March 9, 2025

Community Slut III – James (18+)

Home » Community Slut III – James (18+)

Community Slut III – James (18+)

Written by Vixen Banks
I regained consciousness to find James my cousin hovering over me with a wicked smile pasted on his face and the slimy substance from my pussy still smeared on his mouth area. He was using his tongue to find and lick up the smears around his mouth. I guess I must not have been out for too long. My body was still tingling and I was still shaking from the earthquake that had just run over me. The button he had called clit was still throbbing violently and sending sensations of pleasure through me.
‘Wow, what was that? I asked James breathlessly as he held me and used one had to stroke my hairline down to my face.
‘’You just had an orgasm’’ he replied ‘’there is more waiting, don’t forget we have the whole day to ourselves. I want to show you all the pleasure you can experience with your body’’.
‘’Okay, I want more’’ I greedily replied unconsciously molding my body to his, I felt kind of contented, like my body had unknowingly been craving it all along. My legs were still open and the downy hair surrounding my slit was covered in mist. I guess that must be what he had called ‘pussy juice’.
I looked at him and could see that what he had called his penis was standing upright and nodding violently. I felt a morbid fascination with it and also wanted to put my mouth on it the same way he had put his mouth on my own slit. The feeling was irresistible so I wiggled out of his hands with my face glued to that turgid membrane. The direction of my eyes was not difficult to note and he asked if I wanted to feel it, I didn’t bother to give an audible response as I simply nodded and made my way further downwards putting me in a squatting position.
He encouraged me by sitting properly on the couch and opening his legs wider for me to get between them, exposing his cock which was standing upright and jerking back and forth.
I inched closer to it and took it in my hands, it was turgid and strong and quite big with a slit in the middle of it. I guess that was where his pee comes out from. It also had a kind of cap on the upper part that was lighter than the remaining part of it that was where the slit was. It was a fascinating piece of meat and I was captivated by it. It felt warm to the touch and jerked more furiously as I held it. It felt alive, as if it had a will of its own. I squeezed like I had done earlier and James groaned telling me that he was enjoying it. Then I squeezed a little harder and his groan increased in decibel. So I continued squeezing and releasing it making his moan continuous.
After a while, he touched my hand and moved it up and down on his cock, he was using his hands to make my hand stroke his cock. After a while I got the message and understood that he wanted me to touch his cock that way. I am a fast leaner so I quickly complied and started doing what he wanted, stroking the cock from the top to the bottom. This elicited loud moans from him as they became intermittent and sounded guttural.
My natural female instinct kicked in and I started playing with his balls and cock at the same time, squeezing the balls and cock at intervals. The angry jerk of the cock became more pronounced and his moans and thrashings had increased as he leaned more and more towards my hands, pushing his groan forward and upwards. I was enjoying myself as I felt my boobs begin to tingle again and my body became flushed once again. I enjoyed that he was enjoying what I was doing to him.
His jerks increased and his moans accelerated giving me a cue to increase my stroking of his cock which I gladly did. My face was looking intently on his cock and I could see the hole on the head of it flaring up angrily as the cock became harder and bigger sort of in my hands. I had a feeling that it was increasing in size, strange, I thought to myself but not stopping the hand job I was giving him.
Suddenly he jerked forward, gave a guttural loud moan as I felt the cock pulse in my hand and the familiar white substance spurt out of it to hit me square between the eyes, then another spurt which landed straight inside my gaping mouth and another until the spurt and the speed of it reduced to a trickle on my fingers. I swirled the droplets on my tongue round and round to savour it again and then swallowed it. His cock had become soft and was gradually shrinking.
Looking at the new size, it felt strange that something this small could have grown so hard and big. It was a wonder to my young eyes.
James’ groans and pants had by now subsided though he was still breathless as he watched me lick off the residue of his sperm off my hand and then scoop up the ones that had fallen on my chest and thigh straight into my mouth. I can’t explain my fascination for the male cum, just that I love eating it, I love the salty manly taste it leaves in my mouth and my craving for it seemed insatiable. James and I were sweating profusely by now despite the fan that was on highest, James from his recent climax and me from my exertions and the fact that I had grown hot again.
I felt a need that I could not explain, I wanted his hands on my body and his lips and fingers in my pussy. The remembrance of his fingers inside me as he bit down on my clit sent my pulses racing and my pussy doing the somersaulting flips I had come to recognise. It usually does that before I use my Aunt’s hairbrush or remove to make it better.
I started imagining him using his cock instead of his finger on my pussy but before I could voice out my opinion, James stood up and said he was hungry, dragging me to the kitchen with him. It was there that I realised I was hungry too but I think my hunger for what we were doing surpassed that of the need for real food. I wanted more of what we had just had, a lot more.
I realised that I had entered into a new phase of existence. What I had just experienced was beyond what I had been experiencing while rubbing my thighs together, using my Aunt’s hairbrush handle or even my finger. I wished that I could use my tongue on myself so that I could always experience the feeling.
We raided the store and got something to eat. I can’t truly remember what it was we had. Thereafter, he pulled me to the couch and said he wanted me to watch a film with him first before we would do anything else, that it would teach me things I needed to know so that I could really enjoy myself. I was very excited for at least two reasons.
The first one being that my watching tv without my aunt or her husband sending me on one errand or the other until I missed almost everything that was shown was a first time for me. My aunt was so against me that I was not allowed to touch any gadgets at home and because I always lived in a world of fantasy where I would imagine that I was surrounded by my real parents in my tiny store of a bedroom made me an obedient child.
I never did anything that would overly annoy her since she had promised on a number of occasions that she would maim me for any act of disobedience and had made good her threat twice by once breaking my wrist and another time marking my face with a blade razor. I learnt obedience in a hard but effective way.
I was excited secondly because I was eager to know everything about what was happening to my body. This was an avenue to know all I didn’t know and had been desperate to know. It was like he could read my mind and had seen all the questions and longings buried in there.
I sat demurely on the couch as he inserted a film into the dvd player and came and sat back on the couch with one hand flung on the back of the couch to rest on my shoulder and the other just restng on my boobs. I sighed in contentment, relaxing unto his neck as the film started playing.
The screen faded to black and suddenly some raunchy, heavy music. The movie wasted no time getting to the action. The opening scene showed a beautiful woman Oyinbo woman, dressed only in very sexy lacy bra and panties that made me sigh with longing, washing plates at a kitchen sink.
Her buttocks and breasts were very obvious as she worked. After the camera finished examining the woman’s every feature which was all delectable, it moved away to reveal a bare chested man wearing a pair of dirty torn jeans and work boots. He was admiring the woman, who didn’t seem to notice him at first. When she did it what was with obviously feigned surprise.
“Are you the plumber?” the supposedly startled woman asked.
“You were supposed to get here at five!”
“I wanted to do my plumbing early,” the man said in response.
Then, unbelievably, he crossed over the short distance to the woman and grabbed her. The music started again as he reached out for her and pulled her to him. She didn’t resist at all: in fact, she seemed to want him to do it. Was he really supposed to be a stranger? After putting his mouth to hers very long and deeply as if he was chewing her lips, she dropped to her knees in front of him and unzipped his jeans.
A massively large and impossibly hard cock popped out of it. I gasped at the sight of it. It was the second hard cock I’d ever seen outside of my cousin James’ and it was much bigger and fatter. James had by now increased his pressure on my boobs and was squeezing and pinching the nipples sending warm feelings through my body and increasing the wetness of my pussy.
I watched with rapt attention as if my life depended on it. the cock seemed so massive, inviting!
“I love your cock,” the woman said to the man as she gripped it in her hand and roughly pulled on it much better than I had with James’
“Suck it, bitch,” he replied.
Written by Vixen Banks ( She blogs at

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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