back from her and looking her body up and down. “You have to be the most beautiful woman ever to step foot in Ojibotu.”

Nonye’s jaw nearly dropped. She couldn’t believe the nerve of this man. However, she had to smile, considering the awkwardness of the situation, and besides, she was never one to turn down a compliment. They never got old.

“Er… thank you, Principal Pelumi,” she said as she fiddled with her lovely long hair. She looked away from him and around the office, feeling his eyes still appraising her body. The normally confident woman was caught off guard. She had never had someone in authority be so bold to her.

“Here, let me show you around,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulder and leading her to the other side of the office. She cringed as she felt the moisture from his armpit stain on her shoulder. His fat belly made it hard for her to walk alongside him.

Pelumi showed Nonye around the office, which was a decent-sized room, but it was dark and musky. There were a couple of small windows blocked by shrubs, so lights always had to be on inside. The paint was peeling off the walls, and the furniture looked to be rotted and dysfunctional. Nonye didn’t have many decorations in the office, so it was a dull atmosphere.

There was a private bathroom attached to the office, only accessible through his office. The bathroom had one of those toilets connected to the wall, and it had two open showers since the space was converted from an old locker room. The sink was opposite the toilet and had a mirror hanging over it that had scratches and crust on it. Nonye’s skin crawled as she looked at the disgusting bathroom.

“This is our bathroom. Nobody else has access to it, so feel free to use it whenever. You can use it to shower too,” he said excitedly, thinking about the prospect of her getting naked. He still had his arm around her as he showed her around. He couldn’t help staring at her jiggling breasts as she walked, making his mouth water.

“Here is your desk,” he said, showing her to the small table she had sat at earlier.

“I… um… I am working in this office too?” She asked timidly, hoping that wasn’t the case. Of course, the Principal was going to take advantage of every opportunity to be with the 23-year-old bombshell, so he set up a desk and chair across from his desk.

He purposely picked a desk that was more of a table than an actual desk. It had only one drawer, and most importantly for Nonye, it was open around the four legs so that he could eyeball her legs whenever he pleased.

“Oh yes, yes, you are going to be working closely with me, darling,” he said with a smirk. Nonye became nauseous all of a sudden and felt faint. What had she gotten herself into?

“I have a laptop for you, and I have some paperwork you can get started on,” he continued. While he explained some protocol, Nonye wasn’t paying attention. She wiped her forehead; it felt hot. The walls started to spin.

“I… I need to use the restroom,” she said frantically.

“Oh, sure, go right ahead. I’ll go get your computer,” he said nicely as she scooted past him. He watched her round ass shake in her tight skirt as she hurried to the bathroom with the click of her heels. She shut the door and locked it before moving towards the sink.

She turned on the water and splashed it on her face, and she leaned forward, thinking she was going to vomit.

Nonye heard the Principal leave the office, and she felt a sigh of relief. She continued to splash water on her face, not concerned about her makeup. She grabbed a couple of tissue paper and sat down on the toilet with the lid down.

“Okay, Nonye, calm down,” she thought to herself as she took some deep breaths. “So he’s a foul man and I have to work in the same office as him, but I can do it. It will just take some time to adjust. I can try to ignore him. He’s a pig, but he’s paying me great money, and my hours aren’t long, so I’ll be out of here before I know it. I need to put up with this for one year, and then it will be over.”

Her positive thoughts calmed her nerves, and she began to feel a lot better. She looked down at her stunning engagement ring, reminding her that better days were ahead of her. After a few minutes, she relaxed. She splashed water on her face again before she left the bathroom.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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