This is a work of fiction. All characters are eighteen years or older.
One Thursday night after my JAMB exams, shortly after my nineteenth birthday, I drove to a nearby university to attend a concert with a friend who was a fresher there. After the concert, I was taking the long drive home when I got the urge to stop by my Aunt Ebere’s house.
I was half-considering stopping in, but it was pretty late, and Aunt Ebere had three young kids.
But when I approached her house, there were a number of cars in the garage and in the street. I recognized several of the cars as belonging to other family members.
My mom came from a big family. What this did for me was to give me five aunts in their thirties and forties that I’ve lusted for since hitting puberty – my mom’s three sisters and her two brothers’ wives. I enjoy young girls my own age, but these were mature, “real” women whom I got to spend holidays and vacations with.
So these women became my main fuck fantasies. I used to jerk off looking at their pictures in our family photo albums. I looked forward to hugging them hello and goodbye. I would occasionally get to see them in their nightgown, which, unfortunately, were mostly very conservative. Most of the time I saw them was when they were wearing casual, even frumpy, clothes around the house or on vacations. But sometimes, I see them at church or a wedding where they would dress nice and fix their hair and stuff.
They came in all different sizes and shapes. Aunt Onyi, my uncle’s wife, was a pretty, slim lady. She had a small nose and brown eyes.
She was probably about 5’3″ with a slender body that she kept in great shape. From the looks of her hard thighs, she must run a lot. Her breasts were quite small, but her trim waist, flat stomach, and great ass made up for them. She had a soft-spoken voice and a reserved manner.
With Onyi at the smaller end of the size scale, two of my mom’s sisters, Aunt Nkechi and Aunt Ugo, were in the middle. Nkechi is the oldest of the aunts, and Ugo is the youngest. Nkechi had a slender body and kind of a classy air to her, real elegant body language.
She had nice legs, a pretty face, a fairly slender body, and straight shoulder-length hair. Her breasts were also pretty small, and the rest of her was in pretty fair shape for a woman in her late forties.
Ugo was slightly curvier. She had short hair, and wore oval glasses. Her breasts were B cups (I peeked at one of her bras), and she was a little shorter than Nkechi.
On the larger side of the scale were Ebere and Olivia. Ebere, my mom’s middle sister, was about 5′ 7″ tall (the same height as me) with a voluptuous figure. Her ass wasn’t great, but her larger breasts (38C) made her a favourite for my fantasies.
Olivia, my older uncle’s wife, was The Big One, my number one favourite. She was very tall (5′ 10″) and busty. One of the oldest, now in her mid-forties, I could still count on her pretty face, long legs, and big breasts (40C) to give me a boner every time I thought of her.
She was outwardly friendly, but a conservative dresser, a religious churchgoer, Sunday school teacher and church choir singer, and rarely drank when the other relatives did.
With all of those cars of my relatives at Ebere’s house, and a lot of lights on in the windows, it seemed the natural course to stop in and say hello. As I got down from the taxi on the street and walked toward the door, two women that I didn’t recognize came out the front door and headed for a car. They were both carrying colorful shopping bags.
Through the glass storm door I saw Aunt Olivia sitting on a chair in the family room at the back end of the house. So I walked right in.
I walked down the hall to the family room. Sitting in chairs and on the sofa were Aunt Ebere, Aunt Olivia, Aunt Onyi, and Aunt Ugo. Just the four of them, talking, with drinks all over the tables and bags and boxes scattered around. Olivia spotted me first. She gave me a surprised look, and then exclaimed, “Joe!”
The others looked at me, surprised at first, but then they all smiled and greeted me. Aunt Ebere approached first and gave me a hug. I buried my face in her long hair as Ebere pressed her big breasts into my chest.
She hugged me longer than usual, then pulled back and asked me how I was and what I was doing here. While I explained why I was in the neighbourhood, Ebere looked at me with a strange smile and a glazed look. It appeared to me that she’s been drinking quite a bit.
My other three aunts stood and hugged me. They also appeared a little tipsy. “What’s going on here?” I asked.
“I’m hosting an undies party,” replied Ebere.
“A what?”
“An undies party. It’s sort of like costume party. You’ve heard of those, haven’t you?”
“Uh, yeah. Someone hosts a party and everyone gets together and wear fancy attires from a saleslady, right?”
“Right,” said Ebere. “Only tonight she sold undies. The salesperson brought over a ton of sexy undies, and we got to buy some. I sent Uncle Osita and the kids to Osita’s brother’s house for the night. The salesperson already left, and a couple of my girlfriends went home, so it’s just the five of us left.”
“Five?” I asked, seeing only four women. “Is someone else here?”
“Oh, yeah,” said Aunt Olivia, “Nkechi is in the bathroom, trying on one of the outfits she bought.”
“Hey,” blurted the intoxicated Ebere. “Don’t tell Nkechi that Joe’s here. Let her come out in her undies. That’ll shock her.”
The others giggled and agreed, and Ebere led me around the corner to the darkened living room. I sat on the living room couch, where I could still see the family room. A few minutes later, I heard Nkechi’s voice and saw her walk into the family room.
My slender aunt was wearing some really sexy undies. I didn’t know how to describe it, but Nkechi did. “This is the camisole with the boy shorts!” she proudly exclaimed.
“I’ve heard them called bum shorts,” said Ugo.
Bum shorts! That’s what they’re called. The kind of shorts I’ve seen chicks wear in sexy rap videos on television. They’re sort of a cross between panties and shorts- not cut high at all on the sides, but they are on the butt. Nkechi was between the light and me, so I couldn’t see how much of my aunt’s ass was hanging out the bottom.
But what I could see from this angle is the silhouette of her breasts with the light shining from the other side of them. Her smaller breasts had sort of a cone shape as she stood sideways from me, sloping down a touch, and her nipples poked through the thin, clingy material.
“Is my ass hanging out of this thing?” asked Aunt Nkechi, unaware that I was there. “My nipples are poking right through it. There’s no crotch liner, so you can see my pubic hair. Maybe I should shave like the young girls do. And it’s sucking right up into my pussy slit. Feels sort of good, actually.”
My other aunts giggled, knowing I could hear. But they let Nkechi continue.
“What do you think a pizza delivery boy would do if I greeted him in this? I’m afraid that if I let a young guy see me like this, he’ll run away instead of wanting to fuck me.”
The others laughed louder. “Why don’t you ask Joe?”
Nkechi turned to where they were looking, and I stood up and walked into the sitting room. The other aunts laughed as Nkechi’s jaw dropped. But she made no attempt to cover up. Nkechi gave the others a dirty look, and then smiled at me. Even half-dressed, Nkechi gave me a hug. “I’m so embarrassed! I didn’t know you were here!”
“Obviously not,” I quipped.
When the laughter died down, Nkechi looked down at herself. And in good light, close up, I looked down at her, too. I couldn’t help myself. Nkechi’s breasts were jutting out of the flimsy fabric, with nothing to support them. Her nipples poked through obviously.
The camisole ended above her navel, and her bum shorts started many inches below it. I looked at her bare midriff, a little rounded, but not bad for a near-fifty-year-old. Looking down further, the bum short looked like they were painted over her pussy. I could see the whole shape of her protruding pussy easily.
The shorts were so tight that they really were being sucked up into her pussy lips. Below that, her bare legs looked nice. Somehow Aunt Nkechi always had nice legs for her age, too.
“Well,” Nkechi asked, “What do you think?” Nkechi turned around and let me glimpse at the back. More than half of her ass was hanging out of the bottom of the shorts. Above her legs was the obvious waistline and the colour change of her ass curving out.
I was surrounded by adult family members and still a little self-conscious. I didn’t want to say that she looked so hot, but I had to say something complimentary. So I stammered out the first stupid thing that came to mind. “Uh, I like it.”
Nkechi looked at me with a little sexy grin, her eyes glistening at me, crinkling the lines around her eyes. Then she looked at the others. “OK, you embarrassed me. The rest of you said that you’ll try on your nightwear.”
“OK, I’ll try on mine,” said Ugo. She grabbed a sack from the floor, and marched into the bathroom. The rest of the women picked up their various drinks – Ebere a beer; Olivia and Onyi wine coolers, and Nkechi a mixed drink.
“Joe, do you want a beer?” asked Ebere. I was surprised that she’ll offer her nephew a beer.
“Uh, I have to get home tonight.”
“Oh, it’s too late!” said Ebere. “Why don’t you spend the night here? The other four are. It’ll be just the six of us. We’ll find room for you.”
This was too good to be true – my hot, drunk aunt asking me to spend the night with just her and my other drunk aunts. I tried not to sound too excited when I said, “Well, OK.”
Aunt Ebere called my mom and told her where I was and that I would be spending the night. As soon as Ebere hung up the phone, she handed me a beer. “Don’t tell anybody I gave you that. We have rules on nights like this. Anything that happens tonight stays within the group.” I sipped the beer and put it on the table. I needed to relax, but I wanted to stay focused so I could remember every detail. Just then Ugo came out of the bathroom.
Ugo walked through the room like she was a model on a runway, smiling and turning around, and describing her outfit. Aunt Ebere had turned on some music to help the effect. “This is a lavender thong,” narrated Aunt Ugo. Her outfit was even more revealing than Nkechi’s outfit! Her “thong” was shaped sort of like a bathing suit, and made of almost sheer fabric! When the light was right I could see right through the top.
Ugo’s round breasts were bigger than Nkechi’s, a nice handful. They sloped just a little, and were capped with eraser-sized nipples. The bottom part was pulled tight over her pussy, and they were cut like a thong in back. I gawked at her bare ass as she turned around. Not a bad ass for an aunt.
All the other women complimented Ugo on how nice it looked, and I shyly agreed with them, not taking my eyes off of her.
When Aunt Ugo was done with her show, Ebere said, “My turn,” and entered the bathroom. I sipped my beer as Nkechi stood next to me and put her arm around me. She put her right hand on my right hip, and held her drink with her left hand. I slid my left arm around her and placed it on her bare side just above her bum shorts.
Nkechi talks a lot even when she’s completely sober, and she was babbling about something to me, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I was mostly looking down at Nkechi and Ugo’s barely-covered bodies, and enjoying holding Nkechi’s bare flesh in my left hand.
Ebere sauntered out of the bathroom doing her modeling imitation, pushing her big chest out and shaking her hair. She was wearing a white cotton thing that was sort of a little robe. It was really short; barely going below her waist in back, and in the front was tied closed by a single tie between her breasts that left a two-inch-wide gap between the globes. Quite a bit of her big breasts were visible on top, and when she turned sideways I could even see the very bottom of her right breast a little. The braless boobs swayed and jiggled as she walked.
Her nipples also protruded through the fabric. Ebere was wearing a white satin thong. Her ass was sorta big, but it looked nicer and more rounded than I would have expected. Her bare butt cheeks alternately rose and fell and jiggled as she walked back and forth right in front of me. Her fleshy thighs jiggled, and even that excited me. I was torn between staring at those breasts that I wanted to see for so long and staring at her almost completely bare ass.
Ebere looked right at me, smiling, as she posed.
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