We are not all special people, forget that bullshit. Don’t even take it seriously. You might be unique in your own special way but you’re not special! Like the famous quote by George Orwell in Animal Farm: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Forgive me for the bluntness of my opening. I just think it’s about time we all know we’re not all special like we were made to believe while growing up. Some of us are more special than others. For the religious folks, some people will hear from God every day, and others, will not for a single day hear from God regardless of their full-time devotion.
I’m not saying this to attack your faith, or make you believe less in God, all I’m saying is that it is what it is. Even you as a person, there are people you consider closer to you and command more attention from you than others. As I said earlier again, it is what it is.
You can argue it till you’re blue in the face, the truth remains, God has favourites.
The special people I’m here to talk about are those people to who you feel drawn, you have a compulsive feeling to be with them regardless of what the situation is. There is just something about their aura that makes it impossible for you to resist them, you become obsessed with them, and it’s not juju. Just their freaking natural aura.
Here is how it’s even more dangerous, the attraction is typically instantaneous, it all happens when you meet them, and it all happens as quickly as the snap of a finger. Shout-out to the mad Titan, Thanos.
Many men and women have fallen prey, this particular mystery has a lot of company.
They possess an overwhelming charm to make your brain function less effectively and pull your heart along. This aura can be found in both men and women. If you meet them, you’re in soup for as long as possible it takes to wear off. Sometimes, it takes years, or decades, for some they don’t get over it, till they die.
If you meet the kind ones, they will warn you at the beginning, even give you the heads-up, and probably even try to provide you with an early exit before the shit hits the fan, but as a stubborn goat, you’ll pull the seatbelt in. Like the terms and conditions of new software you’re installing, you’ll click agree without reading it thoroughly.
Such cues could be,
“Are you sure you wanna start this?”
“Don’t start what you can’t finish”
“I’m being serious, you don’t wanna be with a girl/boy like me”
While the above might sound like they’re dismissing you with ease, it’s something you should definitely take seriously. Well, some people still use those lines to dismiss people, but in this context, these special people know what they’re talking about.
Like the terms and conditions of new software you’re installing, you’ll click agree without reading it thoroughly.
Most of them are also short-bust people, which means when you meet them, you’re experiencing them in full 3D. They never seem to be hiding anything, You’ll be so engrossed in their personality that to you, it seems you’re on the front-row seat at the greatest show in the world. They will kiss you on the first day, hell, they’ll have sex with you on the first day.
Your whole world will turn upside down in marvel and amazement and often wonder and think over that statement that all men look forward to saying
“Where have you been all my life?”
They won’t laugh at you, but give you reassurance with their smile. And these people are good in intimacy, they know how good they’re. Their knacks will blow your mind and their kisses will send electric waves all over your body. They know their power and what they’re absolutely freaking capable of fucking doing.
What is even crazier is that you can tell if its infatuation or true love.
Their oral sex will leave your entire body jerking, and for your brain, it’s like your favourite food, it will want more of it even when it is completely full. That’s how powerful they’re.
As preachers on the pulpit say, your life will never remain the same again, but here is where it becomes painfully difficult and heart-rendering.
They are there but for a moment, nothing you can do to make them stay, they want to go, they have to go because their time is up. You’ll be so beholden to them that you will be a wreck without them for long periods. If you’ve got the mind, you’ll recover quickly if not, you might be stuck there for a really long period of time.
You will try your best to get them back, but they’re gone like the wind. You’ll replay the moments in your head, where you went wrong, what you could have done differently but it doesn’t matter.
Like the Abiku child, their time is up. Sometimes you will stay up awake and wish you’d never met them, but other times, you fantasize about the time you shared together, if you’re a nostalgic unrepentant fool.
It’s useless to seek closure with these types of people, typically they don’t have closures to give you, their work is just done.
Personally, I’ve been on both sides.
So, tell me, have you ever experienced these types of people before? Maybe next time, I will write about what people don’t know about extremely good-looking people and how crazy they typically are. In case you’re wondering, I got inspired to write this after watching Obsession mini-series on Netflix.
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