March 26, 2025

[Average Joe] Dolapo’s Village Trip (Chapter 2) [18+]

Home » [Average Joe] Dolapo’s Village Trip (Chapter 2) [18+]

[Average Joe] Dolapo’s Village Trip (Chapter 2) [18+]

That wasn’t enough. Pure lust was consuming me, and I wanted more. I reached down and pulled on her panties. Dolapo, not showing any sign of dissent – on the contrary, she seemed to be more aroused than before – helped me pull them down by raising her hips.

Eneche’s eyes widened as I then slowly pulled the hem of her nightgown upwards, bit by bit exposing my wife’s shaven pussy with her hand working on it.

Dolapo couldn’t take it any longer. “Fuck me, baby!” she said. “Fuck me, please!”

Adah smiled as I quickly put on a condom and entered my wife’s waiting pussy from behind. Never before had my cock slipped in so easily. I wasted no time and started thrusting into her as hard as I could, making Dolapo moan with pleasure.

After a while, Eneche said something to his wife. She turned to us, “Eneche says he likes your body, Dolapo. He asks why your husband is sexing with you with a condom.”

Dolapo, obviously taken by surprise, answered, “Thank you… We haven’t really decided whether we want to have children yet.”

Adah nodded and talked with her husband in their language and then looked back at us, “He says a body like yours should not be penetrated with such a rubber thing. If he were to mount you, he would definitely do it without one and see that his seed fills you to make your belly grow.”

“Oh my god,” I heard Dolapo whisper as she started meeting my thrusts in response to Adah’s words. They seemed to have turned her on very much.

The thought of my darling wife being impaled by that huge cock, fucked bare and with the aim of knocking her up, sent pure lust through me, and I began pumping even harder.

Suddenly, Eneche let out a rather loud moan. Adah said, “He is doing it. He is doing it any moment now!” She quickened the pace to the absolute maximum, almost squealing.

Eneche stretched out his arm, offering it to Dolapo. Under my curious gaze, my wife reached out and took hold of his hand. It was such a sexy and loving sight upon which I felt my own orgasm approaching.

Then it happened. Eneche jerked and began to moan loudly, squeezing Dolapo’s hand tightly. As he started pumping his cum into his wife, who was still riding him passionately, Dolapo, holding Eneche’s hand with her right and masturbating with the other, experienced a wild orgasm. This sent me over the edge myself, and under deep moans, I released a huge load of cum into the condom.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Adah collapsing on top of her husband, lying on his chest with his cock still inside her. I was still inside Dolapo, but I could feel my condom-covered cock begin to soften so I gently pulled out. As my arm was embracing Dolapo, who was still holding hands with Eneche, my eyes went heavier and heavier until I finally dozed off.

The sound of birdsong, combined with the early morning light woke me up. Not daring to turn my head I was simply staring at the thatch roof. Images began flooding my mind. Images of Adah riding Eneche, of my darling wife masturbating half-naked in Eneche’s view.

Had it all just been a crazy, sexy dream? I inhaled the air in the hut that still carried the unmistakable scent of sex. No, it hadn’t been a dream. I was lying there naked. Having found the courage to finally take a look around, I realized I was the only person in the hut. The others were gone.

“Honey! Wake up!” I heard Dolapo’s voice call me. “I’ve made us breakfast!”

I quickly got dressed and went outside to find Dolapo waiting for me. “Come, baby, let’s join the others! I’m starving!”

Since Dolapo didn’t seem to be eager to address last night’s events, I decided to avoid talking about them too, at least for the moment.

We walked some 100 yards to the eating area: A great outdoor table with chairs. Dolapo’s parents, her sister Temi with her husband Kunle and Adah and Eneche were already seated and enjoyed a rich breakfast.

The normality of it all felt strange. Neither Adah and Eneche nor Dolapo appeared to have experienced anything extraordinary. Everyone behaved as if last night had never happened so I just went along on the outside although I was dying of curiosity and excitement inside.

After spending a rather uneventful morning, Dolapo’s parents, her sister and her husband decided to go and stroll in the forest surrounding the village.

Dolapo and I chose to spend some time at the nearby lake and maybe go for a swim. I was hoping to have some alone time with my wife to be able to talk about last night, but our guests decided to join us.

We put on our swimwear and walked to the lakeshore, which was about five minutes away from the village. Dolapo was wearing a blue bikini while I wore, blue swimming trunks. Adah opted for a black bikini suit and Eneche for red swimming trunks.

Dolapo and I put large beach towels on the ground and lay down while the others went for a swim. Finally, I had some time alone with my wife.

“What a night that was…” I started, lying on my stomach, my head, resting in my folded arms, and turned to Dolapo to my right.

Dolapo, lying just like me but facing left, sighed. “Yes, darling. I still can’t believe it really happened.” She was looking at me with a tender smile on her face.

“I… I mean…,” I said, trying to articulate my thoughts properly, “I can only speak for myself, but I just can’t recognize myself. I was so caught up in the moment. So driven by lust. Under normal circumstances I couldn’t have done this… Ever…”

“That’s exactly how I feel, baby,” Dolapo replied, “I don’t know what happened, but I couldn’t control my urges too. I just… let go somehow.”

“Maybe,” I said, “it had something to do with them looking so exotic, especially having sex. The fact that they were making a baby didn’t really make it any less sexy, did it?”

Dolapo closed her eyes and sighed, “Oh god, yeah. Thinking about them doing something that private in front of us still turns me on. Do you remember Adah talking about him getting me pregnant? It was sheer madness, haha.”

As Dolapo was laughing a bit nervously, I remembered Adah talking about Eneche taking my wife bare and how much it turned her on. I wondered what she really thought about that and decided to investigate a little.

“Well, it did seem to make you very sexy, my naughty wife,” I said with a teasing tone.

Dolapo looked at me and instantly blushed. “Uh, but that was nothing real, right? I mean, it was all just some kind of dirty talk, wasn’t it? Something in the heat of the moment.”

“Yeah, probably,” I said, “but still: It turned you on, didn’t it? Even if it was said playfully, which we can’t be sure about.” I had a naughty grin on my face while my eyes were piercing Dolapo’s.

“W… Well…”, she said, not sounding too confident, “if you must know, it did turn me on. I know it’s such a crazy thing to think about, and talking about it now it seems more than absurd to me. However, in that very moment, it just seemed to trigger something inside of me. Some urge, I guess.”

“Some urge?” I had thought she might confess she was turned on, but that sounded a little more intense. “What do you mean? Would you have liked to… D… did you want to actually do something about that? I mean, you even went so far as to touch him, even if it was only his hand.”

“Oh, honey, no! Please don’t get me wrong! I could never do anything that hurts you! It’s just…” she paused, “It’s just that Adah’s words awakened something within me… Something that was curious about what could happen. I guess it’s just some evolutionary hormone thing. And besides: Having you jack off and practically expose me to them didn’t really help make it go away, mister!” She smiled sheepishly.

Upon hearing Dolapo say that, my cock woke up immediately. I had always known that my wife had something of a wild side to her, but hearing her talk about such naughty things was a completely new experience.

She must have realized I was deeply processing her words when she added, “I say we really shouldn’t overthink this! I bet the others don’t! And besides: Adah was probably just kidding when she said those things!”

“I was kidding? About what?” Adah said with an inquiring look on her face.

Dolapo and I had obviously been too involved in our little discussion to notice the two return from the water and quietly walk towards us. As we were too puzzled to speak, they lay down on beach towels to Dolapo’s right.

“Were you referring to Eneche mating with you? If you were, I can assure you that I wasn’t kidding at all. If he were to have sex with you, he would only do it bare,” Adah told us as if that was the most ordinary thing in the world to tell another couple.

The honesty and boldness of her words stunned me. Dolapo was the first to regain the will to speak. “Why would you say that? I mean, doesn’t it make you jealous to think about your husband with another woman?” I knew it was a reasonable thing to ask, but it felt more than strange to hear my wife talk about sex with someone else that way.

“Jealous?” Adah laughed a bit and answered, “Why should I be jealous? Would you be taking anything I cannot have? No. On the contrary: I would be quite happy to share something that precious with a fellow woman. Eneche isn’t just a guy like any other. In our tribe, his family has a proud tradition of producing strong men and leaders, so I’m quite used to other women craving for him.”

“I… I’m not craving…” Dolapo instantly tried to defend herself.

“Please, my friend,” Adah interrupted her, “don’t try to fool me or yourself. I know the look of lust in a woman’s eyes, and that look was pouring out of yours last night.” She smiled at us as Eneche was lying on his back behind her, oblivious to us and letting the sunlight warm his muscular body.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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