March 31, 2025

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 15)[18+]

Home » Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 15)[18+]

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 15)[18+]

Lara’s pussy was dripping wet as she immediately imagined herself as the lucky woman getting used by those cocks. She reached down and rubbed her bare pussy and shuddered. ‘I’m wet and I’m very horny.’ She also reminded herself that she didn’t have an orgasm yesterday.

Lara should have been afraid to be alone with what looked like four men watching pornography of this nature, two of whom she had never met. Instead, she became aroused. Very aroused. After watching for a few minutes, she decided to enter.

“Hello, gentlemen.” She greeted the men who were unaware she had been in the room.

The men turned around and looked at Lara with smiling faces.

“Uzoh, look at this!” It was Odili who was sitting closest to where Lara was standing.

Uzoh got up from his chair. “There she is! Come on in, Darlin!”

Lara entered the room in the slutty clothes she had put on just for Uzoh and stood next to the TV. All eyes were on her and she loved it. She stuck her chest out and looked at Uzoh for direction.

“Gentlemen, this is Lara. She’s the young lady I was telling you about earlier.”

A round of “Hello, Lara” was repeated several times.

Uzoh continued. “Lara this is Odili, whom you’ve already met.” Odili gave a mini salute with his hand. “How are you doing, sexy?”

“Hi, Odili.” Lara smiled in return. She was a little embarrassed since the last time she saw him she had Uzoh’s cock in her mouth.

“This is Tope, a friend from my vocational training days.”

“Nice to meet you, Lara.” He smiled. Tope had grey hair on the sides of his head and was bald on top, he was skinny and had a lot of wrinkles on his face, probably from too much sun, Lara guessed. He looked friendly.

“Nice to meet you, Tope!” She said.

“This young man is Etim. He’s a carpenter that used to work for me.”

Etim nodded his head and looked Lara up and down, he was muscular and handsome. His face was smooth with few wrinkles or blemishes. His neck was thick and he looked like a bull. She thought he looked to be in his thirties.

“Etim.” Lara thought Etim was handsome, but also a little dangerous-looking.

“Nice meeting all of you!” Lara looked at all three. Her nipples were so hard they ached. She was also dripping wet and remembered that she didn’t have any panties on.

The three men on the couch scooted over and tried to get Lara to sit in between them, but Lara opted to walk over to Uzoh sitting in his chair and sat on his lap.

“Uzoh, you didn’t tell me you had company.” Lara continued to look at the three men.

“Well, we were talking about you on the phone and I told them you would be over today. I thought it would be a good time to introduce you.”

Lara smiled at Uzoh, then turned to look at the men. She was sitting on Uzoh’s lap and was facing the direction of the men on the couch. Uzoh’s hand was on her legs and her already short skirt was nearly at her waist. If she spread her legs even slightly, they would be able to see her pussy. She was teasing them by opening her legs a little, then closing them, as if she wasn’t paying attention.

All three men stared lustfully at Lara. It soon became obvious that Uzoh had shared details about the nature of their relationship with them. A fact that excited Lara very much.

The video on the TV was paused to a still shot of the woman’s back. You could see a giant cock coming out of her pussy with the three men facing her from behind the couch situated in the middle of the room. Lara wasn’t used to such a public display of sexuality and having other men around when she was feeling and looking so sexual. There was a surreal quality to the situation she suddenly found herself in.

She turned to look at the TV and teased “You men shouldn’t be watching such things! You are naughty!” Lara looked at Uzoh, kissed his forehead and smiled.

“Well, to be honest, I was telling my friends here about how you have helped me and how you seem very comfortable around us. The topic of our sexual relations came up and we were talking about how you don’t seem to mind.”

“Well of course I’m not, Silly.” Lara smiled at them all in turn.

Uzoh was going on, explaining how they all came to be at his house watching interracial porn but then Etim interrupted.

“She looks snobbish. She’s just nice to you, Uzoh.” Etim shook his head smiling.

Tope then added “Etim is right. I’m going on fifties and I never had a pretty girl even so much as look in my direction, let alone be interested in me.”

“That’s because you’re ugly,” Odili said laughing. Uzoh pointed at Odili in recognition of his joke.

Tope continued. “She’s getting paid by that Elderly Home Center. That’s who she’s working for.”

Lara’s face turned angry. “How could you think I’m snobbish? Just because I’m a beautiful woman you think I’m snobbish? And paid to volunteer? That doesn’t even make sense!”

The men really got Lara’s dander up. “I am NOT a snob.” She insisted.

She looked at Uzoh “Aren’t you going to say anything, Uzoh?”

“There’s a reason they feel that way, Darlin. Maybe you need to prove them wrong.” Uzoh was toying with her.

“Well, I’m sorry you all feel that way. I know you will like me once you get to know me.”

Lara calmed down a little as she thought about the fact that they may not have had many good experiences with beautiful women. She was determined to show them how un-snobbish she could be.

Changing the subject, Etim said, “Start that bad boy back up, Uzoh.” He pointed at the TV.

“I don’t know if that would be proper.” Uzoh looked at Lara.

The last thing Lara wanted to do was give the men any reason to dislike her. Besides, she wanted to see the movie and how the men reacted to the scene.

“I’m okay with that. You can push play.” Lara noticed the expression on their faces. The three looked at each other, then Uzoh. They liked her answer.

Uzoh picked up the remote and pushed play. The action resumed. Almost immediately, Uzoh started caressing Lara’s legs. He smelled her hair and rubbed his hand over her breasts giving them a full squeeze. Lara spread her legs slightly to let his hands caress her thighs. Tope was watching from the corner of his eye as she revealed her wet pussy.

Lara looked on as the woman on the screen sucked a huge cock while simultaneously stroking the two other men. Lara knew that by her being there while these men watched this obscene display she was agreeing with what was happening, at least at some level. She also realized that it may be suggested that she mimic this scene with Uzoh and his friends.

The strange thing was that she never thought about leaving. If Uzoh wanted her to stay, then she would stay. There was something else at work in her. For the first time, she recognized that she was very attracted to these men, and not just Uzoh.

Tope said, referring to the video, “Wow! She’s coordinated.” The others moaned their approval. The men were moving their attention from the hot video to Lara’s hot body being handled by Uzoh. She had her legs spread to allow his hands to tweak her clit and massage her slippery lips.

Lara was watching the video but also had her eyes on the men. They were shifting in their seats. She noticed that they all had significant bulges in their trousers and were rubbing themselves.

Etim asked Uzoh: “Is it cool, Uzoh? Can I…?”

“Yeah, it’s cool.” Uzoh responded.

“Is what cool?” Lara asked Uzoh quietly.

“Etim wants to jack off.” Uzoh whispered back.

“Fuck yeah.” Etim stood up and unzipped his trousers. Pulled them down and got his cock out.

Lara immediately looked at Etim as he stood up, and then her eyes were directed down at his crotch.

“Oh my God.” She looked at Etim’s now exposed cock, it looked at least as big as Uzoh’s, only much more attractive. She admired his prodigious member and looked at him with a new appreciation.

She made eye contact, smiled and looked back down at his enormous cock, then back up at his eyes. She couldn’t have looked sexier at that moment. She made no effort to be discrete while she was checking out his package.

“Sit down, Etim. You’re blocking my view!” Tope tried to look around Etim to see the action on the screen. Etim sat back down on the couch clutching his huge cock.

Everyone continued to watch the hot video as the hung men on the screen fucked the sexy woman. Lara had a hard time watching the movie with Etim stroking his cock. She was mostly staring at his dick and he was mostly staring at her. She even spread her legs a little more for him. It was obvious to all what was going on between the two.

“Excuse me for a minute.” Lara said as she got up to use the restroom. As she was getting up, Tope said “I’m taking mine out too. I hope you don’t mind, little lady.” He looked at Lara.

Lara looked at Tope and just smiled. The men all groaned in reaction to Lara’s silent permission. Tope, Uzoh, and Odili all began taking their cocks out.

Lara went to the restroom and used a washcloth and warm water to wipe her pussy. She was soaking wet and getting a little sticky. Although she hadn’t been doing anything physical, she was out of breath. She felt like she was high or light-headed. As if she were watching herself from the outside. All those men in Uzoh’s living room really got her heart pumping and her juices flowing!

The video served as an outline for what she believed all the men wanted. She was watching the video as if it were a “How-to” guide for having sex with more than one man. Before she met Uzoh, she never had even imagined having sex with other men, let alone more than one man, now she’s in a situation where she could easily have sex with four, well-hung men, and by the look of things, that’s exactly where it was going.

Lara knew that when she went back out into the living room they would all most likely be masturbating. She also knew that she had never felt both so turned on and afraid at the same time. She ultimately decided that she was not going to have sex with the men.

Not because she didn’t want to, but simply because she didn’t have the first clue as to what to do. She felt totally unprepared and she didn’t know what Uzoh wanted or what his motives were in this situation. Even if she did know what to do, she didn’t know those men well enough to trust that they would be gentle enough for her.

She composed herself and went back out into the living room. She was prepared to tell them all no. ‘They can masturbate if they wanted to, but I’m not going to help…and they sure aren’t going to fuck me.’ She resolved.

“Here she comes!” Etim was keeping an eye out for Lara as she came out of the bathroom.

While she was in the restroom, the four men were watching the video and working their cocks up to their fully erect state. They all had their trousers not down at the ankles, as Lara would have imagined, but completely off. They were all well-endowed, especially when compared to Tunde, but Etim was the only one in the same “epic” category that Uzoh belonged to.

His penis must have been over twelve inches, and thick, but differed from Uzoh’s in that it was shinier and smoother. It was a sexier-looking penis, she thought. Etim was younger and his cock reflected this fact. Lara wondered what it would be like to have sex with this younger man.

Most likely, he wouldn’t get tired like Uzoh, and he would probably want to do it more often. She was dripping wet again at the thought of having sex with Etim.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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