“I can help with the dishes Mrs. Tolani.” I offered.
“Thank you Ikenna, you’re very sweet.”
I helped gather up the dishes and followed Mrs. Tolani into the kitchen where we deposited them into the sink. Her stilettos clacked against the hardwood floor.
“You wash and I’ll dry?” She offered.
I took my place at the sink and turned on the faucet.
“Here, I’ll get us some soap.” Mrs. Tolani said. Then she bent at the waist to and opened the cupboard door beneath the sink. Her round ass stretched at the material of her skirt as it hung in the air.
I would give up a month’s allowance just to smack that butt!
She went deeper into the cupboard and backed her firm ass up into my leg. For a brief moment, I enjoyed the feeling of her ass pressed up against me before I took a step back. My dick gave another twitch in my trousers.
“Sorry about that.” She said, handing me the dish soap.
“It’s okay.”
I got to work washing. When I was done with one I would hand it over for her to dry with a rag. For a minute or two it was quiet as I tried to think of a way to break the awkward silence. Mrs. Tolani beat me to it though.
“I know this shirt shows off a little more than my normal clothes. But it’s not too scandalous, is it?” She brought her arms to her side, slightly pushing her fat boobs together, causing even more cleavage to spill out her top.
Holy Fuck.
“Uhm…No. Like I said, you look very nice.”
“You will think my husband would like it.” She said underneath her breath, but loud enough for me to hear.
“I never really noticed before tonight at how different you and Mr. Ahmed are.”
“It wasn’t always like that. He’s changed a lot since we were first married.” She said. “But then again, I guess I’ve changed too. It’s sort of inevitable I suppose.”
“Oh…” I wasn’t sure what to say to that.
“Don’t get me wrong Ikenna. We’re happily married. I’m not complaining. People just change as they get older.” She clarified.
Does she really mean that?
“So, in what ways have you changed?” I asked, which made her laugh.
“Well I was never this boring before, that’s for sure!”
“What? You’re not boring.” I said.
“Oh please, yes I am. My routine is the same every day. Cook, clean, exercise, get my hair done and shop occasionally.” She groaned. “I used to be way more spontaneous. And don’t forget skinnier either.”
“No way. You are the “funnest” mom out of all our friends. We all agree. We also all agree that you’re the best Mil…” I blurted out but stopped myself.
“The best what?” Mrs. Tolani asked.
What were you thinking Ikenna?! Well, you better think of something else to say cause you can’t tell Kola’s Mom that you and all your buddies think she’s a Milf.
“Uhm… we all agree that… uh…You are the best…looking. Yeah, the best-looking Mom we know.”
Great, now she’s going to think I’m a pervert or something.
“Really?” Mrs Tolani sounded surprised. “You’re Mom looks great. And what about Bssey’s Mom? Wasn’t she in beauty pageants and stuff back in the day?”
“Well yeah, Bssey’s Mom is pretty. But she’s not like you. You, you’re like…” I hesitated.
“I’m what?”
I can’t tell her this.
“Nothing. Forget about it.”
“No. Tell me.”
“I shouldn’t say it.” I blushed.
“Come on, just tell me.”
“You sure?” I asked, trying to think of how to tell her that she was fucking sexy without sounding like a little creeper.
“Yes. I promise I won’t be mad.”
We were finished with the dishes by now and she was facing me. I turned to the side to hide my growing boner.
“Well…how do I say this…” I stuttered.
Her eyes continued to look at me through her spectacles.
“You know how we hang out at the mall sometimes?” I asked. She nodded her head. “Well let’s pretend Kola, me and all our friends were at the mall, okay?”
“Not sure where you’re going with this, but okay.” She said, going along.
“And let’s pretend we didn’t know any of you ladies,” I added. “Bssey’s Mom could walk by and that would be that.”
“But then, if you walked by. We would all stop what we were doing and watch.” I mumbled. “We would probably even crane our necks to watch until you turned the corner. And then we would all talk about you.”
“Oh, I see. Well, what kinds of things would you say?”
Oh my gosh, she’s really not going to let this go, is she?
“Oh, you know. Just about how beautiful you were, and other things guys say when they’re being guys I guess. I don’t know how to say it other than that.”
Mrs. Tolani smiled at that.
“Hypothetically of course. Suppose we didn’t know you. But being Kola’s Mom and all I would never be disrespectful like that.”
Hopefully, she buys that.
“Of course.” She said. And then she put her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. And she didn’t let go. My dick gave another twitch.
Oh man, her big breasts feel so good pressed up against me. There’s no way she can’t feel my boner right now! She’s hugging me so tight it’s basically poking her in the thigh…this is embarrassing.
“Thank you.” She said into my ear, still pressing herself against me. “That’s the biggest compliment I’ve been given in a long time.”
With that she finally let go of me.
“Uh..you’re welcome.”
Even though the dishes were done Mrs. Tolani and I remained in the kitchen for some time. She told me about how her and Mr. Ahmed met in university. And what it was like when Kola was a baby. She asked me what my plans were for the upcoming holiday and if Kola and I liked any girls from school. She seemed surprised when I told her I didn’t have a steady girlfriend or anything.
It seemed like we talked in the kitchen for only a few minutes or so. But it must have been more than an hour because Kola eventually came in and told me I had missed the entire football match.
“You had better get home.” Mrs. Tolani said. “I promised your Mother I wouldn’t keep you too late.”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks again for dinner, Mrs. Tolani.” I said. “See you later Kola.”
Mrs. Tolani led me to the exit. I turned towards her just to get one last look of her in that sexy outfit before the door shut and she was gone from view. Then I sprinted home, ran downstairs and locked myself in my room.
I still had a raging boner but I felt guilty jerking off. I felt like Mrs Tolani and I had had a good talk and connected almost on an emotional level sort of. Masturbating to her almost felt like it tainted the night in a way.
But before long the image of her in that dress, and the feeling of her firm ass and soft boobs against me proved too much. I pulled my dick out and squeezed a quick one out. Then I fell asleep.
Mrs. Tolani:
I took one last look at his cute butt before I shut the door.
Tolani, you naughty girl.
I may have taken it a little too far tonight but I was just having a bit of fun. Try as I might, I couldn’t get the image of Ikenna stroking his long cock, while moaning my name out of my mind. It had been almost a week.
He couldn’t take his eyes off me during dinner. Ha, it’s amazing he managed to get any food successfully from his plate to his gaping mouth!
I could see his excitement even through his jeans. It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud when I backed my butt into him. I expected him to jump from fright but I think he actually lingered for a brief moment, probably enjoying it!
What I had not expected was to be so flattered by his juvenile analogy involving checking out women at the mall. I hadn’t meant to tease him with my embrace. That was totally genuine. His erection poking me in the thigh seemed genuine too. Another surprise was the burning I felt in my loins as a result from our bodies being so close.
Obviously, nothing would ever seriously happen. After all, I was old enough to be his mother. But I would be lying if I didn’t say it felt good knowing Ikenna, and from the sounds of it, the rest of Kola’s friends saw me as desirable.
Ahmed was alone on the couch watching TV. Kola must have retired to his room to play his violent video games. I made a mental note to have a more serious talk with him about that.
Walking up behind the couch I leaned forward, pressing my chest against the back of my husband’s neck and running my hands down his chest.
“Why don’t you come to bed?” I whispered with my best ‘sexy’ voice.
“I will in a few minutes.” He responded, seemingly unfazed.
“Don’t be too long.” I kissed into his ear and I gave his crotch a gentle squeeze.
There, that should let him know what’s waiting for him.
I let my hands slide back up his chest and then I headed upstairs to our bedroom.
Teasing Ikenna like that has really made me horny.
I dimmed the lights. Next, I slipped off my shoes. I pulled off my shirt and removed my pencil skirt as well so that all I had on was the black lingerie that Ahmed had bought me several years prior. Then I slipped underneath the covers and waited.
I slid a hand underneath my panties and discovered that I was still wet from my embrace with Ikenna.
Damn, that kid really did get you horny. How long has it been?
I paused to think how long it had been since Ahmed and I had had sex. I was shocked when I realized it had almost been a whole month since he had fucked me. I looked at the clock, it had been twenty minutes since I told Ahmed to come to bed. Soon it had been a half hour, then forty-five minutes had passed.
That ass-hole isn’t coming.
I had almost given up all hope of being laid tonight when finally, the bedroom door opened. Ahmed clumsily emptied his pockets onto the nightstand and staggered into the bathroom. After several minutes, the toilet flushed and he exited in nothing but his underwear. His pot belly looked bloated from the meal I had prepared.
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