March 10, 2025

Average Joe (18+) : The Old schoolmate

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Average Joe (18+) : The Old schoolmate

It isn’t everyday that you bump into an old schoolmate. Someone you knew from so many years back before you finally became the person that you currently are. Someone who becomes surprised and lets out a small gasp at what it is he or she sees. On this occasion, it was a ‘she’ who let out a small gasp at the person she was seeing…

“Jonathan?” her eyes scanned me from my head to my brand new shoes.

“Angela, wow!” I opened my arms and expected her to give me a great big hug.

She knew I wouldn’t have dared doing this those years back when I was still a nerd back in secondary school.  A ‘jew man’ they used to call me. Although, I could bet that she knew that it is the people in the world who make the world change. And yes, I’ve changed from that slowpoke she knew from before. She hugged me, reluctantly, maybe still surprised.

“I can’t believe my eyes” I noticed her forced foreign accent. Was she expecting me to believe that she was no longer the Angela i used to known who spoke only pidgin English back in our school days?

“Well…” I smiled “you better believe it. Seeing is believing right?”

She chuckled at my little joke. “You look quite good” she continued ‘washing’ me.

“ I never believed that you could ever looked like this”

“Angela, haba, was that your total judgement of me? you really didn’t think like that”

“But I did…and not just me, most of the other girls. We all never gave you a shot, because you were always a weird guy who never really blended with the rest of us.”

Normally, I should have been offended and responded aggressively to those words she had spoken, but when I looked at Angela closely, and noticed her exquisite figure, the way her boobs even looked pronounced in the suit she wore, and her beautiful fair-skinned legs, other thoughts had already begun to form in my very naughty mind.

“All that is in the past now dear, let’s forget i was ever like that. Look at you, the tiny girl shaped like a toothpick back in school, looking so pretty and voluptuous. Your boyfriend must be a very lucky guy.”

It didn’t surprise me how I changed the subject so quickly and directed it to what it had become.

“Hmmm! Are you flattering me or what?” she rolled her eyes.

“Naaah, I don’t flatter. You’re looking so sexy even though you’re wearing a suit. Where are you heading to, if I may ask?” I inquired

“A job interview, actually” she checked her wristwatch, “oh my God, i should be on my way. Don’t wanna be late” She replied

“Hey its ok, can i drop you off?” I offered

She looked at me with a new type of awe in her brown eyes. Her jaw dropped again.

“You have a car?” no forced accent this time.

“Of course, I do” My sarcastic self was in control of me right now

“ I don’t want to ruin my new shoes, they really cost me very much”

She laughed at that joke so well. She was intelligent enough to know that I was taking my pound of flesh from all the mockery she and her group of bimbos had made of me in school. But that didn’t stop her from accepting my offer to drop her off…

On the way to the office she was heading to, we talked a bit more. I found out that she had just finished serving in Taraba and she didn’t want to spend one more month at home before looking for a job.

She had written a couple of job aptitude tests and the company which she was headed to had been the first to call her up for an oral interview. She asked me all about me, I told her the few things she needed to know. Just as we approached the company gate, I was telling her about how this lady I was supposed to marry was seeing another guy, An older guy.

All I was telling her were lies, but it seemed to be achieving the aim for which it was being told. I told her that I wanted to see her again, on a day which she wasn’t so busy. She agreed, for old times’ sake. The old times between us wasn’t such a beautiful memory i could have said, but I kept my mouth shut. Just before she opened her door and left, she squeezed my right arm, said her appreciation and left, and i watched how her ample booty rippled in that suit skirt. I was gonna be having her for sure. It was very clear.

A week later, I received a call from Angela. I was surprised to ear her voice at the other end. I can’t remembered giving her my number, or a card. But I wasn’t bothered by that.

“So how did the interview go?” i asked, after all the pleasantries had been said.

“it was okay, I guess. But I’m yet to hear anything from them”

“ok dear, be rest assured that they will call you to resume duties soon. They can’t turn down one of the most beautiful and intelligent women in the city” I encouraged her

I heard a small laugh at her end. I smiled to myself. Go on, Joe, go on…you’re doing great, my evil mind speaking.

“So what are you doing this weekend?” I intended to take her in the moment of her ‘happiness’.

“Nothing really, its going to be a long boring one where I have to sit at home all through” She replied

“How about we have lunch or dinner on Saturday? Is that okay?” I inquired

“Are you asking me out?” she asked

I was expecting that. Ladies will always want to think that way. Can’t a dude take you out without any strings attached to that these days???

“Well, its like you said. For old times’ sake, remember?”

She giggled. “Okay, Saturday. Dinner would be nice”

“Good, good. So i’ll be picking you up?” I asked

“Oh, no. Sorry. I’ll meet you at the place. Where is it going to be?” She said

“Why don’t you decide?” I pushed it to her

“ I really don’t go out that much. I hardly know anywhere” She replied

I knew she was lying, but i didn’t want to prolong the matter so i said “Let’s meet at Skippers. We saw it on the way to your company last week”

“My company?” She asked sarcastically

“Yes dear, where you’re going to be working” I added

“hahaha. Amen oh! Jonathan” she kept laughing

“Okay then. See you on Saturday” I said

“Alright. Take care” I added

“And you, as well” She replied

I dropped the phone on my table and rubbed my palms together. Already anticipating the fact that I was going to do the deal with Angela on our first date, but it was only a possibility. There were many factors, unforeseen, that could hinder me from achieving that ‘objective’. i wasn’t going to force her to do anything she didn’t want with me.

On the contrary, she was going to be the person who made the first move. I was going to make sure of that, i thought and grinned.

Saturday came and I prepared myself for the evening’s dinner with Angela. She had called me twice that day already, we just spoke and reminisced a little on the old days. I could tell she was already feeling something for me. It was quite clear from the way she always laughed and talked in a soft tone when we spoke on the phone, and then it got me thinking… Was i going to do this all over again with another girl?

I was no longer the average guy back in Uni who could have one-night-stands with any girl I met. I wasn’t getting any younger either. My mom and dad had kept hinting on the idea of ‘settling down’ which generally translates to getting married and having children. My very own family, with me as the head.

The ‘bread-winner’…and all the responsibilities that came with that came with that title. I was going to stop drinking, partying, staying out late, and worst of all, limit my sexual urges to only one woman. That whole thought process wasn’t making any sense to me right then. The phone rang and brought me back to reality.

Angela was calling, I checked my wristwatch to find out that i was ten minutes late already. We were supposed to be meeting at 6:00pm. I hurriedly finished dressing and left my house. I got to Skippers at about 6:25pm. She had kept calling throughout the drive to the place and i’d told her it was the traffic delaying me. i got there to see a worrisome look on her face. She was sitting alone at a table in a corner, looking out the window beside her. I walked up to her. When she saw me, a bug smile materialized on her face. Her eyes glittered with joy. She was indeed, quite happy to see me.

“Hello dear”, I said.

“Joe, i was getting worried” she said softly

I apologized to her, we sat down and had a very beautiful evening. Throughout the whole time, we kept exchanging long seconds of looking deeply into each other’s eyes, no words being spoken. She was truly a beautiful lady, and I noticed how she always had a smile on her face each time I returned her stare. The moments when we did that were becoming awkward for me and that Evil Joe inside me kept reminding of ‘the plan’…”DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THE PLAN YOU LOUSY IDIOT!!!” I could hear ‘him’ scream.

The good thing to do would have been to ignore those thoughts telling me to stick to the plan, and really get to know Angela better, and maybe, start up a relationship with her which could lead to something tangible. But you all know Joe, and knew that he was not going to ignore the evil voice in his head.

“ I know a very cool bar just down the road where we can have a few drinks, and dance to some really good music. What do you say we go check it out” I asked her

She checked her watch before she talked. “ I have to be home early though, my mom doesn’t like me coming home late”

No wonder she didn’t want me to pick her up at her place, i thought. “You live with your parents?” I asked

“Yeah, i do, snd its been hell living with them. That’s why i really need this job, I want to be out of their lives as quickly as possible before they drive me insane”

I pretended to be the good guy “but they’re your parents, you shouldn’t be getting out of their lives”

“Yeah i know. But me living on my own and independent of them isn’t going to end the world! That’s how they make it sound like” She replied

I laughed. “ I understand. My mom is like that. But don’t worry about your parents dear, we won’t stay long. Okay?”

It was 9:45pm and we’d had a few drinks, so the dancing between us had gotten to an ‘up-close and personal’ level. My arms were around her waist, hers around my neck. She wasn’t much of a drinker. Just a coupla bottles of Teezers and she was giggling in my ears as we rocked the dance floor. She was putting on a short gown and high-heeled shoes. I had to hold her firmly so she didn’t hit the floor while she danced.

Although I was sure she would just giggle some more and get back on her feet if she did, not feeling an atom of embarrassment. It hadn’t been my plan to get her drunk, so I could take advantage of her. If I had known that a little alcohol could do this to her, i wouldn’t have offered it. But she asked for it, so I thought she was used to it. Obviously not.

A few minutes past 10:00pm and I was exhausted already, she was not. She wanted to dance some more but i knew it was the alcohol thinking for her. Angela in her proper senses would have known that it was already late and that she had to get home. I hadn’t picked her from home, so i couldn’t take her back there.

Even if I had, I didnt know the type of parents she had. The type that would thank me so much for being such a kind gentleman and bringing their daughter back home safely and unharmed? Or the type that would set their guard dogs loose on my sorry ass? I decided to do the ‘right’ thing, and take her to my place. But I could hear ‘Evil Joe’ sniggering inside my head singing kukere and dancing etighi at the same time. Evil Joe wouldn’t be sniggering if what I was doing was going to be the right thing, would he?

We got to my place a few minutes later.

Once we got in my sitting room, I made her sit on the sofa, then switched on the lights and air-cooling unit. Angela was still giggling. The incident with the gateman must have been quite a comedy show for her.

“So this is your place?” she asked

I was surprised to hear the words leave her mouth. This was the only sensible thing she had said since we left the bar.

“Yes, it is” i observed her. She was no longer giggling. She seemed to be back to ‘normal’.

She stood up from the sofa and walked towards the wall where i hung a very large painting. She looked at it for a while. I wondered what it was she was seeing. She touched the painting. It wasn’t glass-framed so the texture of it could be felt by the palms.

“Its beautiful. Did you do this?” She inquired

I was surprised at the question. Nobody had ever asked me if I had been the one who did that painting.

“No, I didn’t. Why do you ask?” her sudden change of mood still puzzled me. and there i was thinking she had completely lost control of her senses.

“ I remember you used to be a good artist back in school, when we did fine arts. Some of us used to ask you to draw our fine arts assignment, and you always did. Without hesitation. You never refused.”

She turned to look at me “We were taking advantage of you, Joe,  we knew you were doing it because you wanted to show that something good could come out of a guy we all made fun of.”

As she said that, she walked up to me…our eyes locked in a gaze. When she reached me, she held me by my arms. I felt the whole world stop around me, this moment didnt feel real at all. The Angela standing before me right now couldn’t possibly be the same person who had been drunk 5 minutes ago. Its like that Angela had been handpicked and taken away by some awesome spiritual being, and the lady standing before me had been dropped in her place. All in the blink of an eye. Angela’s kiss on my lips felt warm.

I hadn’t even known that I was being kissed. Was I under some sort of spell? Then as her tongue found its way into my mouth, and I tasted the Teezers she had drank that night.

She was the one who made the first move after all, but i hadn’t known it was going to be like this. The way in which our intimacy had begun still puzzles me till today but instead of standing there and allow her do all the kissing, i kissed her back, and our mouths locked up in a fiery bout of passion.

My hands embraced her tightly, her arms were now rubbing my back. I heard her little moans as she slurped on my lips. Who would have imagined that I and Angela would one day end up making out in my living room? Evil Joe, perhaps. That sly bastard could imagine anything and it would become reality.

We were on the couch already. How and when we had gotten there, I don’t know. Things just kept happening, like they do in dreams. This moment you’re in Lagos, you take a step and then find yourself in Abuja. She was on top of me, undoing the buttons of my shirt. Kissing every part of my skin her lips could find. I just let her do things at her own pace.

This moment still felt weird to me. although i could feel pleasure building up inside me, as her i felt the movements of her crotch on my dick. I hadn’t even realized when I’d raised her gown up to her waist and was massaging her butt-cheeks.

Was I the drunk person here who couldn’t keep track of his actions? Or was my mind just playing with me?

I had always thought stuff like voodoo or jazz or juju didn’t work on me. but giving it second thoughts right now, i could say it was possible that my actions that night were being controlled by some incantations made by a babalawo in a far away village.

Angela’s full rounded boobs were such a beautiful sight, I made sure to have an ample taste of each of them. Her nipples were as hard as they should be, and I became a baby, as i suckled on them. Her hands stroked my dick, which had found its way out of my trousers and boxers without my permission.

She just kept hissing and moaning while I munched on her twin mounds of succulent flesh. She rubbed the tip of my dick on her pussy lips, which were still enclosed in her lace panties and made an “uuuuuuh” sound, with her eyes closed and her face squeezed in ecstasy.

A finger of mine had already found its way to that slit between her legs, to the focal point of a thousand pleasures, her protruding clitoris. She brought her lips back to mine and engaged me in another long breathtaking kiss while we fondled each other. The couch wasn’t spacious enough to accommodate our entwined bodies. There was need for us to relocate to my bedroom which contained a bed, big enough to accommodate five people comfortably. But one thing i’ve learned from having sex with any girl on the first date is that one small, minute interference with the highly charged electricity flowing between the two lovebirds could kill the whole passion in less than a second, and you’d be wishing you hadn’t offered to do that idiotic thing that you had done.

When I felt the tip of my dick rubbing directly on the pink swollen up flesh that was the entrance to Angela’s orifice, all thoughts of an interruption left me instantly. I was lying there, on the couch. My head on the arm rest. She was facing me, her boobs jiggling like hanging balloons filled with water. One arm was holding the couch for support, while the other was being used to insert my dick into her coochie.

My hands held her waist, caressed her flesh, as I anticipated the next move from this beautiful lady on top of me. I felt my rod slowly make its way inside the warm flesh of her orifice. Her Pussy engulfed my dick, like a predator fish would do to a water snake. Slowly, inch by inch until everything was fully inside its stomach, then Angela began to move.

Her movements were the usual oscillating of the hips that I’d witnessed numerous ladies perform on top of me over the years of my unrepentant promiscuity but somehow, this one felt sweeter. Like I’d never experienced such type of pleasure before.

Her moans were escaping her lips once more, her soft voice sounding like one of my favourite actresses from Hollywood in a sex scene. I felt her ass rub against my skin as she glided over me, her hands ontop of me, rubbing my chest.


At first I thought i was daydreaming and must have imagined my name being called. Then she called it again


“Yes, dear” my voice usually sounds cracked when i’m being intimate with a lady. This time, it was just a whisper.

“I’ve fallen inlove with you” she spoke with the softest of voices. I couldn’t see her face. It was buried at the side of my neck, where she had been kissing me even as she moved ontop me. I wanted to see her expression as she said this, and read the meaning from her face. I didnt know the kind of reply she was expecting from me, but if she was expecting me to reply at all. But i knew i had to say something….

“i love you too, boo” i said. It was one statement i’d used so many times with so many different ladies. So this one as well didnt mean anything coming from me. she brought her face to look at me then, her dilated pupils staring into mine.

“Really?” she asked

I looked into those dreamy brown eyes, and knew that my next reply was going to be the seal, that would signal the beginning of another rollercoaster adventure that would be a relationship between me and Angela. I should have said ‘No’ because i know myself, and also the fact that it wasn’t going to work. But then, who says no to a question like that in the middle of sexual intercourse with the girl asking the question?

“Yeah babe, really” I lied, with the most sincere expression that I could muster in such a pleasurable moment.

With that, she smiled and kissed me again, this time with such happiness and delight, and then her movements which had been at a slow and steady pace, became faster.

That affirmative answer from me must have triggered something inside of her loins. It was like I had hit the emotional ‘G-spot’. Her body trembled once, then she put her arms around my neck, legs locked around my buttocks, and went erratic on me. Her moans escaping her throat more and more. With this, I turned her around until it was she below me lying on the couch, arms and legs still holding me tight. I then proceeded to thrust inside of her, increasing the pleasure that she now felt with the coming of her orgasm.

I went faster and harder now. No longer the ‘slow and steady’ gentleman I had been a few seconds ago. Her pussy was dripping with her cum even as I thrust in with all my power and might, i could hear the slurpy sounds our intercourse was making. The soundtrack to a good lovemaking most people called it coupled with the sounds we both made. Her continous moans, and my trademark grunt.

Sounding a bit like Rick Ross when he’s fucking. (i do not know how Rick Ross sounds when he fucks tho’ -_- )

“Oooh Joe, yessss Joe….oh yeah baby. Uuuuuh…aaaah…yeahhh. I love you so much Joe”

I didn’t have to say anything this time around so i just replied with another grunt, and then i felt the rise of my orgasm within my groin. My balls constricted, her hands rubbing me all over my back, her legs around my ass, urging me deeper inside of her wet orifice. I reached down and grabbed her ass-cheeks, my head just beside hers on the arm rest, my hips going in and out of her faster than i could have imagined that i could be able to. And then i let out a loud scream…


Like i was Usain Bolt in the Olympics, in pole position and had just crossed the finish line…

Evil Joe smiled……and so did I.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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