March 31, 2025

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 6)[18+]

Home » Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 6)[18+]

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 6)[18+]

“All I am saying is that Mr. Uzoh, the old man that I am helping, may need me to run an errand for him and help him here and there throughout the week. It’s no big deal. You can call him, or the elderly homecare facility if you need more information about the program.”

Lara was explaining her new “on call” status for Mr. Uzoh. She knew her husband wasn’t going to like it.

“Honey, I work and provide for you so you don’t have to work. I expect you to be here for ME when I need you.” Actually, her husband only wanted to make sure that she wasn’t having an affair and she wasn’t going to become too busy to make dinner for him.

Those were really his only concerns. He had plenty of friends that he was wanting to spend more time with, and would were Lara not so damn dependent upon him. This may just free him up a little more.

To address her husband’s concerns, she called Mr. Uzoh and told him that her husband wanted to meet him. She was confident that once he saw the old man for himself, he would have no reservations.

Uzoh welcomed the idea of meeting Lara’s husband. This would ensure that she would be able to visit whenever he felt the urge. This was all her idea and it was perfect!

They were going to go out for ice cream and stop by Mr. Uzoh’s house after that, around eight o’clock that night. To prepare, Uzoh put on a clean T-shirt, some tight underwear to hide his package, clean trousers, house slippers, and a robe. “That is the outfit of a sick old man!” He snickered.

Next, he gathered all his medication and placed it on the end table next to his reclining chair in the living room to add to the effect. He laid some crossword puzzles neatly on the coffee table and turned the TV on to a 24-hour Christian channel.

Just before eight, he put on his thickest pair of reading glasses. “Icing on the cake.” He thought. He sat in his chair and waited for the doorbell.

“He lives here? Her husband asked. “This isn’t so bad. I’m relieved that he doesn’t live in the ghetto, or in a rough neighborhood. How old is this guy again?”

“Mr. Uzoh is 68-years old, Honey. He has had a difficult life and his condition is not getting better. He lost his wife last year and lives alone now.”

Tunde parked his Toyota SUV in the garage and waited for his wife to lead him to the door.

Uzoh answered the door. Hunched over and looking like a completely different man than the one who was shooting his cum high into the air in front of Tunde’s wife just a few hours ago.

“Hello Mr. Uzoh.” Lara reached for his hand and was taken back by just how old and feeble her new friend looked at that moment.

“Eh? Oh, why hello there, Mrs. Lara. Nice to see you again. It’s been a while.” Uzoh was overacting a bit, but it was effective.

Confused, Lara reminded him.

“No, it was just this afternoon, remember?”

“Oh, yes, yes. I’m sorry. Just woke up from a nap. Please, please come in.”

He scooted and shuffled his way back and away from the door while the married couple made their way into the living room.

“Mr. Uzoh, my name is Tunde, Lara’s husband. We were in the area, and I thought, well since you and my wife will be spending more time together, that we should at least be introduced.”

Tunde felt horrible for having the slightest doubt about his wife’s story. Clearly, this was an old man who needed all the help he could get.

“Oh, yes. Thank you, Tunde, for allowing your wife to come by and help me. I hope it doesn’t put you out any. I am very, very appreciative.”

Uzoh saw the pity in their eyes. He knew his act was working.

The couple sat and listened to Uzoh’s list of fake symptoms that he needed help with. Lara noticed he didn’t use the word “massage” nor did he give any specifics about what she does to help with his physical symptoms. She decided that sort of information was probably too private and should stay that way.

After about thirty minutes Lara and her husband left and Uzoh opened a beer while he put all the geriatric paraphernalia away. It was a big day in his grand scheme to make Lara his fuck-buddy. He couldn’t wait to make his first urgent call tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in the car, the two discussed Uzoh’s situation.

“Honey, I think what you are doing with that old man is a good thing. He looked awful and I know you must feel pretty good helping him out.”

“I do! My life feels like it has a purpose again!”

Lara was excited and relieved that the meeting went so well. She couldn’t help but notice how bad Mr. Uzoh looked. Maybe because it was at night, after a long day. She vowed to call him tomorrow.

In the morning, she called Mr. Uzoh to let him know that she was available to visit with him every day of the week if needed. He asked if she could come over that morning as he was in pain. She began getting dressed.

She was putting away the bra she wore the day before and noticed oil stains on it.

“Darn it! This is an expensive bra!” She looked in her drawer for another, realising that she didn’t want oil on any of her bras. Lara looked in her wardrobe for a supportive sports top and found a couple of older shirts she used to wear when she played tennis.

She chose the light green one, which, although tight, was supportive enough for her DD breasts. To make the shirt work as an outfit, she wore a tennis skirt and tennis shoes and left for Mr. Uzoh’s house. She was on top of the world.

On her way out, she stopped at the mirror in the sitting room. She was shocked to see not only her nipples were showing, but she could also see her areolas through the light fabric as well. It occurred to her that she normally wore a pretty substantial sports bra whenever she wore this particular shirt. She decided that Mr. Uzoh most likely wouldn’t even notice or care. She reminded herself not to make any other stops until she could change.

Lara didn’t even consider what she would do if she needed to take her shirt off to avoid getting it oily. She then got into her car and left.

She parked her car in Mr. Uzoh’s garage and rang the bell.

“Good morning, Precious!” He greeted Lara with a kiss on the cheek. Uzoh stood back and took in the sexy sight.

Lara’s tight tennis shirt clung to every inch of her weighty breasts. Her nipples were fully erect and the bumps on her areolas were visible. He had seen less revealing lingerie. Her skirt was one of those sexy little numbers that wealthy housewives wore when they played at the club. She looked dynamite!

“Good morning! How are you today? What can I do for you first, Mr. Uzoh?”

“Lara, tell me. How did last night’s visit go from your end?” Uzoh wanted to make sure she didn’t talk about his “condition” using too much detail with her husband.

“Well, Tunde is very understanding. He fully supports my helping you. As far as any specifics go, we didn’t talk about your circulation problem. That’s private medical information, isn’t it?” She asked just to confirm.

“Absolutely. I would be embarrassed if anyone found out about my condition.” Uzoh affirmed.

“As for today, he continued, I think I would like to watch a movie. Would you like to join me, or do you just want to give me my massage and be on your way?”

Uzoh wanted to spend all day with this prime specimen of a woman, but thought he should let her know he expected at the least, the usual massage.

“That sounds like fun! Any movie you would like to see?” Lara was delighted to keep this sweet old man company and watch a movie.

She let him work the controls while she made the two of them some iced tea.

Uzoh was not so much about the movie as he was about wearing down Lara’s personal boundaries. He wanted her to completely give in to a sexual relationship without limits and to do this, he would need to normalize some behaviors she may be averse to. Sitting together, spending alone time together, gave him all sorts of opportunities to work on her.

He was sixty-eight years old, after all. How much sexually active time did he have left anyway? He needed this.

Uzoh decided to watch “Avengers” on a cable channel. Lara said that she liked it too.

The sexy, curvy woman took her shoes off and curled her legs up on the couch and waited for Uzoh to join her. He had stepped into his bedroom to change clothes. He came out with a short cotton robe that came up to his mid-thighs and a T-shirt.

The large, bulbous knob of his penis was exposed below the robe’s hem. As he walked out of his room, Lara noticed it dangling and bumping against his thigh. Her crotch began getting wet and she averted her eyes.

“It must be difficult to have a penis that large. It’s like a handicap of sorts!” She thought.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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