“Uh! Yes!” Adah moaned, “I’m surely carrying his child already, but I want to be sure!”
Dolapo, obviously turned on by that sexy show, started grinding her firm, little ass against my hard cock. My hand reached over and found her breasts.
“Please, baby! Fuck me too!” Dolapo said.
I didn’t need to be told twice, of course. However, just when I positioned my cock at her wet pussy, she quickly moved forth, breaking contact with my cock.
“Oh honey,” she whispered, “haven’t you forgotten something?”
Then I remembered. With a little, disappointed sigh I reached behind me, opened a condom and quickly put it on. After retaking my position behind my wife, I let my cock slide into her waiting pussy with ease.
The moan Dolapo gave felt more than welcome because after last night I had been wondering whether she would be able to feel me. To my relief, she seemed to enjoy sleeping with me just as she always had, and so we kept having sex while watching the couple.
Under Adah’s eager movements, Eneche didn’t seem to be able to control himself for long. It took him about 10 minutes until he came inside his wife, who kept riding him until his orgasm had subsided completely. When she was done, she hopped off again, gave him a passionate kiss and lay down again behind him.
Dolapo and I kept fucking, now watching Eneche’s semi-hard cock on full display with cum glistening on top of it. He was watching my wife, taking my thrusts and moaning. Then, to my astonishment and just after about two minutes or so, his cock suddenly started hardening again, and in no time, it was standing out in all its glory once more.
“Mmm, look at that,” Adah said, now lying on her side with one leg raised up and playing with her cum-soaked clit. “It seems looking at your beautiful body has made my husband’s flesh hard again. Would you want to enjoy him once more?”
“Uhhh!” Dolapo moaned. Hearing Adah’s words made her body come alive even more. “Y… Yes. Yes, I would!”
Dolapo turned her head towards me as far as she could. “Can… Can I?” She managed to ask me while I hadn’t stopped fucking her.
“If that’s what you want,” I reluctantly said.
My answer caused her to smile lovingly at me, and within moments, my wife got up and took Adah’s former position above Eneche.
He started fondling her breasts as she positioned the sticky head of his cock, still covered in cum, against her pussy and worked it inside of her in no time. I had to admire how quickly she had adjusted to taking such a size.
Adah motioned for me to come over, and before I knew it, I was kneeling in front of Eneche and Dolapo once more with my hands tied behind my back.
“I truly admire your devotion for your wife,” Adah said to me, kneeling beside me. “It takes courage to allow your wife to prefer another man’s seed over your own. I hope you don’t see this as an act of humiliation but as an act of love and care towards her.”
“Yeah,” I answered her while my cock, which was still covered in a condom, was in desperate need to get any kind of relief. “Watching her being fulfilled like this makes me more than happy.”
This time, Dolapo had three orgasms before Eneche was close again, and just like yesterday, Adah asked her to turn around so she could face me when Eneche would cum in her.
“Come here!” Dolapo said to me all of a sudden. “Come here to me!”
Taken by surprise and curious as to what she had in mind, I crawled forwards on my knees until I was right between Eneche’s legs and in front of my wife. She wasted no time, leaned forward and started kissing me more passionately than I had ever experienced. Her hand found my condom-covered cock and started stroking it. I was in heaven.
Then Eneche grunted. Holding Dolapo’s hips close to his, he started pumping his potent semen into my wife’s waiting womb once more. Her soft breath carried her whimpers into my mouth as she was still kissing me. Overwhelmed by it all I came too and shot my load into the condom, moaning and breathing heavily.
When we had all come down, the four of us went back to our sleeping mats. I held Dolapo, just as I did the night before.
“I love you, David,” Dolapo whispered.
“I love you too, darling,” I said, kissed her neck and quickly dozed off to sleep.
The next morning came and Dolapo and I woke up to find ourselves to be the only ones in the hut. I was spooning her, and she snuggled up to me.
“Good morning, my love,” she said.
“Good morning, darling,” I answered. “Did you sleep well?”
Dolapo turned around to face me and grinned. “You bet I did! What about you? Are you alright? I mean… are we still ok?”
“Yeah, we are.” I kissed her, sensing her relief. “We’re…” I exhaled heavily, “We’re going to have a strange baby, aren’t we?”
“I guess we are,” Dolapo bit her lip. “I’ve checked my calendar, and these are the most fertile days of my cycle… Are you okay with that?”
I looked at her. If anyone had asked me whether I was okay with my wife having a child with a strange guy from Benue, I would’ve declared them insane. The past days, however, had changed everything.
“Yes, darling,” I said. “Yes, I’m okay with that. You’ve done nothing I wasn’t aware of or clearly against. This child is going to be my responsibility just as it’s going to be yours. This child, should you be pregnant, is going to be ours, and I’m going to be the father it deserves.”
Dolapo had tears in her eyes. “Oh! I’m lost for words!” She kissed me. “You’re so wonderful, and I don’t know how I deserve you! I love you with all my heart!”
“I love you too, my darling!” I answered and kissed her passionately.
That was the last day of our village trip. We were going to head home in the evening, so after breakfast, we dismantled the tents and packed everything we didn’t need during the day in the cars. Dolapo’s parents then went to pay some old friends their annual visit after telling us they wouldn’t be back before evening. We all thought about what we were going to do until then, and in the end, we decided to visit the spa close to the lake.
After some massages and a nice rest, we went outside to relax in one of the resorts in the spa’s outside area. Dressed in swimming trunks we were sitting on stone benches inside a round pool. Temi and Kunle sat to our right, and Adah and Eneche to our left. No other visitors could be seen.
“Aaahh, this is it, guys,” Temi’s husband Kunle said after some 20 minutes. “I love these pools!”
“Oh yes, it is very comfortable here,” Adah agreed. “Have you always come here?”
“Yep, always,” Kunle answered. “In fact, I can’t remember a single trip to Benue with Temi’s parents without coming here since we started dating ten years ago. Do you remember the fun we had in here, honey?” He turned to Temi and chuckled.
Ignoring Temi’s apparent unease, Adah inquired further, “What fun are you talking about?”
“Uhh, you know, the usual stuff,” Kunle said. “Swimming naked and… you know… doing what lovers do…”
“So it is okay to enjoy this water naked?” Adah cheerfully said.
“No! I didn’t mean…” Kunle tried to interject, but it was too late. Adah had already untied her bikini top.
As we were all watching in awe, Adah quickly got rid of her whole bikini and put it on the grass behind her. Her petite body with her perky breasts and her pussy were clearly visible in the clean water.
Adah talked to Eneche, and he didn’t hesitate to get rid of swimming trunks as well. Neither Dolapo nor Temi could keep their eyes from looking at that big cock floating so gently in the water.
“What is it?” Adah asked when she realized we weren’t going to follow their example. “Are you ashamed of your bodies? If you could do it in the past, why not today?”
She looked at Dolapo and me, “Come on, my friends. We’ve seen each in certain ways in the hut, have we not?” A quick panic arose within me, but Kunle seemed to have overheard that. “Please don’t let Eneche and me be the only ones to do this”
Dolapo looked at me. When she saw nothing but an indecisive look on my face, she sighed and started untying her own bikini top.
“Well, I guess there’s no real harm in doing it, is there?” nervous laughter escaped my wife as she stripped down completely.
When I saw the challenging look she was giving me, I couldn’t help it and took my swimming trunks off as well. My cock had already begun to harden at the thought that both Temi and Kunle could now see my wife fully nude, but being exposed myself added another layer of excitement.
When Temi and Kunle, although they were clearly taking in the views they were getting, didn’t make any effort to follow our examples, Dolapo suddenly reached into the bag behind her and presented us with our last bottle of red wine.
“Well, maybe this might help to ease the tension,” Dolapo said with a smile. “I know, apart from Eneche, the guys can’t drink since they’re going to have to drive, but at least Eneche and us ladies can have some!”
Dolapo took a big sip from the bottle and handed it around to the others, who gladly took their share. It didn’t take more than about ten minutes for the alcohol to unfold its effects on the women and Eneche, who became quite tipsy.
“Well, Temi,” Adah finally said, “will you now join your sister and me and take that bikini off?”
Temi shifted a little. “I… I don’t know,” she said. “do I really have to?”
‘Wrong question,’ I thought to myself.
“Yeah, come on, Temi!” Dolapo said. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of here, is there? We’re family after all!”
Temi hesitantly looked at Kunle, and as he just shrugged and didn’t object in any way, she gave in and got out of her bikini. While Dolapo was rather the slender and perky type, her older sister of 31 years was quite the opposite: she had a healthy and curvy figure with big D-Cup breasts, which were now on full display just as her wild and untrimmed bush covering her pussy.
I couldn’t help but stare a little at her voluptuous figure and wonder what things she could do in the bedroom. I immediately felt guilty for those thoughts, but thinking about the last days I decided I didn’t really have to feel too bad about it.
“Alright, honey,” Temi said to Kunle, “I’ve done my part. You’re the last one to get into their birthday suit.” She giggled.
Kunle didn’t make any effort to get himself out of that, got up and pulled down his swimming trunks. What they revealed was an average-sized cock, just like mine, with untrimmed, dark pubic hair.
“Very good, Temi,” Adah said in a happy tone, “doesn’t that feel better?” Her hand had wandered on her husband’s cock and got it hard underwater. She didn’t seem to care that it could be clearly seen by everyone in the pool.
“Oh yeah, it does, Adah,” Temi answered. “However, I bet it doesn’t make you feel as good as your husband made my sister feel last night.”
My heart sank within seconds. Both Dolapo and I looked at Temi in disbelief. She had promised to keep our secret safe, but apparently, the alcohol and the action inside the pool had caused her to become careless.
“Temi!” Dolapo hissed, “you promised not to tell anyone!”
“Hold on! Hold on!” Kunle suddenly interjected. “What’s going on here? Did I catch that correctly? You had something with Eneche, Dolapo?” His mouth remained open as he was staring at her.
“Well… you see… I…” Dolapo stammered, but she had been caught off guard, and she didn’t have any time to come up with something.
“Yes, she had, Kunle,” Adah said all of a sudden. “My husband has chosen to bless her with a child, and he’s given her his seed two times already.”
Kunle looked from Adah and Eneche to us with a smirk on his face. “Haha, you almost got me there, guys! You don’t expect me to believe something as silly as that.”
My nervousness grew with the second. Would we be able to still cover everything up and pretend we only made a stupid joke or would he soon find out that something ‘that silly’ had happened indeed?
“Do you think I’m a liar?” Temi, now having problems articulating her words properly, said to her husband. “Come on Dolapo, show him! Show him what you guys have been doing!” She was giggling in a silly way, making it obvious the alcohol had taken hold of her.
I didn’t know what to say. Dolapo and I were looking at each other, scared of how this situation was escalating that rapidly.
Adah got up. Her exotic, naked body arose from the waist-deep water and, despite having some difficulties walking straightly, quickly moved towards us. She held out her hand.
“Come, my friend,” Adah said to my wife, who hesitantly reached out for her hand. “Come and show Kunle that Temi is not lying. You must not feel ashamed. Come!”
Dolapo gave me a last, insecure look, got up and followed Adah, who led her towards the middle and motioned for her to face Temi and Kunle. Some words were spoken in the couple’s native language, and after mere seconds, Eneche was standing behind my wife with his hands resting on her shoulders and his hard cock pressing against her left ass cheek.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was that really happening? My cock grew rock-hard in an instant. It already knew what to expect from a sight like that.
“Adah, what’s going on here?” Kunle said nervously. “Have I missed something?”
“Just relax and watch!” Adah told him. She sat down next to Temi and signalled me to take my place next to Kunle. Under his unbelieving, and slightly disgusted, gaze I made my way towards them with my erection pointing forward and sat down.
“Lean forward, my friend,” Adah said to Dolapo, who had started to shiver lightly.
My wife gulped. She seemed to know what was about to happen. Slowly she leaned her naked body forward and placed her hands on her thighs to support her stand.
Behind her, Eneche didn’t waste any time. He lowered himself enough to align his massive, hard cock with my wife’s pussy, grasped her hips and pulled himself inside of her.
Both Kunle’s and Temi’s mouths fell open as they witnessed Dolapo being penetrated by their guest’s cock. Soft whimpers of my wife accompanied Eneche’s thrusts as he started fucking her in front of us after pushing himself completely into her.
“Do you believe it now?” Adah asked Kunle. Her hand had found her clit, and she was now masturbating herself.
“I… I…” Kunle stammered as he said to me. “I don’t know what to say. Are you okay with this? I mean, another guy is fucking your wife, here in front of you!”
I looked at him and tried to remain as calm and cool as possible. “Yes, Kunle. It’s alright. She’s got my permission.”
Kunle just stared at me and then looked back at Dolapo, who was now moaning uncontrollably as Eneche’s thrusts against her grew harder and harder. Her eyes widened when he reached forward, took her wrists into his hands and pulled her arms behind her back so that him holding her became the only reason Dolapo wasn’t falling over.
“Oh yes!” Adah moaned, “I can tell my husband is close! Tell them what you want! Tell them what you want from him!”
Dolapo raised her head. Her eyes were directed at us, but she didn’t seem to be able to really concentrate.
“I… Uh! I…” she was trying to speak, but the sensations that cock was giving her appeared to be a hard opponent to fight against. “I want it! Uhhh! I want his cum in my pussy! I want him to give me a baby, oh my…Uhh! God!”
A deep and heavy growl emerged from Eneche. His thrusts had reached an incredible speed and suddenly he buried his cock deep inside Dolapo and came to a total standstill. He kept moaning deeply as he was still holding her hands behind her back.
“Yes! Oh yes!” Adah exclaimed, obviously having an orgasm, “He is giving her his seed! Uh! He is releasing his semen!”
That seemed to be enough for Kunle. He gasped heavily, and when I turned my eyes to him, I saw that he was cumming underwater without even touching himself. Jets of cum were shooting out of his cock as he witnessed the public insemination of his sister-in-law.
Eneche released Dolapo and both of them sat down next to Adah and me respectively without looking at anyone.
“We… We should get going,” I said after we all had been sitting there in total silence for about five minutes.
Nobody uttered a word as we got dressed again and made our way back towards the inside of the spa.
In about forty minutes, we would be on our way home again.
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