Hey guys!
How are you? Hope you had a fantastic weekend? I just have two things to talk to you about before today’s story. First, the planning for the party is going swimmingly well. If you’re part of the people willing to donate, I sent an email last night about the event, there are some details in there that you need. If you’ve not gotten the email, please email me at deolu.bubbles@gmail.com or send me a DM on Instagram (@deolububble). Also if you’ve not registered. Do so now! We’re closing the form soon. https://forms.gle/Mor3WQtpeWq4FxDm8
So, the first thing is cleared up.
Now for the second thing, Deolu Bubble is going international!!!! Someone blow the airhorn…
We are hoping to spread into the US in the long term, we are making strategic partnerships, trying to get more known in the US market amongst African Americans and Carribeans. One idea we are trying is to use mass produce these cute little cards, pictures below, and hand them out to people that we think will enjoy the story. If you’re in the US and want to get someone of these cards to distribute in your area, feel free to write me up at deolu.bubbles@gmail.com or message me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (DeoluBubble), and we will ship it to you. You’re such a big part of us.
“Please. Call me Chidi,” he said. She wrinkled her nose as she smiled at him.
Lilian went to help her mother in the kitchen, and Chidi studied her as she walked away; her small white shoes, white ankle socks, short plaid kilt, and sky blue polo shirt, the long ponytail hanging down her back that swishes as she walked. Good God, thought Chidi, I’ve never seen anything so perfect.
“She’s lovely,” Chidi said to Lekan, still wondering how this short guy with glasses and bald hair could have ever produced such a miraculous offspring.
Lekan smiled. “We’re very proud of her,” he replied.
“Alright, boys, dinner is served! Come find a place at the table!” Toyin called from the dining room.
Dinner was fine enough, made even finer by the red wine brought by their guest. They told some work stories, and Toyin laughed a little too loudly at everything Chidi said. A couple of times, Chidi looked up from his plate to catch Lilian staring at him with her cat eyes.
The first time he caught her, she smiled and looked away, but after that, he was pleased to find her meeting his gaze, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
Lilian couldn’t help thinking that Chidi was the most handsome man she had ever met. At 19, she’s never had a boyfriend, but not for lack of offers. She’s had several boys from the neighbouring boy’s school ask her out, but they just seemed like little boys to her.
Some of her girlfriends went out with boys her age, and from their stories, they sounded like total animals. She figured she wasn’t missing that much. She always imagined herself with someone older and more experienced, so she resigned herself to waiting until university to start dating.
Besides, dancing took up too much of her time to bother with boys anyway.
After dinner, Lekan and Toyin were clearing off the plates and cleaning up, and Chidi and Lilian wandered into the living room.
“So, your mother tells me you’re a dancer?” he asked her, desperate to start any conversation with the bewitching girl.
“Yup,” Lilian grinned, “I was all-around state dance champion last year.”
“I bet you’re great,” Chidi said, trying to picture her petite body in those skin-tight leotards.
“I’m not bad,” she giggled and squirmed her hips from side to side. Chidi felt his trousers getting tighter. He settled himself on the arm of the sofa.
“Show me some,” he said.
“Now??” Lilian laughed bashfully and covered her face.
“Please?” asked Chidi; he smiled a slow warm smile at her.
“Okay, fine,” she agreed. She stood in the middle of the living room floor and bent one of her slender legs, sliding her right foot up the inside of her thigh. She extended the leg and grabbed onto the sneaker with her right hand, and pulled the leg up to her ear in a full standing split.
Chidi could almost see under her short skirt, but not quite.
“That’s incredible,” he said. “Show me another.”
“Another, eh?” Lilian thought and released her leg back to the floor. “Oh, I know.” The petite girl planted her palms on the floor and kicked her feet up to a handstand. Her short plaid skirt fell over her head, revealing a pair of white cotton panties.
Slowly, while balancing on her hands, Lilian opened her smooth, creamy legs wide, stretching into a straddle split. Through the white cotton panties, Chidi could see the soft bulge of her pussy, the flimsy material pressed into the cleft of her labia and delicately wedged into the deep groove of her round asscheeks.
Chidi was overcome with the urge to press his face into the dancer’s crotch and inhale, lick her pussy through the damp fabric.
“Lilian!” Toyin yelled, coming into the living room, “I can see your panties! Come down at once.”
The girl came out of the pose gracefully and stood up again. “It’s just my leotard, Mom,” Lilian shrugged.
“It’s not decent, not in front of our guest. I’m so sorry, Chidi.” Toyin put down a tray of coffees on the table and went back into the kitchen.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Chidi, did I offend you?” Lilian asked innocently. The skin between her eyebrows wrinkled in concern.
“No, not at all, Lilian, don’t be ridiculous. I asked you, remember? I thought you were marvellous.” Chidi winked at Lilian, and she felt her stomach flutter a little. Suddenly, she felt a little daring.
“It wasn’t really my leotard,” she said, a slightly naughty smile curving her lips.
“I noticed,” Chidi smiled. Could this goddess be flirting with me? He thought. Chidi took a step closer to her. “I’d like to see your panties again sometime.”
Lilian’s heart started pounding. Could this handsome man want me like that? she wondered…
“Lilian, it’s time to start your homework. Say goodnight to Mr. Chidi and go up to your room. The grown-ups want to talk.” Lekan came in carrying a plate of cookies, followed by Toyin.
“Yes, Dad. Goodnight, Mr. Chidi,” Lilian said and batted her lashes at Chidi. Then she turned slowly and picked up her backpack. When she bent over, Chidi caught a quick glimpse of her white panties again peeking out from under the short pleated skirt.
She looked at Chidi while she climbed the steps to her room. Chidi watched her until her white sneakers disappeared upstairs.
The rest of the evening is a blur for Chidi; he didn’t even pretend to pay attention to Toyin and Lekan’s stories about their trip to Ghana. He couldn’t stop thinking about the dancer.
Chidi felt his cock stir as he tried to picture what she looked like under her panties… does she shave those sweet little pussy lips bald? Chidi couldn’t wait to get home and jerk off, get that sweet little squirm out of his system.
Finally, he stood and yawned and politely took his leave. “Thanks for everything,” he said, kissing Toyin on both cheeks, much to her delight, “dinner was delicious and your family is lovely.”
“You’re welcome anytime,” Toyin said, dazzled. She was positive the evening was a success.
“See you back in the grind, Lekan,” the two men shook hands, and Chidi walked outside into the night air. As he walked down the walkway to his car, he looked up and saw Lilian looking down at him from her window. She was wearing a short, ruffled, white nightgown. She smiled and waved to him.
She is so delightfully, refreshingly innocent, Chidi thought, unlike any of the other women I’ve been with…
When he was in school, Chidi seemed to attract only the really experienced girls, and if he was being honest, he never made time for any virgins. They always seemed like a lot of effort to him, and it never felt worth it.
Even his ex-wife had many wild escapades before they met, and he was totally fine with that. But now, something about Lilian’s inexperience and simplicity tugged at his heart. He was overwhelmed by his desire for her…
Up in her bedroom, Lilian watched Chidi wave, then get into his car and drive away. She has felt wet and tingly between her legs since their interaction in the living room.
She lay down on her bed and imagined what it would be like to kiss him, and she found herself sliding one of her hands under the elastic waistband of her cotton panties. She parted the wet flesh with her fingers and glided them back and forth over her swollen clitoris.
She tried to picture what Chidi looked like under all his clothes.
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