“Dara, we’ve known each other for a very long time. I’ve been friends with your husband even longer. I hope you won’t think less of either of us when I tell you that he told me about you stripping naked on the beach in the Bahamas. I love both you and your husband, and I believe I deserve the same view of the most beautiful woman I know. I want to see everything I’ve been missing from you, Dara.”
As Bassey made his request, her shoulders slowly slumped in shame. She wasn’t thinking as much about Bassey’s request as she was about her own nudity in the Bahamas. It was true, of course. She had stripped naked in the Bahamas. She couldn’t believe her husband had told Bassey.
Had he also told Bassey about their wild love-making that night? She hung her head in embarrassment and confusion. She was searching for an answer.
While she struggled, Bassey continued to take in her newly revealed beauty. First, the length and shape of her luscious legs. Then, the joining of those smooth legs at his ultimate destination, the barely concealed lips between her wonderful thighs. The aching between his own legs reminded him that he needed to get into her pants as quickly as possible. He decided to be forceful and once again played on her lack of confidence.
Without removing his gaze from her crotch, Bassey simply informed her of what would happen next. “Dara, I’m going to remove your panties now. Then I’m going to take in your beauty as only your most devoted admirer can. And finally, I’m going to drive you home.” He failed to mention that before he drove her home, he intended to take a leisurely pleasure drive himself… through the love tunnel that was the centre of his attention right now.
Dara could plainly see where Bassey’s interest was focused. It made her nervous and embarrassed, but she could not bring herself to imagine exactly what Bassey had in mind. He had no such problem. Bassey knew precisely what he wanted of her and her body. He knew the position he wanted her in, and he knew where he wanted to be himself. This gave him a significant advantage in the battle for control of her body. She did not accede to Bassey’s request, but neither did she have the courage to challenge him.
He approached. She was staring at the ground. He kissed her eyes, then her cheeks, nose, mouth and neck. He moved his lips toward her magnificent breasts and, at the same time, slid his hands down her bare sides to the waistband of her panties. She was soft, smooth and supple to his touch… and breathlessly immobile.
As he lowered his head to one of her nipples, in her aroused state, she ever so gently offered encouragement. She raised her hands to his hair, presenting the fully erect nipple to him.
As Bassey closed on her nipple, he also gently slid his hands for the first time into her pants. He was so excited about this first chance to caress her bare butt. His touch confirmed that she was a firm and fully developed woman, a marvellous piece of fruit ready for him to harvest. With a fire in his eyes that she couldn’t see but could certainly feel, he eased her panties very slowly over her full hips.
He took over a minute to complete the very pleasurable task of removing her last piece of clothing. For his own enjoyment, Bassey was removing her thong with all of the drama that a stripper might employ. He caressed her butt and inched the fabric down. But to lower the front of her panties, he also now eased his hands to her stomach.
As he lowered the fabric, his hands dropped down to the hairy pussy she had been concealing from him for a lifetime. For the first time, he slid his fingers around and delicately into her little love nest.
Dara was frozen in fear as a family friend completed stripping her naked. She could not move. But as she felt the sensuous touch of his hands on the most intimate parts of her femininity and her final garment sliding over her pussy to expose it to him for his use, her knees buckled. She fought to remain standing.
Finally, his lips hit her nipple, and her panties hit the floor.
Although he still had work to do, he took a selfish moment to suckle first the maid and then the mistress before him. Dara closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his tongue on the pointed tips of her breasts.
He had fondled these globes of flesh on and off for over three hours. Her soft skin could not have taken much more. It would not be required to. His attention had now been drawn elsewhere. This would be the last significant attention that her breasts received from him tonight.
Now, he raised up and took in her whole body, just as he had said he would. In only a few minutes since getting her alone, he had stripped bare the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Without clothes, she was simply more gorgeous than with them. Hers was not a thin model’s beauty. She had the figure of a model on steroids… a Barbie with hips… a curvy, winding road waiting to be used by a powerful car. She was hot. He wanted her… now!
For the first time, he took in her pussy without its protective covering. Her pubic hair had a dark colour and the softness of a lioness’s mane. He intended to bring out this wild cat in her very soon. For now, Bassey knew he couldn’t keep this voluptuous object of his desire standing nude in the middle of his living room for long.
She was watching him make his first visual inspection of the pussy he intended to force his cock into shortly, and it was making her very nervous. Still, he paused to etch this vision of her beauty into his brain.
His examination of her body had stiffened his cock once more. He wanted so badly to take her right now. She could see this in his eyes and in his pulsing erection. He wanted to drive his manhood into her and fuck her until she cried out for him, but the last few minutes in this play of passion would pose his biggest challenge… and would yield his greatest pleasure. Bassey now began his conquest of her last frontier, the core of sexuality between her legs. He played track 5.
His best hope for success began its first strains… “When a man loves a woman…”. In fact, he had looped this song so that it would continue to play for an hour. He hoped to need it for only about ten minutes.
“Take me home now, Bassey,” the nude woman before him pleaded. Her request fell on deaf ears. Now that she was naked, he was intent on fanning her passion into flames and positioning her for sex.
“Dara, earlier tonight you said we heard one of your favourite songs. This song is my all-time favourite. Dance with me just until this one song finishes.” Her FM said no, but he took her in his arms anyway. She knew where he wanted her arms. She clutched his neck and offered him her very large breasts but held her waist away.
Without clothes to protect her any longer and having seen Bassey’s obvious interest in the puffy lips between her legs, Dara was rightfully concerned. She was stiff in his arms, and he could feel it. He was stiff in his shorts, and she was intent on not feeling it.
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