March 10, 2025

Average Joe: The Cruel Let Down IV (18+)

Home » Average Joe: The Cruel Let Down IV (18+)

Average Joe: The Cruel Let Down IV (18+)

We had an amazing honeymoon. Her mom watched Simi for a week while we flew to Abuja. She introduced me to all her old friends and made me feel like royalty. We stayed in a great hotel and spent every night having insanely passionate sex. By the end of the week, I was actually glad to go home where I could get a little rest. She was insatiable.

When we got back we settled into a great rhythm. Ebere got a job as a secretary for a construction company. It wasn’t her dream job but paid well and the hours allowed her the freedom to spend a lot of time with both Simi and me. Everything just flowed without either of us having to work at it. We shared many interests, so it was rare that either of us had to talk the other into doing anything.

We set up special dates so each of us could try new things. The rules were the person owning the date got to do whatever they wanted and the other had to go along with no complaints. If it wasn’t enjoyable you didn’t have to repeat it, but there was no turning one down without at least trying.

Her dates were very interesting. She knew how to have a great time doing something unexpected. I’m not sure how much she liked my outings, but she was always a good sport and made me feel like it was important to her.

The sex was amazing. I never dreamed of finding a woman who could shock me in the bedroom. There was almost nothing I could think of that she wasn’t eager to try. My favourite was the candy cane incident.

When I was a kid, I read a story about a guy using a candy cane for foreplay with his girlfriend. Afterwards, he went down on her and he claimed it was the most amazing oral sex she ever had.

I surprised Ebere one night with a regular-sized candy cane (about 6″ long and kind of thin). We laid down some towels to keep from making our bed sticky forever. After teasing her by running it over the lips of her pussy for several minutes, I gently pushed it inside her. I began a soft fucking motion with it as I licked and nibbled her thighs, first one, than the other. After working her into a frenzy, I finally obeyed her pleas and began licking her lightly from her clit down to the edge of the treat that I was still fucking her with.

As her excitement continued to build, I decided to tease her just a little more. I pulled it out and showed the mostly melted candy cane to her while luxuriously licking one side. Then I gently pushed it into her mouth and let her enjoy it while I worked on her now remarkably sweet pussy.

The sensation was remarkable because instead of trying to find ways to please her, I was licking and sucking wildly because it was so enjoyable for me. It probably wasn’t the best technique I’d ever used, but the effect was undeniable. She had a huge orgasm and told me she had to find a way to pay me back. After not talking about it again for a couple of months, the topic resurfaced on Christmas. She gave me her nastiest smile as I opened one of her presents…a 10-inch long candy cane that was about an inch wide.

We did things like that constantly for close to two years. About two months before our second anniversary, something changed. I don’t know why, but we fell out of rhythm. When I was in the mood, she wasn’t and vice versa. If I was having a good day, she had a bad one at work. When she wanted to go out, I was tired. It wasn’t that we fought or had severe drama; we just couldn’t get on the same page.

Being a guy, I guess I underestimated the impact on her. To me, it was an inconvenience, but I think she felt it more deeply. She might have even feared we were growing apart, but she wouldn’t say anything to me. When we did try to talk about it, nothing seemed to get settled. We both tried to fix the problems, but things always seemed to get in the way.

A few weeks before our anniversary, she got a call from her friend Azizat. She was one of Ebere’s Abuja friends I met during our honeymoon.

Azizat moved to town after our first anniversary, and they resumed their close friendship immediately. I never really cared for her because she gave me the impression I wasn’t welcome when they went out. It wasn’t bad enough to complain about to Ebere, but we didn’t seem to click at all. I took it as an opportunity to let Ebere have a slice of her old life. She could go do things with Azizat, allowing me to have some time to do things just for me.

I also liked the chance to have some alone time with Simisola. She was so close with her stepmother that I welcomed the chance to keep part of her just to me.

One of Azizat’s oldest girlfriends was getting married in Port Harcourt. Since she didn’t have a guy to take, she asked if Ebere would like to go. I didn’t have any objection, so they planned a trip leaving late Thursday night and coming back late Sunday night. After she left, I was surprised at how empty the bed felt for the first time in two years.

Ebere didn’t call me all weekend, which seemed unusual for her. I wasn’t too worried about it since I knew a lot was going on with the rehearsal dinner, bachelorette party, then the wedding Sunday afternoon. There were also a lot of shopping things planned for the women who hadn’t been together in years. I thought about calling her to say hi but didn’t want to interrupt.

I found that three days without her made a big impact on me. I really missed her, despite the problems of the last couple of months. In the three years I had known her. We had done everything together. By Sunday morning, I couldn’t wait to see her. I resolved to find a way to fix things immediately, no matter what. Even though I wasn’t worried about our rough patch, I felt like it was eating at her. I swore to make it my priority to alleviate her concerns. Next to Simisola, I loved Ebere more than anything and just wanted her to be happy.

I got a message from her early Sunday afternoon telling me she was catching an earlier flight. Instead of getting home around midnight, she would be back at 7:00. I didn’t get to talk to her because the call came in while Simi and I were out. We decided to have a big surprise for her, decorating the whole living room and getting her a cake. I left Simi with the sitter and headed to the airport. Ebere called me on my cell to tell me she will be waiting for me in front of one of the terminals.

When I saw her out front waiting, I had to do a double take. She looked terrible. Her hair was a mess, she looked tired, and her eyes were red and swollen like she had been crying. I stopped the car and jumped out, very concerned. She ran to me without saying a word and hugged me tightly, starting to cry again.

I gently pushed her back to look at her face. “Ebere, what’s wrong?”

She paused and looked down. After a moment, she muttered, “Azizat and I had a terrible fight. I came back by myself. The whole weekend was a disaster.”

I could see her shoulders heaving as she tried to stop crying. I knew we had to get out of there before I got towed, so I steered her to the car. I threw her bags into the back and got on the highway. She leaned against me, and I could still feel her crying softly on my shoulder. I made it to a fast food place and pulled into the parking lot.

I turned her toward me, “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

“No, I don’t want to talk about it. Please, can we just go home?”

I wanted to help but didn’t want to push her to talk if she wasn’t ready. “Well, we can if you want, but Simi’s waiting for us with a surprise for you. If you show up like this I’m afraid she’s going to be really disappointed. We worked on it all day for you.”

She looked at me with an expression I couldn’t read. Without another word, she put her arms around my neck and pulled me tightly against her. “Can we just sit here a minute? I missed you so much. I promise to get it together so we can go. I just want you to hold me. I love you more than anything.” She kissed my cheek softly and rested her head against my shoulder again.

I was sad her homecoming had been ruined, but to her credit, she did compose herself. We went home, and she was properly ‘surprised’ by the work Simi and I had done. All three of us spent the rest of the night hugging and talking. It was subdued, but we were so glad to have her back that it didn’t matter.

After we put Simisola to bed, I hoped to find a way to get Ebere in a better mood, but she was exhausted. She went straight to bed and asked me to come to hold her. The fight with Azizat must have been really bad. As she fell asleep in my arms, I felt like a kink had again been thrown into my plan to fix our problems.

It turned out to be just the opposite. Ebere was really down all week but bounced back the next weekend. I hadn’t pushed her for sex because she was so unhappy, but she knocked my socks off Saturday night with the most amazing sex I had seen in months. She was so energized and eager to please me that I felt like I wasn’t doing my part.

That seemed to be the end of our troubles. For the next six months, things were great, and she was the perfect wife. For my part, I tried my best to make her feel as loved as she was making me feel. Our caring for each other put all the troubles behind us, and we regained our rhythm.

So now you’re saying to yourself, “Everything’s perfect, how’d you get here?” Well, that’s easy. I’m a pervert.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not into anything gross. I don’t get off on looking at sick or twisted pictures. It’s just that despite the fact I have a wonderful wife who fulfills every sexual fantasy I ever had, I like checking out adult Web sites from time to time.

It’s harmless, and I figured it was better to occasionally get off looking at a pretty girl than constructing some fantasy about someone I knew. Fantasies seemed more like doing something that could undermine my marriage.

I don’t do it a lot, maybe a few times a month. My favorites are amateur sites. Nothing turns me off more than a professional stripper with tens of thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery pretending to enjoy herself. I’ll take the women whose boyfriends talk them into taping their sex, Girls Gone Wild, or my favorite, the bachelorette party videos.

You’ve seen them; drunken girls deciding to jump a bunch of male strippers, even though it’s being taped and the room is full of people. It’s so depraved it’s impossible to stop watching.

One Friday night, almost six months after our second anniversary, Ebere took Simi out to see a movie. While they were gone, I was goofing around on my computer. I checked my email and saw a new message. It simply said, “The best party video ever!

At first, I thought it was spam, but the address was from a Gmail account, so I opened the message.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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