March 31, 2025

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 1)[18+]

Home » Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 1)[18+]

Crazy Lenny: Lara’s Adventure at Elders’ Retreat (Chapter 1)[18+]

“We have literally dozens of elderly people that need some sort of assistance or another. We can use whatever help you can give us.” Mrs Ajayi needed volunteers desperately. The elderly care facility was relying too heavily on the few volunteers they had already.

Lara was looking for something to do that would give her life more purpose. At thirty-nine years old, her two children were away at university and her husband wanted her to keep her schedule open so he would rather she didn’t find a job. However, Lara got attention no matter where she decided to spend her time.

At 5’4 130 pounds, beautiful woman with a narrow waist, round ass and big, full 36DD breasts with brown nipples, she looked like she might have been a model or even a porn star. She looked much younger than she really was. Lots of exercise helped keep her very young-looking.

Lara was pretty naïve in general and had little experience sexually outside of her husband and a couple of boyfriends. She dressed rather conservatively, although it didn’t matter too much what she wore as her hot body could simply not be hidden very well.

“Well, I suppose I could give you an hour or two, let’s say three times per week? What do you need me to do?” Lara started to feel good about volunteering, that she was doing some good in the world.

“I think I will have you visit Mr. Uzoh. He is a widower and an introvert and doesn’t get out much, if at all. He has almost no family and he would be a good place to start volunteering.” Mrs. Ajayi gave Lara the case file for her to start with.

Ime Uzoh was a sixty-eight-year-old ex-construction worker and was depressed after having lost his wife of fifty years last year. He requested a volunteer to help him with some minor health problems, keep him company, and possibly help him with some minor chores.

Lara was excited. “Mr. Uzoh, huh? I can’t wait!”

She was to visit Mr. Uzoh on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The facility recommended that she spend ninety minutes to two hours with him as these times were about the minimum that a visit would be most effective.

They suggested bringing over some cards and other board games, but that the time should be interactive and not taken up with too much TV, napping, or on the computer.

“Now, don’t let him waste your time. You are going out of your way to be a companion to him so be sure to keep him engaged. If you do decide to watch TV, be sure it is not a regular activity and that you do it together. Try to remember that he is older and from a different generation. You may want to dress much like you are now. Lara was wearing a knee-length skirt and a patterned blouse with high heels.


Lara’s first visit began the following day, Tuesday. When she got home, she laid out a skirt with a sleeveless blouse and heels. Her husband, Tunde, did not approve of the volunteer work, but thought it best to let her have this time to feel good about something. Now that the kids were gone she had little to do around the house.

The next morning, Lara took a shower, dressed, had breakfast and set her Google map to Mr. Uzoh’s address.

The directions took her to another part of her town, not a bad neighbourhood, but not one she would choose to live in either.

“14 Owolabi Street.” Lara had found the duplex that Mr. Uzoh lived in and approached the door straightening her skirt and fixing her hair that she wore in a bun for this occasion.

She rang the bell and listened intently for signs of life from the other side. She thought she heard a woman’s voice moan or singing, but it was hard to tell.

The door opened swiftly and there stood a 6-foot tall man with a round beer belly. He was wrinkled and very old-looking and was wearing football shorts and a T-shirt.

“Hello there Darling, Are you from the elderly care facility?” He scratched his groin and adjusted himself causing Lara to look aside for a moment.

“Yes, I am! My name is Lara Olatunde. How are you?” Lara extended her hand and was relieved to have finally met her first volunteer “case.” She was also happy to see that he seemed nice and was not bedridden.

She walked in and found a clean and well-organized home. The furnishings were old, as were the appliances and pictures on the wall; it smelled a little old and stuffy in there. She was surprised to see what looked to be a 60″ flat-screen TV in the living room area and a desktop computer on a table pushed up against the wall on the opposite side.

She looked around some more, then turned to him and asked,

“Do you have anything you would like to do for our first visit?” Lara had her hands folded together at her waist and this pushed her already huge breasts out even more.

Ime Uzoh thought to himself “Damn. Look at this fine, ripe woman that is in my house. I could cum in my trousers she’s so hot…and innocent acting too! Just like I like.”

He was thrilled this sexy big-breasted bitch had been assigned to him. He planned to take advantage of this woman to the fullest. He had some Viagra he was saving for an occasion just like this, but he also knew he needed to take it slow if was to get what he wanted from her.

“Well, young lady. I haven’t been feeling too well lately” Ime was lying. He wanted to see how far he could take her today, on her first visit. Normally, the facility sent volunteers that resembled retired nurses. This beautiful lady really changed the nature of the game. He sighed and continued.

“I have an issue with my circulation in my legs and I was just about to take a bath. Would you mind helping fill the tub and make sure I don’t slip? Maybe you can read to me or tell me something about yourself while I soak.”

Mr. Uzoh looked at Lara’s reaction carefully- seeing how she would handle this request that actually required that he get naked during her visit.

“That sounds like a great idea!” She replied enthusiastically.

Her attitude about this volunteer work was more clinical than social. Lara saw herself almost like a hospital worker or nurse caring for this foul old man; helping him ease comfortably into the final phase of his life. She saw no innuendo or inappropriateness in Mr. Uzoh’s request.

She was delighted she could actually do something besides play cards or make him lunch.

Lara proceeded to the bathroom and started the water. She looked under the sink and found an old box of bath oil that must have belonged to his deceased wife. She added some to the water and walked back out into the living room where Mr. Uzoh was sitting on the couch watching every move she made.

He had just taken a Viagra, although he felt his cock begin to get hard even without it.

“The tub is almost full, Mr. Uzoh. Why don’t you undress in the bathroom and let me know when it is okay to come in?”

Ime was thinking about how to play this. The needier, older, and more incapable he came across, the easier it would be to request more hands-on assistance. The gamble was that she might find that unappealing or inappropriate.

His ultimate goal was to make this sexy woman into a fuck buddy, or better yet, a slave to his cock, but he couldn’t do that if he presented himself as someone who needed no assistance at all. She didn’t seem like the type to cheat, and she was treating him more like a child than a virile older man.

He knew how to play this.

“Okay, young lady. I may need you to help me get in so I don’t slip and break a hip or something like that.” He watched her reaction again. This time she looked away and seemed to think about it.

“Hmm. How can we get him into the tub without him being totally exposed and embarrassed by me being there? Well, I will just have to look away.” Lara thought as she kept her eyes on the soap dish.

“I will just have to turn my head to give you privacy.” She responded.

With that, Mr. Uzoh got up and shuffled slowly into the bathroom. He was about halfway to an erection.

He knew that even at half-mast, his dick was a sight to behold. His buddies used to call him “Three-leg” because his cock hung down between his legs about ten inches…he was a little over eleven inches when completely hard.

All this girl had to do was get a glimpse at the monster underwater, or even as he lowered into the tub and he would be dick-deep in the pussy soon enough.

Lara was outside the bathroom with a towel. Ime had walked into the bathroom expecting to see a bathtub full of warm, clear water. His plan was to be clearly visible to her while he sat in the tub. This obviously wasn’t going to happen when the tub was filled with bubbles.

He walked in and dropped his shorts, scooted out of his underwear and yelled for help.

“Lara, darling,’ I need some help gettin’ in.” He smiled to himself for sounding so weak and pathetic.

“I’m right here, Mr. Uzoh.” Lara wrapped the towel around him and took his hand while she guided him from behind. He took one step into the warm water, and then his other leg went in. Lara had her head turned away the whole time and saw nothing of his huge penis.

“Are you safely in?” She asked.

“Yes.” Ime sat down, his plan foiled. He had to think quickly.

“Why don’t you pull up that footstool in the living room and sit by the bath so you can help with my circulation.” Ime was into his Plan B.

Lara found the small, padded stool and moved it next to the bath.

“How can I help you with your problem?” She asked wearing a sad expression on her face as though Ime was ill or suffering.

I need you to rub my legs and try to work some blood into them. Don’t be shy, and don’t worry about hurting me either. This is a serious condition.” Ime tried his best to sound concerned about the whole situation.

Lara eagerly reached into the tub and felt through the warm, sudsy water for his right leg. She sat above the bath facing him on the stool so she could easily access both legs. Under the bubbles, Ime was slowly stroking his massive cock. He was nearly at full power.

He intentionally and quickly moved the arm nearest Lara carelessly as he reached for his leg and soaked her blouse with bathwater. He smiled to himself as she responded.

“Oh my god!” Lara got up immediately and backed away from the tub. Ime had to keep from grinning as she looked down at her wet shirt. Ime could see the shape of her breasts and the style of bra she was wearing as the water made the shirt nearly transparent.

“I am so sorry, Darlin! Don’t you worry about it none. I have a washing machine with dryer in the closet in the room just off the kitchen. Just pop it in the dryer for a few minutes. Don’t mind me, it won’t bother me that you’re in your bra.” Ime offered his devilish solution.

“Are you sure it’s okay?” Lara asked.

“Oh, now. An old man like me? Honey, I have seen it all. Don’t you worry about a thing. Go get your shirt dry!”

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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