March 6, 2025

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 18)[18+]

Home » Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 18)[18+]

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 18)[18+]

Lara woke up feeling refreshed. She could not stop thinking back to that afternoon’s group encounter and thought it too bad that Tunde couldn’t have watched via his remote camera. She rather enjoyed thinking about the future possibilities of her pleasing men and having Tunde secretly watch her at the same time. Her thoughts about taking care of Uzoh’s condition were more and more at the back of her mind.

Lara went into the kitchen and was making Uzoh some egusi soup. She looked over to Uzoh’s living room where the padded stool sat exactly where it was left three hours ago. She visualized the four men she serviced and closed her eyes in an effort to relive the moment.

She tried to imagine all four of them fucking her and she just couldn’t get past the fact that she may not be able to give each one the attention they deserved.

After serving Uzoh his dinner, Lara cleaned herself up and said goodbye. She then left for home. The two didn’t speak of the events of that afternoon.

Lara decided to go shopping on her way home from Uzoh’s. She felt that after today, she deserved to treat herself to some more sexy clothes. It appeared as though there was an exhibitionist as well as a big cock slut coming out in Lara and she wanted more clothes to show off her hot body to others. There was a lingerie shop in an upscale outdoor shopping centre not too far from her home that she wanted to check out.

Lara parked in front of the store called “Shhh Boutique” and walked in. The clerk took immediate notice of her as she was wearing her tight shirt, mini skirt and heels. The older man who worked the counter was about 60 years old with a grey moustache and a full head of hair styled in a hard part. He had tattoos on his arms and was dressed in a skin-tight shirt with tight blue jeans. Lara was sure he was gay as he looked similar to gay men she had seen in movies.

“Hello, welcome to shh boutique.” He smiled wide.

“Hi. Are you about to close?” Lara noticed there weren’t any cars in front of the store and no customers inside.

“No, this is typically a slow time of the day. We get very busy on Fridays and Saturdays.” He stood with his back against the sales counter and crossed his muscular arms.

“I see.” Lara smiled nervously.

The store was filled with all sorts of lingerie. The walls were well-organized with hanging garter belts and hose, fantasy role-playing dresses like short nurses’ costumes, mini-skirt policeman outfits, and see-through body suits. The sales floor was of considerable size.

There were well over a dozen circular racks with booty shorts, hot pants, mini-skirts, bras and various types of bustier.

“Wow! You have a lot of clothes!” Lara was excited.

“Is this your first time here?” He asked.


“Welcome!” He walked with Lara as she wandered further into the store.

Lara needed help selecting something. She had never shopped in a store like this before and felt clueless. She continued:

“I’m trying to expand my wardrobe and I’m looking for something sexy for when I’m home and maybe when I’m out in public with my…husband.”

“Well, you have got the body for it, that’s for sure!” Lara caught the man looking at her breasts.

“My name is Jimmy” He extended his hand.

“Hi. I’m Lara.” Lara took his hand and shook it.

“Well, Lara, did you have anything in mind, or do you need some recommendations?”

“Well, I need outfits. Matching skirts and tops. I would also like to look at bras and sexy underwear. You know, that sort of thing.” She was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

“Okay. Why don’t we go through some of the racks and pick out a few outfits, then you can go to the dressing room and try them on.”

“Sounds like fun, Jimmy!”

Lara and Jimmy browsed several racks. Jimmy checked the sizes and offered advice about colour and fabric. Lara was having a blast looking at all the sexy clothes and talking to Jimmy about how each would look on her body. He seemed to have a knack for what was sexy.

After about thirty minutes of shopping, Lara had enough items to begin trying them on.

“Where do I go to change?”

“Right there in the middle of the store.” Jimmy showed her the two dressing rooms that were between display shelves on an island at the centre of the store. Let me know if you need help.”

“Okay, thanks.” Lara closed the door to the dressing room which was no more than four feet tall, situated in such a way so that her feet and her head could be seen from the showroom floor.

Lara had trouble right from the start. The zipper on the mini-skirt appeared either broken or very difficult to zip up.

“Jimmy? Can you help me a second?” Lara had on the top she wore into the store and the new, red mini-skirt that came up to just above her mid-thighs.

Jimmy must have been standing very close because he took no time to get to the dressing room.

“What’s the problem, Sweetie?”

“I’m having trouble with the zipper, and I also need your opinion.”

Lara turned around in the dressing room while Jimmy blocked the door open with his body. He was able to zip up the skirt in seconds.

“There. It stuck a little. It should be fine now. What else did you need?”

“Is this skirt too short?” Lara used her hands to smooth the thick fabric down in an effort to lengthen it.

“Well, come out and walk in it and I will tell you.”

Lara put her heels on and walked out onto an aisle in the store, then turned around.

Jimmy stood with his hand under his chin as if he were deep in thought. He walked up to her, squatted down and pulled the hem a little. While adjusting her hem, Lara could feel the back of his fingers lingering longer than necessary against her legs. It gave her the goosebumps.

“I think it’s perfect.” He said finally.

“Thanks!” Lara spun around and headed back to try on a matching white top.

The top was difficult to put on. The fabric was very sheer and felt like jersey cotton only thinner. She had to take off her bra to get it on.

The mirror in the changing room was too close for her to get a good idea of how the outfit looked so she went back out into the store to use the mirror there.

She walked to the other side of the aisle where there was another full-length mirror and looked at her reflection.

She saw Jimmy move behind her.

“Wow! You are going to turn some heads wearing that!” He was smiling at her.

Lara grinned.

“Thank you!” Lara turned around to see the entire outfit. The red mini-skirt was short, but not excessively so. The top, however, was so thin you could see her nipples, even their colour, quite clearly. The shirt was so thin she could also see the birth mark she had on her shoulders through the material. Her breasts moved with the clingy material with every motion she made. It was an incredibly sexy top.

Jimmy came up to her and pulled her shirt up around the front neckline to adjust it. Lara felt his hands graze her breasts as he was straightening the shirt. She quietly gasped as her nipples were very sensitive after her afternoon with the men. They seemed to pop out even more with Jimmy’s subtle touch.

He moved the shirt around making it fit better on her body, then cupped each of her breasts in his hands as a final adjustment.

“Oh! Thank you.” Was all Lara said.

“I’m going to try on something else, but I’ll take these.”

Lara walked back to the dressing room took off the top and mini-skirt and handed them to Jimmy who was now hanging out right by the door to her dressing room. Lara was naked except for her heels. Jimmy was in the position to see her naked body as the door opened and closed.

She was feeling aroused because of all the attention he was giving her. ‘Why would this man turn me on? I must be out of control!’ She thought to herself.

She selected a soft pink busier to try on next. She removed the silk, low-cut bustier from the hanger and unhooked the twenty or so fasteners from the back. After putting it on, she fastened most of it before needing help getting the top ones buttoned. They were much tighter since they were essentially taking the pressure of holding her breasts up in the front.

Her breasts were inside the cups in the front, but just barely. Her nipples were partially showing. Jimmy was right there and came into the dressing room to help.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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