March 29, 2025

Community Slut XII : Nemesis

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Community Slut XII : Nemesis

A Story By Vixen Banks

I have grown used to the thought that Alhaji Abdulahi would never help me fulfil my fantasy or fuck me again and I sure do miss not having his long cock drilling into me. He had only fucked me once but I seem to have gotten addicted to him as now I place his image in my mind’s eye whenever I fuck any other person. But I have a new adventure to console myself with and that is the girl on girl experiences I have with Bukunmi and Laide our new tenants/neighbours.

I have become a connoisseur of the female pussy and greatly enjoy my lesbian relationships with the two girls who have in the last month after my initiation introduced me to several others of their friends, who are working class like them and enthralled at having a new pussy to play with. They love me, and show it in several ways.

Either through buying me things which I could now conveniently take or through doing things to me sexually. Being with Laide and Bukunmi is a much easier feat to accomplish as my aunt gives them free reign with me not knowing that they were leading me in directions she could never dream of. Sometimes I even sleep in their flat whenever one has to travel and such times whoever it was I was sleeping with, we managed to fuck ourselves in all ways imaginable before the light of day.

I was a very apt pupil, soaking up all they had to teach and even practicing some of the things I had seen in porn movies with them. Being with them however, did not stop me from being with my uncle and the other numerous uncles on our street who I had become fucktoys of. It was only much easier with the girls.

A few months after I clocked fifteen, my morning routine changed as I always woke up feeling nauseous in the mornings and would throw up all that I ate. Nothing seemed to be able to stay in my stomach for long and the smell of food became nauseating. Also, I became easily sleepy and would sleep the whole day away after my family had gone to work or school as the case may be. I became listless and weak from the incessant throwing up and lack of food. It was fortunate that we always had fruits in the fridge as that became my sole meal for quite a while.

I initially lost my lust for sex for some weeks after these strange occurrence but I didn’t think too much about it as I was back to normal after some time, craving sex almost incessantly.

At first nobody in the house noticed and I didn’t even tell anyone there was anything wrong with me. One day my uncle and I had our usual fuck session and when he was sucking my boobs, he looked up with a surprised expression on his face, looked at me and then took my nipple in his mouth again, sucking ferociously. Then he looked up and said

‘’Milk!!! With a look of stupefied wonder, rolling something that looked whitish on his tongue and then swallowing. Then he continued sucking first one and then the other nipple much harder than before, making gulping noises.

‘’Are you pregnant bitch? He asked after swallowing all the juice he had managed to extract from my boobs. His sucking and the tingling feeling coming from my nipples had me in another land and I didn’t comprehend his words.

I just looked at him all plaint and lusty, waiting for him to continue what he was doing. He looked at me from head to toe for what looked like ages but in reality must not have been more than a minute, then shook his head and continued. He asked me to get on my knee and proceeded to fuck me doggy for minutes on end, while spanking my butt cheeks and then pulling on my hair to get my back more arched for his thrust. The fuck was a long one and I had cum twice before he discharged his load in my pussy and left me.

Afterwards, his question came to the fore of my lust clouded head and I started wondering if I was actually pregnant. I fondled my boobs very well and then squeezed on the nipples and truthfully droplets of a milky substance was dropping from it, not much, about four droplets. I looked at my tummy, it was as flat as ever and I concluded that the milk coming out of my boobs must be because of the way he sucked them.

Then one Saturday morning, my aunt was home and asked me to loosen her hair so she could go and do it later in the day at the salon. I was at it when as was usual with me for some weeks now, I became nauseous from the hair cream smell and ran inside to throw up. My aunt was perplexed asking me what was wrong and I told her I wasn’t feeling fine.

I continued with the loosening of hair and before I was done, I had to go throw up twice more. This must have aroused my aunt’s suspicion as she began watching me closely afterwards. When I was done, she said she had decided to go to the salon earlier as she just remembered that she had somewhere to go to later. Immediately she left home, I lay on the couch and slept off since I was the only person at home (my uncle and cousin had gone out earlier).

I was in deep sleep when my aunt’s voice brought me awake.

‘’whats wrong with you Angelica’ she asked standing in front of me on the couch and looking down on me.

‘’Nothing ma’’ I stammered

‘’Nothing and you are vomiting and sleeping and you say nothing’’ she shouted at me.

‘’Nothing ma, I’m just tired’’ I replied making to get up from the couch but her hands pinned me down as she looked around and saw that I had not done any of the things she had asked me to do before leaving home. The dishes she used to eat were still on the dining table, the cloths I was supposed to fold and keep in her wardrobe still on the chair, the floors unmopped, in short I had gone to sleep on the couch immediately I closed the gate after her.

I looked about, still groggy and weak from my lack of food and constant vomiting. I couldn’t talk when I saw the evidence of my slothfulness all over the place.

My aunt then bore down on me and before I knew what she had in mind, had torn off the gown I was wearing. My naked boobs sprang out full and erect and that was when I admitted to myself that my boobs were fuller much more fuller than they were supposed to be. I stood naked before her except for my panties. She grabbed hold of my boobs and weighed them heavily in both hands one after the other, then she looked very closely at each of my nipples. She then pushed my head forward and pushed my eyelid backward to look into my eyes. Finally, she took my palm in hers and looked at it closely, very closely. Suddenly she let go of my palm and shouted;

‘’Yeeeeee, this girl has killed me’’ I just stood there naked, not knowing what had happened but my subconscious also telling me that I was actually pregnant.

‘’Angelica, Angelica how have I gone wrong in your case? What was I supposed to do that I didn’t do? Ha, you have killed me!’’ my aunt kept wailing, moving from one foot to the other. Then she bounced on me and before I knew what was happening, she was beating the daylight out of me. I made to run but her hold was too strong and she poured all her anger on me, beating me until I was too weak to get up or to cry anymore. Then she pulled me up and pushed me on the chair.

‘’Now tell me before I kill you, who impregnated you? She demanded with a no nonsense look on her face and in her voice. I trembled where she had pushed me as I had never seen my aunt look that ferocious before in all the years I had been with her.

‘’IIIIIImmmmm nnnooot preegnn…’’ a hot slap landed on my face before I finished my denial.

‘’Did I ask if you are pregnant or not? She demanded following it up with another hot slap that left me reeling and falling face down on the arm of the chair she had pushed me to.

‘’Now answer my question before I kill you, you this stupid bastard! Orphan that I accepted and gave everything she needs! Only for you to reward me by getting pregnant without finishing secondary school! If you want to live, just tell me who has been having sex with you and got you pregnant, else I will kill you’’ she said with a grown and her hands wrapped round my throat.

I had never been so scared as I was on that day cos something told me my aunt was actually capable and willing to kill me if I did not answer. However, a rebellious thread that I did not know came from where stiffened my back bone and something in me was since she wanted to know who had been fucking me, then it was only right that I should tell her.

‘’Uncle and James’’ I replied promptly

‘’what did you say? She asked, in a panicky voice, all fire gone out of her.

‘’Uncle and James’’ I replied again, this time managing to breath freely as her hands had come off my neck.

‘’No, it’s a lie. You this evil girl, you are lying. You want to destroy my home. You liar’’ she shouted. I guessed she thought her shouting would turn the truth into a lie, so I gave her details. Told her how her husband had been coming into my room at night when everyone was asleep to fuck me, how James had been coming from school to fuck me. The times we were all supposed to travel and James and I stayed home feigning sickness. I capped it up by telling her how her husband had fucked me just a few weeks ago, commented on the milk coming out of my boobs, sucked it up and then fucked me silly!

By the time I was done, my aunt was slumped on a chair with her head in her hands and openly sobbing because she sensed the truth in my words. We sat like that for almost two hours when we heard the door open and it was my uncle, coming back from his outing. In one fell swoop his eyes took in the scene and I guess he understood that the cat was out of the bag.

Jumping to her feet, my aunt pounced on her husband and was hitting his chest as she shrieked;

‘’How could you? How could you Patrick’’ she shouted

‘’Calm down dear, what is the problem? He asked trying to put a bold face to what he knew was not salvageable.

“’How could you be sleeping with my niece? Someone old enough to be your daughter? She shouted

‘’What? Where did you hear that nonsense from………?

‘’oh spare me your lies! My aunt shouted, interrupting him in mid speech ‘’you know it’s true, we both know it’s true. Or do you want to demean yourself more by having Angelica give details?

He tried, in all fairness my uncle tried to deny but it was a feeble kind of denial as the truth was written all over his face for all to see. After a while, he slumped on the nearest chair and buried his face in his hands with an air of dejection as my aunt ranted and raved, shouting and crying at the same time. My uncle kept glaring at me surreptitiously from under his lashes. I guess he was admonishing me for telling on him.

After a while my aunt’s ravings subsided and she became rational, even calculating as she looked first at my uncle and then at me. I became scared again as I began to take her calculated look for one of someone planning a murder. Maybe she will kill me and hide my body so that the world will not know that her husband and son impregnated me.

‘’Now Patrick, before we get down to the nitty gritty, I want a few truths laid bare. One did you or did you not have intercourse with my neice? My aunt sounded like a judge preparing to pass judgement. I trembled where I stood, completely afraid at what her next course of action would be and for my life.

‘’Yes I did’’ my uncle finally answered after a very long pause where I had thought he would simply ignore her question ‘’But it was the devil darling. Angelica seduced me, several times she would go about nude whenever it was just the two of us at home, sometimes she would tie only a wrapper…..’’

‘’Oh spare me the details you old lecherous fool! You couldn’t resist the temptation, smtcheeew. Second question, did you and James both have intercourse with her together? She demanded again.

This my uncle just kept quiet, looking at the imaginary insect on the floor I guess. My aunt needed no verbal confirmation as his look of consternation and quilt were all the evidence she needed of his complicity, it was boldly written on his face for all to see that he had done this and more. I had gasped when my uncle told those lies against me causing my aunt to turn her icy stare on me and causing me to clamp my mouth shut. I remembered the first time my uncle had come to fuck me in the middle of the night in my store-room bedroom, how he had made an habit of it and how he had caught me and James fucking and to my surprise but elation had gladly joined in the action. I remembered the numerous times he had snuck back home from work to fuck me and the several videos of us on Laide’s phone.

To cut a long story short, a few days after nemesis caught up with me, my aunt took me to their private hospital and the pregnancy was terminated. I was already four months gone I didn’t feel anything while the procedure was going on as I was anesthetized but afterwards, the pain hit me like a machine gun in my underbelly and I was redundant and almost senseless for the next four to five days. But this later subsided to mere throbs and within two weeks there was no sign that I had ever been pregnant, even the milk in my boobs had dried off. For weeks I went without fucking as my aunt monitored me, staying at home with me all through. It felt like I was bereaved, not having a cock was a terrible handicap but my aunt made one mistake. About three weeks after the abortion, my aunt had to return to the office and she handed me over to Laide and Bukunmi, thinking they would take absolute care of me and prevent my philandering. If only she knew.

Written by Vixen Banks ( She blogs at

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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