Since its National Masturbation Month, it might be time to ask how do you moderate how much wanking is deal or over the top.
Over consumption of everything can be bad for you, if you’re experiencing a headache, and you decide to take 13 aspirins, that may be your last headache. Even excessive drinking of water too can happen, a little something called overhydration, a very serious medical condition arising from excessive drinking of water.
Point is, everything in life needs moderation. Masturbation used to be a taboo topic but not anymore. We know it’s frowned upon but people still do it anyway. So, what is exactly is the amount of times it is okay to do it in a day. People have died from masturbation, so blowing one off can make you lose your life.
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This has even come to fore because of the sad story of the 19 year old American boy who died due to cardiac arrest after he jerked off 55 times in 24 hours after being alone on world’s love day, Valentine’s day. Even worse, his dick was found in his hand detached, reports Danielle De La Bastide, Loaded.
If there is any place where there is abundance of information about almost any of sphere of human endeavor, it has to be the internet. In the Yahoo! Answers segment, someone brought this up by asking
‘How many wanks can you have in a 24hr period before it becomes unhealthy?’
Knowing the internet, people began to drop their own two cents of the matter, someone said seven times a day should be limit while another broke it down.
“Having a little tug is not weird or abnormal. You should masturbate every day unless you’re getting sex. It’s Healthy! Anything over 50 wanks a day is plain silly though. You might find you go through patches, e.g.,…. 5 wanks in an hour then one then nothing then seven wanks, etc.. Everyone’s body is different. Ok I’m going for one now, so catch ya later,” said thewozman.
From a more reliable source, the medical community also had their own to say, “There’s nothing unhealthy or problematic with masturbating, but if it becomes detrimental to your life, then you need to treat it like you would any other harmful habit,” Dan Drake, a clinical counsellor, and certified sex addiction therapist said to Men’s Health.
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Masturbation can be very addictive because of the end product, orgasm, the release which gives intense feeling of satisfaction. If one gets used to this ‘high’ then masturbation can become a lethal addiction that requires help to get rid off.
For people who are interested in getting over theirs, there is a Reddit forum for masturbation and porn addicts, called Porn Free but if you enjoy it and it hasn’t become an addiction to you, give yourself a big hand!
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