March 10, 2025

Average Joe (18+) : Esther’s wedding

Home » Average Joe (18+) : Esther’s wedding

Average Joe (18+) : Esther’s wedding

It was Saturday, that fateful day when I met Jennifer at a wedding.

I usually don’t attend weddings, I can count on one finger how many weddings I have attended in my life. I didn’t even want to be there on those occasions but it was Esther’s wedding, my cousin. She’s very dear to me, she has hooked me up with loads of her friends to date but after a few rounds of sex, I fled from them. I don’t understand why people think because you’re single, you’re bored or cant talk to ladies.

We are so close that a few strangers have either referred to us as couples or siblings, so I damn well couldn’t have missed her wedding. She would surely crucify me for it if I did.

I wasn’t playing any major part in the ceremony so I was just content on sitting and watching as the events unfolded. We went to the church first and the Pastor did the usual. I think I dozed off twice during all that, I can’t remember everything that  happened in that church service.  I just wanted it to be done with so I could return home and catch some rest after a very tedious week at the office.

After we were done at the church, which took quite longer than expected, the reception was held at a lavish hotel not very far from the church. It had a spacious arena by the pool where chairs and tables had already been arranged and decorated, I met everybody there.

My father couldn’t make it but my mum was there. All my siblings and a few relatives I could remember, they all knew me as the guy who never wants to relate with his family, I didn’t care at all what they thought. I was here for one person only, and once she has seen me and is happy with me then I’m off.

The wedding reception was fairly grand, there was food and drinks. The music was nice and the MC was a very funny guy, also a cousin as well. A younger brother to Esther, who had discovered his comedic talents at a very young age.

Everything went quite well and then I was ready to go after I had presented my gifts to the couple. When Esther saw me again she hugged me so damn tight, asked me so many questions at the same time like she was being my mother, maybe she was pregnant and this was how It begun with mothers.

I told her I was leaving but she refused, bluntly said NO. She had a scorn on her face even, and then the lady beside her asked me why I wanted to leave and spoil a beautiful day for my cousin. I looked at her; she was sort of pretty, dressed in a strapless gown, her hair made up in a bun.

She had sparkling grey eyes that I deduced were contacts, high cheek bones. Quite an elegant beauty she was. I had wanted to say a few mean words to her but I stopped myself.

I watched her, observed her like a stalker would do the object of his desires and fantasies. She carried herself with such grace. In my eyes, she had become prettier than the bride, that was a wrong thing to think but they were just thoughts. As far as Professor Xavier was not there to read my thoughts I could think whatever the heck I wanted.

When the ceremony had come to its near end I decided it was time to know more about his lady. I walked up to her where she was engrossed in her iPad. A smile on her face, a dimple, on her cheek.

She didn’t see me coming until I stood beside her, looking at the screen of the device. The Facebook logo was right there at the top-left side of the screen.  She noticed my presence then, gasped, and looked at me like I was a rapist for 3 or 4 seconds before recognition griped her.

“Oh dear, jeez, you scared me” she exclaimed

“Yeah. I do that a lot but I expected you to scream more if I scared you that much” I chuckled.

“Scare people? Really?”  She asked with sarcasm in her eyes

“Not everybody…just people like you” she laughed. I laughed with her.

It was the perfect way to begin the conversation with her; She told me her name, Jennifer.

I told her mine, we talked for quite a long while, late into the evening until it was time to go, I walked with her to her car. My car was parked not far from hers but I told her I needed a ride and if I could go with her, she agreed. We still talked while she drove, and I found out she was a very fun person to be with. Without realizing it, she had unconsciously driven to her house, totally forgetting that she had to drop me off. We laughed about it. She asked me to come in before for a drink before I left. I saw excitement in her eyes.

Naaah mehn, I thought to myself, you can’t be this lucky.

By now, I had realized she was a wealthy independent lady, worked in an Oil servicing company with its main headquarters in Germany. She wasn’t looking for anything in her life that she couldn’t get for herself. She had served together with Esther in Sokoto and that’s where they had become very good friends.

I still kept my low profile, obviously being awed by the class that I could see all around me. I complimented her on her place then I asked her why she had chosen to be single, just to hear what her story.

She said the last thing she would do was be in a relationship with a guy.

“Fuck what you saw today, Joe…I hate weddings” and she also went ahead to rubbish the whole institution of marriage.

After we had spent an hour or two still talking about a whole lot of other matters, I told her I was going to leave. Although it was the last thing on my mind to leave that night but I wanted her to want me not to leave, and my plan worked. I got to the door, said my goodbyes and was almost feeling like I’d failed with the plan before I heard her voice call out behind me.

“Joe, it’s quite late, and your place is very far, Maybe you should stay in the guest room till tomorrow”

A wicked smile lightened up on my face before turning around and pretending not to like that idea, doing Psy’s horse dance in my mind.

She showed me the guest room and did everything possible to make it comfortable for me then she told me dinner would be ready after I’d freshened up. She lied about that…

I undressed, got into the shower, tuned it until it was lukewarm, and let the water cascade on my body. I just stood there, thinking, and wondering the best way to have coital relations with Jennifer that night.

I was gonna wait until we had finished with dinner, then I would wait until she had retired to her room and sneak in or I was gonna get her drunk with one of those bottles of vodka I had spotted in her mini-bar and just as I stood there, thinking, and wondering, and devising. I felt one arm slide up my chest and the other one slide down my crotch and grab my dick, stroking the wet dick, I could feel her nipples touch my back.

A shiver gripped me at first, as lust welled up in me then I felt her soft boobs caress my back as she moved slowly, pressing her boobs harder against my back and all the apprehension left me instantly!

She was naked, holding me from behind, in the warm shower. What manner of surprise is this, I asked myself. Wasn’t she supposed to be making dinner?

The pleasure of the feel of her hands caressing my cock removed every other thought from me. I hadn’t turned to look at her yet.  I just let those hands continue to caress me and bring much joy to my loins. The hand caressing my dick stopped for a while, reached beside me to collect some bathing gel, and then back to my fully erect cock, as she began to wank for me.

My lips parted as I caught my breath. The last time a lady did this to me was back in my university days, and it hadn’t been in the shower.  Her other hand still caressed me all over, her nipples pointed against my back, and her my butt pushed back into her crotch.

Her soapy hands glided vigorously on my rod as she continued to jerk me, alternating between slow strokes and fast strokes. My dick was super erect as i pushed my waist forward to allow her do the job well. This was just the beginning of all the pleasures I would feel that night…and it was this intense.

My knees were already feeling weak and my hips jerking in motion with her hands. I couldn’t just take it any more  I turned around then with all my intentions being to grab her and, bend her into a doggy and ram into her from behind.

But it wasn’t Jennifer who stood naked in the shower with me, looking into my eyes…


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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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