March 9, 2025

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 20)[18+]

Home » Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 20)[18+]

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 20)[18+]

“… I just got your message. I understand Etim wants to see me?” Lara did her best to sound uninterested, as she didn’t want to appear too eager to meet with the aggressive man and, honestly, she wasn’t very eager despite her attraction to him.

“Hello there, sweetheart. Yeah, he called me earlier and asked if it would be all right. I told him that it would be okay with me, but I wasn’t sure about you, or your schedule.”

“Well, Uzoh. It’s really up to you…”

Lara didn’t say it, but she was hoping Uzoh would understand that she wanted him to make the decision for her. She longed to be dominated, told what to do, given specific directions, followed by feedback detailing how she performed. She had fantasized about being totally submissive to Uzoh, but it did not appear that he had the desire to dominate her the way she craved to be dominated.

“Okay, darlin’, why don’t you see Etim tomorrow and give me a call at some point during the day to check up on me? I will give him your number and tell him he can call you tomorrow.” Uzoh was tired and needed to get off the phone.

“Okay, Uzoh.” Lara put her phone down and sat up in bed. She was attracted to Etim, but not in the same way that she was attracted to Uzoh. She discovered that she found it more difficult to trust younger men like Etim, and there was something about Uzoh’s age that made her want to be dominated by him. She felt she could trust him, that he would be there for her and cherished her attention. She felt like a queen with Uzoh. With Etim, she felt like a piece of meat, not that there was anything wrong with that every now and then…it was just different.

Her husband, Tunde, was late getting into bed for some reason. He kissed her on the cheek as she lay there pretending to be asleep.

The next morning, after Tunde left for work, Lara was enjoying tea when Etim called.

“Lara? This is Etim.” Lara didn’t recognize his voice; it was deeper than she remembered.

“Hi Etim, Uzoh said you might call,” she responded.

“He told me it would be okay to call you…Is it okay?” His voice quivered.

“Yes, I guess so. What’s on your mind?”

Lara knew what he wanted, but was not on board with this idea that just because Etim was attracted to her, it meant that she had to have sex with him, and there really wasn’t any other reason for him to see her.

“I thought you would like to spend some alone time with me…without any other guys around…to see what it felt like to have a real man.” His voice was not playful, but aggressive. Lara felt intimidated by him. She didn’t like how she felt.

“Well, Etim, I have had a real man. Uzoh is a real man, and he knows how to treat me like a lady.” She defended Uzoh, who in her mind was more man than any woman could handle.

“A real man wouldn’t whore you out like he did. I would never do you like that.” Etim was telling the truth. He felt Uzoh disrespected Lara by having all those men basically have sex with her at one time.

“I could have said ‘no,’ Etim, and I didn’t have intercourse with them, but you should know that I am submissive to Uzoh. He and I have something special.”

She felt it necessary to tell Etim exactly how she felt about Uzoh so he wouldn’t get the wrong idea.

“I realize that, and I respect that. Look, I was just wanting to see if you would want to hook up sometime this week, maybe get to know each other a little better.”

Etim finally said what he had intended to say, but after this conversation, he wasn’t nearly as confident about his chances of fucking her as he was when he called.

Lara responded, “I think that would be a great idea, Etim. What would you like to do?”

She didn’t sound enthusiastic, although she tried.

“Why don’t I pick you up around three this afternoon and we can talk about it?” He asked.

“I think that would be fine, three o’clock then.” Lara gave Etim her address and ended the call.

She called Uzoh and told him what they would be doing.

“Uzoh? Well, he called me. We are going out at three o’clock today. Are you sure this is okay?”

Lara was hoping he would say “no.” She didn’t understand why it would be okay for her to spend time with Etim if Uzoh liked her and wanted to keep her to himself.

This was also pretty far away from the original reason for her spending time with Uzoh to begin with. With Etim, there was no need for massages or taking care of his needs as an elderly man, no medical treatment or feeling that she was doing good for someone.

It seemed to be all about sex.

“Darlin’, let me call you back.”

Lara put the phone down. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to back out, and Uzoh had said nothing to convince her to go.

She continued weighing the consequences of her dilemma through her shower, her lunch, and even as she was selecting her clothes for her “date” with Etim.

Lara laid out some slim-fit jeans with a short-sleeved blouse with four-inch black heels. Nothing special, certainly nothing Uzoh would approve of.

She was dressing in her more conservative outfit when Uzoh called back.

“Sorry, darlin’, I was sleeping pretty hard when you called. So he’s picking you up in about twenty minutes? Are you excited?” Uzoh sounded enthusiastic.

“No. Not at all, Uzoh! I’m wearing jeans and I’m not going to fool around with him.”

Lara had talked herself out of this entire outing with Etim. She had already taken this relationship with him too far in her opinion and the more she spoke with Etim, the more she disliked him.

“Now listen here, Lara. You will dress in something sexy. I want to see a picture of you with him to prove you were wearing something that would turn me on. That is what I like. That is what will help me with my circulation. You know that!”

“Yes, Uzoh.” Lara felt a rush from Uzoh telling her what to do. She grew wet.

“Now, I’m not going to tell you what to do with Etim. That’s up to you. Whether you fuck him or whatever, or not, doesn’t matter to me. That’s between you and him. All I care about is you showing that body off. That will turn me on. Even if I’m not with you, just thinking about you dressed like that is a turn on and it gets my blood pumping.” Uzoh was pretty specific about his request.

“Okay, Uzoh. I’ll call you when I get home.” Lara ended the call.

She exchanged her jeans for a mid-thigh length black skirt, and her blouse for a thin, low-cut, pink top. She wore a smaller bra and had a lot of cleavage showing. She put some sexy underwear on, despite having decided she was not going to fool around with Etim after all.

Etim texted her at five after three.


Lara walked out to meet Etim, who was driving a new pick-up.

He stayed in the car as she let herself into the passenger’s side.

“Wow! Lara! You look hot!”

Etim spent a few moments looking her over, his spirits lifted after seeing how she dressed for him.

Lara mustered a smile and thanked him.

“So, where are we going, Etim?” she asked, trying not to sound indifferent about the whole “date.”

“I thought I would show you my place and then take you out for a bite to eat. Is that alright?” Etim looked over at Lara, their eyes met, then his stare went straight to her breasts.

“I guess,” as Lara shrugged her shoulders and looked outside the window as they pulled out of her neighbourhood.

She was already reviewing possible excuses to get out of having sex with him. Lara could always rely on telling him she was having her period, but that seemed so lame. If she didn’t want to have sex, she shouldn’t have to. This isn’t the way it is with Uzoh. Lara seems to always want Uzoh.

“I live down by the Ikeja Mall. You know where that is?”

“Yes. I don’t go out that way much,” she replied.

Etim played what Lara thought was Fela, that radical singer from the eighties. She liked it and the music seemed to help her mood.

After listening to a few more songs from the same era, they pulled up to a gated estate. Lara thought it was nice.

Etim waited for the security gate to open and parked in front of what Lara guessed was his house.

Etim opened the door to his home and let Lara in. It was a spacious and well-furnished house. It looked like a man lived there, but it wasn’t sloppy. Etim kept a neat home.

Lara sat down on the plush sofa and crossed her legs.

“I’m going to have alcohol and Coke. Would you like one as well?” Etim stood rubbing his hands together.

“Yes, that sounds good!” Lara needed a drink, even if it was in the afternoon.

Etim came back with their drinks and sat to Lara’s right. He drank about half of his drink in one gulp, set his glass down on the table, and turned his body to face Lara.

“Oh, I like that shirt. It shows off your hot body. Did you wear that for me?” Etim ran the back of his hand along her exposed arm. In an effort to flirt with her.

For all his strengths, he was definitely no charmer.

“Etim, look. I’m here because I just wanted to be nice. I know we had some sexual contact yesterday, and it was hot, and you probably think we connected, but…”

Lara tried her best to begin the conversation that would end in Etim taking her home. Sooner, rather than later.

Etim’s expression changed. He frowned and shook his head slowly.

“No, no…I get it. You’re full of pride just like I thought.” Etim’s eyes became wider and he moved away from her slightly.

Lara’s shoulders fell in resignation.

“Etim.” She slowly shook her head.

“See, that’s why you acted like you did. That’s cool, okay…I get it.” He took another drink.

“That’s ridiculous. How can you even sit there and say something so stupid like that, Etim?”

“Oh? Prove it! Kiss me.” Etim moved his face closer to hers.

Lara was having none of it. She was pissed. Pissed she was there. Pissed she didn’t say “no” to him on the phone. Pissed that she had to participate in this ludicrous conversation.

She began to rant. “I see. You accuse me of being proud, then you think I will have to be sexual with you to prove that I’m not. Brilliant idea, Etim. How old are you?” Lara felt like going on, but was afraid to anger him.

She sat, folding her arms across her chest and staring straight ahead. Her breasts were squeezed together and as a result, were thrust out from her body. She looked sexy even when she was mad.

“You must think I’m a child.” She added.

Etim was growing more frustrated with every passing second. She was right. He had seen that done in a movie a few days ago and tried it on her yesterday. It didn’t work then, and it wasn’t working now. He felt embarrassed.

“Okay, so maybe you’re not proud, I’ll give you that, but you forget Lara, I happen to know you like big dick. And I also know that I have one of the biggest dicks around.”

Lara sat. She hated that her pussy became moist at her hearing him say ‘big dick.’ She glanced quickly over his way, then back at the wall in front of her.

She protested, “So what? It’s not always about size, you know.”

“Yeah, you may be right, but I also know that you’re a size queen, Lara. I saw your eyes on my dick yesterday.”

Etim sensed he was onto something, and he discovered a way out of his ridiculous effort to dare her into having sex with him.

Etim stood up and slid the table back, away from the couch.

He stood about two feet in front of Lara and unzipped his trousers, pulling his thick cock out and gripping it at its base near his pelvis. He lifted it gently and allowed it to bounce and sway before her face. He purposely moved it slowly to entice her. He figured she wouldn’t be able to resist having his cock in her face.

Lara shifted her eyes to gaze at the beautiful cock before her. She loved looking at it, but her desire to be free of this pushy man, overrode her want for the big, black, monster.

Etim started stroking it.

“I know what you like to do with big dick, Lara. You worship this. You love sucking on the big head and feeling it in your mouth.”

Etim kept up with his teasing. He was speaking to her in a deep voice as he massaged his dick.

“You want some of this, baby? Would you like some of this?”

Lara was successfully ignoring him. She was no longer looking at him, and did not acknowledge his questions. But after a couple minutes of this, Etim’s penis grew more rigid and his approach became bolder.

He started touching her with his engorged cock.

Etim gently, but firmly caressed Lara’s cheek with the head and upper shaft of his cock. He rubbed her jawline, her cheekbone, her hair and ear, then ran his cock up across her forehead, along her brow line, and down the other side of her cheek, then repeated the entire process.

Lara couldn’t believe he was being so forward and so vulgar. No one had ever done this to her before. Even during her blow job session with Uzoh and his friends yesterday, no one did this to her. She wanted to get up, slap his face and run out of the room, and she would have if she wasn’t so afraid of him.

Etim was no longer concerned with convincing Lara to have sex with him, he was getting off on what he was doing with his cock.

He continued holding his cock at its base and rubbing it over her cheeks. He now wiped it across her full, pouty lips. Separating them slightly, keeping the motions light and avoiding any forceful effort to penetrate her mouth. He could feel his heart pulse through vthe eins of his penis onto his hand. He lifted it away from her beautiful face and tapped it against her nose playfully.

The entire scene was completely impromptu and unexpected, so much so that Etim became unusually and unexpectedly aroused. He realized, that whatever it was that he was doing to Lara’s face, was something that turned him on more than he could have imagined.

Lara remained vigilant. She was determined not to give in. She pursed her lips together tightly and held out, despite wanting to slobber all over his cock and choke on it. She had the urge to inhale it until she held it firmly in the depths of her throat, but she would not give in.

The entire event was making Lara wet. She no longer felt disrespected and offended, but it appeared that Etim had his own ideas about what he was doing to Lara and seemed to be masturbating rather than taunting or persuading her to have sex with him.

Etim was now, in his own twisted way, having sex with Lara. He was stroking his gigantic cock in front of her, tapping, her, slapping her, rubbing it in her face, all while stroking it for his own, selfish pleasure. He moved his giant cock down to her breasts and slapped her ample cleavage with it. Her breasts shook in response. He then inserted it between her tits from his position above her.

You could start to see a shiny trail of pre-cum streaking Lara’s face and chest.

He tightened his grip and Lara noticed a change in his breathing. He then returned to her face and tapped her lips gently with the head of his dick. He maintained a consistent rhythm as he jacked his foot-long dick in front of Lara. He rubbed the swollen head near her eye socket and the bridge of her nose…still slowly stroking it.

He reached over and grabbed an ice cube from his glass and used it to lubricate his hand. He started stroking his cock faster. His breathing became panting. His body was planted in front of its target. He spread his legs wider and stuck his hips out…he was coming already.


Etim blasted Lara’s eye lid, eyebrow, forehead, and left cheek with the first volley of semen. The hot stream hit her with such force that some splashed back onto his hand.

Lara recoiled in shock. She couldn’t believe he had cum so quickly by rubbing his penis all over her face the way he did. She was both repulsed and turned on at the same time.

The next rope of cum hit her lips and trickled down to her cleavage that was exposed above her crossed arms. He grunted and shook, then he leaned forward and wiped the rest of the hot, oozing cum into her long hair. As a final gesture of nastiness, he took a handful of her hair and wrapped it around his cock and jacked the last few drops of cum into her hair. He pulled on her hair and wiped his cock clean with it, then stepped back.

Lara’s face looked like two or even three men had cum all over it. She had cum dripping down her cheek and onto the front of her shirt. She dared not open her left eye, lest it become filled with Etim’s semen.

Her hair was all messed up at the side where he had wiped himself off onto her like some used rag. She sat dumbfounded. The entire scene would have been insanely sexy if it had been under different circumstances. Lara was wet, but Etim’s behaviour did not cause her to give in. It was like she was watching from the outside, as an observer.

Etim pulled his trousers up, put his now deflated cock away, and went into the other room. He returned with a towel and threw it at Lara.

“I’m not going to beg you. I thought we connected, but I guess not. If you ever want to hook up, you let me know, but I’m not going to call you again,” he said coldly.

Etim didn’t appear to be mad, just indifferent. Lara was relieved.

She wiped herself off as best she could and the two had a quiet, and awkward ride home. Lara felt like she dodged a bullet with Etim. She realized that the reason he wanted to see her was to have sex. Having him masturbate on her was probably the easiest, fastest way to satisfy him.

The most important discovery she had made was that she gained some valuable insight into her own sexuality. She had developed a preference for older men, not just men in general. It wasn’t just about the sex.

She realized that, although she enjoyed Etim’s physical features, she needed the reassurance of an older man’s attention. It was more genuine, more nurturing with Uzoh.

As she said farewell to Etim when he dropped her back at home, she was more infatuated with Uzoh than she was when she had left earlier that afternoon. She couldn’t wait to call him.

Lara went inside to shower. She noticed Tunde was home in the den on his laptop. She made a mental note to check his history at some point that night.

Her shower felt wonderful! Rinsing off Etim was like moving on from making a bad decision and getting a clean “start-over.” She felt as though she had betrayed Uzoh and wanted to make sure he was okay. She quickly finished her shower, put on some leggings and a tight T-shirt and called Uzoh. There was no answer.

Fearing Uzoh had a medical emergency, she got in her car and hastily drove to his house. She sped through two yellow lights and nearly hit a pedestrian trying to get to Uzoh’s as quickly as possible.

Lara let herself in.

“Uzoh?” She walked quickly from room to room, finally finding him in his guest room on the floor.

Uzoh was breathing but seemed unresponsive.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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