March 9, 2025


Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

You've read mine, its time for me to read yours! Tell me what you think about the story you've just read, and maybe I'll surprise you
Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @deolububble, or email me on [email protected]

Erotic Story/Boda Tijani: Biola has removed 'Bros'

Erotic Story/Boda Tijani: Biola has removed 'Bros'

Tijani has been left disappointed by OAU. Left home alone with his father's business, the girls in the neighbourhood he will begin to prey on. Ever since the start of my teenage years, I have held the opinion that armpit should be...

Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Fatima and her backdoor obsession

Fatima is a 39 year-old divorcee lady who lives for nothing other than work and feed the enormous sex monster that lives in her. Fatima Bashir was in the back seat of her Nissan SUV with her favourite lover. She was kneeling on the back seat with...

Pulse List: Top 10 erotic stories in 2017 so far

Here are the most read erotic stories this year! During the course of the year, we have been publishing erotic stories that we see you’ve enjoyed. These are the top 10 that you’ve liked the most so far. 10. Mrs. Chika, my favorite...

Bringin’ Sexy: Top 10 super exotic hottie so far

We've been bringing you some of the hottest women in the world. According to you, here are the hottest of the hottest in the lots. 10. dalii_baby is big, beautiful and breathtakingly sexy   View the Gallery 9. 4everbunz_3x’s bum...

Tally: Friends are key [Episode 20]

We hugged once more and I shut the door before walking with her to a beaming Temitayo. ‘Have you called him yet?’ ‘No.’ ‘Okay, has he called you sha?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘AND???’ ‘And what...

Tally: The note [Episode 19]

Tally: The note [Episode 19]

You look so beautiful when you sleep. “Sorry I had to dash off so quickly. I came here just to see you and I have a meeting early tomorrow back in Nigeria. By the time you read this, I’ll probably be on the plane because you were...

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