March 9, 2025

Average Joe: MilF Agenda (Chapter 7)[18+]

Home » Average Joe: MilF Agenda (Chapter 7)[18+]

Average Joe: MilF Agenda (Chapter 7)[18+]

The employee brought me back to reality.

“Do you have any larger models?” I asked.

“That’s the biggest we carry.” She said. “I could order one for you.”

“No. This one will have to do.”

“That one comes with a free penis ring.” She said.

Interesting. I won’t be needing it tonight, but if it’s free.

Now with a bag from Fetish on my arm, I headed for the exit. But someone stopped me.

“Excuse me ma.”

“Yes?” I said to the stranger.

“I don’t normally do this, but I saw you go into that shop and I stood out here waiting for you.”

What did this guy want?

“And, I was wondering… could I buy you dinner sometime?”

“Oh, I uh. Uhm…I have plans.” I stuttered, completely caught off guard.

“Yes, of course. Forgive me.” He said, deflated. And he walked away.

I stood dazed for a moment, processing what had just happened.

You fool. He was hitting on you. That was your chance! And he wasn’t bad-looking either.

Given a second chance I would have accepted his invitation, but I was so fluttered I didn’t know what to say. I looked in the nearest shop window and saw my reflection.

No wonder he asked you out…you’re hot!

Feeling disappointed that I had lost my chance, but invigorated that a complete stranger would hit on me, I headed for my car.

Oh well, I’ll have more fun by myself anyway.

Thirty minutes later I was pulling onto my street. I looked at the home four houses down from mine as I passed it. It was Ikenna’s home. I wondered where he was and what he was doing this weekend.

If only he knew what I had planned for the rest of the evening. I’m sure he would love to watch haha!

I was feeling a million times better as I parked my car and brought my bags inside than I had felt this morning. It was probably unnecessary but I walked around the home and shut all the blinds and locked all the doors. In my bedroom, I dimmed the lights. I also placed and lit the passion fruit-scented candles.

In the bathroom, I shed all my clothing and put on the newly purchased lingerie. It felt good. I ran my hands up my sides and cupped my breasts. It fit me well and showed off my figure nicely. Finally, I crawled onto my bed and lay flat on my back.

Damn, I left the Fetish bag on the kitchen counter.

I decided I could start without it, and go get it once I was revved up.

I closed my eyes and imagined that I was at the pool. Ikenna was there. I ask him to put lotion on me. I lick my lips. My hands slide up my body again, only I imagine they’re not my hands. I cup my breasts and push them together. I slide one hand back down, spreading my legs I rub my slit over the top of my lingerie. I slide a finger into my mouth and begin sucking it as I let my other hand slip beneath the band of my panties…

Knock…Knock…Knock… from the front door.

Who the hell could that be?!… They’ll leave.

I try to get back in the mood after being disrupted. I close my eyes again…

Ding…Dong… the doorbell rings.

This had better be important!

I decide to get rid of my unwelcomed guest before continuing. Jumping from the bed I grabbed a robe from the closet. Then I go to see who it is that so rudely interrupted me.


Run. Turn and run before someone answers.

I wait. A minute goes by and no one comes to the door. The blinds are drawn on the windows and all the lights appear to be off inside the home. Maybe she already left again, I think to myself. Yet the escalade is still here.

I’m here. Might as well ring the doorbell.

My hand was shaking as I raised it to press the doorbell.


Still, no one comes. Part of me is secretly relieved. I was about to turn around and head home when I heard the latch on the back of the door being unhitched.


I try and stand tall. The door creaks open slightly and I see Mrs. Tolani’s head appear. Her hair was smooth and straight, her eyes were piercing as ever, her lips were ruby red. For the first time in a while, she did not appear happy to see me.

“Oh, Ikenna. It’s you.” She said, still concealing most of herself behind the door.

“Hi Mrs. Tolani.”

“What are you doing here?” She asks, seemingly annoyed.

I knew this was a mistake.

“Uhm…I just wanted to see if Kola wanted to hang out.”

“You couldn’t have texted him?”

Yep, I’m an idiot.

“Uh, yeah. I guess I could have.”

“Well…he’s not here.” Mrs. Tolani said.

“Oh, okay. I’ll just get out of here then. Sorry to bother you.” I said and turned to leave.

“Wait…” Mrs. Tolani said. Her demeanour softened a bit. “You’re not bothering me.”

Slowly, she allowed the door to open further.

Holy Fuck…

Mrs. Tolani was wearing a silk robe. It was pulled tight, tied around her thin waist and flowed all the way down her legs. Her feet were bare and I noticed her toenails were painted red. While I was busy ogling her, I realized her mouth was moving.


Her ruby-red lips spread across her pearly white teeth as she smiled at me.

“I said, why aren’t you out with friends. Don’t you have plans for a Saturday evening?” She asked.

“Oh, uh well, my family went to the park. I had a couple invites but decided to stay and…and uh…” I forgot what I was going to say as my eyes travelled back up Mrs. Tolani’s body.

“Stay and come see…Kola? Is that it?”

“Yeah, that’s it. But seeing as he’s not here…I’ll be on my way.” I offered.

But I stood there, waiting for her to say something. Like ‘okay have fun’ or ‘goodbye’ or something like that. But she didn’t. Instead, she bit her lip and her eyes travelled up and down the street several times. As if she was looking to see if anyone was outside.

“Ikenna…” She started, “Why don’t…why don’t you come in for a minute?”

“Come…inside?” I stuttered.

“Yeah, I’ll fix you a snack. Or make you a drink before you go.”


“You don’t have to of course.” Mrs. Tolani said, and she closed the door an inch or two.

Go inside! It’s easy, just pick one foot up at a time and step inside. That’s it.

“Uh…okay. I’ll come in for a minute.”

Mrs. Tolani opened the door wide and I stepped inside.

She smells amazing, must be new perfume.

Mrs. Tolani shut the door behind me and locked the bolt. The only light in the home came from sunshine filtering through the blinds.

“Come have a seat in the kitchen.”

I followed Mrs. Tolani to the kitchen. Her silk robe flowed like water over her body as she moved. I took a seat at the counter, where there was a shopping bag. Mrs. Tolani turned on the kitchen lights. Underneath the canned lights Mrs. Tolani’s thin robe was semi-translucent. I could see a hint of red coming through around her large chest.

Holy Fuck, that’s her bra.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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