Lara walked back into the living room and saw that all the men were stroking enormous erections. They were standing now. Close to the couch and watching the movie. Uzoh was standing in front of his recliner stroking his cock. It was an intimidating sight. When she came into the room, Uzoh turned the TV off. Lara was now the only entertainment the horny men had.
It was a strange, yet exciting scene to see all those big cocks out, and all the men looking at her so lustfully. She felt so desired! She wondered how in the world she was going to get out of this situation without having to have sex with all of them.
“Oh…wow!” Was all she could think to say. Lara carefully walked around the men so as not to touch any one of them and sat down on the padded chair in front of Uzoh near the middle of the living room. She was still thinking that she was not going to have sex with any of these men…even Uzoh. She wasn’t sure how to proceed.
She was ignoring the fact that she was turned on like never before, and although she said she wasn’t going to have sex with any one of the men, it didn’t even cross her mind that she should probably leave.
Etim was the first to speak. “Come on baby, come on over here and play with my dick.”
Lara looked at Etim’s insanely big cock and smiled but said nothing.
“I told you she was a snob, Uzoh.” They all laughed.
Lara felt she had to respond. “How can I be a snob if I am currently helping an old man and his medical issues?” She shook her head not realizing that Etim was trying to bait her into touching him.
Etim continued. “I didn’t say that you don’t like Uzoh. I’m just saying that you don’t like those beneath you in general. You’re snob.”
Etim shrugged his shoulders. Lara didn’t get much eye contact from him as he was focused on her breasts. There was a strong, palpable sexual tension between the two of them.
“Uzoh told us he is the first man you’ve had an affair with. I think that’s just because he has a big dick.” Odili was egging her on.
“I am helping Uzoh with his physical, circulation needs, don’t you get it?” Lara didn’t even believe that herself. She had been dreaming, fantasizing about Uzoh every day, all day long for well over a week. She did consider him her lover, but she couldn’t admit it to these men for some reason.
Tope added: “I have seen no evidence of what she likes, Uzoh, I think you have a woman here that’s using you for your dick, but secretly hates you!”
Uzoh was stroking his now hard cock watching Lara defend herself against his friends. He knew full well that they wanted to fuck her and that since she was having sex with an older man that there was a good possibility that she would have sex with them too.
He also knew that they were trying to get her to have sex with them by accusing her of being a snob in hopes that she would prove that she wasn’t by having sex with them. It wasn’t the worst plan, he thought.
“We’re just messing with you, Sweetheart!” Etim said as they all smiled.
Lara had the feeling the men were having some fun with her. She was having difficulty focusing on any sort of discussion with the scene taking place just a few feet away.
The mood of the room became electrified. Lara had never felt anything like it. The sexual energy was powerful.
Tope and Etim, stroking fully erect cocks, moved one step closer to Lara. She could feel a trickle of wetness drip down onto the stool. Her gaze was fixed on Etim’s cock.
“Look at my cock, Lara. See that big, thick cock. See the big cock, Lara?” Etim was slowly stroking his dick as he spoke to her. This turned her on immensely.
“Yes, I see it.” She said, her quiet voice shaking slightly. She was staring at it, imagining it in her mouth where she would slobber all over it, and in her pussy where her wetness would welcome it into her body.
“I know you see it. You’ve been staring at it since I pulled my trousers down. You want to feel it? Do you want to feel what it’s like to hold two big dicks at once, Lara?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I only help Uzoh…” She said defiantly, but unconvincingly as she trailed off, lost in her gaze at the big cocks moving in on her.
Etim continued. “Oh, I know you help Uzoh. I know you like big dick. Look around you, Lara. We all have big dicks. Not many ladies get a chance like this, to be with all this big dick.”
“That’s right pretty girl. Look at mine. Look at it, Lara.” Tope now moved closer.
Lara wasn’t in control of her actions to the extent that she thought she would be. She was staring at Etim’s cock, then she heard Tope tell her to look at his and she felt she had no choice. Her submissive side was betraying her. She looked at Tope’s long, thick cock. It was slightly shorter than Uzoh’s, but still a huge, thick dick.
Odili was also closing in holding his fat cock in hand. Her resolve was breaking down. She knew that she would do anything that they told her to do. She knew that she would become insanely wet when they gave her a command. She was just discovering the true extent of what it means to be a sexual submissive.
Lara found herself facing four giant dicks. Uzoh was in front of her to her right, then about a foot away from Uzoh to his right was Odili, then Tope was about a foot away from Odili, and finally Etim was toward her left. All of their cocks were close together and they formed a semi-circle in front of her.
From her place on the stool, she was looking straight-on at all of them, her eyes moving from one to another. She was mesmerized. Her mouth was watering.
The men were about three feet from Lara now. She stood up to relieve her nervous energy, and, possibly as a last-ditch effort to avoid the inevitable.
Tope said “Just touch my dick, Lara. Touch it. We’re all friends here. We’ll have a great time together.”
Tope was only two feet away from her. He pushed his cock toward her skirt and lifted up the hem with his cock. His scorching-hot cock brushed up against her crotch. She couldn’t believe how sexy the scene was as it was slowly unfolding before her. His huge cock was toying with her. She could feel its heat under her skirt.
Etim moved forward while holding his large cock in his hand and gently rubbed the outside of her left hand with it. She didn’t move her hand. He stroked his cock while he was pressing it against her hand as it hung down from her side. He was purposely teasing and taunting her.
Lara wanted more than anything to just open her hand and grab that fat cock. But she stood frozen…captivated by the big dick that surrounded her.
Odili was staring at Lara’s glorious breasts while he waved and wiggled his big dick with his hand. Lara’s nipples were hard and she had a lot of cleavage exposed under her revealing top. She noticed that Odili and the others were looking at her cleavage so she straightened her posture and stuck her chest out to encourage their hungry eyes.
Uzoh was stroking himself and smiling. He was completely turned on by the attention Lara was receiving from his friends. He knew she would be eager to branch out and have sex with more than one man. All he needed to do was provide an opportunity and she would make it happen. She was no different than every other big cock slut he had ever heard about.
Etim encouraged her: “No one will ever know, Baby. This is just you having fun with a few friends. No big deal.” Etim was tapping her hand with the head of his cock repeatedly.
“I’m here for Uzoh. I don’t know why you guys are so persistent. I’m not going to touch you.” Lara closed her eyes, but opened them shortly after. She wasn’t fooling anyone, including herself. She just found herself at a loss for words. She wanted more than anything to reach out and stroke, suck and lick all those beautiful penises.
Etim could feel the outside of her hand moving against his dick. She was using the back of her hand to caress his cock. Her movement was subtle, almost imperceptible, but he could see she was using her hand on him. Uzoh was gently rubbing the outside of her other hand with his monster.
Tope had his cock under her small skirt and was using his hand to grasp the base of his cock and the head to lift it higher. He could see her pussy and streaks of wetness that had dried on her uppermost thigh. Her blonde pussy seemed to pulse under her short skirt.
Etim started up again. “Tell you what. You can show us that you want our dicks by sitting back down on the footstool right behind you. If you sit down, we know you want to get busy. If you keep standing, then you can just walk out of the room and we won’t say a word or ever touch you again. It’s all on you. Do you understand?”
Lara was still staring at their cocks. She nodded her head up and down. “Yes.” She squeaked. Her mouth was salivating. It was strange, she had been fine up until Etim gave her the suggestion to sit down. Now, her knees became weak and she felt like she needed a rest.
The men were all gently touching Lara with their fat, swollen cocks. Rubbing, tapping, slapping, moving her short skirt. She was surrounded by big dick. She was moving her hands at her side more visibly now. She adjusted her stance to spread her legs slightly. All the men had their cocks pushed forward in order to make contact with her body. She felt like she was going crazy with lust.
The air was thick with sexual energy and the soft sounds of moaning and deep breathing.
Lara was out of her mind with excitement. She was embarrassingly wet.
Then, without so much as a word, she sat back down on the footstool.
The sounds and actions of the four men overwhelmed her senses and she wasn’t sure who was saying what. Lara was finding that trying to handle four men surrounding her with their cocks out was very different from just dealing with Uzoh.
They were saying things like:
“That’s right girl.”
“Oh baby, we’re going to treat you right.”
“Are ready for this, baby?”
“Suck that dick.”
“You look so beautiful.”
The men were all encouraging her and saying sexy and naughty things. Lara was lucky that the men had been so turned on by her and that they had been jacking off for about twenty minutes without a break. They were all ready to cum. She would most likely have to do very little to get them off.
The constant moaning from Lara added to the high level of arousal in the room. As she sat, she was finally able to firmly grasp the two biggest cocks in her left and right hands. She gave a deep sigh and thought ‘finally!’ She instinctively began stroking each thick cock as best she could manage.
Uzoh and Etim moved back slightly and let her hands squeeze and stroke their mammoth dicks as they watched her work the four men.
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